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Messages - Mr. Cavan

Pages: 1
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man -1 (MM Fangame)
« on: June 26, 2010, 06:01:53 AM »
I like the graphic changes, but why cut the colors down to 2 palettes (8 colors in all, minus 2 spaces for black) used?

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man -1 (MM Fangame)
« on: June 25, 2010, 11:41:11 PM »
And here's my new fortress shot.

(I decided to go for the perspective used for the Proto Man castle.)
On the left is proof of its NES-authenticity; each square should only have 4 colors max.

Original / Re: Your Top 8 Mega Man 10 Robot Masters?
« on: June 18, 2010, 11:56:44 PM »
8. Strike - Eh, walking baseball doesn't do much for me, but points for looking like Blizzard Man.
7. Chill - Rather generic design (minus the icicle), but interesting weapon.
6. Solar - One of the more unique fire-themed robots, but looks kinda unusual, and hard to fight.
5. Pump - Easy to crush, but (almost) all I really liked about him was his stage and theme.
4. Commando - Stage and music work well, and I gotta love how he shakes the floor when he enters the room.
3. Sheep - One of the more quirky yet plausible concepts, and a cool stage.
2. Blade - A robot with blade head and arms? I like. Also, his stage music is cooler than cool.
1. Nitro - Yesz, a motorbike-themed robot, it screams "awesome."

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man -1 (MM Fangame)
« on: June 18, 2010, 11:28:32 PM »
'Tis time I showed my crack at drawing art, so here's my favorite MM-1 robot, Luna Man.

(I made it entirely on Photoshop, using my mouse to draw, so don't expect something like the official MM art.)
If anyone feels like refining it or showing me up by doing a better job, feel free.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man -1 (MM Fangame)
« on: June 14, 2010, 09:24:36 AM »
Because of some issue that came up with the Google and YouTube account linking, I had to delete my CavanALT account and make a new one:

Anyway, here's another tileset attempt:

(It's Sound Man's stage, I was aiming for something like Elec Man's stage, but less electrical.)

Also, I'm having trouble coding a dashing-type weapon in the MMF2 Mega Man engine. (Similar to Break Dash from MMV.)
Anyone got any suggestions on how to go about it?

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man -1 (MM Fangame)
« on: May 28, 2010, 08:00:52 AM »
The ??'s aren't really because I have no ideas on who these robots are made by, they're to keep secret the identity of one of the main antagonists in this game. (which I had already decided on).

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man -1 (MM Fangame)
« on: May 28, 2010, 06:13:48 AM »
Oh, hey, I gotta couple more tilesets to show off.

Oh, and if you didn't already know about the Robot Masters in this game:

Yeah, I retconned Launch Man to be named Missile Man.
And they're numbered -008 to -001, not 008 to 001.

Original / Re: Name that Classic Rockman Stage Tune
« on: May 17, 2010, 04:36:57 AM »
Spark Man - "Energy Spark"
Cossack Stage 1-2 - "Weary Winter"
Centaur Man - "Centaur's Dominion"
Wily Stage 2 (MM7) - "Path of Shadow"
Mars (MMV) - "Warfare Struggle"

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man -1 (MM Fangame)
« on: May 16, 2010, 01:00:49 AM »
I've started my attempts at making the game's fortress shot.

Yes, you can't tell who it belongs to as of yet, but how does it look so far?

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man -1 (MM Fangame)
« on: May 11, 2010, 06:00:25 AM »
Getting back on track before this thread loses its purpose...

The revised Kunai Man tileset.

Also, check this out.

I'm kind, so I'm doing the tilesets for him.
Now you know I'm not making these requests up.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man -1 (MM Fangame)
« on: May 08, 2010, 12:36:04 AM »
It would help if you showed it in 16x16 tiles, and grouped them by sets of the same color palette.

Okey dokey.

(Yeah, it may seem like I don't work much on this project of mine, probably because I'm tinkering around with other things as well, and balancing time between them is no easy task.)

