Hi Rockman PM!! ( Rebirth XD)
Pocket Monsters "Johto" trainers Ibuki & Drygon
Pocket monsters Hoenn
Welcome back, Akira!
It's funny that Tek is the Dewford Gym Leader. XD
What an awesome first post Akira... owo
Ibuki and Drygon as the Johto trainers... And the Hoenn Leaders...
Makes you wonder who is the son/daughter of Rue... 8D
Lastly... Asena... ;_;
Thanks!!! ;)
Where's Pocket Monsters Johto?
Quote from: RMZX.EXE on November 08, 2008, 07:59:41 PM
Where's Pocket Monsters Johto?
He has to repost it as well as Kanto.
I agree with dwii, what a great way to start the new thread! I love your work~ 0v0
Quote from: Sakura Leic on November 08, 2008, 08:00:22 PM
He has to repost it as well as Kanto.
Oh, I didn't know he uploaded that already. (On the old Forum, at least.)
Pocket Monsters Trainers - Akira & Vixy
OK! ( old regions)
Here is the old artworks for Akira! (http://lol.rockmanpm.com/artgallery/akira/)
And big link is big. XD
Quote from: Vixy on November 08, 2008, 08:09:56 PM
Here is the old artworks for Akira! (http://lol.rockmanpm.com/artgallery/akira/)
I think soem are missing or it could be just me.
Quote from: Vixy on November 08, 2008, 08:09:56 PM
Here is the old artworks for Akira! (http://lol.rockmanpm.com/artgallery/akira/)
Thanks *hug*
Honestly, your art is so good Akira, that I think RPM can weather any crash! Seriously, those are fantastic! All of them!
MSN art ( Mouse draw)
Vixy-chan!! owo
awww, such a cute scene! 0v0
Quote from: Akira on November 08, 2008, 09:14:21 PM
MSN art ( Mouse draw)
Vixy-chan!! owo
....This was done with a Mouse? That's absolutely incredible.
It's a warm fuzzylicious feeling, is what it is~ o///o
Hehe, do PBPB next please! 8D
Ah so many awesome arts. owo
Awesome as usual Akira!
Quote from: borockman on November 08, 2008, 09:48:19 PM
Ah so many awesome arts. owo
Awesome as usual Akira!
Thanks! borockman ;)
Posted on: November 08, 2008, 22:04:15
Vixy-chan ( Angel)!! owo
Nice monochrome coloring there!
Lovely! but she looks lonely.
Quote from: Akira on November 09, 2008, 12:01:02 AM
Vixy-chan ( Angel)!! owo
If it wasn't for the fact that I don't see any tears there, I would think that she was actually crying...
In any event, may I request something of you, Akira? (Since you've already drew a great pic of Trainer Vixy with her Eevee-chan...)
Quote from: Akira on November 09, 2008, 12:01:02 AM
Vixy-chan ( Angel)!! owo
So very beautiful!
The different shades of pinks are really pretty. >w<
Quote from: Protoman Blues on November 09, 2008, 04:27:14 AM
So very beautiful!
Quote from: Amethyst on November 09, 2008, 04:29:09 AM
The different shades of pinks are really pretty. >w<
Ignoring the emotion inside the piece itself, I see... :|
Although, I wonder if I'm reading into the picture too much... Ah, whatever...
It's so cool why does she seem sad?
Quote from: Tsukishiro on November 09, 2008, 05:10:11 AM
Ignoring the emotion inside the piece itself, I see... :| Although, I wonder if I'm reading into the picture too much... Ah, whatever...
I'm aware of the sad emotion but you can't help but notice the shading as well. >_>;
Quote from: Akira on November 08, 2008, 09:14:21 PM
MSN art ( Mouse draw)
Vixy-chan!! owo
Man, your mouse drawing skills are 1337...
Quote from: Akira on November 09, 2008, 12:01:02 AM
Vixy-chan ( Angel)!! owo
I was wondering when you would post this... :P
Yay~ love to see these great work of you again, Akira >w<
Oh....Both my daughters are gym leader >w<
Quote from: Vixy on November 09, 2008, 02:11:29 PM
My idea~ :3
Pocket Monsters "Sinnoh"
Pocket Monsters (RPM) Gym Leaders:
Pewter: Tsuyoshi
Cerulean: Cephi Yumi
Vermilion: PB
Celadon: Sakura Leic
Saffron: Hitomi
Fuchsia: Ninja Lou
Cinnabar: Dr. Wily II
Viridian: Sparky
Violet: Borockman
Azalea: Flame
Goldenrod: Sky Child
Ecruteak: Taiyo
Olivine: Milen
Cianwood: Satoryu
Mahogany: Jericho
Blackthorn: Saber
Rustboro: Asvel
Dewford: TEKMK II
Mauville: Mirby
Lavaridge: Chaos IX
Petalburg: Rue
Fortree: Asena
Mossdeep: Meryl & Carrol
Sootopolis: Ares
Oreburg: Karai
Eterna: Ciel
Veilstone: Mic Sounders the 13th
Patoria: Sub Tank
Hearthhome: Quickie
Canalave: Acid/Cid
Snowpoint: Wanderer
Sunyshore: DZ
Oh, Sinnoh's turn...
Sub Tank... ;_;
Interesting choices here, but still, just as awesome! 8)
I'm taking Wattson's place? Cool! I like Wattson, he's cool. And I have the Game Corner and Bike Shop too! SWEET!
woah wow another great job! So cute~ 0v0
I just saw the image, and I look happy. YAY! *ZAP* I have Zapdos in my team. Or at least I did, then he overloaded and I died. I ate him. Tasty, actually.
I'm just wanna see how players can handle to my Touhoumons?
Let's go!! Flandre!!
Oh yeah, speaking of teams, since the previous posts were wiped...
Salamence, Metagross, Tyranitar, Blaziken, Luxray, Torterra... 8D
I'm gonna revamp my trainer card to match. Since I have to be male as the leader... :( Need the team too.
;) Thanks! Guys and girls!
And a full image for the card too. Also, no prob! What did you base my appearance on, anyways?
i'm certain Nobo is sad at not being included.. ;-;
Probably, now that I think about it... poor Nobo...
I have to say, this whole RPM/Pokemon thing is intriguing. I assume the various Elite Four squads will be represented as well?
Nobo could be in those!
As well as myself. 8)
I like how you drew the different regions, very nicely done.
Artworks by Akira
Gym Leader ideas by Vixy
So you decided to have me replace Wattson? Okay then.
good choices vixy-chan *hug* ^^
Quote from: Vixy on November 09, 2008, 08:35:24 PM
Artworks by Akira
Gym Leader ideas by Vixy
*bops for forgetting Nobo* ;-;
Nobo = Lorelei
Man the Elite 4 spots must be hard to fill I mean Nobo, Fxeni, and Zan can fill 3 spots and since Ninja is Koga he's already in Johto and to mention the 4 champions as well that must be tough considering how many members.
That's why we had to balance them all, and gather up the artworks for everyone. >w<
Still, what was my image based off of? My design for Robb (and now Taylor)?
Quote from: Vixy on November 09, 2008, 08:43:09 PM
That's why we had to balance them all, and gather up the artworks for everyone. >w<
can you elaborate more on this?
Oh wait who replaces Ninja Lou when he becomes a Elite 4 and you go back to Kanto and who's Blue?
And Hoenn, who's Juan?
Quote from: Sakura Leic on November 09, 2008, 08:45:40 PM
can you elaborate more on this?
I don't think we need to elaborate really.
The artworks for the RPM members were spread all over the place, not just the forum.
It took time to find the right look for everyone.
We had to place the right member to the right gym.
Some members don't even have their own character profile image.
And must we really follow the official Pokemon chronology?
This is RPM, we make our own Gym Leader switches. 8D
Quote from: Vixy on November 09, 2008, 08:49:21 PM
I don't think we need to elaborate really.
The artworks for the RPM members were spread all over the place, not just the forum.
It took time to find the right look for everyone.
We had to place the right member to the right gym.
Some members don't even have their own character profile image.
So other RPM memeber on artworks just to be sure?
I see. Still, Juan is Rico Suave. PB should do double duty and be Juan as well. Because Juan wants to be sexcellent and we all know PB is quite sexcellent.
I still call Blue either way for ultimate mindtrickery.
Okay since we have all this can I be the Female Leaf Green and Fire Red trainer? If yes my eyes have changed from green to pink.
I got my own Gym too! That's a chance for Tyranitar (damn you, Wily! *shakes fist*) Rhyperion and Aggron to shine.
Great job, Akira!
Quote from: Akira on November 09, 2008, 05:51:20 PM
Pocket Monsters "Sinnoh"
:O ...Holy [parasitic bomb]...Trainer Quickie is hot.... 0v0
Seconded. Thirded. Fourthed. etc etc etc
I call dibs on the rival character. >.>
Now that more than likely unfulfilled calling of dibs is over with, I've got to say I like the concept of an RPM Pokemon leauge.
Keep up the good work Akira.
Isn't RPM pokemon league already happened in GoRPM?
Anyway, this pokemon stuff is still amazing!
Quote from: borockman on November 09, 2008, 10:43:23 PM
Isn't RPM pokemon league already happened in GoRPM?
Anyway, this pokemon stuff is still amazing!
Personally, I think that RPM Pokemon League would make a better Comic Jam than a GoRPM. LoL, but I could still write something for it, if everyone wants me too.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on November 09, 2008, 10:44:41 PM
Personally, I think that RPM Pokemon League would make a better Comic Jam than a GoRPM. LoL, but I could still write something for it, if everyone wants me too.
Do it but I wish I a trainer than a Gym leader so I can travel insted of being cooped up in the gym, though Magnolia wouldn't mind that. :|
Got my Leader Card set up, just need a pic. Even says Leader Mirby. My team is Electrike, Electabuzz, Raichu, Magneton, Jolteon, and Electrode. All Electric-type too! No legendaries, and since I'm a Hoenn Gym Leader I refrained from using Sinnoh Pokemon. So I need a pic to finish it off.
Nobo as Loleiei ehh? :3
And Karai... SO SORRY 8D
But seriously, Tyranitar can learn Fire Fang, that's why I chose him. :P
So, besides being a Gym Leader, I can fill in other roles as well?
i prefer running a balanced team. so yeah.. maybe just maybe i'll throw in a Psychic for my "Gym Roster" but outside that.. >.>;
Quote from: Nekomata on November 10, 2008, 03:53:00 AM
i prefer running a balanced team. so yeah.. maybe just maybe i'll throw in a Psychic for my "Gym Roster" but outside that.. >.>;
I could see you with an Espeon. She can play with Skitty! 8D
Wait, we're supposed to set up teams now? Oh boy, this'll be fun for someone who's been outta the Pokeloop since Ruby version. XD
though i'd wanna stick with kanto pokemon, my team would probably at least have Espeon, Clefairy, and Squirtle in it.. x3
Kanto was so full of awesome.
Quote from: Vixy on November 09, 2008, 08:41:24 PM
Nobo = Lorelei
I am one of the Elite Four! Woo! Thankies, Vixyness. ^^
Quote from: Jericho on November 09, 2008, 08:54:42 PM
I still call Blue either way for ultimate mindtrickery.
You know that Blue is a girl, right? Yeah, I know that Gold and Silver messed people up, but it's true. Green, like in the original Green, Red, and Blue versions is the rival character.
Red and Blue
Quote from: Noboka on November 10, 2008, 08:26:05 PM
I am one of the Elite Four! Woo! Thankies, Vixyness. ^^
You know that Blue is a girl, right? Yeah, I know that Gold and Silver messed people up, but it's true. Green, like in the original Green, Red, and Blue versions is the rival character.
Red and Blue
Green had some very weird sprites from what I saw.
Quote from: Noboka on November 10, 2008, 08:26:05 PM
You know that Blue is a girl, right? Yeah, I know that Gold and Silver messed people up, but it's true. Green, like in the original Green, Red, and Blue versions is the rival character.
Red and Blue
Mind is blown. Looks like you learn something new everyday. XD
Unless you are going for the Blue in the manga series Pokemon Special/Adventures...
Or was that Green... >.>
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on November 11, 2008, 03:59:02 AM
Unless you are going for the Blue in the manga series Pokemon Special/Adventures...
Or was that Green... >.>
It was probably Green.
Ugh... I hate explaining this...
In Japan, the first versions to be released were Red and Green. Thus, the trainer you play was named Red and the rival was named Green. Blue was released later with what was considered to the superior graphics of the Red version. Anyone who has played Green would understand what I'm talking about. When Pocket Monsters was finally released in the United States, they decided to only release the Red and Blue versions because they thought the inferior Green would suffer in sales.
So when Gold and Silver were released, Nintendo of America was faced with a problem. In the game, the rival from Red, Green, Blue and Yellow was called Green, but that version was never released in the US. The solution was simple at the time, just call him Blue instead. It seemed they had already come to the conclusion in the manga as well.
Then FireRed and LeafGreen were released. This time the US did get Green, so now Nintendo was in trouble again. They went with Green for the rival this time because a Blue equivalent wasn't going to be released, which naturally confused everyone who wasn't a
total geek fan. And so, the name Blue fell on the girl this time. Most likely because Blue is more feminine sounding out of the three names.
At first I was: "What are you talking about? The difference gtaphic difference can't be that great."
Then I saw a youtube video of the Mew glitch on Green and I was: "I'm so glad they decided to give us Blue instead..."
Look at Mew, just... look at him. (1:49)
Like I said before Pokemon Green's Sprites are weird, have a look.
It gets weird at Ivysaur.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on November 11, 2008, 06:36:41 AM
Like I said before Pokemon Green's Sprites are weird, have a look.
It gets weird at Ivysaur.
Ahh..college saga, how I love you so much.
But where's the Ivysaur?
Quote from: borockman on November 11, 2008, 06:50:31 AM
Ahh..college saga, how I love you so much.
But where's the Ivysaur?
Go to the scroll arrow that says RYB or just click Ivysaur unfortunatly that's the only thing you can do to see the rest of the pokemon. I just saw all 151 some of the sprite look more weird, some look no different, some actually look better, but some of them may have gotten switched around.
If you wanna take a look at Pokemon Green sprites, Serebii.net has all of them over in their RBYGSC Pokedex (http://www.serebii.net/pokedex/).
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on November 11, 2008, 04:15:26 PM
If you wanna take a look at Pokemon Green sprites, Serebii.net has all of them over in their RBYGSC Pokedex (http://www.serebii.net/pokedex/).
That was the link I posted.
EDIT:Aw man I posted to wrong link sorry!
I was wondering how a youtube vid is going to show that...
There, there, at least now they know.
And back to Akira.
I think we deviated quite a bit with our PokeTalk... -u-'
Hi! RPM!!
New art!!
lol wat the rocket launchers is going on here? >w<
This is silly and creative. xD good use of pens~
thats so cute. >w<
BTW, "Pox" is that the name of those pencils?
Quote from: Akira on November 16, 2008, 01:15:40 AM
Hi! RPM!!
New art!!
This is absolutely awesome.
Quote from: Akira on November 16, 2008, 01:15:40 AM
Hi! RPM!!
New art!!
Hi Akira :)
Are those pencil rockets? XD Really cute and awesome.
Quote from: Flame on November 16, 2008, 01:20:19 AM
thats so cute. >w<
BTW, "Pox" is that the name of those pencils?
"Pax" >w<, I have +300 pencils.
Wow that's pretty good.
>w<b, Thanks! guys and girls
Cool, Mixing 2D with 3D. I like that.
Quote from: Akira on November 16, 2008, 01:15:40 AM
Hi! RPM!!
New art!!
300+ pencils?! no wonder your coloring is always so good!
Awesome mix there.
Quote from: Akira on November 16, 2008, 01:15:40 AM
Hi! RPM!!
New art!!
Hahahaha, how adorable!
The Pencil Rocket Paradise, that would be an excellent Wiiware game. XD
*writes down the name*
nya random and cute x3 Someone should be riding an out-of-control eraser though XD (y-yeah, I dunno why)
Quote from: Akira on November 16, 2008, 01:15:40 AM
Hi! RPM!!
New art!!
This is just so cute and random... XD
I really like the looks on Vixy and Ibuki there... :3
Hopefully this isn't old news, but here's my leader card (two versions, you pick the better one)
Great new art, BTW.
Hey Akira, can I put in a request? I think I left this one from before RPM went boom, but here goes. Would you be so kind as to draw my concept characters sometime as well as a small logo as per your interpretation? The link for their profiles is in my sig. As for setting, a surreal city at night during a colorful meteor shower?
I'm not gonna bother you much about this one as it probably would take some time but feel free to let me know whether or not you would take this request. Thanks again!
Hi RPM!!
New art!
Cynthia/ Shirona owo
Random 8D
Farfetch'd /Kamonegi & Hatsune Miku
Miku: NO! Master!!
Farfetch'd: Farfetch'd!! FAR!!!
HUNTERXHUNTER RPM version ( I Drew this in 7 min ..4:00 AM :W)
Vixy (Biscuit), PB ( Killua) & Akira (Gon)
poor miku >w<
and cynthia looks very elegant and feathery ^^
and I hasn't seen HUNTERXHUNTER but the drawing of you guys looks very cute~ 0v0
Biscuit remind me a lot of Classic Roll. Cute~ ^^
Farfetch'd got the revenge for Miku copycats the leek stick idea. x3
Shirona is elegant and gorgeous-looking too.
Way to confuse me, Akira. I thought you drew my character again! Great job, though.
Nooo~ Miku! :(
Great new arts Akira.
Cynthia is beautiful there, and a funny pic of Miku and Farfetch'd.
I can imagine Farfetch's doing that, since Miku stole one of his leeks... XD
And nice HunterXRPM crossover...
Still... Miku... ;_;
Thanks to all ;)
Excellent Artwork, The Gradients make everything look better. ;)
I look sexy! XD
Of course, you always draw me sexy, so that's no surprise there. The Miku thing was hilarious, and your skills with coloring are still top notch. Fantastico work!
Quote from: Protoman Blues on November 16, 2008, 07:27:37 PM
I look sexy! XD
Of course, you always draw me sexy, so that's no surprise there. The Miku thing was hilarious, and your skills with coloring are still top notch. Fantastico work!
Thanks PB!! ;)
Quote from: Akira on November 16, 2008, 05:39:06 PM
Miku deserved that for ripping off Farfetch'd.
Quote from: Akira on November 16, 2008, 05:39:06 PM
Farfetc'd does know how to use his stick properly, unlike a certain view.. lol.
Miku swinging her leek to the tune of Ievan Polkka is cute! ;_;
Quote from: RMZX.EXE on November 16, 2008, 07:43:32 PM
Miku deserved that for ripping off Farfetch'd.
