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Messages - NEO Ness

(edit: Thanks moderator for helping me out!)

And, I'm not doing this to show off.  I want an Honest opinion based on other hard core fans.  I've liked Mega Man since I was 6 years old, and had gotten my Super Nintendo with Mega Man X.  I'm now 19, and have recently graduated High School.  This is all I have collected over the course of my school life, and have stayed a Mega Man fan through thick-and-thin.

So, to other Hard Core Mega Man collector's, where do you think I stand?

I am a bit ashamed that I have not gotten Tron Ni Kobun.  As well as a few other things I've either sold in the past (aka- Mega Man 8 on PS1, etc) and that I haven't gotten around to buying recently (Star Force 2 and 3, as well as MMZ Collection...).

Wow, that video was really deep for me.  Good job Dashe!

(Gah, wish I could find a girl who was that passionate about Mega Man near where I live... ;O;)
I think this argument is pointless.  Its like arguing if Megaman/Rockman's real name is "Mega Man" or "Rock Man"

Look, both are right and wrong.  One's just the Japanese version and the other is the English version.

God, this is starting to sound like people bitching about "The English version of 'that' anime".

Posted on: October 25, 2010, 03:15:48

lol, 8-bit...
Wow, even though I started the whole "Carbon" talk, you guys really dug into it.  Is it really that important?  All we need to know is that "they aren't the original humans".

That's at least all the information we could gather from the games anyways, including brief inside info on who the Master is, Elysium, Elders, etc. 

I love that!  because, from those little pieces of information, there are barely any 'definite' answers.  Most of what we're debating is purely theorized with little source material at that.
I was just joking around this time.....  (notice how I didn't cuss...) -_-
I already knew that, that is why I stated the Carbons as such and not 'Humans'.

What I said wasn't wrong either, they have no memory past their time. 

Thus, you stating that was of no importance but to use that Darn OBJECTION ON ME AGAIN!


Quote from: Hypershell on October 22, 2010, 04:08:29 AM
So by this logic we cannot have a black character in Legends without memory of Africa?

Color of the skin?  Really?

I didn't say we cant have a darker (even black) character.  Maybe if they were in "African tribes" that would be a COMPLETELY different story.

Her type of clothing has been completely abandoned for thousands of years.  its like someone now-a-days wearing an Aztec or Egyptian outfit everywhere.

Plus the 'Carbons' seem like they barely even know about the past of Earth (Terra?).  So, to know any culture before their time is absurd.  They can barely make a Rocket to go to space, and live on patches of land around the vast oceans.

Even Von Bluecher said on Legends 2 that some people (used to) think that "The Gods lived in the Ruins were the Key's are located".

That can also show that the Carbons were merely a 'reset' stage of humanity after a calamity of some kind, nearly post-apocalyptic.

And me saying "the Knowledge of Native Americans" isn't just the 'physical race', its the culture.
Quote from: Flame on October 21, 2010, 06:21:31 AM
Komaki's design looks like it belongs in Pokemon. Im sorry, but its true. Also, maybe Its just bad memory, but I recall Legends folk having relatively normal hair colors for the most part.

Also, her hair is too close to Roll's own hair style. We need a different style.

Yuna and Sera had like...neon green hair.  That guy (Von Bleucher?), the 'leader/captain' of the Solpher Bottom had like dark green hair.  Many NPC's had interesting designs of their own.  Rock's hair was just CRAZY (AWESOME!), and Roll's and Tron's were strange, but very creative at the same time.

Plus, Legends 1 and 2 were a 'of the era' cell-shaded anime style gameing.  Anime Style being the key word.  The character's hair and appearances should be anime-like.

If you look at Tron and Roll (with their hairstyles and clothing) Komaki's character with the pink/red hair looks like she'd fit in pretty well with the DASH/Legends universe.  The Native American girl (who isn't tan?) just didn't really seem to fit in the DASH/Legends universe. 

Why, after thousands of years, and hundreds of barely surviving humans on the surface of little islands of land would there be even a chance that anyone would 'remember' who or what Native Americans even are by that time?

Tron and Roll have pretty crazy hairstyles, I think her pink/red hairstyle will fit right in, as well as her clothing.  There isn't much to argue (and I'm not sure why you guys keep comparing her to Pokemon characters.  Last time I looked Dawn/Hikari was in a schoolgirl-ish outfit, and so on.)

