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Messages - fifthindependent

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
July 26, 2013, 09:34:21 PM
Yeah I didn't think Unlimited was garbage even though I gave it a relatively low score, because a 1/10 would have to be Action 52 and a 10/10 would be... I'm can't think of anything at this time.  Not even Dark Corners of the Earth would get a 10/10 from me even though I absolutely loved it and would recommend it to any horror game fans.  It had flaws in it that drop it to a 8/10 for me I spose.  MMU lost points with me mostly because of sheer difficulty since as I noted, it had some great ideas in it even if a few lost their welcome with me because of being used so much.  It has potential for improvement.  I should note I change that score to a 6/10 after seeing Yoku Man's stage due to how great it was implemented.
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
July 26, 2013, 08:19:49 PM
I'm writing this hoping Phil sees it.  I know fans are impossible to control but he needs try to encourage his fans to stop harassing the MMR website by posting things like "boner man" over and over in the chat and saying MMU is best while MMR is garbage.
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
July 17, 2013, 10:00:19 PM
This happened before my cPanel account or domain name expired.  Or maybe I just deleted it by accident, forgetting what it was, and didn't make the connection.

EDIT: Also I don't post much on anything on the internet because I've taken up the principle that I will not be a part of arguing on the internet anymore if I can help it.  I also refuse to associate or communicate with trolls, which is like 99.9% of the whole internet.  Not saying you guys are, but I also have no motivation to post much on anything because an argument tends to break out.  Just look at youtube's comments section on pretty much any video.  I don't even bother reading that section anymore.  I will however post on my own MMR site because I'm trying to actually take people's feedback and make the game better than it is.  God forbid people like Phil do that since all he seems to be saying is stuff like "well can't please everyone" when he gets negative feedback, which he needs to listen because I think half or more of his user base is pissed off about the difficulty, among other things.
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
July 17, 2013, 09:57:31 PM
Quote from: Archetype on July 17, 2013, 09:46:20 PM
This is where avatars could've helped.

I had an avatar at one point but it got removed or something.
Fan Games / Re: A Mega Man NES style Fan Game
July 17, 2013, 09:30:14 PM
Alright, thanks for the feedback.  I will add that to my to do list.

Quote from: Zan on July 17, 2013, 11:27:09 AM
Just so you know, the image in my signature is the 100% accurate Rockman9/Rockman10 palette straight from the game data. It matches most emulator output and greatly resembles your own. The "actual" NTSC palette renders much darker on televisions, however. Nintendo's Virtual Console seems to mimic this. All in all, if your game allows for it, it may be somewhat interesting to play around with different variations.
I don't think I can easily edit the palette used because the palette image for the NES pixel shader is... really weird in structure and virtually impossible for me to edit.
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
July 17, 2013, 09:25:03 PM
Well I could've swore Capcom as a whole, or some individual there at least, stated X and Mega Man are two different beings.
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
July 17, 2013, 12:04:54 PM
I watched a video of Yoku Man's stage, and here's my thoughts.

While I would not attempt playing through it myself, this stage has a lot of neat ideas.  I don't like the inner obstacle tiles' appearance, but the rest of the stage looks pretty cool to me.  The Yoku Block sound being used in the music was a no brainer but still pretty neat.  The enemies that are straight out of Shadow Man's stage have sort of a problem with the image covering the whole screen scrolling with the screen properly.  The Yoku Spikes may or may not be utter bullshit, they may be an idea that was only good on paper, but I can't tell since I haven't played the stage myself.  The imagery of the stage was mostly neat.  So were the forever looping screens which I'd never seen done in a Mega Man game, but I have seen it done on games like Metal Gear for the NES.  That's pretty much all I have to say about that for now.  If all the stages were as quality as Yoku Man's stage, the game would be something truly special.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, this stage theme is also probably my favorite from the whole game.  It sounds very much like Mega Man music to me.
Fan Games / Re: A Mega Man NES style Fan Game
July 17, 2013, 06:45:43 AM
Thanks for reporting the bugs.  I will paste them into the extensive to do list you guys helped me make. ;)  I think a friend of mine helped find the palette for me.  I'm pretty sure it's the NTSC NES palette but I could be wrong.
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
July 17, 2013, 06:42:26 AM
Joseph, the anime character is Shampoo from Ranma 1/2.  If you go on Phil's website, there are naked pictures he drew of her mixed in with the MMU pictures.

