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Messages - Greiga Master

Pages: 1
Fan Creations / Re: Greiga Master's Fanstuff
« on: April 27, 2010, 04:34:55 AM »
new program: Pokemon Autograph Generator
program takes a 2 (pure black and pure white) color 192x64 image  and makes a cheat to change the autograph in the game.  (Push select after loading game.)
Download Link:

should support every DS pokemon game for any language.
thanks to Prof.9 for figuring the autograph stuff.

Fan Creations / Re: Greiga Master's Fanstuff
« on: April 16, 2010, 01:06:30 AM »
Killerman Kill Them All is a mini-game i made a while ago, basically Killerman kills and endless army of ghosts using his scythe lightning and other abilities.
Game gets more difficult as you play so its hours of fun ;)


Forum Games / Re: Praise the above poster!
« on: April 14, 2010, 06:59:05 AM »
he was very good at complementing the person above him.

Forum Games / Re: Praise the above poster!
« on: April 14, 2010, 03:24:04 AM »
He is very observant

Forum Games / Re: Praise the above poster!
« on: April 14, 2010, 03:19:26 AM »
He has 3 different yugioh players in his avatar O.o

Fan Creations / Re: Greiga Master's Fanstuff
« on: April 14, 2010, 02:34:23 AM »
I think it still technically belongs here because it a creation i made.

Fan Creations / Re: Greiga Master's Fanstuff
« on: April 14, 2010, 02:28:58 AM »
I suppose these are cool... trying the Folder Editor out... but this might fit better under the Emulation board.
I dont see an emulation board,  and what do you mean suppose?  Im open to recommendations if you think you know how to improve it

Fan Creations / Greiga Master's Fanstuff
« on: April 14, 2010, 01:55:45 AM »
Not sure exactly where this would go , but i made them so its technically  a creatiion

Profile Editor
Download Link:
This Program generates a cheat to edit your profile, this allows you to bypass the word censor, edit your name (without reseting wifi records), and use special symbols that are not typicly availible. example (Σ).

Folder Editor
Download Link:
This program generates a cheat for a folder you create(check program for details). It also allows you to save and load folder you make, allowing you to keep many folders!
NOTE: If you create an illegal folder, you will need an aditional cheat to bypass the folder check.

Avatar Generator
Download Link:

Small turorial For Avatar Generator:
First select the game you want this for.

Then click on the "Open Image" button and select the 40x48 image of your choice. To use transparency, use pure black (#000000)

Click OK to continue.

Then it asks you to open the new .bin file it made. Select the .bin file and click OK.

After the cheat finishes generating, just click the "Copy" button and it's ready to use!

To use the cheat, push R+Down after your file loads. Depending on your situation, follow the instructions below:

-If you have a DS Flashcart and a rom of the game, simply add the cheat to your cheat list and run the game.
-If you have the real game cart and an Action Replay device, use your USB cable to transfer the cheat over. If you don't have the cable, prepare to waste a lot of time.
-If you own the game cart, a DS flash cart, but no Action Replay, download Nitro Hax and follow its instructions to use cheats on your game.
-If you don't have Action Replay or a Flash Cart, you can't use this program.

You can distribute generated .bin files for others to use or the cheat itself.
If you find any bugs, please tell me. Megaman Star Force 3 support coming soon!

Pages: 1