She so did not rip off Farfetch'd... >.>;
Man, I can't get over how awesome the RPM Pokemon drawings were. I'd sooooo love to see a colored version of Lt. PB surrounded by Jolteon, Electabuzz, Magneton, and Cyndaquil with ALL off them wearing PB Style Shades! 8D
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on November 16, 2008, 08:14:30 PM
She so did not rip off Farfetch'd... >.>;
The leek was used by Farfetch'd first, she just flails it around. So she got beat up by the master of Leeks. :V
I chose my team, and colored the image Akira made. It was hard.
Quote from: RMZX.EXE on November 16, 2008, 08:18:16 PM
The leek was used by Farfetch'd first, she just flails it around. So she got beat up by the master of Leeks. :V
Yus! :)
Quote from: Protoman Blues on November 16, 2008, 08:17:59 PM
Man, I can't get over how awesome the RPM Pokemon drawings were. I'd sooooo love to see a colored version of Lt. PB surrounded by Jolteon, Electabuzz, Magneton, and Cyndaquil with ALL off them wearing PB Style Shades! 8D
This sounds awesome. It also reminded me again that I need to get my team sorted out. Also, great new art Akira! Hope to see more soon!
Quote from: Akira on November 16, 2008, 08:19:35 PM
Yus! :)
Quote from: Protoman Blues on November 16, 2008, 08:17:59 PM
Man, I can't get over how awesome the RPM Pokemon drawings were. I'd sooooo love to see a colored version of Lt. PB surrounded by Jolteon, Electabuzz, Magneton, and Cyndaquil with ALL off them wearing PB Style Shades! 8D
And yeah, that would be so awesome... owo
Cynthia looks great, and HxH RPM is awesome, but poor Miku ;_;
Quote from: Protoman Blues on November 16, 2008, 08:17:59 PM
Man, I can't get over how awesome the RPM Pokemon drawings were. I'd sooooo love to see a colored version of Lt. PB surrounded by Jolteon, Electabuzz, Magneton, and Cyndaquil with ALL off them wearing PB Style Shades! 8D
Now I really want to see that XD
Quote from: Akira on November 16, 2008, 05:39:06 PM
Hi RPM!!
New art!
Cynthia/ Shirona owo
Random 8D
Farfetch'd /Kamonegi & Hatsune Miku
Miku: NO! Master!!
Farfetch'd: Farfetch'd!! FAR!!!
HUNTERXHUNTER RPM version ( I Drew this in 7 min ..4:00 AM :W)
Vixy (Biscuit), PB ( Killua) & Akira (Gon)
Cynthia looks gorgeous!
Lol at Farfetch'd
and I like Killua here, a lot!
Quote from: borockman on November 17, 2008, 01:01:43 AM
Cynthia looks gorgeous!
Lol at Farfetch'd
and I like Killua here, a lot!
Thanks! borockman ;)
Posted on: November 17, 2008, 15:33:41
Hi RPM!!! new art!! >w<
Your avatar without ye hat and suit, great scot!
Absolutely lovely. I love her outfit!
Beautiful as always, Akira!
Quote from: Protoman Blues on November 22, 2008, 08:30:23 PM
Absolutely lovely. I love her outfit!
Thankies PB!! ;)
Quote from: Asena on November 22, 2008, 08:42:25 PM
As always, extremely beautiful. Those cutouts were so cute XD
And I like Ibuki's eyes in that last one.
Keep it up! You got talent!
ASENA-CHAN!!!!! Thankies >w<
Quote from: Superdee on November 22, 2008, 08:45:52 PM
Beautiful as always, Akira!
Thanks! ;)
...Not to be a critic but has Ibuki always been heavy with the mascara and eyeshadow?
Quote from: Sakura Leic on November 22, 2008, 09:14:58 PM
...Not to be a critic but has Ibuki always been heavy with the mascara and eyeshadow?
Only on the newer drawings. >w<
You may want to balance her with wider hips if you like her stomach that thin
I worry about her otherwise D:
Quote from: Sky Child on November 22, 2008, 09:44:49 PM
You may want to balance her with wider hips if you like her stomach that thin
I worry about her otherwise D:
Yeah that that too.
Your coloring is as outstanding as usual Akira, muy bien ;)
Quote from: Akira on November 22, 2008, 07:13:56 PM
Hi RPM!!! new art!! >w<
Nice as always. I think she has graduated from high school now.
Quote from: Cosake Solrac on November 22, 2008, 10:13:26 PM
Your coloring is as outstanding as usual Akira, muy bien ;)
Thanks! Cosake, se agradece...
Quote from: borockman on November 23, 2008, 07:13:17 AM
Nice as always. I think she has graduated from high school now.
Yes >w<, Thanks! borockman
Limited Edition
Quote from: Akira on November 22, 2008, 07:13:56 PM
very nice, I want a uniform like that~ ^^
Quote from: Akira on November 23, 2008, 04:58:18 PM
Limited Edition
I want one of those too ; ; So cute! 0v0
Thankies! Cephiyumi ;)
Awwww, that's very cute. Vixy Doll is cuddle-riffic it seems! 8)
Quote from: Protoman Blues on November 23, 2008, 07:43:34 PM
Awwww, that's very cute. Vixy Doll is cuddle-riffic it seems! 8)
Quote from: Asena on November 23, 2008, 08:22:24 PM
Aw, why the sad face?
He wants a special someone to be with him.
Hi RPM!!! ;)..
New art!!
Ibuki. :-[
Pocket Monsters: Hikari >w<
Hikari is adorable. Just like the original Pokemon artwork. ^^
But that's Dawn.
[spoiler] 8D[/spoiler]
Ibuki looks dangerous... a-and naked x3
and hikari is 0v0
very cute work! ^^ :cookie:
Quote from: Vixy on November 29, 2008, 07:48:50 PM
Hikari is adorable. Just like the original Pokemon artwork. ^^
Thankies Vixy-chan ;) *hug*
Quote from: Acid on November 29, 2008, 07:50:32 PM
But that's Dawn.
[spoiler] 8D[/spoiler]
Dawn 8D
Quote from: CephiYumi on November 29, 2008, 07:51:02 PM
Ibuki looks dangerous... a-and naked x3
and hikari is 0v0
very cute work! ^^ :cookie:
Thankies CephiYumi >w<
Ah~ Great as always~ >w<
I love that colorful Hikari ;)
Quote from: Milen Anessar on November 29, 2008, 08:05:12 PM
Ah~ Great as always~ >w<
I love that colorful Hikari ;)
Thanks! Milen ;)
Very cute Hikari, Akira.
Quote from: Akira on November 29, 2008, 07:47:13 PM
Beautiful work as always, Akira. A pleasure to look at everytime.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on November 29, 2008, 08:43:55 PM
Very cute Hikari, Akira.
Thanks Sakura Leic!! ;)
Quote from: Protoman Blues on November 29, 2008, 09:10:54 PM
Beautiful work as always, Akira. A pleasure to look at everytime.
8D , is artistic 8D, Thanks PB ;)
That's a very nice *er-hem* artistic nude you've done. And as always, I <3 your coloring owo
Woo, great work there. Also: Hikari=Dawn in japanese 8D Lan Dawn lol!
Hey Akira, do you take requests?
Quote from: Gaia on November 29, 2008, 09:18:51 PM
Woo, great work there. Also: Hikari=Dawn in japanise 8D Lan Dawn lol!
Japanese. Learn it, live it, love it. This message brought to you by Spelling and Grammar Anonymous. XD
Quote from: Jericho on November 29, 2008, 10:32:07 PM
It's Japanese. Learn it, live it, love it. This message brought to you by Spelling and Grammar Anonymous. XD
FFFF Why in the world do I get those two mixed up? -u-'
Quote from: Gaia on November 29, 2008, 10:43:39 PM
FFFF Why in the world do I get those two mixed up? -u-'
because you're a bloody moron?
Quote from: Nekomata on November 29, 2008, 10:44:50 PM
because you're a bloody moron?
No, sometimes I get a little mixed up every now and then, we are all human. anywhoo, I fixed the post.
know you know why I always refer to that place as JAP now. >>
Quote from: Gaia on November 29, 2008, 10:43:39 PM
FFFF Why in the world do I get those two mixed up? -u-'
Mix up the two? But one isn't a word.
Please be careful around here, people don't take kindly to that sort of thing.
Hohoho, I'm seeing a naked Ibuki there, nice pencil shading.
Hikari is looking great! good job as usual Akira.
Quote from: Sky Child on November 30, 2008, 12:54:49 AM
Mix up the two? But one isn't a word.
Please be careful around here, people don't take kindly to that sort of thing.
Alright. I gotta be more careful here.. but nice work anyway Akira.
Quote from: borockman on November 30, 2008, 01:07:15 AM
Hohoho, I'm seeing a naked Ibuki there, nice pencil shading.
Hikari is looking great! good job as usual Akira.
Thanks! borockman and Gaia
Hey Akira, since you seem to be in a Pokemood right now, I was wondering...
Quote from: Protoman Blues on November 30, 2008, 08:03:42 PM
Tag Team Battle.
Akira and Vixy send out Eevee and Eevee-Chan.
PB and Hitomi send out Pyre Heart and Skitty!
Could you draw this? 8D
Hmmm OK! ;)
Quote from: Protoman Blues on November 30, 2008, 08:27:28 PM
Hey Akira, since you seem to be in a Pokemood right now, I was wondering...
Pokemood.. that gives me an idea. *goes to PM Akira*
Quote from: Akira on November 30, 2008, 08:39:52 PM
Hmmm OK! ;)
Thanx Akira. You're the best!
...LoL, and if you wanna give Cyndaquil (Pyre Heart) a Yellow Scarf and PB Shades... 8D
Ibuki seems to be staring into our souls later too... XD
Still, awesome pics Akira...
You're so cute there with the Vixy doll...
Nekkid Ikubi is... nekkid...
And Hikari is beautiful... :3
Maybe, just maybe... Kasumi/Misty and Haruka/May too? 8D
Um... Not to be odd, but I thought that Hikari = Light...
The only reason that her name is Dawn in the English version is because Light doesn't really sound like a girl's name to americans...
I mean, unless I'm mistaken, Kasumi is Misty and Haruka is May in the same manner, because I'm sure that Kasumi and Haruka DO NOT translate to Misty and May. It's the Engilsh localization, as far as I'm concerned...
Hi! RPM New art!!!
Ibuki! >w<
Random!!!! Vixy-chan!! >w< 8D
VS Mudkip ( 8D)
VS Vegeta (It's over nine thousand!!)
VS Mikuru ( Mikuru Beam!!)
VS Rush
VS Kobun
daydreaming Ibuki... I wonder what she's thinking o.o Very very pretty ^^ :cookie:
and omg cute vixy-chan clinging to monitor taking all challenges >w<
Cute Ibuki there...
Wonder what's she thinking off...
*looks at the escapades of Vixy*
Maybe that. XD
Quote from: CephiYumi on December 06, 2008, 07:30:07 PM
daydreaming Ibuki... I wonder what she's thinking o.o Very very pretty ^^ :cookie:
and omg cute vixy-chan clinging to monitor taking all challenges >w<
Yus! >w< Thankies! CephiYumi
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on December 06, 2008, 07:32:51 PM
Cute Ibuki there...
Wonder what's she thinking off...
*looks at the escapades of Vixy*
Maybe that. XD
8D, Thanks! Dr.Wily II
I'm not Sigma, X! >U<
I'll come for you, Mikuru-chan~
I wonder, if you are not that lazy, I'd like a drawing of my character. (http://www.deviantart.com/download/103169141/Personal_Character__Gaia_by_GaiaX2.png)
Just askin'. not should be too hard, no?
Nice challanges while makin' love to a PC.
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on December 06, 2008, 07:32:51 PM
Cute Ibuki there...
Wonder what's she thinking off...
*looks at the escapades of Vixy*
Maybe that. XD
Not thinking, but more like
looking at it. That's why she has that "mild surprise" look on her face. The things with Vixy holding on to a giant computer for dear life are happening right outside Ibuki's window. Don't ask me how, but my attempt at linking the two pieces together in a comical way tells me so.
Quote from: TeaOfJay on December 06, 2008, 08:23:58 PM
Not thinking, but more like looking at it. That's why she has that "mild surprise" look on her face. The things with Vixy holding on to a giant computer for dear life are happening right outside Ibuki's window. Don't ask me how, but my attempt at linking the two pieces together in a comical way tells me so.
Hahaha! >w<
For a second there, I thought Ibuki had gotten a haircut. XD
Also, Vixy can beat all of them no problem! 8D
Quote from: Protoman Blues on December 06, 2008, 09:10:07 PM
For a second there, I thought Ibuki had gotten a haircut. XD
Also, Vixy can beat all of them no problem! 8D
Hahaha! LOL
Yus!, ;)
Thanks PB! ;)
I'm still hoping that when you're not busy, you perhaps will draw the PB Hitomi vs Akira Vixy Pokemon Battle! XD
Quote from: Protoman Blues on December 06, 2008, 10:31:08 PM
I'm still hoping that when you're not busy, you perhaps will draw the PB Hitomi vs Akira Vixy Pokemon Battle! XD
For next week ;) ,OK!
Awesome as usual, Akira!
Yay~ Ibuki is so cute~!! >w<
So as Vixy of cause~
Great work as always~ ;)
Quote from: Milen Anessar on December 06, 2008, 10:43:49 PM
Yay~ Ibuki is so cute~!! >w<
So as Vixy of cause~
Great work as always~ ;)
>w<, Thanks! Milen-san!
MSN arts (Mouse)
Vixy & Copy Vixy owo
And me.
Quote from: Akira on December 06, 2008, 11:11:13 PM
Vixy & Copy Vixy owo
Oh noes~ my copy version will molest me!
How will this end~? Play VixyNyan 1 to find out. >U<
Now I really need to talk to one of these guys on MSN one of these days, I feel like I am missing out. bVd
more cuteness >w< :cookie:
and with the mouse? Wow ^^
X MUST be drunk if he forgot that Sigma is bald.
Quote from: Flame on December 06, 2008, 11:29:00 PM
X MUST be drunk if he forgot that Sigma is bald.
Hahaha! Yes! 8D
Quote from: Vixy on December 06, 2008, 11:14:22 PM
Oh noes~ my copy version will molest me!
For all you know it could be the other way around.
But how can we tell which is the clone and which is real?
And damn, Akira. Your MSN arts are awesome, even if they are done with a mouse.
And Ibuki's eyes still stare into my soul.
Quote from: Akira on December 06, 2008, 07:27:36 PM
Hi! RPM New art!!!
Ibuki! >w<
Random!!!! Vixy-chan!! >w< 8D
VS Mudkip ( 8D)
VS Vegeta (It's over nine thousand!!)
VS Mikuru ( Mikuru Beam!!)
VS Rush
VS Kobun
I love that Ibuki, she somehow looks more loli in here. owo
(I need help)It's a Vixy super adventure! XD
MSN arts are awesome as usual, especially with mouse.
I think you should mail Vixy one of those cutouts.
Quote from: RMX on December 06, 2008, 11:51:01 PM
I think you should mail Vixy one of those cutouts.
Or he can be Vix's roomie!
Even with a mouse, your art is just still so awesome!
Oh man...
Cute MSN arts are cute...
Clone VS Real... 8D
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on December 07, 2008, 07:07:25 AM
Oh man...
Cute MSN arts are cute...
Clone VS Real... 8D
Yes! MSN art ( mouse)
Vixy & Copy Vixy
Who will win? 8D
Lovely as always, Akira.
Which is which! o.o
awesome as usual.
It wouldn't matter. Both of us would end up snuggling each other later. >U<
If only Copy Rockman had the same attitude as Copy Vixy! 8D
very very pretty! ^^ :cookie:
Real or copy Vixy are both cute!! >w<
Quote from: Vixy on December 07, 2008, 09:08:25 PM
It wouldn't matter. Both of us would end up snuggling each other later. >U<
And I'll be there on the coffee table secretly taking pictures. 8D
Quote from: TeaOfJay on December 07, 2008, 11:09:45 PM
And I'll be there on the coffee table secretly taking pictures. 8D
Is the seat taken? even better can you upload the pic on your facebook? 8D
Don't you worry, the (cat) fight between ourselves will happen on the MM1 NES Hack... >U<
I'll bring the milk and yarn! 8D
Ill bring the video camera.
Will there be clothes ripping? 8D
That's why I'm bringing my camera, Wily.
By the by, keep their eyes off the coffee table. It's important they don't see me.
Well, I guess they will be too pre-occupied with each other to notice you... 8D
Hi RPM!!!!!!!
New art!!
Christmas 08 (art N#1)
RPM Pokemon!!! PB, Milen, Akira & Vixy-chan
Charizard looks lifty there. Are you open for requests? :P
Beautiful Christmas pic you've done, with a cute cat and :3 snowman... :3
Awesome RPM Pokemon pic...
You have a Celebi!? D:
Pyre Heart and Eevee-chan... :3
That is the most awesome Pokemon fanart I've ever seen. Excellent job Akira.
Sexy X-Mas art. Als, Christmas Art #1 huh? That implies that there will be Art #2 hopefully in the future! 8D
And Pyre Heart looks so wonderful. Thank you very much. Hehe, I still hope for the Pokemon battle I requested as well, but I leave that up to you of course. Thank you very much for this though. 8)
awwww the christmas picture looks so very very pretty, I love it! 0v0
and the pokemon one looks exciting ^^ :cookie:
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on December 14, 2008, 07:14:10 PM
Beautiful Christmas pic you've done, with a cute cat and :3 snowman... :3
Awesome RPM Pokemon pic...
You have a Celebi!? D:
Pyre Heart and Eevee-chan... :3
Thanks! Wily II
Is my Mikuru-chan!!
Quote from: Protoman Blues on December 14, 2008, 07:37:07 PM
Sexy X-Mas art. Als, Christmas Art #1 huh? That implies that there will be Art #2 hopefully in the future! 8D
And Pyre Heart looks so wonderful. Thank you very much. Hehe, I still hope for the Pokemon battle I requested as well, but I leave that up to you of course. Thank you very much for this though. 8)
Thanks PB!!! > <b , NO problem!!!!
Quote from: CephiYumi on December 14, 2008, 07:41:55 PM
awwww the christmas picture looks so very very pretty, I love it! 0v0
and the pokemon one looks exciting ^^ :cookie:
Thankies! Yumi-chan >w<
Quote from: Akira on December 14, 2008, 07:45:40 PM
Thanks PB!!! > <b , NO problem!!!!
Awesome, Akira. I can't wait. Thanks a lot! 8)
thats a cute christmas pic. also, awsome @ PB with the cindaquill.
If you make another RPM pokemon can I be next to my Absol?
