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Messages - Stardius

I came back from the dead!

After my embarrasing failure in fangame making I went on a short break from Megaman and spriting in general, but now I am back and full of energy!!
But thanks to NT, I kinda learned not to jump headfirst into things and biting off more, than I can possibly chew.

So my next "project" is pretty much just me having fun spriting:

So, without further ado, introducing first from the line-up of uninspired random RMs, a Toadman lookalike with stupid name:
Dig Man

....and some mockups
That actually looks pretty cool.
Maybe just the top of the towers further in the background could be shaded little more, they look sort of flat
I think I know what you mean, but I think, now that I look at it, it would be better to not make the tiles like this altogether and only make some sort of cliff-like border around all three of the characters.
With the mugshot, is suppousted to be like that, like the body is turned to the right, but he is sort of turning his head towards his shoulder.
Anyway, thanks for suggestions.

And here is some new stuff...

Pixelart of Kirino I did when I was really bored at school/work, well little of each.


I did this one as a request from my friend and he called her Lulu Lucifer, so I guess that's her name now.
Damn, that cutscene looks sexy.  >0<

[spoiler]And by the giant ice cream cone, I would guess Gellato?[/spoiler]
Almost, it's Cyborg Pirate Fairy but you can add zombie to it too if you want  8D

And here is RM art I did for 3000 pageviews on my DA

Posted on: August 12, 2010, 07:49:07 PM
After really long time little contribution!  >0<

Made this while listening to final boss song from FF: Mystic Quest, that song rocks.
Fan Games / Re: MegaMan 72
November 03, 2010, 08:39:30 PM
Well that's very sad news, since you were one of my only hopes to ever experience multiplayer Megaman platformer, but well rl is rl, can't have time for everything. I would pick up the project if I knew that it would move somewhere in my hands, like it probably wouldn't, since I have similar problems with mine, only in way that I am the only one who probably has time for it.
Anyway, I wish you best luck at whatever you will do and thanks for showing us how should good fangame look like.  :)
Fan Games / Re: Game makers needed!
October 09, 2010, 09:02:31 PM
Quote from: DarkFlare360 on October 09, 2010, 08:51:06 PM
Go ahead, I am actually sort of interested how long will you manage to do that before you get banned.
Fan Creations / Re: Nebula ★ Black's Cola Machine
October 02, 2010, 11:14:46 PM
My favourite must be the 3rd one it seems to fit really the best.
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man X: Corrupted (flash fangame)
September 04, 2010, 06:21:29 PM
Quote from: VirusX on September 04, 2010, 05:57:22 PM
Does it require using Zero?
Nope it's normal X but you need certain items equipped and usage of Blizzard Wolfang's weapon.
Like in this video

Btw. sorry for off topic.
If every mashroom cloud looked like this, world would be a lot nicer.

Also random sketch time  8D
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
July 31, 2010, 10:48:28 PM
Quote from: KudosForce on July 31, 2010, 10:31:27 PM
Though, it amuses me that since Jet Man and Comet Woman are made by the same creator, this means that, technically, they're an incestuous couple. [eyebrow]
Well that can't be exactly sure, since Wily reprogrammed some robots in the past and who knows Jet or Comet might be one of those too, I guess we won't know unless Phil gives us some light on this, or he might already have and I missed it. But yeah because I am sick bastard that incestuous idea sounds interesting too.  >0<
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
July 31, 2010, 06:08:16 PM
Quote from: The Great Gonzo on July 31, 2010, 05:51:15 PM
I think that Comet's flat, and any semblance of a bust is simply due to the way her torso armour curves.
Data card says that she is a tomboy, so who knows, maybe she is just trying to hide something  8D
I know I know, I am analyzing this too much.
Neko + Nuke = Nuko  >w<
Fan Creations / Re: commandycan
July 29, 2010, 08:59:11 PM
Sounds good, are you planning to do other Cave Story covers in the future? Like for example Eyes of Flame  >w<
Quote from: Protoman Blues on July 29, 2010, 02:42:03 AM
That is one short skirt on Roll there!  8D
Why not? It's summer after all  >w<

Quote from: commandycan on July 29, 2010, 02:34:10 AM
Well, from what I can tell between when you first started making cutscenes for New Tomorrow and now, you've improved a whole lot. Guess that's what happens when you keep at it (I suppose the same could be said for my music :)).

I'm guessing that knight thing isn't an RM, but, is it? It's probably safe to assume the one on the right isn't Mega Man-inspired or anything, so probably not. :P
Well, I might have improved, but I still can't make cutscenes Inafune-style.
And you are right, that knight is not RM, he is dullahan and character from one parody project I am occasionally working on, well just on paper for now anyways.

Quote from: Gaia on July 29, 2010, 02:47:18 AM
I've noticed that I need to do a combo breaker here. The mugshots look great, even if they look like 1990's SNES RPG character portraits.
Thanks, and that sort of SNES style is what I was going for when I made them, not using SNES palette though.

Fan Creations / Re: commandycan
July 29, 2010, 02:42:23 AM
Well I do most of my stuff in paint too, and that anime face looks cute  >w<
Thanks, I wanted to go for more neutral expresion first, but then I said "screw it" and added the smile and blush  :3
So some of you might know me as the guy who is working on that New Tomorrow fangame, but I also like to draw, sprite and do random stuff that I just feel like doing. Well, that's what this thread is all about.

So for some slow start:

Just felt like doing pixelized Roll, not really in official style and without NES palette and limits included (for now anyway)

Stuff for one project I am planning in the future

Hopefuly you will like at least some of my stuff and since I am still learning, some criticism, advices and stuff are welcome  :)
X / Re: Maverick Boss Tournament
July 27, 2010, 12:55:02 AM
That stage wasn't THAT bad, definetly not Squid Adler level of annoying. And Jet Stingray looks cool, not same can be said about Flame Stag.
Quote from: Gatuca on July 25, 2010, 05:07:53 AM
well then.....

the (for now) Official English Title Screen (Take notice Vixy-nyan  :D)


also if you're wondering why i did the Roll eyes like that, if because its a style of inafune that i saw on one of the megaman OVAS, but i think is also one of the ways Inafune used to draw the eyes before, as oppose as in megaman 9-10 when they were more circular[/spoiler]

Looking good  owob, only one thing really bugs me and that's Waltz's nose, imo it's little too straight giving her sort of animal-like look, maybe making it little more curved like Roll's.

X / Re: Maverick Boss Tournament
July 23, 2010, 12:06:22 PM
My vote goes to panda, Metal Shark Player has wierd name and looks wierd.

And if you have name like Pandamonium doesn't it instantly declare you winner?  XD
Really love the second one, and the first one is really impressive just being done from movie clips.
You should really post these as mp3s too  >0<
X / Re: Maverick Boss Tournament
July 14, 2010, 11:11:51 PM
I actually had quite a lot of trouble with Sheldon, Wire Sponge is just pathetic both difficulty and design wise.
X / Re: Maverick Boss Tournament
July 12, 2010, 03:19:12 PM
I wonder how many people voted just by the fact that Tornado Tonion is from X7  8D
But yeah, even though I don't really like either of them, I guess I would pick ant over onion too, even though I must admit that Tornado Tonion's stage music is kind of cool  >w<
X / Re: Maverick Boss Tournament
July 02, 2010, 09:35:23 PM
Definetly Squid Adler, even though I really HATE his stage. He doesn't look silly like Flame Mammoth.