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Messages - zuschzero

Hi again, on the way to beat all 8-bit MM games in one sitting without getting damaged, I just completed Mega Man 4.

This was a lot harder than I thought it's gonna be, but finally succeeded.

Challenge Mode / Single segment no damage run of MM1
September 29, 2021, 07:10:09 PM
Hi guys, looks like this forum isn't very active anymore, but whatever.
I recently live streamed a Mega Man 1 playthrough, without getting hit once! The select trick/pause glitch wasn't used!

BTW, I'm going to try a single segment no damage run of all 8-bit MM games on Twitch, check it out if you're interested!

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
July 17, 2013, 05:59:14 PM
Buster only perfect all robot masters:
Fan Games / Re: Megaman vs Street Fighter Fangame
December 21, 2012, 03:50:57 PM
Quote from: SonicZH on December 21, 2012, 02:21:13 PM
Did you do that in one play?

No, Dhalsim alone took more than 120 tries!
Fan Games / Re: Megaman vs Street Fighter Fangame
December 20, 2012, 06:46:20 PM
Perfect all 8 main fighters buster only:
Quote from: Joseph Collins on September 11, 2012, 08:22:21 PM
As for Geminiman, are you sure you weren't just pressing B while in an injured pose?  Geminiman is programmed to fire regardless of whether you can fire or not.
I know what I'm talking about. Using the mega buster, the "Geminiman shoot, but Megaman don't" thing happened to me many, many times.

Quote from: Joseph Collins on September 11, 2012, 08:22:21 PM
As far as lag goes, try this some time.  Go play Metalman's stage in Rockman 2.  Specifically the part where the Moles and Presses are.
Now go to B10 in Sparkman's stage in Rockman 3 and let the screen fill with four junk blocks.
You're talking about sprite flickering, not lag. It's true that sprite flicker can cause lag, that's the case in Rockman 2. But in Rockman 3, lag happens WITHOUT sprite flickering!
A few examples: Using Gemini Laser, those flame shooting things at the beginning of Geminiman and Doc-Geminiman stages, Doc-Quickman battle etc.

For the weapons: Shadow Blade is good. Magnet Missile could have been great, but its energy usage is a fatal flaw. The little delay before a Hard Knuckle is created can be awkward. Top Spin isn't all that bad, but still very bad, you have to know what enemies can be killed with it. Needle Cannon has EXACTLY the same power and range as your default weapon, kinda pointless and the automatic fire feature doesn't make it better. Gemini Laser causes massive lag and if you miss it you're forced to wait, average power and a very thin projectile. Search Snake is an upgraded Bubble Lead, but weak. Spark Shock is just for bosses.
Rockman 2
how does a "leaf shield" hurt Airman as badly as it does?
Because Wood is land, and Air is sky. You know, the two are way different.

Rockman 3
- The entire game seems a lot faster, thanks in-part to the new way slowdown is handled.
Are you kidding me? Rockman 3 is by far the laggiest Rockman game on the NES.

- The controls are now much tighter and more responsive.
Are you kidding me? When the game is lagging enough, sometimes no matter how hard you press B, Megaman do nothing! Geminiman shoots only when you do too. Sometimes it happens that if you press B Geminiman will shoot at you but Megaman don't shoot at all! It proves that the game actually recognized that you pressed B but still, Megaman did nothing!

- ... I've got nothing.  Absolutely, positively nothing.  I genuinely cannot find one thing wrong with this game that would happen to the average person.  And believe me, I am trying.
Second worst weapon arsenal after 5, the Wily fortress levels are just half stages, the fortress bosses are just meh, the leftover debug features of the 2nd controlles shows the game's rushedness.

Rockman 4
Adding to likes: Best weapon arsenal before 9 came out, best level design thanks to dozens of platform elements, best set of fortress bosses.

Rockman 5
- Charging the Rock Buster now takes 82 frames of animation (1.37 seconds) instead of 97 frames (1.62 seconds).
Uhm, are you sure about that? I always felt that the charge time in 4 is faster than in 5.

Adding to dislikes:
- Enemies with many hit points now have a noticeable invincibility time between hits. <- That's a dislike from my part.
This game offers by far the worst robot master AI. There's almost no randomness between their attacks. Due to this, this is the only game I don't have a favorite robot master from. You can't charge while Megaman is sliding. In other words, the game stop counting how much you charged the mega buster during a slide. You can't pause the game during the boat-ride section. New Rush coil sucked. You have to jump almost exactly at the middle of it to get a jump on that.