Quote from: Sakura Leic on December 14, 2008, 09:22:58 PM
If you make another RPM pokemon can I be next to my Absol?
Same here, only with my Gallade.
Lovely X'mas pic!! Cute Ibuki~ >w<
And seem you know I love Charizard 8)
Thanks so much, Akira. You've done a great job again ;)
Quote from: Milen Anessar on December 14, 2008, 09:36:43 PM
Lovely X'mas pic!! Cute Ibuki~ >w<
And seem you know I love Charizard 8)
Thanks so much, Akira. You've done a great job again ;)
>w<, Thanks Milen-san ;)
Vixy-chan! 0v0
M-my secret cosplay show case. N-nyah~ >U<
Uwah~~ Very cute and sexy~ >w<
I can't help saying timber with the size of the clevage compared to that itty bitty waist.
t-that deserves a (http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u25/Dr_Wily_II/Sprites/CephiKobun.png)
Quote from: Akira on December 14, 2008, 09:51:45 PM
>w<, Thanks Milen-san ;)
Vixy-chan! 0v0
Omg, so tiny clothes
.. which reminds me of something I forgot to do, bahahaha *evil laughter*
Quote from: Sky Child on December 14, 2008, 10:16:30 PM
Omg, so tiny clothes
You should'a seen my belly dance outfit nya~ >///<
With that kinda size, you could fall over, either way, since nothing can support that size.. but then, it's only fantasy. XD
The proportions kinda disturb me
Quote from: Gaia on December 14, 2008, 10:22:31 PM
With that kinda size, you could fall over, either way, since nothing can support that size.. but then, it's only fantasy. XD
OH Yes! ( or not??, my arts are real!!) -_-
Quote from: Vixy on December 14, 2008, 10:18:35 PM
You should'a seen my belly dance outfit nya~ >///<
I did see it~ and I tried to draw it but I was doin it rong.
Your cutgal outfit doesn't actually have a bottom, i'm trying to fix that.
Quote from: Gaia on December 14, 2008, 10:22:31 PM
With that kinda size, you could fall over, either way, since nothing can support that size.. but then, it's only fantasy. XD
Maybe she's part reploid and has a reinforced steel spine to help carry the extra weight.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on December 14, 2008, 10:08:05 PM
I can't help saying timber with the size of the clevage compared to that itty bitty waist.
Between this post and that Bush video, I don't think my laptop will survive with all the water spat up on it. XD
This thread needs sum birthin' hips!
Even if Vixy does fall she has plenty to cushion the fall.
...Assuming she doesn't fall backwards, of course.
There is more girls besides me with racks like that out there.
Bras help ease the pain, but you get used to it (but it comes back after a hard day of work).
But falling down and apart? Not so easily. There is even sicker sizes that does it tho...
And Sky's right. There should be more birthing hips soon. >U<
Quote from: Vixy on December 14, 2008, 10:38:32 PM
There is more girls besides me with racks like that out there.
Bras help ease the pain, but you get used to it (but it comes back after a hard day of work).
But falling down and apart? Not so easily. There is even sicker sizes that does it tho...
And Sky's right. There should be more birthing hips soon. >U<
Then set this gal up with some
Armor! >w<
Quote from: Sky Child on December 14, 2008, 10:35:35 PM
This thread needs sum birthin' hips!
I agree with this fine maiden. *monocle & top hat*
Beautiful arts as always!
and yes I'd like to see some birthin' hips. 8D
Quote from: Sky Child on December 14, 2008, 10:16:30 PM
Omg, so tiny clothes
.. which reminds me of something I forgot to do, bahahaha *evil laughter*
I love when you get like this.
Also, deliciously hot Cosplay, Akira.
I agree with Sky and Vix.
Quote from: Jericho on December 14, 2008, 10:42:32 PM
I agree with this fine maiden. *monocle & top hat*
Jolly good then!
That outfit looks ready to burst... 8D *shot*
Still, amazing pic there Akira... XD
PB's Cyndaquil is so GAR
Quote from: Vixy on December 14, 2008, 10:38:32 PM
Sky's right. There should be more birthing hips soon. >U<
That, and a proper hourglass figure to fully bring out the good looks of the form...
Quote from: Jericho on December 14, 2008, 10:42:32 PM
I agree with this fine maiden. *monocle & top hat*
not to mention an increase of junk in the trunk ~w~
Quote from: shinobigoomba on December 18, 2008, 08:19:18 PM
not to mention an increase of junk in the trunk ~w~
But of course. (Pun not intended.) XD
Hi RPM!!
My special gift for the forum!!
X-Mas ( Rockman version) >w<
Sorry PB !! your birthday gift ;)!!
Quote from: Akira on December 20, 2008, 07:29:00 PM
Hi RPM!!
My special gift for the forum!!
X-Mas ( Rockman version) >w<
Sorry PB !! your birthday gift ;)!!
Rock and Roll look absolutely lovely in that drawing. And Rush is such a good boy. Beautiful work Akira.
And oh man, thank you so very much for the Birthday drawing. I absolutely love it. Seriously, you totally rock.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on December 20, 2008, 08:03:56 PM
Rock and Roll look absolutely lovely in that drawing. And Rush is such a good boy. Beautiful work Akira.
And oh man, thank you so very much for the Birthday drawing. I absolutely love it. Seriously, you totally rock.
Thankies PB!! ;)
I really really love your winter drawings, they are so cute! And PB looks owo :cookie:
Also, I love your ouendan avatar x3
Quote from: CephiYumi on December 20, 2008, 08:22:09 PM
I really really love your winter drawings, they are so cute! And PB looks owo :cookie:
Also, I love your ouendan avatar x3
Thankies CephiYumi >w< :cookie:
Quote from: Akira on December 20, 2008, 08:21:21 PM
Thankies PB!! ;)
No, thank you! Thank you for all the fan art you've done for all of us over the course of your time here at RPM. You're one of the most talented artists I've ever met.
Aww, the X-mas Rockman pic is cute! 8)
And PB looks simply AMAZING. Keep it up, Akira!
Quote from: Superdee on December 20, 2008, 08:28:15 PM
Aww, the X-mas Rockman pic is cute! 8)
And PB looks simply AMAZING. Keep it up, Akira!
Thanks! Superdee ;)
Awww, you can smell the Christmas here. >w<
They looks gorgeous and color is always amazing!
Cool PB drawing too! perfect!
Quote from: borockman on December 20, 2008, 10:47:50 PM
Awww, you can smell the Christmas here. >w<
They looks gorgeous and color is always amazing!
Cool PB drawing too! perfect!
Hehehe! Thanks!! borockman-san OSU!!
I see an Alia doll... X3
Awesome Christmas pic.
And sexcellent PB is sexcellent. XD
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on December 21, 2008, 06:13:36 AM
I see an Alia doll... X3
Awesome Christmas pic.
And sexcellent PB is sexcellent. XD
Hehehe! thankies Dr.Wily II ;)
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on December 21, 2008, 06:13:36 AM
I see an Alia doll... X3
Awesome Christmas pic.
best time paradox ever if you ask me.
and yeah, PB looks awesome.
Can I make a request Akira if it's not too much trouble?
AH~ You always does a great job~!!
Love X'mas pic so much~, everyone looks nice
PB is cool looking >w<
Keep up your great work, Akira ;)
Merry Christmas to all!!!! ;)
New art!! owo
She reminds me of Tiffania from Zero no Tsukaima...
Still, very beautiful and lovely... :3
This is nice, but I'd like you to try a diffrent pose sometime. She may look something out of what DRWII said or WoW..
Hmm.... Remind me of Tiffania too
Anyway, Great cute pic again Akira~ I really love your way art >w<
pretty~ 0v0 :cookie:
the dress looks great too ^o^
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on December 24, 2008, 07:31:28 PM
She reminds me of Tiffania from Zero no Tsukaima...
Still, very beautiful and lovely... :3
Hehehe... thanks Dr. Wily II
Quote from: Milen Anessar on December 24, 2008, 07:42:32 PM
Hmm.... Remind me of Tiffania too
Anyway, Great cute pic again Akira~ I really love your way art >w<
Thanks Milen-san!!! ;)
Quote from: Gaia on December 24, 2008, 07:34:17 PM
This is nice, but I'd like you to try a diffrent pose sometime. She may look something out of what DRWII said or WoW..
Hahaha! >w<
Quote from: CephiYumi on December 24, 2008, 07:50:27 PM
pretty~ 0v0 :cookie:
the dress looks great too ^o^
Thankies!!! CephiYumi-chan!!! >w<
Quote from: Akira on December 24, 2008, 07:27:38 PM
She looks absolutely beautiful. Is she a character of your own design? Either way, fantastic work as usual, Akira!
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on December 24, 2008, 07:31:28 PM
She reminds me of Tiffania from Zero no Tsukaima...
Still, very beautiful and lovely... :3
Also, this is relevant to my interests as always.
Aaaaaaaand if you could draw a picture of me? For the lulz, maybe?
Quote from: Protoman Blues on December 24, 2008, 09:38:11 PM
She looks absolutely beautiful. Is she a character of your own design? Either way, fantastic work as usual, Akira!
Thankies PB!!! ;)
Quote from: TeaOfJay on December 24, 2008, 09:52:57 PM
Also, this is relevant to my interests as always.
Aaaaaaaand if you could draw a picture of me? For the HAHA, maybe?
Quote from: Asena on December 24, 2008, 10:40:45 PM
Cute and wonderfully colored as always. Happy new year and keep this up! ;)
Thankies Asena-chan!!.OK!!!
Posted on: December 26, 2008, 00:13:29
Thanks to all RPM!!! ;)
Quote from: LazyMan on December 24, 2008, 09:52:57 PM
Also, this is relevant to my interests as always.
Aaaaaaaand if you could draw a picture of me? For the HAHA, maybe?
OK ! 8D
That's a lot of TeaOfJays... XD
Boiling tea as a Super Saiyan? Awesome. XD
Oh Akira...
Can I request a pic?
DWII dressed up as General Morden of Metal Slug?
Super Saiyan TeaofJay is so kick ass! The water's even bubbling! That's awesome! 8)
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on December 27, 2008, 07:35:45 PM
That's a lot of TeaOfJays... XD
Boiling tea as a Super Saiyan? Awesome. XD
Oh Akira...
Can I request a pic?
DWII dressed up as General Morden of Metal Slug?
Hehehe! Thanks!!
OK!, No problemo!
Quote from: Protoman Blues on December 27, 2008, 07:37:49 PM
Super Saiyan TeaofJay is so kick ass! The water's even bubbling! That's awesome! 8)
Hehehe! Yes! It's Over 9000! 8D
Thanks for taking up my request! 8) :cookie:
Quote from: Akira on December 27, 2008, 07:32:02 PM
[tornado fang]ing SAVED.
Thanks again Akira. I've got to say that the Super Saiyan one is my favorite.
hehehe, those are great! >w< :cookie:
Quote from: Akira on December 27, 2008, 07:32:02 PM
Thanks to all RPM!!! ;)
OK ! 8D
This is awesome! I love the SSJ one with the boiling water XD
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on December 27, 2008, 07:35:45 PM
Oh Akira...
Can I request a pic?
DWII dressed up as General Morden of Metal Slug?
If he's Morden then can I be Marco? 8D
Quote from: Taiyo on December 28, 2008, 12:50:52 AM
If he's Morden then can I be Marco? 8D
You really want to shoot me, don't you? XD
No, I thought we decided to request a pic like that to someone a long time, didn't we?
Must have spilled my mind... >U<
MSN art (mouse)
Ippongi Ryuuta!!
Hahaha, that looks awesome!
He looks ready to cheer people on, that's for sure... XD
Quote from: Akira on December 28, 2008, 07:28:11 PM
MSN art (mouse)
Ippongi Ryuuta!!
Hyuu~ Great one too.
He looks awesome!!
Happy New Year !!! RPM!!
by Akira :)
Wow, that looks amazing! Love the fireworks in the background.
Also, Happy New Year to you, Akira. 8)
nya, well at least they look happy about it, good job akira and happy new year to you too ^^ :cookie:
Quote from: Akira on December 31, 2008, 06:06:08 PM
Wow, their celebrating New Years the partying way! They look classy and sexlicious!
Happy New Year to you too, Akira! 8)
Happy New Year to you too Akira!
And that is one festive pic, very fitting for the new year. 8)
Thanks to all!!! and Happy New Year!! ;)
Posted on: December 31, 2008, 20:25:21
Hi!!! RPM
New art!!
CephiYumi >w<
OUENDAAAAAAAN!!!!! ( painted)
So cute, snuggly and wuvable. ^^
Quote from: Akira on January 03, 2009, 08:16:35 PM
Hi!!! RPM
New art!!
CephiYumi >w<
OUENDAAAAAAAN!!!!! ( painted)
Oh wowie. Cephi looks just so damn huggable, snuggable, and downright wuvable!! I'm sure she'll love it. I know I do.! 8)
Hahaha, and the Ouendan drawing is absolutely priceless. Once again, beautifully fantastic work Akira! 8D
Quote from: Akira on January 03, 2009, 08:16:35 PM
OUENDAAAAAAAN!!!!! ( painted)
Aww... Cephi there is just so cute... >w<
No, he has to break the pencil. That'll make his situation all the more dramatic and hopeless.
Then BAM! Ouendan in your closet, dancing to cheery J-pop while you solve your own problem.
Kind of like what I do. Except without the cheering.
Quote from: LazyMan on January 04, 2009, 06:52:45 AM
Kind of like what I do. Except without the cheering.
No... You sleep right through it. :P
And that causes them to solve their own problems.
I sleep, and their problem gets solved.
*thumbs up, no, FOUR thumb ups*
honestly, your coloring is still amazing ;3
Ahh~ Cute Cephi~
Great as always, Akira ;)
Cute Cephi and ouendan looks even better colored, OSUUU!
You painted that? :O
You're amazing.
And Cephi looks so cute~ >U<
Hi! RPM!!!
RKS Freudenstachel owo
HB! Akira (Vixy-chan version/ Colored) >w<
Random: Luffy
God your art is beautiful~ >w<
Lovely and beautiful as per usual, Akira! You never cease to amaze me!
Quote from: PowerArmor on January 10, 2009, 07:35:49 PM
God your art is beautiful~ >w<
Thanks! PowerArmor
Quote from: Protoman Blues on January 10, 2009, 07:40:42 PM
Lovely and beautiful as per usual, Akira! You never cease to amaze me!
:) Thanks! PB! ;)
Your art is as awesome as always! :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:
Wow. thats beautiful.
Quote from: Archer on January 10, 2009, 08:35:48 PM
Your art is as awesome as always! :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:
Thanks! Archer ~w~
Quote from: Flame on January 10, 2009, 09:11:56 PM
Wow. thats beautiful.
Thanks! Flame ;)
I had fun beating the Freudenstachel Trial Version. The 3 stages are way tougher than the first game. x3
Good work with Freudia. She's very adorable, cool and white as snow. ^^
Um, the white thing that was in my mouth, on the Birthday gift, is a cat tooth. Maybe you should fix it.
Yay for Luffy (One Piece)~
Quote from: Vixy on January 10, 2009, 09:50:12 PM
I had fun beating the Freudenstachel Trial Version. The 3 stages are way tougher than the first game. x3
Good work with Freudia. She's very adorable, cool and white as snow. ^^
Um, the white thing that was in my mouth, on the Birthday gift, is a cat tooth. Maybe you should fix it.
Yay for Luffy (One Piece)~
Thanks! *kiss* >w<
My printer isn't the best, I can't see these details. sorry. :(
Quote from: Akira on January 10, 2009, 10:01:28 PM
My printer isn't the best, I can't see these details. sorry. :(
Nuuu, don't be sad. I love the colors~ ^w^
Quote from: Vixy on January 10, 2009, 10:18:53 PM
Nuuu, don't be sad. I love the colors~ ^w^
OK! >w<
kyaaaaa, sorry for taking so long to reply, thank you so much for drawing me, I looks so cute! 0v0 Really really fantastic job, thank you so much! *hug* :cookie: (http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u25/Dr_Wily_II/Sprites/CephiKobun.png)
and your new stuff looks really good too, and your new avatar is cute and jealous making >w<
Quote from: CephiYumi on January 10, 2009, 11:05:16 PM
and your new stuff looks really good too, and your new avatar is cute and jealous making >w<
Agreed. owo
Quote from: CephiYumi on January 10, 2009, 11:05:16 PM
kyaaaaa, sorry for taking so long to reply, thank you so much for drawing me, I looks so cute! 0v0 Really really fantastic job, thank you so much! *hug* :cookie: (http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u25/Dr_Wily_II/Sprites/CephiKobun.png)
and your new stuff looks really good too, and your new avatar is cute and jealous making >w<
Thankies! CephiYumi ;) *hug*
Posted on: January 10, 2009, 06:11:39 PM
Vixy-chan MSN (mouse)
Man, even your mouse work is simply incredible. 8)
I'm so jealous of you Mouse skills... O^O
Awesome RKS:F pic is awesome, your colouring of your bday pic is beautiful, and Luffy there is so amazing... :cookie:
MSN Vixy, well, beautiful as always... :3
Quote from: Protoman Blues on January 11, 2009, 04:23:10 AM
Man, even your mouse work is simply incredible. 8)
Thanks PB!! ;)
Quote from: Flame on January 11, 2009, 04:49:46 AM
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on January 11, 2009, 08:14:51 AM
I'm so jealous of you Mouse skills... O^O
Awesome RKS:F pic is awesome, your colouring of your bday pic is beautiful, and Luffy there is so amazing... :cookie:
MSN Vixy, well, beautiful as always... :3
Thanks! Wily II :)
Yeah. Your lines are pretty damn straight.
How does he do it? 8D
Quote from: PowerArmor on January 11, 2009, 11:31:27 PM
Yeah. Your lines are pretty damn straight.
How does he do it? 8D
With magic.
Also, you have some beautiful coloring skills, Akira. All of your art has such smooth coloring.
Quote from: PowerArmor on January 11, 2009, 11:31:27 PM
Yeah. Your lines are pretty damn straight.
How does he do it? 8D
It's not THAT hard.
It is for me. D';
its the coloring that amazes me. such beautifully melded colors and NO white spots AT ALL. and with Colored Pencills too. >.>; I couldnt acomplish that in a million years.
I've consulted my parents.
And I've learned that I have a long lost older brother.
This is one of the moments where I should go "Nii...-San!" And then burst into tears of relief, right? :V
... Give me a big hug now. *open arms*
*hugs borock*
Someday, we have to end up doing a collaboration that surpasses STD.
We have to.
Quote from: Akira on January 11, 2009, 04:22:08 AMVixy-chan MSN (mouse)
Your skills>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>mine comfirmed XD
Quote from: PowerArmor on January 12, 2009, 04:47:57 AM
*hugs borock*
Someday, we have to end up doing a collaboration that surpasses STD.