Every time I see someone who doesn't know what Japanese anime even is would see Naruto or something else anime-like and they usually say, "That looks like Poke'mon!" -  Its annoying, and you are all annoying me right now with that Poke'mon crap.  Its anime, its DASH/Legends, Its unique!  Stop labeling it something its not!
Guys!  There is already a pretty blonde (Roll), a tough Burnett (Tron), now we need a sweet Red/Pink haired girl to complete the triangle!  And what better way to do so, with an artist who's already worked on MoT, L1, and L2!  

I'm not anyone.  I thought the whole "Two merge into One" was pretty kick-a.

And (Though I could care less about the Zero Series 'in detail') I did like the messenko reference.  (Were you talking about the move that Zero does when he punches the ground?)
a.........animated teaser trailer?....maybe? 

It doesn't take that much money to make a two minute (maybe longer) clip of mega man running and shooting with familiar faces and voices or music going on.

*Fingers Crossed*

Wait, did that say Sunday night?  or, Sunday Afternoon?
Ah, Hypershell, I see what you meant earlier by "Anthro Units"

Since I heard it used on Legends as like a 'basic' type of thing, (Kinda referring to Juno and Trigger at the same time, almost), being both Bureaucratic Unit and Purifier Unit I've generally used Anthro Unit as a "Reploid" term.

Here's an example=  Mega Man X is a Reploid, but he's also a Maverick Hunter.

Here's how I used it=  Mega Man Trigger is an Anthro Unit, but he's also a Purifier Unit.

But, during gameplay, they scarcely give any information regarding what an Anthro Unit really is,  and since I've used it like that for a long time, I guess I might have slipped.

Doing a bit of research on Inti's past (as well as Game History), I've seriously underestimated how many games they've done that might have been cell-shaded. 

I still like my example, though, and because they haven't done any Cell-Shaded Rock Man Games, I guess it isn't to far off t say that the group in the Inti corp.  that does Rock Man related stuff is more 2D based than their other PS2 and Wii releases.
-In Mega Man 9's Defense=  I'm pretty sure they were trying to simulate the whole "Difficulty with old games" feeling, as well as give a new challenge to people who beat Mega Man 1 through 8.

-Seeing Inti not being involved might be a good thing=

Inti made decent games (I'm not to particularly fond of the Z series all that much, I did like ZX a lot, ZX advent has been if-y)  

Inti makes a lot of Anime2D/Side-Scrollers stuff, were-as Mega Man Legends is Anime3d/Cell-Shaded.  Its not too far 'out of their league', but a good example is with Earthbound and Earthbound 64.  The Earthbound (MOTHER) team wasn't used to making 3D games on the 64, so the Earthbound 64(MOTHER3) was actually almost done (with many bugs and errors being corrected left and right) and they took too long.  With many things not finished and unpolished, they canceled the project when the announcement of the GC raised hype.

So, they eventually made (After a long time, with little hope) a MOTHER3 for the GBA.  

When Legends gets the old team back, as well as others used to new-gen stuff as well, tackling a new project of 3D head-on with less to hold them back (severe handicap of lack of 3D games developed frequently), I'd say it was a really smart move on CAPCOM's part.

No offense Inti.

(I always saw MML1 being like a 'test-run' for MML2.  Kind of "Make the engine, and get used to this, because we're going to do MUCH better on the next one" type of thing)
Unused, yes.

But its enough proof to say that the creators intention (If more purifier units were to arise) that they're names would be "Rock Man (something)".

Using that art book to prove my side is better than having nothing.

And I can see what you said about X on Command Mission (his concept art look REALLY cool), but that's different, because it was a design for a character 'already existing' that they threw away and redesigned it.  These are characters never seen before.  Maybe they planned for them, but couldn't fit them into the game correctly/storyline-wise, and then held off with them for the sequel.
Actually, if you look at the official art book released with the CD (2009?), there are detailed pictures of other Anthro Units with the name "Rock Man" just like Rock Man Trigger, and Rock Man Juno.  They never made it into the game.
Quote from: Red Lantern Turian on October 06, 2010, 06:46:31 AM
::smiles:: A fellow Red lantern I see?

What'd you mean by that?

- always does that?

I thought he was calling me out or something...

Still, the second thing he mentioned during that little 'lecture' wasn't even worth pointing out.
Quote from: Hypershell on October 06, 2010, 01:23:41 AM"Mega Man" does not denote a Purifier Unit.  Mega Man Juno is not a Purifier, he is a Bureaucratic Unit.

Jesus, you didn't have to "Object" me on that one.  You barely had enough to prove me wrong with your first quote from me (enough, that, I don't have anything to back it up.  And it cant be proven.)

