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Messages - NintendoPalkia

Fan Games / Megaman recharged screen shots
February 21, 2010, 01:02:50 AM
Here are some screen shots my groups got for my megaman fan game, we've got some awesome spriters, but if you have anything to share or suggestions please feel free to tell me:

These are the screen shots so far. Only about 3 more music tracks to get down and various sprites, such as password/save screen, title screen and enhanced robot master sprites ^_^ and if there is anything that can be improved please tell me about it =)
I don't care if you are a girl, a guy or a mummy. I didn't pm you anything
I've had enough of this! I've already tried to clearify me not trying to be an attention hog or a troll in an earlier post! I'm sick and tired of people who are too lazy to scroll up and even read it to understand my reasoning! I did't mean for this to happen, I was only lookin for help! but the people who are looking for trouble wanted to start this when I did nothign wrong. I didn't even mean to bother anyone by making 4 posts, I just thought that making 4 seperate posts for 4 seperate topics was appropiate. But if you want to keep on trying to get me mad go ahead becuase I have had enough.

So far only a few of you are even willing to help and I appreciate that, if anyone else that is new comes and wants to help feel free, but if you are here to scold me about something you are welcome to but chances are I won't listen to that. People feel free to message me too.
lol thats funny. First of all you know nothin about the true me, what will I gain from repalcing their names with mine when they are already VERY good friends of mine? Besides do you know how much hate and spam that'll bring to me? And I'm honest too so I wouldn't even do that to a friend. Before making false asumptions you can atleast get yoru facts correct by looking my up over youtube or something instead of just making up lies liek that.

I'm still a teen, I don't have an kids.
on youtube alot of people volunteered to help me. Infact soem very kind people made a bunch of music for me and finished my sound track. And spriters volunteered on youtube but my last sprite recently got busy so I was looking for a new one. On da i only have like two volunteers.

Also the guy who insulted me for no reason has now been reported.
Ok, look...maybe this is bringing in alot of attention but I didn't mean for any of this to happen! I jsut want the msot help I can get on this but I didn't realise that nobody or very few people wanted to participate in this project. If I offended anyone or got anyone mad or something I didn't mean it! I just wanted help and I thoguht this was appropiate because I wasn't breaking any rules.

I'm going to limit down the amount of posts I make and wait for responces on this one, I'm sorry if this bothered anyone or made it look like I'm some attention hog or a troll. Infact, I don't think I'll make another post because this psot shoud be enough for anyone who is willing to help. Like I said before if I offended anyone or made anybody angry I am sorry for what I did.
Please don't make false assumptions. Illustrations have been made months before I foudn this site, now I'm looking for someone who can redo my sprites, and I'm not an attention hog. I'm making four different posts for the appropiate topics, it wouldn't make much sence for me to shove all the topics into one.
so your saying out of all the people who do it you are trying to ban me for asking for help? if you actually read them you would see that they are all different! what is the point of this palce if we can't even ask for help on our topics? are you saying that this place is jsut for showing our progress? How can we show progress if we can't even get further into making progress? All you people have been doing is trying to slow down my work for an unknown reason, I'd like to know why you want me banned just for posting a topic.

There are no rules against what I'm doign becuase I read teh rules, therefore I am not breaking any rules. So how am I up for ban?
sent ya a message about it

Posted on: February 08, 2010, 23:59:08
our fan game is still in progress, you can see alot of our works on deviant art and youtube by seaching up ''NintendoPalkia'' and i can also link you to some of our works here:

That is only a small fraction of our work...anyways I guess I've asked for help about too much already but I'm looking for good spriters or editors that can edit these guys. It seems the same face has been reused alot ad I kind of wan them to look better, I'm looking for someone who can fix them up or even make sprite sheets for em.

Check this out:

A guy on youtube made those, probably the best spriter that I've seen but if you think you could make a sprite sheet like that or fix these guys up to help me please message me, and our demo is going to be up soon.

Just remeber that this is optiona and I'm not forcing anyone to help ne, well peace out guys and thanks for taking your tiem to read this.
I dunno where else to post this, if any of you read my ealier topic you know I'm making a fan game and some of our sprites and works are shown there. However, we are look for artists that can draw us good pictures such as cover title and good art for our robot masters.

I'm not sure how you guys work, if you can help us for free or if we have to do commisions, or if we just have to show you some proof of our fan game.

I'm not forcing anybody to help us, if you don't want to help it is fine with it but if you want to help your welcome to post here, peace out.
thanks for that information, I was planning on getting their sprites changed because their faces look the same like mensioned earlier. I appreciate your support! ^_^
I recently just got back from a ban about a big arguement. However, it has been resolved and that is all behind us now, so lets not worry about it and stick to the reason why I posted this topic.