Most Useless Utility: Rush Coil
X / Re: X4 is really overrated
August 26, 2012, 09:07:48 PM
I have to correct myself a bit: So, Split Mushroom is actually the best stage in the game, Frost Walrus is also a good level and Cyber Peacock also has moments.
But the rest is still just meh.
X / Re: X4 is really overrated
August 11, 2012, 12:00:42 PM
Quote from: Hypershell on August 11, 2012, 06:19:51 AM
I REALLY don't see anything that X2 offers that X4 doesn't.

X2 has the best level design IMO, dozens of stuffs on the stages (chasing lava, warning system, weather control etc.)
Every boss has some interesting or funny moves (W. Gator drills holes into the wall, O. Ostrich runs in the background, M. Centipede take your abilities etc.)
Almost every weapon is useful in numerous ways, but I admit that the arsenal in X1 is better.

That's what X4 doesn't seem to offer.
Rockman Series / Re: Sprite Questions?
August 11, 2012, 11:15:17 AM
Well, Megaman's sprite is exactly the same in the NES games. The only difference can be found in MM6.
When he's climbing a ladder, there are 2 black lines on his head what doesn't shows up in the other NES titles.
X / X4 is really overrated
August 10, 2012, 10:23:33 PM
After played X4 a couple of times, I have to say I have a hard time understanding what is so good about X4.

Frost Walrus and Cyber Peacock are the only interesting levels, I admit that Split Mushroom also has some moments, but the rest of the stages are very generic. Magma Dragoon is maybe the worst, 70% of the stage is just about dodging magma meteors.
The boss battles commutes from average to good, but nothing outstanding.
Most of the uncharged weapons seems very weak.
The fortress levels are just half-stages, they're so short.

Capcom underutilized the Playstation's capabilities when created this game. X2 offers a lot more, and that's just a SNES game.

What do you think? Valid points or not?
Challenge Mode / zuschzero's Mr. Perfect runs
June 07, 2012, 01:15:32 PM
Hy there, first of all I'm doing Mr. Perfect runs for the classic NES MM games under the same rules as in MM9 and 10. So it means the robot master levels can be done seperately using passwords, but the castle or castles must be done in one go. I play them on a real NES console with a regular controller.

Well, Megaman 1 is only a near Mr. Perfect,  because I got 1 hit through the whole game and it was near the end, but I was doing so well I continued playing and beat it taking damage only 1 times.

Here's Megaman 2

Here's Megaman 3

Here's Megaman 5, all 2 castles was done in one sitting!

Here's Megaman 10 in HARD mode!

Currently working on Megaman 4, here are the robot master levels, but unlike the others it was done in one go.
UPDATE: Added the fortress levels. Again, it wad done in one sitting!
X / Re: Mega Man X3 is a bad game?
May 14, 2012, 03:46:24 PM
X3 is definitely not as good as X&X2, but calling it bad is rude.

The level design focuses more on enemy placement than on platforms & gimmicks. It's not a bad idea of having clever enemy placement, but I need my gimmicks instead.

The weapons aren't as bad, but certainly not the best. Spinning Blade is very good, both uncharged and charged. Ray Splasher is a good rapid-fire weapon, but the charged version sucks. Frost Shield is very powerful at close range, but there's not much point of charging it. Gravity Well is actually useful in like 2 or 3 occasions, but please don't charge it. Parasitic Bomb has some interesting features, it paralyzes the enemies and sometimes if another enemy shows up on the screen, the stunned one will homing to it and voila!

The music is... VERY GOOD!
There's not a single track I dislike, I don't care about repetitiveness because all of them sounds awesome. I'm shocked that people usually don't like the OST of this game.

The boss AI isn't that bad if you don't use weaknesses.

Personally, I think X3 is better than X4.
Original / Re: What is Pharaoh Shot anyway?
April 10, 2012, 05:52:48 PM
Quote from: Splash on April 07, 2012, 11:41:28 AM
Sun is bright, so he has to be weak to his own weapon?

Actually, it does damage him quite a bit!
Original / Re: What is Pharaoh Shot anyway?
April 07, 2012, 11:35:37 AM
It looks like solar energy.
Original / Re: Mega Man 9's Secret
February 24, 2012, 03:50:06 PM
Quote from: Zan on February 24, 2012, 02:50:08 PM
However, the slowdown might be comparable to the wall-mounted turrets from 2.

