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Messages - Xane

Hm, I have to agree with Mex, the rectangular platform in the middle seems the most detailed and thus getting all the stage's focus.
Fan Games / Re: MegaMan R
April 04, 2011, 08:35:33 PM
Quote from: Splash on April 04, 2011, 04:48:43 PM
Eh, what means "Concsn"?  o~O
Short for "Concussion".
Fan Games / Re: MegaMan R
April 03, 2011, 08:47:28 PM
Updated the Promo image, now revealing the names of the Robot Masters. Nothing special, but still.
The mugshots will be revealed later, as they're still subject to change.
Fan Games / Re: MegaMan R
March 25, 2011, 07:43:49 PM
Quote from: HertzDevil on March 25, 2011, 07:10:14 PM
trying to put things together in a slightly hidden fashion so as to attract more gnats complaining about how the promo thingy is impossible on a real NES

how smart you are

by the way, I'm up for BGM if that matters
Thank you for your comment! I like your sarcasm.
And thanks for the offer, I think we can use all the help we can get when it comes to BGM.

Quote from: RetroRespecter on March 25, 2011, 07:17:02 PM
Pardon my earlier questio. What I meant to say was "Does this game has a story?"
It does, of course, have a story!
Or to put it another way, it will have a story.
We do have a couple of rough sketches of how the story should play out, but nothing complete for now.
Fan Games / Re: MegaMan R
March 21, 2011, 01:41:23 PM
Quote from: Krystal on March 21, 2011, 01:21:53 PM
"Not another 8 robot masters..."

Really wanna see how this turns out~ Also really want to know what the scouter has to do with all of this =w=b
Yeah, pretty much what MegaMan is thinking, eh? :P

As for Wily's scouter, it will probably just be a relic for the cheesy cover.
In the past, pretty much every original western MegaMan cover featured over the top representations of MegaMan characters that didn't really resemble the actual game. :P
But we do have two Japanese covers in the works that will represent whats actually in the game.
Fan Games / Re: MegaMan R
March 21, 2011, 09:20:16 AM
Quote from: MEX on March 21, 2011, 12:04:17 AM
Very glad to see some news on this project! It is also very to see someone else using C#.

I'm not very certain how much I could offer to help on the programming portion, but if you ever need help with sound and graphics, I don't mind lending a hand. Having only one person doing all of the content sounds like it could be stressful, and I would be happy to do some stuff for you guys if you are stuck on something :P

Anyways, can't wait to see some screenshots or engine footage!
Thank you for your kind offer!
I'm fine on the programming part, but my artist could potentially need some assistance here and there, especially on the BGM.
We might be a bit picky on stuff, since we're trying to reach maximum authenticity, but if you wanna lend us a hand, drop me a message on MSN.
But the usual approach is to finish establishing the general mood and atmosphere of a stage first before working on the BGM, so we can make sure it suits the stage well.

Quote from: RetroRespecter on March 21, 2011, 03:25:47 AM
This is good stuff.  owob

Curious question: What is the story behind this project?
Now this might be a strange one, but sure:

Back in late April 2010, a friend of mine just finished playing MegaMan 10.
Later he came up with some really good ideas for Robot Masters and showed me some of his drawings.
I thought they were pretty good, something that even Capcom might come up with, so I showed him my interest and he continued working on more of them.
After drawing his fourth Robot Master he told me he'd like to work on a fangame and that he would probably use GameMaker for the engine.
Seeing that I've showed my interest and currently studying computer science, I quickly offered my help on writing a real, authentic engine.
This was back in late May 2010. Since then we have also started working on other projects for mobile devices (WP7 / Android) and XBox 360 (XBLIG).
We also planned on using this Engine in our own spinoff series for the XBLIG platform with MegaMan-ish gameplay and feel.

But that's future talk, right now we're busy with MegaMan R. :P
Fan Games / Re: MegaMan R
March 20, 2011, 04:55:17 PM
Quote from: Tesserex on March 20, 2011, 04:05:17 PM
Maybe we can collaborate on any code related issues that come up? If you ever try to get the ntsc filter working, with scan lines and such, let me know! I tried implementing one, and it killed the performance because I couldn't find a fast way to manipulate individual pixels of XNA textures.

Or you could feel free to just contribute code to my engine, since it is on github...  :D

Glad to see you're going for full authenticity. I know it can be a challenge, particularly in C#. Best of luck.
Maybe we're talking about the same filter, the one from Shay Green aka Blargg?
As far as what I've seen, it looks like it might be possible to rewrite the filter into a GFX Shader (HLSL) and compute it all on the graphics hardware.
But I've only looked into it briefly, I'll study it as soon as I have more time available next month.

