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Messages - TheRedFlash

I appreciate both of you reaching out, and maybe the server's nice, but I came to forums specifically to avoid Discord, as I find them more engaging. The discussions are better, longer lasting, and you tend to get buried less.

I take it that the forums are going to be taken down given the rather barren UI? That would be unfortunate, but I understand.
I kinda figured, it was just a desperate scream into the dark. I'm honestly surprised a series as iconic as this has such dead forums, I can't even find a post that has human activity within 10 years. I've seen series that are significantly more obscure with thriving, or at least decent forums. It makes me incredibly sad, just what the heck happened to this place? I want to know the story behind it all.

Hope you have a lovely day btw, it's nice to see someone who appreciates that old game.
So, I've been looking into forums again as a hangout for slow, more thoughtful discussion about things I like. Rockman is pretty core to me as a person, so obviously I found a forum based on it. It seemed semi active until I looked and all the threads, and it's just a bunch of old content being necroed by bots? What the hell is this? Why is nobody here? Why is it overun by bots?

I'd love to revive this place, but Rockman is basically dead in terms of new real game content outside of mobile games, so I understand why it fell out of favor. Still, I'd love to have a place to communicate to Rockman fans and chill that isn't a terrible Discord. If a real human being sees this... hello! Maybe this place can be revived?

Side Note - It is very funny to see all the ancient cracks in this website. AoL, MSN Messenger, hoo boy this place is ancient. Still, many ancient forums live on with great activity, and I was hoping this would be one of those.