That's easily doable, the entire scene is a background, and when two parts start to assembling, those two parts becomes sprites. The effect is similar to how all the devils works.
Original / Re: Mega Man 9's Secret
February 24, 2012, 01:55:53 PM
Some notes about MM9 & 10 + NES limitations:

- The flame dragoon miniboss seems a bit impossible, way too many sprites at once.
- The first fortress boss in MM9. There are background, so the spike balls and the faces must be sprites. Way too much.
- The rocket-powered soccerballs would be tricky for the NES to handle, without too much lag. One at a screen would be okay, but 4-5 at once????
- The yellow platforms at Crap Puncher must be sprites, because it would be impossible with background scrolling.
Original / Re: Mega Man 9's Secret
February 21, 2012, 08:23:19 PM
Megaman 9 secret:
On the XBOX 360 version, select how to play, then find endless attack's description. The sentence "A stage that doesn't have an end" is written twice in a row.


If you deal the last hit with Hornet Chaser to the big jumper enemy, it just disappears instead of exploding.

Megaman 10 secret:
On the XBOX 360 version, select how to play, then go to the 10th page. Look at the weapon select screen. Solar Blaze is typed as S. Braze.
MM1 - Cutman
MM2 - Metalman
MM3 - Shadowman
MM4 - Pharaohman
MM5 - Gravityman probably
MM6 - Knightman
MM7 - Freezeman
MM8 - Dunno
MM9 - Tornadoman
MM10 - Solarman
X / How to destroy Crystal Snail's shell
December 04, 2011, 09:03:53 PM

Note it only works if you do a Shoryuken DURING the damage animation of Snail.
Quote from: IQ-0 on August 27, 2011, 08:37:58 AM
Strike to Sheep = Rubber nulifies electricity.

That's a good one!

Quote from: Shana on August 27, 2011, 04:10:46 AM
What about Mega Man 4 Bosses?

Toad to Bright: Brightman works with electricity, Rain Flush is water, so yeah.
Bright to Pharaoh: Pharaohman has very sensitive eyes to be able to see in dark places, but this also makes him weak to strong lights like the Flash Stopper.
Pharaoh to Ring: No idea.
Ring to Dust: Ring fills his vacuum cleaner device.
Dust to Skull: No idea.
Skull to Dive: Good question.
Dive to Drill: Well, Drillman is diving into the ground, doesn't?
Drill to Toad: It's a bit morbid, but every animal is weak to Drill Bombs.
Quote from: IQ-0 on August 26, 2011, 07:09:38 PM
Megaman 10 was the only game I can think of where all weaknesses made sense

Nitro to Commando? Commando to Blade? Strike to Sheep?
These absolutely makes no sense. Megaman 1 was the only game where every weaknesses made sense.

Quote from: Blackhook on August 26, 2011, 08:57:16 PM
I never understood how Time Stopper can hurt Quickman...It stops time and..that's it, people shouldn't feel that.

Quickman loves to moving fast, and since the Time Stopper stops him entirely, he can't move at all and he don't like it.

Quote from: Blackhook on August 26, 2011, 08:57:16 PM
MnB did it really cleverly with some wepons. You don't spam the weapon for a quick win, you wait for the right moment to cause the biggest damage.
MM9 was close redoing this with how Black hole bomb absorbs the Jewel satelite and how Tornado man's weapon puts out Magma Man's fire.

If we're talking about those:
-Rain Flush destroys Skullman's barrier, Ring Boomerang and a well placed and timed Drill Bomb pierces through it.
-Rain Flush can hurt Drillman while he is in the ground.
-Rain Flush can hurt Dustman while he does his sucking attack.
-Skull Barrier absorbs every type of robot master's projectiles, except Skull Barrier and Drill Bomb.
-As far as I know, Water Wave and Star Crush absorbs every type of robot master's projectiles (no idea on the possible exceptions)
-Black Hole Bomb sucks almost every type of robot master's projectiles (exceptions are Black Hole Bomb, Concrete Shot, Tornado Blow)
-Jewel Satellite only absorbs Hornetman's little hornets and Plug Ball.
-Charged Magma Bazooka erases Magmaman's shoots!
Original / Re: No Charge Shot.....Why?
August 22, 2011, 02:11:02 PM
Charge has nothing to do with the weapons. It's an OPTION.

There's no charge in Megaman 3, but it has the second worst arsenal after 5, because most of the weapons are bad in itself.
In 5, even uncharged shots are often better choice than using a weapon. It has nothing to do with the charge.
In 6, a good number of weapons are stronger than a charged shot.

Games with top-notch special weapons are MM4, MM&Bass, MM9, X, X2.

Original / Re: No Charge Shot.....Why?
August 13, 2011, 10:23:57 PM
Quote from: Flame on August 13, 2011, 04:58:09 PM
Are you kidding me..?

No, this is the honest truth. It's not too big and having the cool blue & acid green flashing instead of the boring blue + white.