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Messages - KoiDrake

Hope you guys don't mind that I bring this thread back from the grave, but I made a REALLY simple tutorial of one of my ways to tackle a quick sketch, and I heard it helped a few guys, so I wanted to show it around here as well.

Nowadays I use this method both for sketching and to get a base to clean later for when I make a more complex drawing. I used SAI to make this, and I'm 100% this can be done on Photoshop, but besides those programs I'm not sure if those steps can be imitated on other drawing programs.

I'm also posting a video of a sped up process of a drawing of mine, which shows how I use this tutorial (just the first minute, the rest of it is me cleaning the messy sketch), one of my workflows when I'm drawing, and how much I rotate the canvas around.

It would probably help to show some mockup screenies, because right now I can't really tell what's the stage supposed to be.
You did mention Castlevania with Alice things blended in (which so far I don't see any of it) but as Blackhook said, that's still pretty vague.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 12, 2013, 06:28:41 AM
The Agony Of Defeat

We join KoiDrake and Dr. Wily II at KoiDrake's Asteroid A. The A stands for Art.

KoiDrake - *escorting Dr. Wily II to the War Room* "And he invited you here?"

Dr. Wily II - "I'm as shocked as you are. Do you have any idea vhat this is all about?"

KoiDrake - "Yeaaaaaaah, I do. See, PB helped me enter this DarkStalkers contest that Capcom had held on the net. Mind you, I didn't have the highest of hopes. Buuuut PB was determined to win. Well, we didn't. He hasn't left my Asteroid A since. You know, the A stands for Art.

Dr. Wily II - *looking around at all the paintings* "So I see."

KoiDrake - "Hey, can I interest you in this Aile drawing. Might spruce up the old lair a bit!"

Dr. Wily II - *staring intently at Aile painting* "I'll pay ANY price!"

KoiDrake - "I'll have it sent to you. Ah, here we are. The War Room."

Dr. Wily II - "Might I ask, vhy do you have a Var Room?"

KoiDrake - "For War, dummy. You think artists are free from violence? I mean, forgoing the constant drawing requests from people. That's what the Turpentine Serpentine at the front gate was for. Then comes the art battles. The Paint Wars of 03' were a dark time filled with death, blood and the color Purporange. And the layers. THE. LAYERS."

Dr. Wily II - *entering the War Room* "Ooooookay.

Protoman Blues - "Wily II. It's about time you showed up!"

Dr. Wily II - "I vas surprised to get your call!"

Protoman Blues - "Listen Doc. I don't like you. I don't like your stupid coat. And I don't like your use of the letter V. However, Capcom has dared to deny KoiDrake and I victory in this contest. THEY SHALL NOT GO UNPUNISHED!!!!"

Dr. Wily II - *a slight tear in his eye while holding his coat* "Vhat is vrong vith my coat?"

KoiDrake - "Look, PB. It's okay. I didn't expect to win anyway. Let's just put down the blueprin..."

Protoman Blues - *ignoring and interrupting KoiDrake* "So look here, Doc. I have the blueprints to JapCom's headquarters. What I need are a few Robot Masters to help me assault the compound and claim our prize. Perhaps a Hypno Man of some kind to change the contest judges minds."

Dr. Wily II - "....Vhat is vrong vith my coat?"

Protoman Blues - "Or, perhaps a Chrono Man to go back in time to change the vote in the first place! Then we won't need a Hypno Man at all. No wait, we'll still need Hypno Man to ensure to judges make the proper vote. Finally we'll need a..."

Dr. Wily II - *ignoring PB while looking at KoiDrake* "....Seriously, i-is something vrong vith my coat?"

KoiDrake - "It looks fine to me."

Protoman Blues - "...and a Pigeon Man to [parasitic bomb] on their cars! That should cover it. Soon, Koi. Soon we shall have our REVENGE!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

KoiDrake - *shrugs* "I suppose. Look, I'll be in my studio if you two need me!"

Later, at Dr. Wily's World Domination Station...