EDIT: I might add, this is nonredeemable for me because Shampoo is a teenager I think.
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
July 16, 2013, 01:09:28 AM
Oh yeah, I also wanted to weigh in on stage length since I saw some people complain about it.  I actually thought the stages were as long or a bit longer than classic Mega Man stages.  I think what made them seem too long is you have to tip toe through the stages due to their difficulty and the fact checkpoints seem to be broken.
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
July 15, 2013, 02:07:34 PM
Well I didn't play through any of the stuff I didn't mention.  Glue Man's theme I really liked if I wasn't clear in the last post.  You don't hear too many somber songs in Mega Man outside of the Wily stages.

EDIT: I just found out something intriguing.  n-mario said the quality of MMR wasn't all that great compared to other games, then just now I went on a website and saw him trying to hype up Mega Man Unlimited which he had a hand in making.  I think it's OK to try to make your own stuff look good but saying things like "this will blow all other games away, I worked on it" (I'm paraphrasing) is heavily biased for your own work and should hold no merit with any sensible person.

SECOND EDIT: I tried playing the game with Cheat Engine codes like the permanent invincibility code and I think it really says something that I am still getting game overs due to all the instant death traps.  I am starting to appreciate the layouts of some levels but the overuse of the one hit kill traps or things that cause you to get thrown into them or whatever made me ragequit again.  The levels definitely need more checkpoints.  I died at one point in Tank Man's stage and had to spend like 3 minutes getting back to where I was and it was an especially difficult to navigate part.
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
July 15, 2013, 10:58:38 AM
I'm writing my review of it based off of commentary I sent to OBJECTION MAN as I played it so I wouldn't forget any details.

First thing I was presented with was a loading screen.  Although it didn't last long, it lost points with me for even being there because I made Mega Man Revolution and it didn't require any loading screens.  :p

My next gripe is that the game required 500mb of RAM and 300MB of disk space.  Why on Earth it cost that much in resources is beyond me... I'll admit some graphics were awesome like in Yoyo Man's stage (although the problem with them and the enemies is, only one or two things of them were actually in the theme of the robot master) but I don't think it warrants 300mb of disk space and 500mb of RAM.  I'm not saying MMR is the best thing in the world but it only takes maybe 60MB of RAM at most during play.  It might be more, I just opened the project real quick and checked the debugger on Sand Man's stage which seemed to be the most CPU intensive for my computer.

Now comes the intro.  The music nor the graphics looked anything like something from Mega Man.  Dr. Wily in the first shot looks like a lobotomy victim... what, with the gaping maw and dopey eyes?  The picture of Mega Man after that by himself actually has compression artifacts... how did that get by the designers?  I can understand the picture of lobotomized Wily getting past them, but compression artifacts?  You know, those junk pixels you usually see in a badly compressed JPEG?

Now for the title screen.  The art is impressive but the music sounds nothing like a Mega Man song.  It sounds NES in style and composition which is great, but not Mega Man.  Then while I was writing this in my commentary to OBJECTION MAN, the intro started playing again and enter didn't cancel it like it starts the game at the title screen.  I had to press random keys on my keyboard until I guessed space bar skips it.

The default control scheme, which I used because I heard the control setup is buggy and didn't want to risk it because you can only save and exit, was very awkward to use.  It put my index and ring fingers in an awkward position.  Carpal tunnel ahoy!