We have to.
Quote from: Nekomata on January 12, 2009, 05:11:20 AM
Which reminds me, Borock! Some day we must finish FBI's!
Ah yes , which also reminds me... it is my turn... >_>;
Wow your art is really good what do you use to color?
Quote from: Akira on January 11, 2009, 04:22:08 AM
Thankies! CephiYumi ;) *hug*
Posted on: January 10, 2009, 06:11:39 PM
Vixy-chan MSN (mouse)
Yeeeah, I'm sticking to using eraseable pens like I always do. No way in hell I can do something that good.
Quote from: SuperKitsu on January 11, 2009, 11:45:42 PM
With Steroids.
I agree Super Kitsu!
Quote from: PowerArmor on January 12, 2009, 04:47:57 AM
*hugs borock*
Someday, we have to end up doing a collaboration that surpasses STD.
We have to.
You just opened yourself a world of pain son twice removed!
Hi RPM!!!
RKS Zornesbombe / Zorne Sepperin 0v0
Marion ( Vixy) & Pom-Pom ( Akira) / Ash (PB)
Valnus ( Sparky) / Yuan Nang ( Hitomi/Nekomata)
Tetsu ( Dr. Wily II)
Wow, thats really Cool! 8) man, look at Wily! Hes been workin out! 8D
Hmm.. reminds me of Sonic's glove in Black Knight. but anyway, good stuff here.
Quote from: Flame on January 17, 2009, 07:33:16 PM
Wow, thats really Cool! 8) man, look at Wily! Hes been workin out! 8D
Hahaha! Thanks! ;)
Quote from: Gaia on January 17, 2009, 07:34:39 PM
Hmm.. reminds me of Sonic's glove in Black Knight. but anyway, good stuff here.
Gunbird OP
Gunbird gameplay
oh [parasitic bomb], he included me in something for once~
x3 I got to be cute little Marion~ You look adorable too, Pom-Pom. >v<b
Fat, Russian robot with the greatest firepower? All I have to say is this:
Quote from: Vixy on January 17, 2009, 08:09:37 PM
x3 I got to be cute little Marion~ You look adorable too, Pom-Pom. >v<b
Thanks! Cutie >w< *kiss*
Quote from: Sparky on January 17, 2009, 08:19:01 PM
Fat, Russian robot with the greatest firepower? All I have to say is this:
Hahahaha! XD
they all look really nice
They are all looks hot and awesome! Wily must love this one. XD
Can I get a [tornado fang] Yeah? 8D
Seriously though, fantastic and beautiful work, Akira! I look deliciously sexy! 8)
Quote from: Akira on January 17, 2009, 07:30:24 PM
Hi RPM!!!
RKS Zornesbombe / Zorne Sepperin 0v0
She looks so beautiful there...
Quote from: Akira on January 17, 2009, 07:30:24 PM
Marion ( Vixy) & Pom-Pom ( Akira) / Ash (PB)
Valnus ( Sparky) / Yuan Nang ( Hitomi/Nekomata)
Tetsu ( Dr. Wily II)
A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!! :cookie:
Quote from: borockman on January 17, 2009, 11:25:49 PM
They are all looks hot and awesome! Wily must love this one. XD
Oh you don't know how right you are... 0v0
Woah! All of your arts are awesome!
Hyuuuu!! Zorne is so cute!! >w<
the RPMs Gunbird are great too >w<
Quote from: Protoman Blues on January 18, 2009, 06:02:19 AM
Can I get a [tornado fang] Yeah? 8D
Seriously though, fantastic and beautiful work, Akira! I look deliciously sexy! 8)
Thanks PB ;)
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on January 18, 2009, 12:35:18 PM
She looks so beautiful there...
A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!! :cookie:
Oh you don't know how right you are... 0v0
Thanks Wily II :)
Quote from: Milen Anessar on January 18, 2009, 05:57:38 PM
Hyuuuu!! Zorne is so cute!! >w<
the RPMs Gunbird are great too >w<
Thanks Milen ;)
>w< Nyan ~ (MSN/Mouse)
Damn your mouse work is incredible! 8)
yummy mouseness
Damn, I can't draw with a mouse. Your mouse work is awesome! >w<
Do you have any other pose to draw besides that generic pose? *rimshot*
I bet you had a tablet to make this. With a mouse, it takes an afwul long time to perfect it, nice job.
[tablet]What's a tablet?[/tablet]
Akira doesn't use tablet.
Akira draws with a mouse on the computer. Or on paper, coloring it before scanning.
Quote from: Gaia on January 18, 2009, 07:36:46 PM
Do you have any other pose to draw besides that generic pose? *rimshot*
I bet you had a tablet to make this. With a mouse, it takes an afwul long time to perfect it, nice job.
NO! is with a mouse
All drawings are quick.... ..........................................
I always thought Akira has a Cauldron of Color, and when he's ready to create, he summons it in Sorcerer's Apprentice style. 8D
Quote from: Akira on January 18, 2009, 07:41:41 PM
NO! is with a mouse
All drawings are quick.... ..........................................
*readies flamethrower* It'd be nice to try a new pose, but if you like to be quick, go right ahead.
Quote from: Gaia on January 18, 2009, 07:44:51 PM
*readies flamethrower* It'd be nice to try a new pose, but if you like to be quick, go right ahead.
another pose?? 8D
Quote from: Akira on January 18, 2009, 07:47:02 PM
another pose?? 8D
Well, try a new pose every now and then, it will be much more fun that way.
I think akira does fantastic work regardless o.o Cute and sexy is cute and sexy.
Quote from: CephiYumi on January 18, 2009, 07:51:50 PM
I think akira does fantastic work regardless o.o Cute and sexy is cute and sexy.
Right you are, SexyYumi! Right you are! 8)
Quote from: Gaia on January 18, 2009, 07:44:51 PM
*readies flamethrower* It'd be nice to try a new pose, but if you like to be quick, go right ahead.
Look Gaia, people are trying their best to learn different poses and a way to get their medium to appeal to the appreciative public.
You should have thought about what you said first before judging others.
You started of as a spriter, that's why you are good at spriting. It's a different level of talent.
That's why it might be hard for you to draw on the same level as Akira.
Everyone draws or sprites in different ways and different styles, and if you can't appreciate it, then take the business someplace else.
Akira puts many hours and days of work into his drawings, and if he feels like drawing a new pose, he will.
Quote from: Vixy on January 18, 2009, 07:56:03 PM
Look Gaia, people are trying their best to learn different poses and a way to get their medium to appeal to the appreciative public.
You should have thought about what you said first before judging others.
You started of as a spriter, that's why you are good at spriting. It's a different level of talent.
That's why it might be hard for you to draw on the same level as Akira.
Everyone draws or sprites in different ways and different styles, and if you can't appreciate it, then take the business someplace else.
Akira puts many hours and days of work into his drawings, and if he feels like drawing a new pose, he will.
Look, I am just trying to make a suggestion for little boyfriend here, and that's not a problem, no? If I try to request Sub Tank something, he'd probably not do it because he's mostly in the Okekai. Plus, I suggested him to try something new, but if you misenterpeted that as a forced demand, then shame. I can see why you barely get new members around, you remind me of another board who had the exact same incidents. Sorry if I misread that post, but it's nice to try something new.
Quote from: Gaia on January 18, 2009, 08:02:56 PM
If I try to request Sub Tank something, he'd probably not do it because he's mostly in the Okekai.
LoL, yeah that'll be the reason...
Quote from: Gaia on January 18, 2009, 08:02:56 PM
Look, I am just trying to make a suggestion for little boyfriend here, and that's not a problem, no?
No problem at all, it's just that the characters are only available in that pose. Scans included. :3
Quote from: Vixy on January 18, 2009, 08:17:02 PM
No problem at all, it's just that the characters are only available in that pose. Scans included. :3
Quote from: Akira on January 18, 2009, 08:28:08 PM
Looks like we all are cleared up on this now. thanks.
Quote from: Gaia on January 18, 2009, 08:39:44 PM
Looks like we all are cleared up on this now. thanks.
OK, No problem..
Posted on: January 18, 2009, 20:55:52
New art!!!!
Liebea Palesch / RKS Liebessturm owo
MDW ( bunny) 0v0
Am I the only one who thinks Vixy's bust size is growing at an inconceivable rate?
Please someone call a doctor to carry out a breast reduction >__>
Quote from: PowerArmor on January 24, 2009, 09:30:42 PM
I hope you've got 4 full subtanks.
Quote from: Sub Tank on January 24, 2009, 10:04:57 PM
I hope you've got 4 full subtanks.
I don't need no Sub Tanks.
you cheater
Doing boobs harm hurts me a lot more than you can possibly believe.
Quote from: Akira on January 24, 2009, 09:00:45 PM
That is is truly some charming masterpiece. owo
Just beautiful...
So many awesome updates here. Nice coloring as usual!
Quote from: Sub Tank on January 24, 2009, 10:04:57 PM
I hope you've got 4 full subtanks.
I just realized that the two sigmas look like boobs.
Quote from: Akira on January 24, 2009, 09:00:45 PM
OK, No problem..
Posted on: January 18, 2009, 20:55:52
New art!!!!
Liebea Palesch / RKS Liebessturm owo
MDW ( bunny) 0v0
so bautiful! also, Vixy looks drunk thar. XD
Quote from: PowerArmor on January 24, 2009, 09:30:42 PM
Am I the only one who thinks Vixy's bust size is growing at an inconceivable rate?
They are defined. They only shape-shift because of different artists. >U<
Oh, random avatars. How I love you so.
Quote from: Vixy on January 25, 2009, 03:41:59 AM
They are defined. They only shape-shift because of different artists. >U<
Not are defined.......................
Hahaha! Lie ........*kiss*
Shapeshifting boobs are the best kind of boobs.
Does this have any relevanace to my interest? Hell yes.
Sexy! Your color knows no bounds of awesomeness.
But she's no Pretty Bunny ProtoGal Blues! 8D
Quote from: Protoman Blues on January 25, 2009, 06:06:25 AM
Sexy! Your color knows no bounds of awesomeness.
But she's no Pretty Bunny ProtoGal Blues! 8D
But is my Vixy!! LOL . You need a PBPB! ( Akira Style) OK
Liebes looks just beautiful...
And... Bunny... Vixy...
Akira, you need to hop to it! 8D
Quote from: Akira on January 25, 2009, 06:19:14 AM
But is my Vixy!! LOL . You need a PBPB! ( Akira Style) OK
Please and Thank You, oh kind and awesome one! 8)
Quote from: Protoman Blues on January 25, 2009, 06:24:45 AM
Please and Thank You, oh kind and awesome one! 8)
OK! ;), but Bunny Vixy is cute. :-[
Quote from: Akira on January 25, 2009, 06:27:56 AM
OK! ;), but Bunny Vixy is cute. :-[
Cute? Bunny Vixy is Sexcellently Sexy! :V
Hey you know Akira, I just realized something. I'd love it if you were able to draw up Yuna or Silhouette for me sometime in the future. I don't think I've had a lot of people post any art of them yet, and it'd help me out in spades in regards to writing out their descriptions better. As always, if you do decide to take this request, take your time and have fun with it!
Also, before I forget the reason I'm here to begin with, let me just take the time out to say great work on all of the art that I haven't commented on and missed. You never disappoint with them! 8)
Bunny reminded me of 'Breathless' from beatmania. Somehow.
Hi ! RPM!!
Oh Akira, wires or not, we still love you~ >U<
I kinda agree. Do we really need wireless gaming in our world? x3
Quote from: Vixy on January 25, 2009, 06:07:48 PM
Oh Akira, wires or not, we still love you~ >U<
:-[ Nya!
You should draw more of these. I giggled~ owo
Quote from: Akira on January 25, 2009, 06:06:01 PM
Hi ! RPM!!
Genius. Utter genius.
Quote from: Vixy on January 25, 2009, 06:09:24 PM
You should draw more of these. I giggled~ owo
OK! :-[
Quote from: Akira on January 25, 2009, 06:06:01 PM
Hi ! RPM!!
Aww... That's so cute and funny...
There there Akira... >w< :cookie:
Oh, and don't worry if you vision things in 2D.
You will get used to the technology sooner or later.
Someone will help you get the best things in life. ^^
I give you cookie~ :cookie:
Quote from: Vixy on January 25, 2009, 06:13:00 PM
Oh, and don't worry if you vision things in 2D.
You will get used to the technology sooner or later.
Someone will help you get the best things in life. ^^
I give you cookie~ :cookie:
OK!...........................................Technology? nani?
Cookie!!!! :W ~w~
Quote from: Sky ChildWHAT ARE BEING WACOM?
And you're still wonderful the way you are. Play a lot of awesome 2D games! ^^
Quote from: Vixy on January 25, 2009, 06:20:37 PM
And you're still wonderful the way you are. Play a lot of awesome 2D games! ^^
Thankies *kiss*
Technology? nani? LOL
very adorable >w< :cookie:
I wanna see more of these too ^^
Quote from: CephiYumi on January 25, 2009, 06:37:21 PM
very adorable >w< :cookie:
I wanna see more of these too ^^
Thankies! Cephi! >w<
Wow! That looks adorable! >w< :cookie:
Quote from: Akira on January 25, 2009, 06:06:01 PM
Hi ! RPM!!
Hahaha, very nice indeed. As the others have said, you should do more of these! 8)
Quote from: Vixy on January 25, 2009, 06:07:48 PM
I kinda agree. Do we really need wireless gaming in our world? x3
Wireless, maybe not. But man, I've grown addicted to the controller being able to turn on and turn off the system! 8D
Definetly do more, it's awesome.
Lol, that's one cute yonkoma. Moar! :W
Quote from: Akira on January 25, 2009, 06:06:01 PM
Hi ! RPM!!
Saved and laughed. XD
Hi! RPM!!! >w<
New art!!!
RKS Grollschwert / Grolla Seyfarth owo
Game Masters ( Akira & Vixy) / Lucky Star Version
"As the forces of the evil MicroSonySoft corporation reigns terror with their over-the-top realistic next generation graphics and overpriced products, the world's only saving grace are two gamers, Akira and Vixy, out to vanquish the evildoers and bring true gaming back to the world!" ( by Vixy)
"Captain A & Princess V, the Game Masters!"
Poor Grolla. She fights so many foes, and Death himself.
That's a very serious drawing and I like how it turned out. ^^
Oldskool and Innovation, packed in one? Game Master drawing is cute~ x3
Quote from: Vixy on January 31, 2009, 08:52:34 PM
Poor Grolla. She fights so many foes, and Death himself.
That's a very serious drawing and I like how it turned out. ^^
Oldskool and Innovation, packed in one? Game Master drawing is cute~ x3
Thankies! Vixy-chan *hug* >w<
Great work as usual, Akira.
Quote from: Mirby on January 31, 2009, 08:55:33 PM
Great work as usual, Akira.
>w< , hahaha! Thanks! Mirby ;)
Posted on: January 31, 2009, 09:07:53 PM
GO! ( MSN/Mouse)
That is one awesome Grolla, she's even holding the sword from Death...
And great Game Master pic... MicroSonySoft... XD
Ah~!! Grolla!! So cooooooooooooooooooooooool!! >w<
Heh~ Princess V remind me of Konata
And the cheer girl make me guts~!! >w<
Great as always, Akira =w=b
Those are lovely. You totally should have drawn Vixy as Princess Lana and other RPMers as the N Team. XD
Either way, kick ass!
Yet another kickass drawings! 8)
Another awesome drawing... or as others put it, very 'kickass drawings'.
Hi RPM!!!!
Thanks to all!
Technology 2 ? Sorry Vixy-chan O^O ;O;
Her... Wii... ;O;
Very funny continuation Akira, though... Her Wii... ;O;
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on February 01, 2009, 03:33:41 PM
Her... Wii... ;O;
Very funny continuation Akira, though... Her Wii... ;O;
Gomen! ;O;
Is my Wii
*heart crush*
My gamer pride.... smacked to bits....
>U< It's kinda funny.
Nintendo should have learned that people would do this when they mentioned "Virtual Console".
Now they should let Capcom release proper-emulated Rockman X games for it. Not everyone has the X Collection.
Aww.... Wii crashing ;O;
lol Funny >w<
Quote from: Vixy on February 01, 2009, 03:39:20 PM
*heart crush*
My gamer pride.... smacked to bits....
>U< It's kinda funny.
Nintendo should have learned that people would do this when they mentioned "Virtual Console".
Now they should let Capcom release proper-emulated Rockman X games for it. Not everyone has the X Collection.
Gomen nasai............................................... :'(
Aww.. that's so cute! >w< But... WII... ;O;
Hahahaha, very funny! Poor Viixy! 8D
Quote from: Akira on February 01, 2009, 03:18:25 PM
Technology 2.5?
these are so cute and funny >w<
very very well done too ^^ :cookie:
Quote from: CephiYumi on February 01, 2009, 08:31:45 PM
these are so cute and funny >w<
very very well done too ^^ :cookie:
Thankies Cephi! >w< ~w~
Haha, Ibuki was rather upset, wasn't she? XD
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 01, 2009, 09:02:30 PM
Haha, Ibuki was rather upset, wasn't she? XD
Hahaha!................ no! XD
Haha, what a cute series.
But what happens if Wii had it's own feelings? It would be angry too.
Quote from: Sky Child on February 01, 2009, 09:14:13 PM
Haha, what a cute series.
But what happens if Wii had it's own feelings? It would be angry too.
Thanks Sky! ;)
Hmmmmm........................... yus
Wow, I never knew Ibuki could change emotions at the drop of a hat like that.
That is one more person whose bad list I don't want to end up on.
But otherwise, a very funny and cute series.
Awww... Well, Vixy's Wii is all fixed now. :3
And wow at Ibuki, who knew she was so... 8D
Wonder why she's pissed at the end... XD
Haha, yet another cute 4 koma.
Ibuki is scary.... :o
Aww... the last panel is cute! ^^ :cookie:
Quote from: Akira on February 01, 2009, 08:26:38 PM
Technology 2.5?
Last panel crack me up XD
OLD ART!! ( 2004) Chibi
Ibuki ( old version) & Drygon
Man, your art back then rocked too! XD
Wow, they're so different from your artstyle today.
Coloring still awesome.
Wow, even back then your art is awesome.
...If we ever meet, I'm sucking your talent out with a straw.
Back then, not everyone looked like Vixy.
Quote from: Sky Child on February 04, 2009, 04:14:09 AM
Back then, not everyone looked like Vixy.
Well, THESE days, almost everyone does.. [eyebrow] I'd like to see some of your old stuffz, they are all top-notch.
