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Messages - Roan

Pages: 1
Check this man...  *o* One sprite of Apollo. The ONLY sprite of Apollo made by a fan, there isn't even a sprite sheet made, the only one you can find is from the game itself. Once again, Blackhook made this:

Oh man that's really cool! I like that kind of plot in histories. I'll be awesome, really man!

And one question, you said that you putted in the game Ice, Fire and Roll, how about they? Are they cool in the game?

Oh man, look this what i found: Genesis Unit

The earlier sprites of  Unit Genesis from the same team that made Rockman 7 FC, that are doing the Rockman 8 FC http://, and that will do Rockman & Bass FC once they finish the 8 FC - and some say that after the 8 FC, they're planning on doing the Megaman World V FC \o/

Hey Rud, i guess Karasai said about the sprites of Ra Thor. Ra Thor was not in the Rockman 7 FC, and nether in Rockman 8 FC - last version: beta 2.91 (that have 2 extra bosses, Oilman and Timeman, in place of Woodman and Cutman from the Saturn version), and won't be in the upcoming Rockman and Forte FC (that will have 3 extra bosses, Buster Rod G, Mega Water S. and Hyper Storm M. - Genesis Unit)

Hey Karasai, the mod was cool! Did you used Blackhook's sprites too? I once used the Squidgy617 sprites of Ra Thor in a mod too, to make Ra Thor playable like Megaman. xD

Rud only one more idea for you to think... there are a lot of rumors about what happened to the classic chars and Zero. One Wily was the one who created Zero, the robot perfect that was even more powerful than Bass and King. Even more powerful than Megaman... Some say that Zero destroid the classic robots, other say that he never woke up till Sigma find him. Some say that he strugle one last battle against the robots in a final challenge, before be turned off. Capcom don't say what happened in the end of Megaman Classic, so anything is possible.

Yeah, i'm new here. xD I created the accout just to give ideas. So here i am... and i saw that you are new here too. Only 19 posts.

Good man. Oh a char that to sprite should not be so difficult i guess is Fan from Rockman Strategy. The worst is that i have no idea of what kind of moves he has... look one sprite from Kuribu The King:

Yes man, Buster Rod G, and the other two members of Genesis Unit are based on the three chars of Jorney To The West. They are few known because they are chars that only has apeared once, and to face them was a little bit hard. (sorry for my English, i'm from Brazil and the native language here is Portuguese)

Here some videos of Buster Rod:
First Battle:

Second Battle:

And i liked the ideas man, i guess the game will be great! But you're going need to hurry, to release the first game at 11-11-11. People always say that build the game itself, is the worst part.

That's cool man! I liked those new guys, they're cool!  owob

And for someone who wants to do Ra Thor sprite, these are the original sprites from the game, so you can base your sprite on this (i'm not a spriter, so i don't know if you guys need to see gameplay, of whatever, but i'm just trying to help with more stuffs):

Oh man, other char that you could use in the sequels, is King from Rockman and Bass. I think he is very cool! And yeah man, Apollo and Luna (the leaders of Constellation Droids), i think they seem to be cool.

Other char that you could see is Quint and Rockman Shadow.

And don't forget the Buster Rod G. xd

Ah! One char that looks like the real fit for the final battle of Megaman Classic, is Wily using his armor from Megaman Soccer. Blackhook made this sprite sheet in 8 bit style. (Credits to Blackhook) Look:

Ok, these are just ideas... i won't be boring you.

I don't know what do you think about it... but the Genesis Unit, would be cool. Buster Rod G, Mega Water S and Hyper Storm K... but Buster Rod G, would rock!  owob

And for the strong guys would be cool to have Sunstar (leader of Stardroids), Ra Thor (the powerful robot created by Wily) and Apollo (leader of Constellation Droids).

But hey man, that Vai guy looks awesome. He really seems to be powerful like you said it should be.

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