So I picked Trinitro Man first because my friend said he has a very interesting gimmick in his boss fight.  Mega Man did not control like the originals.  He walked faster than I remember and his walking animation was slower than I remember so he looked like he was gliding across the ground.  I soon wondered why a weapon energy capsule was right at the start of the stage because I don't believe the robot master stages in this retain the amount of weapon energy you had when you beat the last stage, but I honestly don't know because I couldn't get past the first checkpoint in any stage (except Trinitro Man's) apparently as it always started me at the very beginning of the stages except one instance where it actually started me somewhere further than where I died.  Mega Man can't charge at all in this which is a huge gripe for me considering it was supposed to be Mega Man 10 when everyone thought Rockman & Forte was 9.  Which Mega Man could charge in R&F.  I also hated how Mega Man couldn't charge or slide in 9 or 10 because the only explanation you're given is that Mega Man fell out of practice, which shouldn't effect a robot unless they're more human-like than the Mega Man series makes out the robot masters (including Mega Man, since he IS a robot master along with Roll).  At least Mega Man could slide in this, which was a plus and was apparently required to get past platforms in Trinitro Man's stage.  Enemies do not disappear and respawn correctly when they're scrolled off the screen and their spawn point is scrolled back on the screen respectively like the NES did.  Phil said the game was supposed to be NES accurate on the Facebook page so that lost points for me.  Then I ran into a huge scorpion robot that should've been on a black background due to how large it was.  I'm pretty sure it was much larger than 8 sprites horizontally, which even by itself should've caused some sprite flicker.  It was at this point I got my first game over which I never had this much trouble with a classic Mega Man game.  The explosive drops of what I guess is nitroglycerine were pretty cool, including where your shots made them explode.  I liked his attention to detail, but he failed to notice the detail of the NES's capabilities.  I got a game over on where you had to slide on the platforms that were shot into the air quickly which was absolute bullshit, followed immediately after by another part of absolute bullshit.  At this point none of the enemies looked like Mega Man styled enemies.  This was the point where I spawned ahead of where I should've been and then got another game over immediately after.  I was also thrown off by how projectiles and such get destroyed on you even while you're invincible.

Next I tried Glue Man's stage, the music did actually sound Mega Manish, albeit somber but I guess that's expected with a song called "Tears of Glue" and I enjoyed it the most out of all the songs I heard.  I had to guess that the ladders in this stage were ladders so I made a leap of faith (literally speaking) and hoped what I saw was a ladder and would impede my fall while I held the up key.  I thought the little glue ball enemies who rebounded your shots were honestly very cool and very innovative.  They even kept you from firing more because the shots counted against the maximum of 3 shots on screen at once for Mega Man.  Although at one point one ended up shooting it's own allies.  I take it the shots were shot off based on what angle you hit the glue ball robot?  I also ran into a met that would spawn into three mets.  But it seemed like all they could do was shoot once as they got on top of each other but I don't know if they shot more because I tried to get rid of them as quickly as possible because the game pulls no punches with a ton of sucker punches and cheap shots.  The glue platforms I thought were really neat, although they quickly wore out their welcome as much as they were used.  The glue conveyor belts were also a cool concept in their own right.

At this point I got another game over and decided to try Yoyo Man's stage.  I was very impressed with the graphics in this stage as I said, even if they may not be NES authentic to the console's capabilities.  I netted a game over quickly on this stage as well...

Then I tried Comet Woman's stage.  It wasn't as visually impressive as Yoyo Man's stage but the music on it was better than the version I heard on youtube while waiting for the game to download.  I got a game over quickly here as well and that's when I ragequitted because the enemies do way too much damage.

This covers pretty much all the commentary I typed in text while playing it.  The fact I probably got game overs within two minutes of starting each stage is enough testament to how the difficulty really needs rebalanced.  I give the game a 4/10, it's not the worst thing I ever played in fan games, but it is way off from the greatest.  I can see how someone other than me may enjoy it however so I'm not going to write hate text about it anywhere.  If the game's flaws were improved, I would give it another chance, that's for sure.
Fan Games / Re: A Mega Man NES style Fan Game
July 06, 2013, 01:03:05 AM
Oh that's weird, I missed a small piece of code that needed changed for that.  The section with the sand wall isn't a secret passage, but I guess I could change it to one so that's a good idea.

Posted on: May 05, 2012, 04:23:57 AM
MMR is back in production after a sort of expected hiatus.  We're nearing the end of producing it as there are only three more stages to make plus a secret stage and the game will be done aside from co-op mode needing to be finished and bugs that haven't been found or fixed yet.

You can now get it at its website specifically tailored to it.