CoatMan - "Yes Master!"

Dr. Wily II - "You vill begin designs on a new lab coat for me!"

CoatMan - *curious* "What was wrong with your old coat?"

Dr. Wily II - "SILENCE!"


PB does not take defeat very well!  B(
This made my day <3
X / Re: New game with playable X and Zero (and Tron)
February 13, 2013, 03:51:46 AM
Quote from: Vile 0 on February 13, 2013, 03:49:54 AMNew game with playable X and Zero (and Tron)

#Invalid YouTube Link#
That looks like something Capcom would do
Roleplay / Re: Neo Secret Files and Origins
January 25, 2013, 12:56:19 AM
Quote from: Protoman Blues on January 24, 2013, 06:43:21 AM
I'd also love to thank the uber talented KoiDrake for that PBPB drawing.  8D
No, thank YOU! <3
Fan Games / Re: NMario's Mega Man World Fangame/Engine
January 13, 2013, 04:30:16 AM
Quote from: Yllisos Zanon on January 13, 2013, 03:34:53 AMThe way Sirius was sketched, two things crossed my mind, Egyptian and/or Babylonian.  Or is it just me.
Yup, I sketches it with an egyptian motif in mind. From what I read from wikipedia, the constelation was related to the goddess Sopdet, and the caracteristic of Sirius being the brightest in the night sky reminded me of the weapon obtained from Pharaohman. Lastly, I kinda made it in relation to the crazy theory that aliens built the piramids there.

And about sketching, I'm kinda juggling around some other stuff, so for now I'll pass :P
Those are just marking. If anything, you should be more creepied out by Timburr and its evolutionary line, those look like they have veins ready to explode.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on January 09, 2013, 09:09:32 PM
That's what I thought for the second one, the name looks Hispanic to me.
Eso no se hispanico para nada :P

The game looks interesting, but I hope this isn't just a graphic upgrade, I didn't enjoyed B&W much to be honest...
Nah, don't go into that section unless you have proof that the game is going somewhere, otherwise you'll only get negative comments towards it and you'll end up leaving, like it always happen, that part of the forum got flooded with way too many fangame threads that ended up being just a robot master showcase, everyone here lost hope of fangames getting finished. Stay in here, this forum section is more comfy and friendly :)

I like those animations you posted.
Fan Games / Re: Megaman vs Street Fighter Fangame
December 11, 2012, 03:48:37 PM
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on December 11, 2012, 02:50:37 PM
If Capcom wasn't screwing up every time they mention Megaman, then maybe we wouldn't be so pissed.

Unless you honestly believe things like XOver are satisfactory and we should just take whatever rotting turd they push out.
How is giving Megaman a cameo screwing up? How not including Megaman in a fighting game were he isn't needed screwing up? And how can you get "a crappy game from a mobile platform that no one cares about" as me saying that the game is satisfactory?

Now THAT's the last thing I'll say about the subject, I really don't care about all this Megaman bitching either, I rather wait until they announce something good, until then, I'll just ignore Capcom like I have been doing so far...

Bitching and rushing Capcom to make a new Megaman game right now will just get you all more rushed games like XOver.
Fan Games / Re: Megaman vs Street Fighter Fangame
December 11, 2012, 04:41:56 AM
I understand why everyone is angry at Capcom, but it's also really annoying to hear bad comments EVERY SINGLE TIME that Capcom even mentions Megaman. I said this many times already too, but if you hate Capcom, you should stop buying their games and ignore them completely, as bad as it sounds, they DON'T OWE ANY GAME TO THEIR FANS, they make whatever game they THINK will give them more profit. But we all know that's never going to happen, even Street Fighter has been getting a lot of hate and yet they still keep selling any game with the name pasted on the title.