Quote from: Gaia on February 04, 2009, 04:17:09 AM
Well, THESE days, almost everyone does..
I'm starting to feel like I'm a joke killer of some sort.. ::) But back on topic, these are still, nice.
Quote from: borockman on February 04, 2009, 12:24:50 AM
Wow, they're so different from your artstyle today.
Yeah, he evolved...
Even back then, the colouring is like your signature trend... :3
Your colouring.... awesome...
Hi!, RPM!!
Technology 3? O///O
Wii Zapper V/S Super Scope O///O
That gun....
I'm thinking Vixy want's to grab hold of Akira's gun, if you catch my drift.
Sorry, I couldn't resist. Don't kill me.
Hahaha, how cute
LoL, your comics are great Akira.
Lol, that/s one cute comic.
Is the gun really that big though?
I like the sweat-drop TVs... XD
Another cute and funny piece, Akira! :cookie:
Yay! More cutesy! And I want that Super Scope! :W
Need moar comic :W
Hi RPM!!
Cheer Girl Ibuki GO! (Ouendan Style)
Perfect. Just perfect.
Hmm, did you ink this one Akira? the line seems more blacker than usual.
Anyway perfect and lovely! owo
Tasteful cleavage is tasteful.
And tasty.
Now I know who to call on when cheering needs to be done.
And this is where I make a statement about how this picture fits in with my interests, but I think you all know the drill by now.
With such vibrant cheering, I can do anything! I'm INVINCIBLEEEEEEE!
Quote from: Akira on February 07, 2009, 09:14:12 PM
Hi RPM!!
Cheer Girl Ibuki GO! (Ouendan Style)
Awesome pic, I feel invigorated now. XD
Thanks! Gaia , borockman , PowerArmor, LazyMan , PB and Wily II ;)
Quote from: borockman on February 07, 2009, 11:42:50 PM
Hmm, did you ink this one Akira? the line seems more blacker than usual.
Anyway perfect and lovely! owo
Ouendan drawings are with this style. ^^
Quote from: Akira on February 08, 2009, 07:23:51 PM
Ouendan drawings are with this style. ^^
It's a perfect imitation of the style, and the result is perfect too~ <3
Ah perhaps I worded my words wrong. What I mean is, did you use pencil or ink to make the black lines?
Quote from: borockman on February 09, 2009, 08:51:35 AM
Ah perhaps I worded my words wrong. What I mean is, did you use pencil or ink to make the black lines?
In this picture ,I ulilize ink.. >w<
New art! Vixy x Vixy 0v0
And some pictures that I took >w<
Akira, you just created a time paradox, an awesome and delicious time paradox XD
Wow, is that where you live? It's very beautiful, and so are those picture you took. Very nice indeed!
Hehe, Vixy & Copy Vixy (who totally should be PBPB 8D ) look fantastic in Fishnet Stocking. Also, I think your shading got even better as well, especially with the Cat Ears and Hair. Fantastic work as always!
The photos:
Wow, it's a wonderful view. ^.^ A calm wind blows on the water and a sunset is shining down for another day. I love it~
Innocent Cat vs Guilty Bunny! It's a fight between good and evil. X3
Nice Scenery.
Damn! I can't pick which one is hotter! Guess I'll go with both! 8)
Quote from: Vixy on February 09, 2009, 08:48:04 PM
The photos:
Wow, it's a wonderful view. ^.^ A calm wind blows on the water and a sunset is shining down for another day. I love it~
Innocent Cat vs Guilty Bunny! It's a fight between good and evil. X3
>w< Thankies! *kiss*
A Sexy Fight! 8D
Thanks! VirusChris , LazyMan ,PB and Taiyo >w< ;)
Hey Akira are you going to post that Vixy x Vixy drawing on deviantArt? Please do! I wanna favorite it!
Those pictures are awesome. They remind me of Jamaica a lot though... God I miss Jamaica...
But without going too far off topic, great stuff and awesome job on the VixyxVixy drawing! 8)
that picture needs more Vixy
Quote from: RMX on February 09, 2009, 09:22:33 PM
that picture needs more Vixy
Then we'd a a triangular docking.
...Er, I mean... Yeah, the picture needs more Vixy. Of course.
I love that clouds shape, ah the wonder of nature. 8) Great Photos!
Symmetrical docking is desirable! 8D
Triangular docking would be a sight to behold! 8D
*Fantasizes about it*
Please do it Akira... O^O
Quote from: Akira on February 09, 2009, 08:41:58 PM
In this picture ,I ulilize ink.. >w<
New art! Vixy x Vixy 0v0
Quote from: RMX on February 09, 2009, 09:22:33 PM
that picture needs more Vixy
Quote from: LazyMan on February 09, 2009, 09:38:27 PM
Then we'd a a triangular docking.
...Er, I mean... Yeah, the picture needs more Vixy. Of course.
Quote from: borockman on February 09, 2009, 11:35:35 PM
Triangular docking would be a sight to behold! 8D
Quote from: VirusChris on February 09, 2009, 11:55:59 PM
*Fantasizes about it*
Please do it Akira... O^O
If I may be allowed to input my two cents for a moment, a request of sorts if you would...
If a third Vixy were to join into this sort of thing, maybe... Kitsune Vixy? 8)
Or maybe a Draco Vixy? *shot*
Kitsune Vixy! Hmmmm.............................. *¬*b
Kistune Vixy please!
Quote from: LazyMan on February 09, 2009, 08:48:21 PM
Yessssssss~ [eyebrow]
Awesome piccie Akira, so beautiful.
Great photos as well, that sunset...
Wow, beautiful pictures. :3
I see the clouds looks like fish.
New art! owo
Vixy! 0v0 (MSPaint/Mouse)
That was done with MSPaint and a Mouse? That's incredible! Also, red looks good on her...well, what little red there is! 8D
Awesome Akira! Though why does she have to be so well-endowment? Not saying it's bad it's just that it's a little too big.
Quote from: VirusChris on February 12, 2009, 08:15:38 PM
Awesome Akira! Though why does she have to be so well-endowment? Not saying it's bad it's just that it's a little too big.
What he said. Big boobs... >.>
VirusChris' opinion doesn't count tho.
I love my own body. I'm over 25 and well-endowed.
Akira captured my beauty just right. 0v0
Its cute-i X( I dont know if you accept requests. Cant you draw one of my robot masters ? :V
Quote from: Akira on February 12, 2009, 07:34:20 PM
New art! owo
Vixy! 0v0 (MSPaint/Mouse)
If I draw that with a mouse, I'll get cramp. Man how long did that take you? it's almost tablet worthy!
Quote from: Vixy on February 12, 2009, 08:30:48 PM
VirusChris' opinion doesn't count tho.
I love my own body. I'm over 25 and well-endowed.
Akira captured my beauty just right. 0v0
Who wouldn't love their own body?
But like I said it isn't bad to have big boobs.
Quote from: Akira on February 12, 2009, 07:34:20 PM
New art! owo
Vixy! 0v0 (MSPaint/Mouse)
First, your art is more awesome then mine, and now you make MsPaint art?
No fair. D:
At first I was going to make a long distance straw in an attempt at sucking out your talent in a fit rage filled jealousy, and then I saw the picture again.
...Wait, what was I saying?
Hey, get that straw away from my undies~ o///o
nice cameltoe.
Man, that's beautiful, and darn your awesome MSPaint+Mouse art skills... XD
New art!
Drygon & Ibuki ( Lucky Star version) >w<
And for this day! Vixy is love!! 0v0
Quote from: Akira on February 14, 2009, 08:15:53 PM
owo That is one seriously hawt Vixy.
What the dude above me said.
Whoever gets than Valentine is a lucky bastard.
I am a present to everyone! owo
Quote from: Vixy on February 14, 2009, 09:00:46 PM
I am a present to everyone! owo
0v0 owo 0v0 owo 0v0
So I guess that makes us all lucky bastards then?
Hawt Vixy is Sexy Viky! 0v0
...So what do the girls get PB? XD Great Valetine's day art.
^What? Don't swing that way? XD
Haha, that's one cute lucky star style! XD
Quote from: Vixy on February 14, 2009, 09:00:46 PM
I am a present to everyone! owo
So when I do get my present, I need to send it to someone else? no way sir! 8D
Quote from: Sakura on February 14, 2009, 11:18:27 PM
...So what do the girls get PB?
Mango Lemonade would make PB happy! 8D
Also, lovely art Akira. I think you're getting better too. Also, choco-heart is nummy!
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 15, 2009, 01:26:54 AM
Mango Lemonade would make PB happy! 8D
Also, lovely art Akira. I think you're getting better too. Also, choco-heart is nummy!
LOL! Thankies! PB!! ;)
Quote from: Nekomata on February 15, 2009, 02:49:50 AM
get used to it, kitten~
I was expecting it.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 15, 2009, 01:26:54 AM
Mango Lemonade would make PB happy! 8D
I meant do the girls get a picture of you?
no, the girls get PBPB
Quote from: Sakura on February 15, 2009, 03:49:55 AM
I meant do the girls get a picture of you?
LoL, if they so desire! 8)
Quote from: Nekomata on February 15, 2009, 04:06:59 AM
no, the girls get PBPB
LoL, if they so desire! 8)
Quote from: Akira on February 14, 2009, 08:15:53 PM
New art!
Drygon & Ibuki ( Lucky Star version) >w<
And for this day! Vixy is love!! 0v0
Lucky Star~
Beautiful one there.
And Valentine Vixy...
Oh man, the chocolatey goodness... >w<
I think she got herself tangled up unwrapping the ribbon on the box of chocolates.
Ah yes, more Vixy...
You should draw Jewel Man
Yknow what, I second that notion. you should totally draw Fabulous Man Jewel Man.
Sorry for being late about stating this, but...
Quote from: Akira on February 14, 2009, 08:15:53 PM
And for this day! Vixy is love!! 0v0
Two things...
1. To most of RPM, Vixy is always love. She's practically the incarnation of love itself, it says so in her profile (Princess of Lamari and all that stuff...).
2. ...she's not wearing anything other than those ribbons, is she? :\
Quote from: Akira on February 14, 2009, 08:15:53 PM
New art!
Drygon & Ibuki ( Lucky Star version) >w<
Exceptional. Absolutely exceptional. Once again, you have given a glimpse of pure beauty to our eyes, Akira...
Quote from: Jewel Man on February 16, 2009, 03:51:07 AM
Ah yes, more Vixy...
You should draw Jewel Man
Quote from: Flame on February 16, 2009, 04:54:53 AM
Yknow what, I second that notion. you should totally draw Fabulous Man Jewel Man.
That... would actually be interesting to see.
Quote from: Tsukishiro on February 16, 2009, 06:16:24 AM
That... would actually be interesting to see.
Very much so.
Quote from: Tsukishiro on February 16, 2009, 06:16:24 AM2. ...she's not wearing anything other than those ribbons, is she? :\
I have a fox tail stuck on my back to cover myself with~ ^^ </wii>
Less talk, more Lucky Star Jewel Man!
Quote from: Jewel Man on February 16, 2009, 06:25:16 AM
Less talk, more Lucky Star Jewel Man!
:o.....with Fakeman ?
Quote from: Jewel Man on February 16, 2009, 06:25:16 AM
Less talk, more Lucky Star Jewel Man!
Quote from: Shinichameleon / Nayim on February 16, 2009, 02:01:38 PM
:o.....with Fakeman ?
Now, THAT'S a picture... 8D
See? 8D
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on February 16, 2009, 02:55:31 PM
Now, THAT'S a picture... 8D
See? 8D
:o I think i need biggest box ???
lol at Jewelman and Fakeman 8D
Hi RPM!!!!
Wow! It's so funny and perfect. You are so great. XD
Konata Roll isn't hurting me, she is just squeezing me.... yea, that's it. >///<
Oh, a Cephi ero manga in the store, and Asena and PB books! o.o
This reminds me a lot of Toy Story, when he's not looking, we wrestle....
LoL, is that a PB Manga in the back there? 8D
Oh, it looks like Konata isn't too happy with her new shelf mate.
Quick, buy a LazyMan figure, and I'll resolve the situation as quick as possible.
Quote from: Vixy on February 16, 2009, 09:24:48 PM
Wow! It's so funny and perfect. You are so great. XD
[spoiler]Konata Roll isn't hurting me, she is just squeezing me.... yea, thats it. nya~ >///<
oh lol, a Cephi ero manga in the store, and Asena and PB books! o.o[/spoiler]
Thanks Vixy-chan! *kiss* 0v0 *fighting spirit* OSU!!!
Wow~ *clap clap*
Burning with passion! 8D
"This hand of mind is BURNING RED!
...Holy [parasitic bomb], it's really burning! Somebody put it out!"
...That's all I could think when I saw that, Akira.
Is the Vixy worshipping over yet? There's other people on the boards you could draw you know >>;
Quote from: Saber on February 16, 2009, 09:32:45 PM
Is the Vixy worshipping over yet? There's other people on the boards you could draw you know >>;
you should already realize that she's all he'll draw. >.>
Quote from: Nekomata on February 16, 2009, 09:35:37 PM
you should already realize that she's all he'll draw. >.>
Sadly, this is most likely true.
Doesn't matter to me. As long as Akira keeps drawing! 8)
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 16, 2009, 09:47:45 PM
Doesn't matter to me. As long as Akira keeps drawing! 8)
Said Vixy's lover.
I'm actually kind of surprised Akira can keep coming up with ideas for her. I've burned out on all that. All I can do is her just standing there, since I've done everything else.
I'm going to practice colored pencil stuff now, too.
Quote from: Saber on February 16, 2009, 09:52:10 PM
Said Vixy's lover.
Nonsense! He's drawn PB plenty of times! 8D
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 16, 2009, 09:54:44 PM
Nonsense! He's drawn PB plenty of times! 8D
Doesn't change the fact you are =P
Quote from: Saber on February 16, 2009, 09:56:22 PM
Doesn't change the fact you are =P
LoL, oh I won't lie, I love seeing Akira draw Vixy!
However, I just love seeing him draw in general. His art is just so amazing to me, not to mention his great use of colors and with his new comics, his fun imagination. His is a talent I so wish I had. I really don't care what he draws. I just look forward to an update every weekend. (I think that's when it usually is)
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 16, 2009, 09:58:27 PM
LoL, oh I won't lie, I love seeing Akira draw Vixy!
Nice attempt at dodging what I said.
Technically, I'm Quickie's lover! :P
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 16, 2009, 10:00:53 PM
Technically, I'm Quickie's lover! :P
Whoooooo....now that came out of nowhere.
Oh yeah!
Quote from: Akira on November 09, 2008, 05:51:20 PM
Pocket Monsters "Sinnoh"
I absolutely love his drawing of Quickie in the Sinnoh Pokemon awesome piece of awesome here. I'd so love a full body Quickie drawing like that one day! It'd almost be as delicious as Super Saiyan PB! 8D
Yes, let's completely ruin someone else's thread for kicks.
What Sky said.
Let's all just hurt someone's feelings and make them cry on MSN for all of this self-centered bashing...
Cold-hearted, the lot of you.
Archer, if you want Akira to draw something, provide subtle hints.
It's worked for me before.
Hai, Akira. Draw LazyMan. k thx.
what about subliminal messages?
also, DENSETSU NO SHONEN B! (or technically "A" for Akira...)
Anime tenchou makes everything so much better.
Oh my, anime Tenchou? Konata's jelousy? hand is burning brightly like the sun? priceless and awesome! 8)
Ehh... woah people... >.>
Back on topic...
Konata Roll... Man, that image is awesome in so many words... XD
Then again, who can blame her? Great comic Akira.
Quote from: borockman on February 17, 2009, 07:34:33 AM
Oh my, anime Tenchou? Konata's jelousy? hand is burning brightly like the sun? priceless and awesome! 8)
I agreed here. 8)
Hi RPM New art!!
Blue Eyes...
Jewel Man ( Lucky Star version)
Lovely Ibuki!!!! >w<
And Lucky Star Jewelman is nice too.
Lucky star Jewel man is Win.
also, I once saw a hentai caled "blue eyes"...
Quote from: Milen Anessar on February 21, 2009, 08:01:30 PM
Lovely Ibuki!!!! >w<
And Lucky Star Jewelman is nice too.
>w< Thanks Milen-san!!
Quote from: Flame on February 21, 2009, 08:03:43 PM
Lucky star Jewel man is Win.
also, I once saw a hentai caled "blue eyes"...
LOL ,hahaha! Thanks Flame! ;)
pretty pretty blue eyes ^^ :cookie:
Excellent work! How long did it take you?
That is one cute bling bling Jewelman!
Quote from: Akira on February 21, 2009, 07:53:55 PM
Jewel Man ( Lucky Star version)
Aww, that's super cute. Thank you <3
Quote from: Akira on February 21, 2009, 07:53:55 PM
Hi RPM New art!!
Blue Eyes...
Jewel Man ( Lucky Star version)
And that Jewel Man drawing is so full of sparkles and fabulousness! XD
Ibuki outfit is love!
Jewelman is just fabulous! XD
Ibuki's eyes are staring into my soul again.
Beautiful art as always, keep up the good work.
Ibuki looks so lovely there... :3
And Lucky Star Jewel Man is so awesome...
Who knew? XD
Hi RPM!!!!
New art!
Konata ( Roll-chan cosplay)
Dr. Tenchou XD
Tenchou: "I will break you KonaRoll!"
Rock Neko is so adorable too~ ^^
wait, so is he supposed to be Wily or light?
oh god... must... resist... urge... to DRAW- DR... TENCHOU!!!
The broom is a cleverly concealed Blade of Steel. ^^
Quote from: Flame on February 28, 2009, 07:41:29 PM
wait, so is he supposed to be Wily or light?
oh god... must... resist... urge... to DRAW- DR... TENCHOU!!!
Wily! :)
much cuter mega cat >U< :cookie:
Quote from: CephiYumi on February 28, 2009, 07:55:32 PM
much cuter mega cat >U< :cookie:
Meow! ~w~ ( thanks Cephi ^^)
Quote from: Akira on February 28, 2009, 07:35:48 PM
Hi RPM!!!!
New art!
Konata ( Roll-chan cosplay)
Dr. Tenchou XD
Quote from: Flame on February 28, 2009, 07:41:29 PM
wait, so is he supposed to be Wily or light?
oh god... must... resist... urge... to DRAW- DR... TENCHOU!!!
Quote from: Akira on February 28, 2009, 07:47:09 PM
Wily! :)
Quote from: Vixy on February 28, 2009, 07:36:54 PM
Tenchou: "I will break you KonaRoll!"
Rock Neko is so adorable too~ ^^
Akira, Vixy...
You two may just be onto something here.
How about some more KonaRoll? Maybe with her fighting against some Robot Masters?