Posted on: March 07, 2013, 04:16:00 PM
Annnd the main single player game of MMR is now officially done.  There might be some small changes here and there but overall the single player part of the project is done.
I like the names you came up with, very music oriented which is a recurring theme in Rockman.  I would help you with concepts but I'm currently working on my own Rockman game so I need to use any concepts I come up with for it.
You should come up with a different title, MegaPhilX made that same mistake when he named Mega Man Unlimited Mega Man 10 at first (or whatever, I can't remember since I stumbled on to the game when it was named Mega Man Unlimited) and then Capcom actually made Mega Man 10.
Fan Games / Re: Untitled Mega Mania Style Fangame
May 12, 2012, 06:29:07 PM
Quote from: N-Mario on May 06, 2012, 08:11:44 AM

I actually didn't think I was going to be able to pull this part off correctly without the script giving a fight. Seems like I was able to fix this with a couple of additional triggers. :D

I hadn't had this in MMR's movement engine for Rockman but I JUST now put it in because I was forced to.  It only took three lines of code so hopefully it was as simple for you as it was for me.
Fan Games / Re: A Mega Man NES style Fan Game
May 03, 2012, 03:49:12 PM
I think I got it to stop that color cycling glitch at any rate.  I combined some things which caused the glitch to happen 100% of the time and then I changed the way it does the cycling here and there which prevented it from happening as far as I'm aware.

Posted on: May 02, 2012, 05:05:07 PM
I was thinking for Haste Man's level that near the start it splits off into two different paths, one only Mega Man can access and the other only Bass can access, to attempt to add more replay value to the game.  These two paths would be pretty much their own individual stages.  Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Posted on: May 03, 2012, 08:32:03 AM
Quote from: N-Mario on May 01, 2012, 09:29:37 PMIs it just me, or is some of the music, quite not Mega Man esque enough? True that it is NES style, but the style of the music just seems off to me. Can't quite put my finger on it.

I was just reading a TXT file on how to achieve Mega Man style music.  Do you think it's perhaps I didn't do some techniques properly like using power 5th chords?  I would like to achieve the Mega Man NES style as closely as humanly possible with the songs.
Fan Games / Re: Untitled Mega Mania Style Fangame
May 03, 2012, 10:28:14 AM
I'm impressed you managed to cram every gimmick imaginable from the series into two levels.  This will be very helpful indeed for people who want to make Mega Man fan games.
Wow this looks really ambitious.  It also looks like a bullet hell version of Mega Man which I think needs toned down especially since people complained of the difficulty.  Or at least tone it down more and more the fewer there are players.  I've already partly integrated online co-op mode in my MMR fan game, but I'm not even bothering with making it offline due to the problems that presents, which I read your game initially solely had offline co-op.

Can't you just stretch the window size rather than forcing people to go into full screen mode and potentially having problems like kuja killer mentioned.

I would like to try this out, but I want to wait until you address the things I mentioned.
Fan Games / Re: Untitled Mega Mania Style Fangame
May 02, 2012, 07:07:10 PM
Yeah I know, I was just throwing that out there.  I added you on MSN.  If I didn't show up, add me as well.
Fan Games / Re: Untitled Mega Mania Style Fangame
May 02, 2012, 01:14:13 PM
Quote from: N-Mario on April 30, 2012, 11:47:46 PMWhat I'm showing here is when you move, the collision box and the player aren't 'sync' together. There seems to be a slight delay of the sort.
doing some testing, I was kind of able to fix this. However after doing so, when you move forward, either the player or the screen kind of moves a bit shaky. This was an issue from before thought to be 'fixed' now, so I don't know what else to do. :(

I don't think it's really a problem.  In MMR the collision boxes and sprites themselves have this problem, although the player can't see it, and no one has complained about it after a month of the game being available for download.

If you really want the problem alleviated, did you try using a fastloop to set the position of the player sprite?  What I did was set the player sprite's position to the collision box instead and had all the movement attached to the collision box and I scroll the screen based on the collision box rather than the player sprite.

Do you mind if I add you on MSN Messenger?  I can perhaps help you out with things a little since I use MMF2 as well.