The megaman fangame I am making is named Megaman Recharged but was originally suppose to be named Megaman reloaded. Anyways, we got mug shots and other sprites done so far nad only 2 more 8-bit themes to go. We are still looking for a spriter who can make end credit sprites for us and a wily stage boss sprite for us.

If you want to help us or support us you can spread the word about this game and look up more information about it at my youtube account NintendoPalkia, if you are a spriter you are also welcome to help us out, feel free to give suggestions about our works, here are some of our works:

Some of those sprites are going to be edited, or changed. And give us your opinion on which stage select screen you like better.

peace out.
Fan Games / Re: MegaMan 72
January 27, 2010, 02:31:52 PM
well alrighty but I think I said some offensive things to you too, I'm very sorry.
Fan Games / Re: MegaMan 72
January 27, 2010, 01:59:27 PM
You know what? Mind your own business because you obviously don't know anything. I was mad because I got teh feeling that domopj was helpign other people and I was the only 1 that got my request turned down. He explained it out to me and I've already apologized. So get off my topics and mind your own business

I do have actual works on youtube but obviously someone nosy like you jumps to conclusions without getting the right facts and evidence. Before talking nonsence why don't you get your facts right and leave me alone? This has already been resolved and I don't need your nonesence anymore.

You are also wasting my time with this.
Fan Games / Megaman recharged screen shots
January 27, 2010, 01:16:57 AM
Ok I'm making a megaman fan game. Alot of the information about it can be found on youtube by searching up NintendoPalkia and going to my youtube account and searching my uploads for megaman fan game themes, updates, sprites etc.

So far I have a pretty small group helping with my megaman fan game. But this project will not work if I don't have more people. I need a very talented artist that can help with making my 8 robot masters data cards. I also need somebody who can make mug shots for my 8 robot masters. (Not that important at this point but if you compose 8-bit music you are welcome to try and help us out here). This isn't something new, it has been going on for awhile now and my group has to get moving quickly if we want to finish this project on time.

Last but not least, if you are not commited to helping please do not say you'll help, the last thing we need is for someone to drop out on us. Thank you for your time, we'll be pleased to see your efforts in helping us out.

I've been helping out my group but it seems we need more people, If you need to see my actual work I'll be very glad to show it to you.

You want me to show my actual works? go to youtube, type in NintendoPalkia on the search bar and click one of my videos or my name and find my megaman videos. Thats your proof.

If you are too lazy to view it then click here:

Just the basic stuff we've worked on for your PROOF but theres more.

LISTEN BEFORE POSTING A COMMENT. You may see some comments about me disrespecting an artist? IGNROE IT NOW. The whole thing started on youtube, moved to DA and followed me here. The whole issue has been resolved and we both did our fair parts apologizing, it was a rather silly concept to fight about because I didn't understand the artists reasoning why he would'nt help me, he has explained it to me and now it is all resolved, so please no rude/nasty comments at me because the arguement was over.
I sound dumb dont I? well I'm still a newb to this site so how do I post things....? Like my own topic?
Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
January 24, 2010, 11:47:07 PM
What engine are you guys even talking about?

P.S. still looking for good spriters, pm me if you can help with spriting for my fan game.
Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
January 24, 2010, 11:06:53 PM
ok, none of you can help me but if you have any friends that can help me mind sending me a pm of their usernames?
Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
January 24, 2010, 10:49:39 PM
Blaze, that is pretty cool would you like to help me? If you would like to help me can you watch this video?

and pause at 0:46 and watch untill 1:02 those are 4 robot master I need for my special stage and I drew those...think you could sprite em for me?
Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
January 24, 2010, 10:42:30 PM
Well, it's probably about time for me to be afk. If anyone who reads this is good at sprites/sprite sheets, mug shots, and or data cards please private message me right away. Peace out guys.
Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
January 24, 2010, 10:40:16 PM
archer, then are you good at sprites? mugshots? or data cards?
Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
January 24, 2010, 10:38:31 PM
thats cool, do you make sprite sheets?
Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
January 24, 2010, 10:35:48 PM
Me??   ;^; I feel sad because the only thing I can do is post the updates for my group on youtube , design the stage select screen and draw the art for us (I can't do mug shots nor data cards or make sprites =( ) so thats why I'm looking for more members. All my other members can do alot more than I can...
Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
January 24, 2010, 10:27:52 PM
Oh sorry I didn't read that correctly, I don't have teh skills for mug shots either, I can't even do sprites so that is why I'm in a group project, but I only have like 3 people helping so that is why I'm looking for an artist who can help me with data cards and a spriter who can make me mugshots.
Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
January 24, 2010, 10:14:52 PM
yes, I actually did I have very good artistic skills but not good enough for data cards