As for the code contribution, maybe~ I'll see what I can do, thanks for offering!
But in general, we have slightly different goals and our engine will be used in future XBLIG projects as well.
Also, I have nothing against competition. After all, it can be seen as incentive to drive motivation!
Fan Games / Re: MegaMan R
March 20, 2011, 10:38:12 AM
Quote from: Gatuca on March 20, 2011, 06:24:18 AM
not bad, but wouldnt the title conflict a bit :P
We thought the same after coming across Rockgirl R for the first time. :P
But seeing it's more about Roll than MegaMan, I think it is fine.
Fan Games / Re: MegaMan R
March 20, 2011, 01:02:10 AM
Quote from: RMZX Anarchy on March 20, 2011, 12:46:00 AM
Wily... with a scouter.


Also, I like how Megaman is clearly getting irritated.

What would the Japanese name be? Rockman R? Rockman M?
We do in fact have a Japanese Cover in work.
As for the title, it is "Rockman R: 最後の対決!?".
Will be released as soon as it's finished.
Fan Games / Re: C# MegaMan Engine
March 20, 2011, 12:05:42 AM
Very nice! We seem to be the only two fangames doing proper NSF emulation it seems. This will be interesting. :>
Fan Games / MegaMan R
March 19, 2011, 11:59:21 PM

Yes, yet another MegaMan Classic fangame.
We were lurking around and watching the progress of other fangames that are being worked on, but now we finally feel like sharing some information about our own ongoing project.

It is being developed by only two people as of right now; Me (responsible for the programming) and a friend (responsible for all assets, from GFX to BGM).
The engine is being written in C# and XNA (Not to be confused with Tesserex's C# MegaMan Engine) and will mimick most of the NES' features and limitations, including full hardware palette emulation and NSF playback.

We are still in mid planning phase and at the same time working on the game's assets.
Additionally, we are working on different projects for WP7 and Android, as such the speed of progression might suffer just a little bit.

Also, you may have seen our take on a cheesy Retro Cover.
This will probably undergo some changes in near future.

[Retro Cover (Cheesy / Western version)]

(Click the thumbnail for a much larger, detailed version)

More information and artworks will be released over time as the development progresses.
Fan Games / Re: C# MegaMan Engine
March 19, 2011, 12:52:37 PM
It's looking good so far.
I've only noticed two small issues; the pixel shifting after the moving platform switches it's direction and sometimes it shows Megaman's falling animation when moving down while hovering on RushJet.
Other than that, it's pretty solid, good job!

EDIT: Oh, I see you're using FMOD as well. I have written an NSF codec for FMOD for the use in our engine, I guess you've done the same. Pretty nice!
It is far from dead, but we're working on multiple projects at once.
Also, since my friend's the only artist and responsible for all assets (from GFX to BGM), it's taking a while. ;)
Thanks for the overall positive comments, much appreciated.
All the artistic stuff (including this) is made by a team member and good friend.
I'll forward these responses and criticism directly to him.

Quote from: MexicanSunflower on August 19, 2010, 09:52:43 PM
Was it done with real paints? It looks so official!
All digital; He made the inner artwork, I aged it artificially and made look like it's scanned in.

Quote from: KudosForce on August 19, 2010, 10:12:58 PM
I'll be awaiting details about the story and robot masters.
We won't reveal the artwork for the Robot Masters just yet, but we might show their silhouettes soon.

Quote from: RetroRespecter on August 20, 2010, 08:28:11 PM
Well done, Xane. Capcom should be at your doorstep if you send this to them. They will probably beg you to work with them.
Made me lol a bit. Thanks, the artist is flattered.
Fan Games / Re: C# MegaMan Engine
August 19, 2010, 10:12:26 PM
Quote from: MexicanSunflower on August 19, 2010, 10:05:19 PM
VRC6? That was never used in Mega Man games, why not try just using the 2A03 without DPCM like Capcom did it back in the day? Unless the VRC6 is just there for the novelty.
Just for the novelty, of course we'll be using the standard chip (4 channel, no DPCM) for our BGMs.
Fan Games / Re: C# MegaMan Engine
August 19, 2010, 09:51:58 PM
The engine I'm writing for our fangame and XBLIG series is being written in C# as well.
With full VCR 6 (NSF) emulation and a full-fledged editor.
It's not intended for public release tho.

For some reason I can't seem to run the latest version properly, but the videos look promising.
This is our retro / cheesy cover for our upcoming fangame, MegaMan R (R for Retro).
We will be scarce with information about the fangame for now, until we have some more material to show.

For the time being, we'll be showing some artwork.

[Retro Cover (Cheesy / Western version)]

(Click the thumbnail for a much larger, detailed version)