Also, as for the Wily sprite, I think the NES did it that way because of the sprite palette limit on the NES as others mentioned.  Although, you aren't working with NES limits.  ;)  The sprites in the sheet however wouldn't be possible on the NES, unless you used an additional palette for them, because sprites on the NES can only have 3 colors per palette plus an additional transparency color.
Fan Games / Re: A Mega Man NES style Fan Game
May 02, 2012, 09:27:47 AM
Quote from: N-Mario on May 01, 2012, 09:29:37 PMAfter beating the new stage, on the stage select screen, he still appears to be there, not beaten.
Yeah apparently I forgot to set the ice beam ammo after you beat Cryo Man so it doesn't count him as being beaten.  As soon as I upload an update that will be fixed.

QuoteI think the weapons energy bar at the top left corner turned white. Well it was mostly white when I was playing it, I'm not sure what caused it.
I changed the way the game cycles the colors so hopefully that is fixed but as a side effect it also sped up the game slightly for slower computers when the color cycling occurs.

QuoteWhen an enemy dropped a small weapon energy capsule, it was red when I was using regular mega buster.
I've seen this bug before but I can't quite figure out how to work it out yet but thanks for pointing it out.  I'm going to experiment a bit to try to reproduce it because I'm fed up with the color cycling messing up in every conceivable way.

QuoteThe collapsing ceiling is a nice touch, but I don't think a timed base boss works for me. I take it if you make it completely collapse before defeating him, you're immediately dead? I beat him using his weakness so I don't know. Maybe have it collapse only so much instead of fully so you can still fight, but not get squashed? Just a thought.
Someone else has brought this up too with how the idea doesn't set well with them.  Yeah it smashes you and kills you if the ceiling falls to the floor.  I guess I could change it where the last two blocks don't get destroyed so you're just not able to jump over Cryo Man's charge attack.
Fan Games / Re: A Mega Man NES style Fan Game
May 01, 2012, 06:08:09 PM
A friend of mine said the stage length and enemy density ratio needed to be lowered.  Does anyone else think the game is too difficult?

Also, Cryo Man's stage is now available.  So go play it and try to enjoy it and find bugs.

Edit: Sorry for the double post.  I was going to click the double post button to combine the two, but it appears it doesn't show up when the second post is on a different page and I don't know how to combine posts.
Fan Games / Re: A Mega Man NES style Fan Game
April 14, 2012, 06:22:55 PM
Some of these problems occurred because there's so many things to fix I messed up other things scrambling to get these major problems fixed. lol

Quote from: Zan on April 14, 2012, 05:05:59 PMThe Skull midboss doesn't aim at the player, instead it always shoots left and up.
I missed programming the skull miniboss to aim at Forte when Rockman isn't present.

QuoteWhen Ghost Man first appears, the player cannot move at all until they're hit by an attack.
I messed up the code for Forte once again when I was programming him as a separate entity.

QuoteDefeating Ghost Man, the cutscene doesn't trigger and you're stuck in the boss room.
I actually had programmed this in Saw Man's stage where it would happen, but I entirely forgot to copy the code to the other stages since it uses qualifiers and qualifiers can't be used in global code in MMF2.

QuoteExiting a slide path on the right side sometimes leaves the player sligthly in the wall, forcing you upwards while moonwalking in either direction until you exit at the top.
I don't know why, but Rockman's top detector for slides was off by one pixel in relation to his main detector.

QuoteThe green falling blocks in Sand Man's stage don't regenerate upon death.
I accidentally deleted the code to do this when I was fixing things up and didn't realize it.

QuoteDying and respawning causes the exact same glitch previously described for Forte; normal jumping is locked and free flight is enabled by slide jumping. Release the jump to fall down very very slowly. Get hit in mid-air to freeze the game, if an enemy doesn't kill you while you're stuck.
For some reason, the variables that store the current gravity and jump strength values were placed after where the actual jump strength and gravity are set at the start of each new life which made them get set to 0.  I don't know why this was, I guess I was just distracted at the time of doing it.

Anyway, I uploaded version 5.0.2 I think it is, that I am fairly certain fixed these things.  I tested them all but as always I might have missed something.
Fan Games / Re: A Mega Man NES style Fan Game
April 14, 2012, 04:20:12 PM
I tried changing the way the energy refills pause the game so hopefully it's fixed now.  I still couldn't get the bug to happen even after having the conditions you described.   >w<  Seems to be an elusive problem for me to recreate.

Annnd Bass doesn't seem to screw up now.  Hopefully that's all the major bugs for now.  Thanks for your help!   :)