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Messages - Tron Bonne

Pages: 1
Roleplay / Does this forum like girls on poles?
« on: January 03, 2010, 04:39:36 AM »
I'm on a light post hiding from a dog.  Also, all my clothes have burned off, but it's okay because you notice that I'm way prettier than Roll. 

Who will save me?

Off The Wall / Re: Questions regarding Roleplay
« on: January 03, 2010, 04:00:31 AM »
Wait, are you roleplayig as Tron in my thread about how to "Roleplay" the right way?

No, I am Tron Bonne!  I've pirated countless wireless signals from inside the Gesellschaft in order to browse this forum.  I'm also replying to your quoted text from inside the same quote tag.  This is all Mega Man's fault!

Off The Wall / Re: Questions regarding Roleplay
« on: January 02, 2010, 05:57:46 PM »
The best way to roleplay is to spray paint all your robot servants blue, and have yourself a 41-some.

Pages: 1