And, you cant just assume that's what I meant, because most of the Purifier Units were named "Mega Man" as well as other Anthro Unites they've talked about other than the MOTHER units.

The point I was trying to make was "Learning that the only difference from your name is your last was just...oddly stupid"  I tried to summarize it with a little speech.  Don't get all technical on me for a stupid little thing like that.  

So don't "OBJECTION" me you [Bubble shield]!
Quote from: Zan on October 04, 2010, 11:27:23 PMThe Master's DNA was given to Trigger in the form of the "good luck charm". By having that, others of the system would be reluctant to fight him at full force; they couldn't risk destroying the Master's genetic sample.

So, since Trigger was a Purifier Unit (kind of a blend between organic and mechanical), it wouldn't be too far off to say that he used that DNA into his own programing (himself), rather than just having a chip in his pocket, no?
Quote from: Flame on October 04, 2010, 12:29:38 PM
Do you see my issue with it here. his Purifier name looses its specialty when it is almost the same as his adoptive name. Its simply a change in last name, instead of this whole change of name to "Rockman/Mega Man"

Yeah, that's basically what I said!  Looks like you and I are on the same page here. 

-Any theories as to what the Elder(s) might look like or be like in this game?
I agree with Flame.  (Even them translating it to "Mega" would have been a bit better.)

I like your Sonic joke too.

So, that whole "named after favorite video game character', wasn't that a diary entry in the game itself?  (I cant remember specifically).  Does anyone know what it said in Japanese?  

"Roll named Rock: Rock.  Because she loves to ROCCKKK!!!!!!!"
Pretty positive that Trigger was created with the Master's DNA.

[/theory] I know I don't have any proof, but I always had this feeling that the Master was Zero and X in a human form.  I have little to back it up, but just a hunch.  Like, since the Reploids and humans literally started to be able to cross with each other, when X and Zero were cyberelfs they had the ability to be human at one point, and their bond of friendship led them to be one body.  (Cheesy, almost sounds like a cry for a fan-fic!  Bleh!)

PURE speculation, but it would help to prove why Mega Man Trigger the purifier unit resembles and acts like previous Mega Man incarnations.

(Another bothersome issues is when i found out that his name was Rock Volnutt, and not Megaman Volnutt kinda made me mad.  Because when your told "Your real name is Mega Man Trigger, a purifier unit, like other Mega Man." [seen towards the end of ZX, that the term 'mega man' was starting to shape into a 'class' of sorts]  I wouldn't be surprised if I heard my real name was the same thing, but different last name.  Actually, I would have probably been annoyed/confused as to why this "Juno" guy has the same name I did before he tried to tell me my real name.)

Rock Volnutt to Rock Man Trigger sounds like a bigger name difference than Mega Man Volnut to Mega Man Trigger.

Speaking of theories and Triggers past, this person made a neat theory based on the little information given throughout the games=

Not sure what the site was about, but it was an interesting read, and he tried to fill in the gaps.  Its a good theory, but, its not official.


I hope they have other Purifier units!!!!  I remember seeing some in the concept arts that didn't make it into the actual game!  Along with other Roll with equipment out on the field! 

A few of them looked pretty lame, but the one with the girl with arms like Juno and the cool guy with weird hair and cool mouth covering piece (Kanji names are the hardest to read for me!) looked really really neat for Mega Man units! 

So, is everyone else prepared to fight some Elders now that the system is destroyed?!?!
Woh Woh! HOLD ON!

X3 and X8 are my favorite out of the X series games!

I would love to see the team who made X8, as well as the entire VAs, to come back for a 3DS X9  (From the looks of it, another game that looks like what X8 did on the 3DS wouldn't be too far off, if not better).

Plus, DASH3!!!!  Lets not get our hopes up too much on other games.  Didn't Inafune mention something about this being a new start of sorts?  I get the feeling that DASH3's success holds the rest of next-gen Mega Man titles (That aren't downloadable content) in its hands.

From what I see, Capcom has been pretty harsh on recent Mega Man titles.
DASH / Odd problem with Legends related merchandise
October 03, 2010, 09:08:50 PM
Hi guys,

When I bought MoTB for the PS1 (9 years ago...?)  unfortunately, i only go the discs.  As well as with Legends 1 (about the same time) I only got the disc and the booklet.  (well, i got the booklet for MoTB aswell...) 

Does anyone know a way that I can print out the backs to the cases and (fold them?) put them in the CD cases.  As well as maybe a place to buy a 'double ps1' CD case?

Thanks for your time guys!