Now that would be epic, yus?
Quote from: Tsukishiro on March 01, 2009, 01:43:41 AM
Akira, Vixy...
You two may just be onto something here.
How about some more KonaRoll? Maybe with her fighting against some Robot Masters?
Now that would be highly enjoyable, yus?
Hmmmm... yus ^^b
Lol at the cat being Megaman... *yawns* XD
KonaRoll, otaku for everlasting peace!
Totally adorable! I swear your art is getting better! 8D
What Protoman Blues said >U<
Wow! That's so cute! Neko Rock looks cuter! >w< Who's the guy on the right?
Quote from: Sniper X on March 01, 2009, 07:04:13 PM
Wow! That's so cute! Neko Rock looks cuter! >w< Who's the guy on the right?
Is Anime Tenchou!
The Rockystar cosplay is epic. 8)
Anime Tenchou! (アニメ店長)
MS Paint/ mouse
Hot damn that's awesome!
Awesome Anime Tenchou is super awesome...
The passion, the fire, THE LEGENDARY GIRL V!!!
Hi RPM!!!!
Chizuru (Kanokon) 0v0
PBPB & PB! owo
Akira's sexy time arts? Erokira? X3
Quote from: Akira on March 08, 2009, 12:11:03 AM
PBPB & PB! owo
0v0 0v0
Thank you thank you thank you thank you so much!
Hehe, I love where she puts her Shades! 8D
Quote from: Protoman Blues on March 08, 2009, 03:56:04 AM
0v0 0v0
Thank you thank you thank you thank you so much!
Hehe, I love where she puts her Shades! 8D
>w< THANKS!!!!!!!!! ,LOL ^^b
Quote from: Akira on March 08, 2009, 12:11:03 AM
PBPB & PB! owo
Oh god that is so perfect I could see him do that. Hey Akira if it's not too much trouble could I have a request?
wow, both very beautiful 0v0 :cookie:
Quote from: CephiYumi on March 08, 2009, 04:36:27 AM
wow, both very beautiful 0v0 :cookie:
Yeah, Chizuru is hot too! XD
Hehe, very fitting for Chizuru and PBPB...
No wonder PB is drooling... 8D
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I don't know if that's shading, or if you added Black Tips to the end of PBPB's hair, but I absolutely love that effect.
So that's how PBPB looks like without glasses! 0v0
Chizuru is hot too, not as hot as PBPB though. :V
Hi RPM!!!
Miharu-Chan! (Girls Bravo) 0v0
I was organizing my room and I found this drawing, is very old, I do not remember when I did :o
Ninja ? ? ?
I can see two things that I like about that picture of Miharu.
For some odd reason, I expected Shinobu from Shinobuden for the ninja picutre as it loaded.
vixy infects every other character
Quote from: Akira on March 14, 2009, 08:35:45 PM
Ninja ? ? ?
I'd love to see more of your older work. That's awesome right there!
They look great and hilarious... XD
As for Miharu... Wow. >w<
Quote from: Akira on March 08, 2009, 12:11:03 AM
Hi RPM!!!!
Chizuru (Kanokon) 0v0
PBPB & PB! owo
Quote from: Akira on March 14, 2009, 08:35:45 PM
Hi RPM!!!
Miharu-Chan! (Girls Bravo) 0v0
Quote from: Sky Child on March 14, 2009, 08:51:19 PM
vixy infects every other character
Quoted for truth.
I believe that Akira may be under the influence of the Vixy Virus... *shot for stating the obvious*
Hah! Girl Bravo, that's one messed up comic! XD Sexy!
And ninja looks strangely familiar... looks Goemonish.
Hi RPM!!!! >w<
New art!!
Flonne (Disgaea)
Quote from: Sky Child on March 14, 2009, 08:51:19 PM
vixy infects every other character
New! Comic ! "Shmup"
Your colouring. Is just so damn awesome!
Quote from: Sniper X on March 21, 2009, 08:48:40 PM
Your colouring. Is just so damn awesome!
Thanks! Sniper X ;)
Love the Flonne pic!
Laharl doesn't though...
Quote from: Akira on March 21, 2009, 08:35:26 PM
just.. no.
Akira, even your lolis have bewbs.
Not that I mind, or anything, but seriously...
And your comic gives me an idea for a script... Heh heh.
EDIT: And this is the cloest thing to a "Fan Art" that you're going to get from me. Because I can't draw. (http://forum.rockmanpm.com/index.php?topic=1047.75)
Quote from: Night on March 21, 2009, 09:44:09 PM
Awesome! :W
Quote from: Night on March 21, 2009, 09:44:09 PM
Just what I was looking for. >v<b
Flonne is fine as it is, but if you really want to give implants, then it's Etna, right age for it. >>
Quote from: Gaia on March 21, 2009, 10:27:14 PM
Flonne is fine as it is, but if you really want to give implants, then it's Etna, right age for it. >>
This drawing was just a request, do not worry I will come back to my usual drawings , OK ^^;
I wasn't actually being serious.. Well, if you gotta please some loli fanboy, then announce his name then. >>
Beautiful coloring as usual. 8)
Quote from: Night on March 21, 2009, 09:44:09 PM
Is it me, or is this the first ever hijack in this thread?
Quote from: Gaia on March 21, 2009, 10:27:14 PM
Flonne is fine as it is, but if you really want to give implants, then it's Etna, right age for it. >>
You. Get out.
The main Disgaea characters aren't allowed to have tits. |:
I guess sapphire's not a main disgaea character then...
Okay, this is kinda too much don't give characters that aren't meant to have clevage extremely huge clevage.
Quote from: Gaia on March 21, 2009, 10:27:14 PM
Flonne is fine as it is, but if you really want to give implants, then it's Etna, right age for it. >>
No and besides Flonne is older than Etna anyway.
Quote from: Sakura on March 22, 2009, 02:15:07 AM
Okay, this is kinda too much don't give characters that aren't meant to have clevage extremely huge clevage.
^This pretty much sums up my thoughts.
This was just for fun guys, no need to start a fuss about it...
There plenty more art of Flonne with a regular sized chest, and like Akira said, it was a request.
The shump comic... That's just like me... XD
Cockiness and cannon spammage... NO GOOD
As for Flonne, wow.
Great little hijack as well, Night.
As usual, I love the colouring and the linework. Though, as Sakura mentioned... the ginormous boobs are beginning to be a bit... much.
Anywho, been wondering something about your colouring technique... To get the colours that smooth, do you happen to use a coloured pencil blender? I had bought such a blender a while back but haven't used it yet. Or is the smoothness from the type of coloured pencil? Or even the type of paper? I've often wondered if watercolour pencils were used, as the background blending reminds me of that.
Hrm... I don't suppose if sometime you could put together a tutorial of sorts? Or at least a series of "in-progress" images to get a general idea of the colouring process used? I'd like to employ some of the techniques in my digital painting.
Quote from: Akira on March 21, 2009, 08:35:26 PM
New! Comic ! "Shmup"
Can I just say, your comics are awesome! Totally awesome, I say! I'd love to be in one, one day! 8)
Quote from: Sakura on March 22, 2009, 02:15:07 AM
Okay, this is kinda too much don't give characters that aren't meant to have clevage extremely huge clevage.
Agreed. |:
Quote from: Quickman on March 22, 2009, 06:04:30 AM
Hrm... I don't suppose if sometime you could put together a tutorial of sorts? Or at least a series of "in-progress" images to get a general idea of the colouring process used? I'd like to employ some of the techniques in my digital painting.
Tutorial... please? O^O
I agree with Night. ^^
Quote from: RPM MembersComplaints...
(http://lol.rockmanpm.com/vixy/DisgaeaVixyFlonne.png) (http://lol.rockmanpm.com/vixy/DisgaeaVixyFlonne.png)
I'm innocent... O^O
Anyways, out with the bad, in with the happy!
Quote from: Vixy on March 22, 2009, 02:56:29 PM
Gotta love Hitomi's integrity.
Quote from: Vixy on March 22, 2009, 02:56:29 PM
I agree with Night. ^^
(http://lol.rockmanpm.com/vixy/DisgaeaVixyFlonne.png) (http://lol.rockmanpm.com/vixy/DisgaeaVixyFlonne.png)
I disagree... but whatever floats your boat.
Hi RPM!!!
Little Update! I could not draw more, because I got cold :'(
Ibuki!! >w<
Great work as usual, Akira!
Even when you're sick, the drawing is still beautiful! :D
Quote from: borockman on March 29, 2009, 01:10:13 AM
Even when you're sick, the drawing is still beautiful! :D
Thanks!! borockman :'(
Request? Sniper (http://i490.photobucket.com/albums/rr261/TheQ651/Tf2_Sniper_Motivational_by_T_H_E_Q6.jpg) colorful version.
She, and that bowl of goodies, looks absolutely delicious! 8)
Quote from: Akira on March 28, 2009, 09:37:37 PM
Little Update! I could not draw more, because I got cold :'(
Wait, you drew that when you were
sick? That's just awesome.
...I really have to get to work on that long distance straw. That talent isn't going to suck itself out of your noggin.
You are having a cold, and Ibuki's eating ice-cream?
She's more evil than I thought... XD
Again, another beautiful piece Akira, and get well soon~
You're drawing AND having a cold? Neat. The drawing looks beautiful while you're sick.
Be healthy OK? ;)
As usual, I love the colouring. And as usual, I request a series of in-progress images just to get a general idea of the colouring process. I wanna employ some techniques in my digital painting.
Hi RPM!!!!!
This is a drawing for a friend http://yant.deviantart.com/ >w<
Dragonball Evolution (monochrome)
Justin Chatwin ( Toriyama style)
I'm bored...
Real life Goku looks a lot better in Toriyama style.
That's not a compliment to the actor though.
cuuute, I like the over-sized sleeves and omg justin chatwin >U<
goodness and prettyness ^^ :cookie:
Quote from: CephiYumi on April 05, 2009, 01:48:55 AM
cuuute, I like the over-sized sleeves and omg justin chatwin >U<
goodness and prettyness ^^ :cookie:
Thanks ! Cephi-chan >w< :cookie:
Posted on: April 05, 2009, 01:50:48 AM
Quote from: Acid on April 05, 2009, 01:48:43 AM
Real life Goku looks a lot better in Toriyama style.
That's not a compliment to the actor though.
Yes! LOL
I like your old stuff more
Quote from: Sky Child on April 05, 2009, 01:53:00 AM
I like your old stuff more
Dragonball is my old stuff XD, really!
Lol, Justin looks especially good in dbz style. XD
Quote from: borockman on April 05, 2009, 02:29:55 AM
Lol, Justin looks especially good in dbz style. XD
Hahaha! yus! LOL
Quote from: Akira on April 05, 2009, 01:43:30 AM
Hi RPM!!!!!
This is a drawing for a friend http://yant.deviantart.com/ meow
Holy [parasitic bomb] Yant's such a [spoiler]talented artist[/spoiler]
By the way, the breast-belly proportions are freaking me out
Quote from: Akira on April 05, 2009, 01:43:30 AM
Dragonball Evolution (monochrome)
Justin Chatwin ( Toriyama style)
I'm bored...
No seriously, this is one of my favorite things you've ever drawn! XD
Quote from: Akira on April 05, 2009, 01:43:30 AM
Hi RPM!!!!!
This is a drawing for a friend http://yant.deviantart.com/ >w<
Quote from: Akira on April 05, 2009, 01:43:30 AM
Dragonball Evolution (monochrome)
Justin Chatwin ( Toriyama style)
I'm bored...
Poor Goku. out-staged by a newbie... 8D
Hi RPM!!
New art!!
Purity-chan o >//w//< o
Only one word to say....
Cute!!!! >w<
And she's all the better for it.
Purity-chan is absolutely kyute, ze. Excellent work, Akira...
*looks at the current name...*
Ibuki? How the... :O 8D
Quote from: Milen Anessar on April 19, 2009, 09:05:05 PM
Only one word to say....
Cute!!!! >w<
Thanks! Milen!!!! O > v < O
Quote from: Tsukishiro on April 19, 2009, 09:08:24 PM
And she's all the better for it.
Purity-chan is absolutely kyute, ze. Excellent work, Akira...
*looks at the current name...*
Ibuki? How the... :O 8D
Thanks Tsukishiro!
Quote from: Ibuki on April 19, 2009, 08:24:03 PM
Awwww. Pyre Heart would jump her! XD
Purity doesn't mind that at all. She'd love it~ ^.^
oh boy now i get to draw furry porn of this
Quote from: Sky Child on April 19, 2009, 11:47:31 PM
oh boy now i get to draw furry porn of this
Sky, you always manage to put a smile on my face! 8)
Quote from: Ibuki on April 19, 2009, 08:24:03 PM
Hi RPM!!
New art!!
Purity-chan o >//w//< o
ARGH! You're coloring is so smooth and amazing!
Quote from: SuperKitsu on April 20, 2009, 05:36:32 PM
ARGH! You're coloring is so smooth and amazing!
Colored Pencils often do the trick, since they don't have the smudge that markers have, which requires a lot of skill.
Quote from: Ibuki on April 19, 2009, 08:24:03 PM
Hi RPM!!
New art!!
Purity-chan o >//w//< o
Cute overload!
Quote from: Ibuki on April 19, 2009, 08:24:03 PM
Hi RPM!!
New art!!
Purity-chan o >//w//< o
i sense cuteness overflowing in this art~ :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: ~w~
Quote from: Tsukishiro on April 19, 2009, 09:08:24 PM
*looks at the current name...*
Ibuki? How the... :O 8D
The thread name... contradicts the username..
I was wondering...maybe you could do an art trade with me?
Hi! RPM!
New art!
STRIKERS 1945 Psikyo ( PSX (J)/ Sega Saturn/ Arcade)
Vertically scrolling shoot 'em up arcade game (1995)
P-38 Lightning :Cindy Volton
P-51 Mustang : Tina Prize
Supermarine Spitfire: Alice Herring
Messerschmitt Bf 109 : Lean Beirer
Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero : Ai Mikami
Kyushu J7W Shinden : Ainzaemon
Wikipedia: Originally in the arcade version, if one beat the game by earning all gold medals on every level, the revealed pilots would appear topless. XD
What the above posters said, but Tina Prize does look cute.
P-38 Lightning (http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/arcade/d/s45.htm)
P-51 Mustang (http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/arcade/d/s45p51.htm)
Spit Fire (http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/arcade/d/s45spi.htm)
Bf-109 (http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/arcade/d/s45bf.htm)
Zero Fighter (http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/arcade/d/s45zer.htm)
Shinden J7 (http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/arcade/d/s45shi.htm)
Akira, you should stop posting things that are relevant to my interests.
Too much relevance is bad for my health, you know.
Think of my health, dood!
Also, it'd be totally awesome if you drew Thief from RPG adventures. >.>
Great job as usual. Now if you could fill the request I PM'ed you... if you aren't already working on it...
Quote from: Mirby on April 25, 2009, 10:39:00 PM
Great job as usual. Now if you could fill the request I PM'ed you... if you aren't already working on it...
Sorry, I have a lot of things to do, really I'm tired! sorry! T w T
Well, I won't need that one for a while, so don't worry. The one I really need is Yeti. The others can wait.
good job, your versions look much cuter o///o :cookie:
LazyMan, I think you should write your comment differently. If you did get turned on, just say that.
It was a very thoughtful comment, but not everyone understand that kind of language. >U<
Quote from: VixyNyan on April 25, 2009, 10:20:43 PM
P-51 Mustang (http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/arcade/d/s45p51.htm)
Zero Fighter (http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/arcade/d/s45zer.htm)
Let me rephrase that, Ai and Tina are now both my favorites. I played the origional 1942 though through Mame. Got seprate images of each pilot from the drawing? That would be useful.
Quote from: Ibuki on April 25, 2009, 09:59:42 PM
Hi! RPM!
New art!
STRIKERS 1945 Psikyo ( PSX (J)/ Sega Saturn/ Arcade)
Vertically scrolling shoot 'em up arcade game (1995)
Have to say that's pretty truthful to the original. 8D
Quote from: VixyNyan on April 26, 2009, 12:06:52 AM
LazyMan, I think you should write your comment differently. If you did get turned on, just say that.
It was a very thoughtful comment, but not everyone understand that kind of language. >U<
I edited the original post with the translation.
I apologise, but I like flaunting my vocabulary sometimes.
I'm not doing this for every post, you know.
Please, no more fan service.
As much as I might not be fond of the boob to body ratio in Akira's fanservice, it's still his choice Sky, be respectful. '>.>
Quote from: Mirby on April 25, 2009, 10:39:00 PM
Great job as usual. Now if you could fill the request I PM'ed you... if you aren't already working on it...
Quote from: Mirby on April 25, 2009, 10:52:43 PM
Well, I won't need that one for a while, so don't worry. The one I really need is Yeti. The others can wait.
Gotta say, I'm really amazed at the incredibly rude way you ask for requests, like you automatically assume he's going to do it for you.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on April 26, 2009, 08:00:52 AM
Gotta say, I'm really amazed at the incredibly rude way you ask for requests, like you automatically assume he's going to do it for you.
Yeah I have to agree with that which is why I ask if they want to/have time to do a request for me. One of my mottos is "If you expect or assume something all the time life will kick your ass" or something like that, point is don't assume he will do it for you.
You have made your master proud once again Sakura! XD
Quote from: Jericho on April 26, 2009, 06:56:44 AM
As much as I might not be fond of the boob to body ratio in Akira's fanservice, it's still his choice Sky, be respectful. '>.>
I'm allowed to disagree, but kay
Quote from: borockman on April 26, 2009, 08:09:54 AM
You have made your master proud once again Sakura! XD
She always does! :)
Also, since I forgot to comment on the awesome drawing, I think I've told you this before, but I think your shading with Hair has gotten even better.
Knowing how infrequently Mirby gets online, I don't think any of your comments will be getting to him soon.
Also, +1 for jumping on the "bad netiquette is bad" train.
Quote from: Sky Child on April 26, 2009, 08:10:58 AM
I'm allowed to disagree, but kay
Never said you couldn't but I think it's kinda rude to go into someone's art thread and say "stop drawing what you want". :\
Call me when it's more focus on big butts, kthnx.
Quote from: borockman on April 26, 2009, 08:09:54 AM
You have made your master proud once again Sakura! XD
I'd like to thank my experience in chior for that.
Quote from: Mirby on April 25, 2009, 10:39:00 PM
Great job as usual. Now if you could fill the request I PM'ed you... if you aren't already working on it...
Quote from: Mirby on April 25, 2009, 10:52:43 PM
Well, I won't need that one for a while, so don't worry. The one I really need is Yeti. The others can wait.
