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Messages - Blackstar

I remember when I joined this forum in like 2004 I think. My first ever forum. I joined because of MegaMan Battle Network and MegaMan Zero
I got banned because my grammar wasn't good enough according to the moderators back then (I was just a kid...).

Anyway, I still viewed the board every now and then. So with the release of the new MegaMan Legacy Collection I came back to see if I can share this joy.... And..... Am I the last survivor out here? Is anyone still in here?🥺
Off The Wall / Re: See ya later!/Welcome back!
September 13, 2019, 07:04:09 PM
Megaman Zero Collection got announced... so after a decade.... I'm back with my old lurking account....

Are people still alive here?
...well what can I say...My nickname is Black*Star, 21 year old guy. Came here because I was on this site a looooooong time ago. But started playing rock/megaman again because of the zero collection and looked for some place to discuss it.

I played the original series, was oke imo
didnt like the legend series at al... :|
loved the exe series :)
and the zero zeries >w<
could tell about everything, but I just might look as an everyday spammer/troll if I would talk to much...(talking with to much dots is a sort of habit)

that's all...I guess 8)