That's the last thing I'll be saying about this subject too.
Fan Games / Re: Megaman vs Street Fighter Fangame
December 11, 2012, 04:12:19 AM
Quote from: The Great Gonzo on December 11, 2012, 03:14:32 AM
Having grievances with Capcom does not mean we "aren't ready" for a new game.
Yes it does. So far ANY mention of Megaman had a bad reaction from the fanbase (Not being in a fighting game that wasn't even meant to be, along with some cameos that for some reason got bad reactions too, getting a joke character that was just a problem of timming since it was planned years ago, or a crappy game from a mobile platform that no one cares about anyway). If they want to get a new game done for it, the fanbase first needs to cool down and accept that good games need time to get done, especially for a series that has been stuck with the same old formula since forever and needs something fresh and different to attract a new crowd of players.
Fan Games / Re: Megaman vs Street Fighter Fangame
December 11, 2012, 02:19:52 AM
Why not? I'm curious. Everyone is going batshit crazy for Capcom supporting a fangame, and I just don't get why. This just shows that the fanbase isn't ready for a new Megaman game.

I see Capcom supporting a fangame as ONE step forward after all the [parasitic bomb] they have been doing lately, but at least is something, don't expect a brand new game soon if the comunity is still bitching after any Megaman news.
Quote from: VixyNyan on December 09, 2012, 04:27:11 PM
Now I hope KoiDrake gets credit for editing the Weapon Get mugshot. XD
lol I forgot about that :D. I wonder if Sonic is still using it.
Quote from: Hawaii on December 02, 2012, 08:56:55 PM
Blame Ocarina and Majora's mask for classifying it as a mask. Not me.
It's just simple game categorization. That's why bikinis are considered "armor" in games.
Quote from: Hawaii on December 02, 2012, 08:21:31 PM
Bunny Hood is a mask. Not a hat.
If it doesn't cover any part of the face is not a mask.
I'll never understand this postcount fetish most forums have...
Haha, this is soooo lame.
That's sounds like a small aesthetic change then, Megaman needs something bigger in order to survive... or revive to be more precise.

There are many things that could be done with the Megaman series, the problem is that Capcom isn't willing to take any risk on the series, so until that happens this is going to be a dead franchise.
X / Re: Rockman X is Over
September 08, 2012, 05:56:05 AM
Quote from: Assemu Assuno on September 08, 2012, 03:38:05 AM
why would a robot...
For the same reason they gave them hair
The underwear thing was sarcasm btw...nvm
X / Re: Rockman X is Over
September 08, 2012, 03:17:39 AM
And a fur underwear
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
September 07, 2012, 11:34:23 PM
Quote from: Gaia on September 07, 2012, 02:22:15 AM
Well, due to the similar development hell situations both projects had, plus how they're done by a small team of dedicated fans.
So if any game gets in development hell it means that Phill is working on it, k I got it now!
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
September 06, 2012, 06:50:43 AM
Quote from: Gaia on September 05, 2012, 04:23:50 AM
Can't blame the Unlimited team for the trouble, that and Mr. Philly is also probably juggling this project with Mega Man X: Corrupted (probably with cooperation with JKB Games), which I think Corrupted should be put on hold for the final stretch of this fan game.

They also could've had an extra set of hands too if they weren't so secretive.
Uh? What are you talking about? Those games are completely different projects, jkb and Phil aren't working together. They aren't even using the same engine to make the games...
Gaming / Re: The "BlazBlue" Thread
August 09, 2012, 04:31:08 AM
Quote from: Acid on August 07, 2012, 05:10:19 PM
While BlazBlue gets game after game (probably to finish the story, in a fighting game!) Guilty Gear is still stuck im Limbo.

[spoiler]Guilty Gear is better[/spoiler]
Didn't they say that they wouldn't work on ANY GG game anymore?

I haven't played any of these games, but I do like the characters from GG more.
heh, that game looks pretty fun. Nice music too, gj.
Quote from: Yoku Man on July 07, 2012, 06:41:39 PM
I've tried some metallic-looking crates this time and also experimented with some stamps. Do you think any of them look okay or should I stick with blank crates? Or do you think the metal crates still need some work?

Yeah, I like 'em. They fit much better than the wooden crates too.