Are you Akira's boss or something? You're making a
request, not running a design department. I bet if you were more polite and courteous, your requests would get done sooner. Nothing irks an artist more than a demanding person with no manners who needs to have their knuckles rapped good with a ruler.
Eevee is adorable, I love the colouring, and even though the giant boobs aren't quite my cup of tea, the colouring is still good and the style is still cute, and I enjoy looking at your pics, Akira.
Quote from: Ibuki on April 25, 2009, 09:59:42 PM
"This image or video violated our terms of use". Since there's big boobs on the picture, I'm not going to see it, '>.> but I bet your colouring is nice. ;)
So DARN CUTE! *Uber glomps*
And awesome Strikers tribute there, very on-spot, very... DARN YOU PHOTOBUCKET!
Ahem, seriously, really nice pic.... Toplessness and all... XD :3
Umm... Quickie, I know how that sounded, but what I meant was that I'm not worried about how Akira is busy. I don't want the request done right now, if it's done later it's done later. IOf it's never done it's never done. That's it. I understand. Sorry if it came out sounding rude, my apologies.
Thanks boys and girls! O^O
New art!
Oboro Muramasa (The Demon Blade) >w<
Vixy = Momohime
Akira= Kisuke
I see moonburns.. if you catch my drift.
Quote from: Gaia on May 03, 2009, 12:22:45 AM
I see moonburns.. if you catch my drift.
Hey, I'm the one that's supposed to be making the innuendo!
Besides, a better way of saying that would have to be "I see that the two moons are out early today, if you catch my drift."
And those are some big swords, if you know what I mean.
No wait, those actually are big swords.
O.O oh my...! It's so beautiful and filled with action~ ^.^
I love the wonderful background, especially the flowers in the sakura tree.
I also see the evil spirit next to me too. o.o
The kunoichi outfit is... very revealing. >U<
Quote from: LazyMan on May 03, 2009, 12:25:40 AM
Hey, I'm the one that's supposed to be making the innuendo!
Besides, a better way of saying that would have to be "I see that the two moons are out early today, if you catch my drift."
And those are some big swords, if you know what I mean.
No wait, those actually are big swords.
I was talking about the sunburns on her boobs silly. XD
And yeah, swords are long.
I think your coloring is improving again, if that's even possible.
And you should draw some pingpong related stuff. 8D
It's really really very pretty, I love it, you jus keep getting better ^^ :cookie:
Thanks guys! ;)
Quote from: Vixy on May 03, 2009, 12:28:27 AM
O.O oh my...! It's so beautiful and filled with action~ ^.^
I love the wonderful background, especially the flowers in the sakura tree.
I also see the evil spirit next to me too. o.o
The kunoichi outfit is... very revealing. >U<
Thankies! >//w//< *kiss*
Quote from: borockman on May 03, 2009, 12:39:19 AM
I think your coloring is improving again, if that's even possible.
And you should draw some pingpong related stuff. 8D
Thanks borockman!!!
Someday >w<
Quote from: CephiYumi on May 03, 2009, 12:53:00 AM
It's really really very pretty, I love it, you jus keep getting better ^^ :cookie:
Thankies! Cephi-chan! >w<
Quote from: Akira on May 03, 2009, 12:16:56 AM
...Goddamn, that's all types of beautiful...
I wish I could be drawn in a outfit like that...but less revealing.
I wish Sakura could be drawn in a outfit like that...but more revealing.
Quote from: Sub Tank on May 03, 2009, 06:43:16 AM
I wish Sakura could be drawn in a outfit like that...but more revealing.
Lol that's a good one. XD
Quote from: Sub Tank on May 03, 2009, 06:43:16 AM
I wish Sakura could be drawn in a outfit like that...but more revealing.
You have the power to make this happen, you know!
Anyways, awesome pic Akira, the background especially fits the game mood so well. :3
Quote from: Akira on May 03, 2009, 12:16:56 AM
Thanks boys and girls! O^O
New art!
Oboro Muramasa (The Demon Blade) >w<
Vixy = Momohime
Akira= Kisuke
Very very nice. The background is gorgeous and the shading is really well-done.
Great as always, Akira. I love how you draw swords, and of cause, Vixy~ owo
Quote from: Milen Anessar on May 03, 2009, 10:25:11 PM
Great as always, Akira. I love how you draw swords, and of cause, Vixy~ owo
Thanks Milen! ;)
Vixy! yus! owo
Quote from: Quickman on May 03, 2009, 08:10:30 AM
Very very nice. The background is gorgeous and the shading is really well-done.
Thanks Quickie! ;)
Posted on: May 03, 2009, 10:36:17 PM
Hi RPM!!
New art!
Pokemon/Pocket Monsters ROUTE 13/ Kanto R/B/G/Y ( FireRed & LeafGreen version)
Ibuki = Eevee/Wartortle
Drygon= Charmeleon/ Vaporeon
Route 13 music
The music really sets the mood for this relaxing feeling. ^^
You're so good with details too, the background looks almost the same as the screenshot. o.o
Kanto region (R/B/G/Y) was a great place for Pokemon.
We should all sit on a bridge and relax with our Pokemon too. X3
vixy your too fast you jump in right when i was typing
I love Vaporeon
Jolteon > Vaporeon fellas. It's a nice relaxing setting anyway~
I dunno. Jolteon was kinda funny looking.
Needs more Flareon though.
Everything after Espeon and Umbreon can go to hell kay?
Jolteon & Umbreon are God Tier. XD
Also, awesome picture Akira. :)
Quote from: Vixy on May 09, 2009, 09:40:11 PM
The music really sets the mood for this relaxing feeling. ^^
You're so good with details too, the background looks almost the same as the screenshot. o.o
Kanto region (R/B/G/Y) was a great place for Pokemon.
We should all sit on a bridge and relax with our Pokemon too. X3
Thankies >//w//< *kiss*
Yus ,Kanto is the best
Quote from: Jericho on May 09, 2009, 10:10:01 PM
Jolteon & Umbreon are God Tier. XD
Also, awesome picture Akira. :)
Thanks! Jericho <3
That looks very calming and peaceful, love it! as usual. 8)
Quote from: borockman on May 10, 2009, 01:02:09 AM
That looks very calming and peaceful, love it! as usual. 8)
Thanks! borockman! <3 ;)
Awwwww, how awesome.
You never cease to amaze me with all your stuff 8)
Quote from: Protoman Blues on May 10, 2009, 05:49:28 AM
Awwwww, how awesome.
Thanks PB <3
Quote from: Tsukagami on May 10, 2009, 06:00:57 AM
You never cease to amaze me with all your stuff 8)
>w< thanks! Tsukagami!
Don't mention it ;)
That is simply beautiful...
The details, and how close it resembles the screenshot... Awesome. :cookie:
Quote from: Akira on May 09, 2009, 09:36:37 PM
Thanks Milen! ;)
Vixy! yus! owo
Thanks Quickie! ;)
Posted on: May 03, 2009, 10:36:17 PM
Hi RPM!!
New art!
Pokemon/Pocket Monsters ROUTE 13/ Kanto R/B/G/Y ( FireRed & LeafGreen version)
Ibuki = Eevee/Wartortle
Drygon= Charmeleon/ Vaporeon
Route 13 music
Wow so cute! That's a very cute scene. :3
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on May 10, 2009, 07:58:44 AM
That is simply beautiful...
The details, and how close it resembles the screenshot... Awesome. :cookie:
Thanks Wily II, I love this place!
Quote from: Sniper X on May 10, 2009, 04:09:56 PM
Wow so cute! That's a very cute scene. :3
Yus ^^, Thanks Sniper X ;)
Wartortle wants to tackle Vaporeon. Ah well, at least there's no splash attack. Great work!
Hi RPM!!
New art!
Goddess Vixy ! >w<
Only colored pencils! (without black colors)
New Comic!
too bloody big D:
Seriously, please. Stop with the gigantic boobs.
I mean seriously.
Ps: nice coloring though. I think it's better when you leave the black . Contrast and stuff.
These look like they're filled with helium. Can't unsee gravity dynamics here.
Ibuki really seem to love Pokémon that much. FIRE BLAST! >U<
I'm guessing Drygon was playing Pokémon Silver. o.o
Nice experiment! Your coloring is awesome as usual. I agree though, we need the black back! at least for eyes.
Interesting, no black lines.
But yeah, black needs to be back. XD
And funny Pokemon comic.
Actually, I really like that pic without the linework. It gives it more of a painted quality and when the linework is removed, I feel it allows you to concentrate more on rendering the image in colour and mass rather than by line.
The lack of black lines makes that drawing really unique, in terms of coloring. It's a lovely piece.
Wow, so pretty colouring! Do more without colouring! :3
Very good and cute drawings...there is something that is bothering me on Vixy though....
Quote from: Blackhook on May 17, 2009, 02:51:37 PM
Very good and cute drawings...there is something that is bothering me on Vixy though....
You mean big boobs? 8D
Yea so? :|
Quote from: Vixy on May 17, 2009, 03:13:44 PM
Yea so? :|
Nothing against your boobs, but they are bigger than your head! Each of them :P
So is my friend Yanti's. @-@ (http://yant.deviantart.com/)
If you don't like, just turn around. It's so simple.
Quote from: Vixy on May 17, 2009, 03:16:41 PM
So is my friend Yanti's. @-@ (http://yant.deviantart.com/)
If you don't like, just turn around. It's so simple.
... I will stay quiet....
Quote from: Vixy on May 17, 2009, 03:16:41 PM
So is my friend Yanti's. @-@ (http://yant.deviantart.com/)
If you don't like, just turn around. It's so simple.
You should introduce more of your friends!
Sorry, I've been drawing for other people , but this is a small gift ^^
Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu) & Croagunk/Gureggru ( Pokemon)
Comic: (...)
lolo, that was cute. XD
That is funny!
Staring contest is lol.
Haha, very cute!
I totally could imagine that happening... XD
Awesome comic Akira!
Hi! RPM!
I drew this in 5 min ( 2:30 am, LOL)
Gym leader/Kanto.. Erika
Somehow I perferred Erika over the rest of the Kanto 8..
Quote from: Akira on June 15, 2009, 02:16:19 AM
Hi! RPM!
I drew this in 5 min ( 2:30 am, LOL)
Gym leader/Kanto.. Erika
Very impressive that it's done in 5 mins
Quote from: Emily the Dreamcaster on June 15, 2009, 03:12:26 AM
Very impressive that it's done in 5 mins
Thanks! Dreamcaster!!!! XD
Quote from: Akira on June 15, 2009, 02:16:19 AM
Hi! RPM!
I drew this in 5 min ( 2:30 am, LOL)
Gym leader/Kanto.. Erika
Super Effective! 8)
Quote from: Akira on June 15, 2009, 02:16:19 AM
Hi! RPM!
I drew this in 5 min ( 2:30 am, LOL)
Gym leader/Kanto.. Erika
I will be willing to get Sweet Scent'd~
Giga Drain me! >0<
That is awesome!
Think you can Sabrina too? :D
Quote from: Akira on June 15, 2009, 02:16:19 AM
Hi! RPM!
I drew this in 5 min ( 2:30 am, LOL)
Gym leader/Kanto.. Erika
5 minutes of awesomeness that is! 8)
can you draw pianochan?
Here you go
oh wait you didn't ask me, never mind
A hijack not from Acid or Sub Tank...
And d'awwww... >0<
That's priceless!
Curious, for when you're blending colours, do you happen to use one of those colourless blenders? I had bought a colourless blender a while back, but haven't used it yet.
Quote from: Quickman on June 22, 2009, 09:43:08 AM
Curious, for when you're blending colours, do you happen to use one of those colourless blenders? I had bought a colourless blender a while back, but haven't used it yet.
has he ever answered your questions?
Quote from: Pianochan on June 23, 2009, 01:05:17 AM
has he ever answered your questions?
Random arts!!
Ibuki! <3
Wild GOLBAT appeared!
Best Golbat, ever!
Good job Akira owob
I have no idea who Ibuki is, but she kinda looks like Vixy with blue hair. Which isn't nessasarily a bad thing.
Nice Golbat.
Quote from: keiang on June 27, 2009, 09:53:45 PM
I have no idea who Ibuki is, but she kinda looks like Vixy with blue hair...
Nice Golbat.
Ibuki it is my OC, she is similar to Vixy ,because Ibuki is a test character . thanks!
I lol'd at the use of old school Golbat's sprite in that pic. XD
Excellent job Akira. :)
Haha, the Golbat one is funny! My Cyndaquil could take it though! XD
And Ibuki is lovely as always!
beautiful <3
and funny golbat >U<
XD The old Pokemon sprites always looked so strange...
Nice Golbat!
and Nice Ibuki! just like always!
Quote from: Jericho on June 27, 2009, 10:00:48 PM
I lol'd at the use of old school Golbat's sprite in that pic. XD
Excellent job Akira. :)
Thanks Jericho!
Quote from: Protoman Bruce on June 27, 2009, 10:04:31 PM
Haha, the Golbat one is funny! My Cyndaquil could take it though! XD
And Ibuki is lovely as always!
Haha! XD Thanks PB!
Quote from: CephiYumi on June 28, 2009, 12:37:13 AM
beautiful <3
and funny golbat >U<
Thankies Cephi >w< <3
Quote from: The Great Gonzo on June 28, 2009, 01:27:04 AM
XD The old Pokemon sprites always looked so strange...
Yes! XD
Quote from: borockman on June 28, 2009, 01:54:54 AM
Nice Golbat!
and Nice Ibuki! just like always!
^^ Thanks borockman owob
Quote from: Jericho on June 27, 2009, 10:00:48 PM
I lol'd at the use of old school Golbat's sprite in that pic. XD
Excellent job Akira. :)
there is no other golbat
Oh yes... Red/Blue Golbat... XD
Pity he can't learn Lick... >0<
And beautiful Ibuki as well.
lol that Golbat. Brings back memories.
Hi Rpm!
New drawing! ,for she >//v//< , with love!
"Princess VixyNyan"
omg~ 0v0 snuggle plushie princess~ I-I love it so much ;.; thank you, fwuffy~ :3
The details on the dress are simply amazing. It's beautiful work. She looks lovely.
Quote from: Vixy on July 03, 2009, 10:28:36 PM
omg~ 0v0 snuggle plushie princess~ I-I love it so much ;.; thank you, fwuffy~ :3
Thankies ,my beautiful princess! I love you so much! :3
Quote from: Protoman Blues on July 03, 2009, 10:30:34 PM
The details on the dress are simply amazing. It's beautiful work. She looks lovely.
Thanks PB! owob
Lots of frills...
Frilly, and cute. >w<
So snuggable too. :3
Can't.... resist...must...resist...uahiahihoiaho! *glomp*
Hope that there is no giant turtle-dragon around
Quote from: Blackhook on July 04, 2009, 10:16:54 AM
Hope that there is no giant turtle-dragon around...
(probably needs work)
*Little update*
Oekaki drawing
Mouse drawing
Cynthia/Shirona ^^
For mouse that's very awesome though.
Indeed, very nicely done Cynthia, sexy. :3
Super Effective for a mouse drawing! XD
Finally, Akira using a mouse >0<
And he´s using it better than most of us....
mouse drawing is pretty easy if it's got a good grip and it moves slowly and evenly
You draw the most soulless eyes
Nice job!
New Art!
Ahem, very awesome Mewtwo there. :3
Thunderbolt and Ice Beam~ >U<
Bad and Ass....wait that might sound a little wronge..... -_-
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on July 10, 2009, 06:12:35 PM
Ahem, very awesome Mewtwo there. :3
Thanks Wily II ^^
Quote from: Vixy on July 10, 2009, 06:13:16 PM
Thunderbolt and Ice Beam~ >U<
Yes! my Cookie-chan :3
Quote from: Blackhook on July 10, 2009, 06:16:57 PM
Bad and Ass....wait that might sound a little wronge..... -_-
Hahahaha! owob
Quote from: Akira on July 10, 2009, 06:07:04 PM
He's no match for Pyre Heart! GO GET EM, CYNDAQUIL! XD
Really cool looking Mewtwo! owob
Great job, Akira!
Quote from: Emily the Dreamcaster on July 10, 2009, 08:02:49 PM
Really cool looking Mewtwo! owob
Great job, Akira!
Thanks Emily owob
Quote from: Protoman Blues on July 10, 2009, 07:53:32 PM
He's no match for Pyre Heart! GO GET EM, CYNDAQUIL! XD
Hahaha! 8D
Actually, back in the gold ol' days of Silver, Mewtwo was no match for my Snorlax.
...Damn Aura Sphere...
...Don´t mention Snorlax....I still remember how I felt betrayed when I´ve noticed that the Snorlax and Lugia in Gold are waaaaaaaay stronger than the Ho-oh I´ve used my Master Ball on.... >_<
LOL, this thing needs a video
Holy awesome sauce!
Quote from: Akira on July 10, 2009, 06:07:04 PM
New Art!
Eee! Mewtwo! About ready to give some poor sap a psychic ass-kicking no less.
As good as that is, there is something I must say.
Ghost and Dark types will always be superior.
Hi RPM! new art!
Ware wa messiah nari! HA HA HA!
A really hilarious pic there Akira, Arceus just looks awesome there. :cookie:
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on July 18, 2009, 09:02:19 PM
A really hilarious pic there Akira, Arceus just looks awesome there. :cookie:
Thanks Wily II! ;)
Just pull out Cyndaquil, and this match will be over SO fast!
Quote from: Protoman Blues on July 18, 2009, 09:04:01 PM
Just pull out Cyndaquil, and this match will be over SO fast!
Hahahaha! 8D
Thanks PB! ;)
I mean, I guess Cyndaquil would be unfair. I guess if you want to give Haruhi a chance, you can use someone else.
There is something better than Cyndaquil? Except for Scyther ofcourse XD
Quote from: Blackhook on July 18, 2009, 09:09:29 PM
There is something better than Cyndaquil? Except for Scyther ofcourse XD
But he has swords instead of hands O^O
Cyndaquil & Scyther VS ARCEUS 8D
Quote from: Akira on July 18, 2009, 09:17:07 PM
Cyndaquil & Scyther VS ARCEUS 8D
Time for... JUDGEMENT!!!
Quote from: Akira on July 18, 2009, 09:17:07 PM
Cyndaquil & Scyther VS ARCEUS 8D
Heh, Cyndaquil needs no help in battle. If anything, Scyther should join Arceus just to make it fair! 8)
Quote from: Protoman Blues on July 18, 2009, 09:21:15 PM
Heh, Cyndaquil needs no help in battle. If anything, Scyther should join Arceus just to make it fair! 8)
You and your Cydaquil.
Treecko would mop the floor with Cydaquil.