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man -1 (MM Fangame)
« on: April 30, 2010, 06:25:49 AM »
Do it be time for a shameless tileset showcase?

It's Kunai Man's tileset...
Does it look all right?

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man -1 (MM Fangame)
« on: April 17, 2010, 05:31:19 AM »

Another showcase of MM-1 programming: some enemies.

It's not much, but I personally think the enemy designs are one of the most enjoyable things to see in Mega Man games.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man -1 (MM Fangame)
« on: April 05, 2010, 08:56:05 AM »
Anyone wanna see Kite Woman's stage tileset?

(Took me a bit before I found out that each of a NES's 8 4-color palettes has to share one common color.)

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man -1 (MM Fangame)
« on: March 23, 2010, 03:55:06 AM »
Tha tlast song in the most recent video you posted was simply awesome but...that note weapon is a bit over-powered no?

The Booming Note, Sound Man's weapon, will be similar to the Tornado Blow and Rain Flush; a high energy-using weapon that clears many enemies in the screen.

Anyway, amongst other businesses, I have come up with one thing... It's a boss spoiler image, though, but y'know.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man -1 (MM Fangame)
« on: March 16, 2010, 04:04:47 AM »
ow, poop, that looks like it could fit for my Volcano Woman Stage!!!

if you dont mind, could you make a similar tile for the boiling lava?

I'll level with ya: They're actually recolored Heat Man lava tiles.
But hey, flowing lava is flowing lava.

Posted on: March 01, 2010, 05:09:27
Bump time.
Here's some (beta) gameplay footage.

Aside from that, filling some tileset orders for others is what kept me from working on this.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man -1 (MM Fangame)
« on: February 27, 2010, 08:19:35 AM »
Music guessing time. ^^;

Kid Icarus: Stage 2 Overworld

Kirby Super Star: Game Select

Correct; although, the idea of it being recognizable will probably be the point, most of the time in MM-1.

Just so I'm not posting empty-handed, I got cracking on another tileset attempt.

Some critique would be most appreciated.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man -1 (MM Fangame)
« on: February 23, 2010, 11:36:42 PM »
Wow this looks awesome, the programming is all very nice!

The only problem I can see as of right now is the music. If you want, I can help with composing and stuff. Games like this deserve a great soundtrack!

In the way of composing music, yeah, I'm not very skilled. I guess I could use some help with that when the time comes.
(The reason I was borrowing other video game music to use in 8-bit form was to draw similarities to Mega Man ROM hacks that do the same [Wily's Dream Space is my favorite example of this.])

Mega Man -1? Seriously? Is that all that you can think of? So is it supposed to say "negative 1" or just 'megaman one'?
No offense. Maybe I just don't see the meaning of the title you chose. ;)

In any case, game looks good. Although it looks like there seems to be a few glitches with the moving platforms. From what I can tell it looked like megaman was either falling from a particular spot of the platform, or trying to jump off it but couldn't?

Also, the movement pattern of that platform seems familiar. Were you trying to recreate Dr.Cossack stage 2 style platforms?

I chose the name "Minus One" partly because of other fan-games using numbers 11, 12 and so on, although I could tie it somehow to the idea of the plot, which involves Roll, Auto and the others turning against Mega Man.

As for the platform, the short frames of falling was just a bug I'm working on.
While I see that it does resemble the Cossack 2 platforms, I wanted it to return to its original Y-position instead of continuing to rise.

Fan Games / Mega Man -1 (MM Fangame)
« on: February 23, 2010, 09:09:33 AM »
Well, I decided to make my own MM fan-game. I'm using MMF2, and borrowing N64Mario's engine. (which is awesome, no?)

- Tileset images.
(Images to display some pixel-work, not actual screenshots.) - Original concept. - Progress videos.

I don't seem to be getting much in the way of general noticed-ness, so I thought I'd set up a thread here for suggestions and whatnot. (Currently, I have nobody else assisting me in this.)

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