Cyndaquil is cool if only because it evolves into the superior Quilava
Quote from: Lunar Knight Zeke on July 18, 2009, 09:39:35 PM
You and your Cydaquil. Treecko would mop the floor with Cydaquil.
LoL, Treecko can suck on Flamethrower! NO MATCH FOR CYNDAQUIL!
Isn't Treecko like.. Extremely flammable?
Obviously Haruhi used an Action Replay to get that Arceus.
...As well as five more.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on July 18, 2009, 09:10:51 PM
but I like scyther... ;_;
Feh, Gengar and Mismagius would end them all.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on July 18, 2009, 09:47:15 PM
LoL, Treecko can suck on Flamethrower! NO MATCH FOR CYNDAQUIL!
Quote from: GothamAnswer on July 18, 2009, 09:48:55 PM
Isn't Treecko like.. Extremely flammable?
Treecko can use Dig and Rock Tomb, both of which can snuff out Cyndaquil easily enough.
Uh what about Lucario, Absol, and Blaziken?
Quote from: LazyMan on July 18, 2009, 10:01:22 PM
Obviously Haruhi used an Action Replay to get that Arceus.
...As well as five more.
I think...
Haruhi IS the Action Replay. >0<
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on July 19, 2009, 09:12:02 AM
I think...
Haruhi IS the Action Replay. >0<
That does make sense. :\
Haruhi and Arceus no match for the might that is Kyon.
He wouldn't even need Pokemon to win lol...
Snover. That is all.
I don't know why I haven't commented here before. That's a seriously epic picture there (yeah, I'm late). I don't care much for Haruhi as a character, but that'd be one awesome encounter.
But still, Snover is <3 to me.
New art! >w<
Heart Gold & Soul Silver ( Ho-Oh & Lugia)
Is it just me, or does anyone else find Ho-Oh's name to be funny for no particular reason?
heheh, very nice ^^ :cookie:
Quote from: keiang on July 25, 2009, 09:52:13 PM
Is it just me, or does anyone else find Ho-Oh's name to be funny for no particular reason?
LOL ^^;
Quote from: CephiYumi on July 25, 2009, 09:59:36 PM
heheh, very nice ^^ :cookie:
Thankies Cephi! :3
Crystal > the new chick.
Wow!! Pokemon legend will rise up again!!
Good job, Akira. I like Lugia~ ;)
Awesome Ho-Oh and Lugia pic there... :3
As for the issue on Soul...
*shot multiple times*
Quote from: Akira on July 25, 2009, 09:50:03 PM
New art! >w<
Heart Gold & Soul Silver ( Ho-Oh & Lugia)
This is awesome right here. GO LUGIA. AEROBLAST!
Aeroblast? That is no match for the Sacred fire!
Quote from: Akira on July 25, 2009, 09:50:03 PM
New art! >w<
Heart Gold & Soul Silver ( Ho-Oh & Lugia)
This has a very nice contrast and balance nice! owob
Awesome. Just awesome. Gonna have to root for Lugia, though.
Thanks guys for the comments :3
New art! ^^
Ibuki-chan >w<
Ooooh lovely. Summertime Ibuki! Very nice!
We totally need a Summertime PBPB! 8D
Hehe, really sexy pic of Ibuki there. :3
Quote from: Protoman Blues on August 01, 2009, 10:09:33 PM
Ooooh lovely. Summertime Ibuki! Very nice!
We totally need a Summertime PBPB! 8D
:p Maybe !
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on August 02, 2009, 07:39:33 AM
Hehe, really sexy pic of Ibuki there. :3
Thanks Wily ^^
Hmm, side ponytail~ nice!
Thanks guys! ^^
Aisaka Taiga (Toradaora) & Raikou ^^
Awwwwww Raikou looks adorable! Simply adorable.
I'd love to see you draw Articuno & Aurora Wing Vixy flying! 8)
Quote from: Protoman Blues on August 08, 2009, 09:54:57 PM
Awwwwww Raikou looks adorable! Simply adorable.
I'd love to see you draw Articuno & Aurora Wing Vixy flying! 8)
Maybe :p
Quote from: Night on August 09, 2009, 02:25:27 AM
Quote from: Akira on August 08, 2009, 09:51:58 PM
Thanks guys! ^^
Aisaka Taiga (Toradaora) & Raikou ^^
D'aww~ Simply adorable. :3
Quote from: Night on August 09, 2009, 02:25:27 AM
... Alright, you win there. XD
I see Taiga! with a chibi Raikou! <3ly
now try drawing ryuji with rayquazak
Quote from: Night on August 12, 2009, 05:58:44 AM
now try drawing ryuji with rayquazak
Rayquaza, and I second this notion. >w<
Thanks guys! ;)
New drawings!
Vixy-chan and me :3
Blues/Proto Man (monochrome)
awww, adorable school picture and cute chalkboard stuffs, very nice owo
and very cool monochrome blues! ^^ :cookie:
Ever thought of the idea of sharing a shower with Vixy? seriously. If you like her this much, then do it. Looks great as usual too.
You feel good when I hug you, cake? Thank you for the flower, sweetie~ owo
Rockman in the chalkboard. And Blues looks so cool, the shading and sunlight blends so good even in monochrome. ^^
Quote from: Gaia on August 15, 2009, 10:07:42 PM
Ever thought of the idea of sharing a shower with Vixy? seriously. If you like her this much, then do it.
I don't mind~ (http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/4964/sexyandnakedrelaxingbat.png) ^o^
Quote from: CephiYumi on August 15, 2009, 09:59:17 PM
awww, adorable school picture and cute chalkboard stuffs, very nice owo
and very cool monochrome blues! ^^ :cookie:
Thanks Cephi-Nyan! :3
Quote from: Vixy on August 15, 2009, 10:19:45 PM
You feel good when I hug you, cake? Thank you for the flower, sweetie~ owo
Rockman in the chalkboard. And Blues looks so cool, the shading and sunlight blends so good even in monochrome. ^^
I don't mind~ (http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/4964/sexyandnakedrelaxingbat.png) ^o^
I feel loved! :3 ; oo ;, Thankies my Cookie >oo<
Awesome Blues is always awesome.
And the school pic, very cute... >w<
Also, props to Rockman chalk drawing. XD
Quote from: Akira on August 15, 2009, 09:55:49 PM
Blues/Proto Man (monochrome)
He's just so Bluestastic! Awesome awesome work Akira. The Vixy/Akira "Soon to go to the locker room and get all fuckbunnilly" drawing is fantastic as well! 8D
just [twin slasher] her already.
How do you draw your drawings like that!? They're off the charts man! ;)
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on August 16, 2009, 09:04:17 AM
Awesome Blues is always awesome.
And the school pic, very cute... >w<
Also, props to Rockman chalk drawing. XD
Thanks Wily II ;)
Quote from: Protoman Blues on August 16, 2009, 04:52:16 PM
He's just so Bluestastic! Awesome awesome work Akira. The Vixy/Akira "Soon to go to the locker room and get all fuckbunnilly" drawing is fantastic as well! 8D
Sexy Protoman is Sexy 8D
Hahaha! o//////o
Quote from: VirusChris on August 16, 2009, 07:19:49 PM
How do you draw your drawings like that!? They're off the charts man! ;)
Originally, I draw shonen characters, I have not lost that ability even
I'm going to use that word more often too. Fuckbunnily, I mean! XD
Quote from: VirusChris on August 16, 2009, 07:19:49 PM
How do you draw your drawings like that!? They're off the charts man! ;)
step 1: draw two large circles
step 2: then draw a small girl behind them.
step 3: ????
step 4: profit
Quote from: Nekomata on August 16, 2009, 11:15:31 PM
step 1: draw two large circles
step 2: then draw a small girl behind them.
step 3: ????
step 4: profit
New art!
Hayate no Gotoku!
They're very cute!!! >w< :cookie: <3
I just like how it came out in the end; especially some of the outlining~
nya, beautiful green eyes! I like it ^^ :cookie:
may i request? this character
in an environment that does not fit
Hey look, their eyes aren't nearly as soulless
Like I've said, love this. Hayate. :3
Quote from: Sky Child on August 28, 2009, 11:56:23 PM
may i request? this character
in an environment that does not fit
Enma Ai in Heaven, perfect. XD
Quote from: Akira on August 28, 2009, 09:09:29 PM
New art!
Hayate no Gotoku!
Haha, now that's unexpected art. I love HnG.
Lovely Maria! <3
New drawing ^^
Breatrice Nyan!
Technically, that would be a fusion of Beatrice and Roomi (Yes, Roomi from Galaxy Fight, from some odd reason, must be because of some of the traits).
Outline's gotten poofier, looks smoother. Not as sharp as it used to be but oh well.
Those are my traits~
Pulseman is so clueless... this is adorable. :3
Beatrice and clueless Pulseman is so cute! ^^
she is adorabler now ^^ :cookie:
Hehe, that looks really cute, and yeah...
Clueless Pulseman is clueless. XD
Pulseman also needs some nekomimi action! 8D
Hot Beatrice.
Thanks boys and girls >w<
Little Update
Pokemon, lol
Ibuki & Drygon
Very nice! 8)
Very, VERY nice. :3
Hi RPM! :3
New art!
Jill(Drill Dozer/Screw Breaker) & Pulseman
You are digging into Game Freak, aren't you? However, I think Pulseman's left leg seems an inch off, so is Jill's right arm for that grabbing effect, other than that, I think you still have your coloring prowess.
Quote from: Gaia on September 19, 2009, 10:43:50 PM
You are digging into Game Freak, aren't you? However, I think Pulseman's left leg seems an inch off, so is Jill's right arm for that grabbing effect, other than that, I think you still have your coloring prowess.
This is just a quick drawing...
holy [parasitic bomb], he didn't add tits bigger then jill's head
Quote from: Akira on September 19, 2009, 10:46:48 PM
This is just a quick drawing...
Maybe, but C+C is nice once and awhile. helps improve yer skills a little even when doodling~
Quote from: Nekomata on September 19, 2009, 10:47:40 PM
holy [parasitic bomb], he didn't add tits bigger then jill's head
haha indeed; I see what you did there.
Quote from: Gaia on September 19, 2009, 10:53:29 PM
Maybe, but C+C is nice once and awhile. helps improve yer skills a little even when doodling~
I only draw on paper, and I've never said that I was perfect in the drawing.
draw on paper, means, a double-edged work.
*sigh* I'm just gonna stop here, have a burger king burger to have it your way before I get into trouble.
What's C+C? : o
Both spriters and artist's term for Constructive Critisism. basically.
Quote from: Gaia on September 19, 2009, 10:53:29 PM
not really sure what the + is for o.o
but great games and great drawing ^^ :cookie:
Quote from: Akira on September 19, 2009, 10:59:01 PM
I only draw on paper, and I've never said that I was perfect in the drawing.
draw on paper, means, a double-edged work.
Oh, this is the painful truth. I just know too well. (especially me the pen guy)
I was told by artist Mike Hawthorne that the most unhelpful kind of comments you can get are the ones where everyone says everything is perfect. Artists need critiques. It is the only way they can improve.
That said, the colouring and linework are nice as usual. However, Jill's right (her right, your left) hand seems a bit off. What will help is to either use your own hand to reference from or have someone model for you. Hands are very tricky to draw. The background is pretty, though.
Still, that looks really good. :3
Quote from: Quickman on September 20, 2009, 06:40:31 AM
I was told by artist Mike Hawthorne that the most unhelpful kind of comments you can get are the ones where everyone says everything is perfect. Artists need critiques. It is the only way they can improve.
That said, the colouring and linework are nice as usual. However, Jill's right (her right, your left) hand seems a bit off. What will help is to either use your own hand to reference from or have someone model for you. Hands are very tricky to draw. The background is pretty, though.
Thankies Quickie, I know ^^,your criticism is different from the criticisms of Gaia,and I appreciate that too.
Quote from: Akira on September 20, 2009, 08:31:37 PM
Thankies Quickie, I know ^^,your criticism is different from the criticisms of Gaia
Safe to say that I'm not much of an artist, but more of a spriter (growing into a pixel artist slowly if I can break some habits), yeh. I apologize for the crit I gave you then. Also, do you have an anatomy chart on you? that'd be nice. ^^
Quote from: Akira on September 20, 2009, 08:31:37 PM
Thankies Quickie, I know ^^,your criticism is different from the criticisms of Gaia,and I appreciate that too.
Pfft I can't see how Gaia's criticism was harsh haha He basically said the same think as Quickie.
Quote from: Quickman on September 20, 2009, 06:40:31 AM
I was told by artist Mike Hawthorne that the most unhelpful kind of comments you can get are the ones where everyone says everything is perfect. Artists need critiques. It is the only way they can improve.
Thank GOD someone understands!
Quickie was more friendly with her criticism, noting things about the drawing and the coloring. And of course we artists need critique. We don't like criticism that is put out in a rude or weird attitude way. Besides, the legs are fine, specially because Pulsie does bend his leg like that. Jill's hand might not have the right length on the fingers and they seem a bit separate from each other. It's kinda tough to fix these changes on paper, specially when using darker ink colors, because it won't be easy erasing those tiny slip-ups, remember. Akira doesn't have the digital tools to fix these small things. I respect him for doing his best on the drawing and blending a lot of colors in, giving a bright and colorful result. ^^
.. nevermiiind
I like it, personally. =3 Though I do like colourful art, so I may be a wee bit biased.
I can't really offer C+C myself, since my style is vastly different and probably full of what people would call "little mistakes". I admire people who draw in their own way, especially if they can draw without the help of this new-fangled technomological jibber-jabberings.
Quote from: Nick Z. Rythm on September 20, 2009, 10:49:13 PM
I can't really offer C+C myself, since my style is vastly different and probably full of what people would call "little mistakes".
*whew* At least someone understands my problems (other than I can't reach the dern scanner because it's occupied most of the time). It's also how you handle the C+C, as some people don't take it rather well, so it could be one of the reasons why Akira thought mine was a little more harsh than Quick's.
OK OK ,I will not argue with anyone ^^.
New art! >w<
Those tree leaves are amazing! XD
Well done!
the leaves are very good, and such pretty flower pattern ^o^ :cookie:
I thought for a second that the whole place is burning... '>.> Very nice
Awesome... Ercuteak City, with all the Shining Leaves... 8D XD
It's a beautiful drawing. I love the leaves. It feels like Autumn already. ^^
Ibuki has a cute Pichu. and her yukata has cute flower patterns like Shaymin does~
Very nice coloring beautiful leaves! and nice yukata! owob
Quote from: Blackhook on September 25, 2009, 08:55:09 PM
I thought for a second that the whole place is burning... '>.> Very nice
Same. XD
Anyways, the place looks beautiful. The ground, the tree and the house. And the girl's kimono is beautiful with flower patterns. Good job! ^^
Little update...
... What?
I see whut you did thar. 8D
Nice job, though! You really nailed the style. *Pets Osaka*
...Soooo....which one is the slowpoke?
LoL, that's somewhat creepy too! XD
Which one the slowpoke or the girl? 8D
Ah... Good old Osaka... XD
New art!
Plug-chan ( Fight Ippatsu! Jūden-chan!!) and Plug Man (Rockman9/ Megaman 9) =w=
For a sex, I thought PlugMan was a pimp!
Either way, awesome drawing.
He sooo wants to put his plug into her adapter....
I love Plug Man!
Haha nice one!
Quote from: ProtoassBlues on October 30, 2009, 06:38:02 PM
For a sex, I thought PlugMan was a pimp!
I don't know if that was a typo or intended but somehow I wouldn't suprised if it was intened. XD Anyway that looks very nice Akira.
Quote from: Akira on October 30, 2009, 06:28:01 PM
New art!
Plug-chan ( Fight Ippatsu! Jūden-chan!!) and Plug Man (Rockman9/ Megaman 9) =w=
Oh lawl, this is awesome... XD
Great job Akira.
So there is a real Plug-chan, cute!
Sorry RPM!
New drawing!
Cave Story " Doukutsu Monogatari"
Curly Brace :3
Is it a good thing for me to say that I need to go back and finish Cave Story? o~O
Otherwise, yeah. good work as usual and such. Missing her pistol but otherwise yeah.
Oh man Akira, you just made my day.
She's quite fine, if I may say so. =D
what, you're supposed to steal her panties.
Great as usual owob
Akiralutely beautiful, as per usual! XD
I think Akira just recently discovered Cave Story.
Always nice to see more Curly!
I got my birthday gift nya~ ^oo^
A heart-warming letter, some drawings and this...
(http://lol.rockmanpm.com/2009BirthdayGiftSoftVixyNyan.jpg) (http://lol.rockmanpm.com/2009BirthdayGiftSoftVixyNyan.jpg)
Put together with glue and Felt (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felt). O.O (zoom in for detail)
Thank you so much, Akira my boyfriend! Love you~ *^3^*
Thank you Cephi for the wiki link. ^^
Awwww, that's very sweet.
Wow, that's pretty damn impressive. Very thoughtful of him. =D
Whoa, that's one pretty birthday gift.
Awesome Curly Brace there Akira.
And d'aww at felt Vixy... So cute. >w<
thats just too cute. X3
Quote from: VixyNyan on November 25, 2009, 07:57:47 PM
I got my birthday gift nya~ ^oo^
A heart-warming letter, some drawings and this...
(http://lol.rockmanpm.com/2009BirthdayGiftSoftVixyNyan.jpg) (http://lol.rockmanpm.com/2009BirthdayGiftSoftVixyNyan.jpg)
Put together with glue and Felt (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felt). O.O (zoom in for detail)
Thank you so much, Akira my boyfriend! Love you~ *^3^*
Thank you Cephi for the wiki link. ^^
<3, No prob. I love you, my Nyan Nyan <3
Posted on: November 26, 2009, 07:44:03 PM
Hi RPM!!
New art!
Shana-chan :3
That is a tasty-lookin' katana. Mmmmmm.
She packs fire and is ready for action~ >v< Cute and adorable! <3 </wii>
Awesome Shana there... Shana-tan later? :P
Ooooh, I love her hair. Almost reminds me of PBPB! Beautiful drawing, Akira!
Quote from: Protoman Blues on November 27, 2009, 06:57:19 PM
Ooooh, I love her hair. Almost reminds me of PBPB! Beautiful drawing, Akira!
Yes, She is like your daughter XD , lol
Yus... Shana is love 8D
Quote from: Akira on November 27, 2009, 07:39:39 PM
Yes, She is like your daughter XD , lol
Yus... Shana is love 8D
Ooooooh, I like the sound of that! 8)
Every time I see her I remember urucai urucai. 8D
Quote from: borockman on November 28, 2009, 01:45:58 AM
Every time I see her I remember urucai urucai. 8D
Now I wanna see Shana-tan. XD
New art!
MS Paint/Mouse :3
VixyNyan owo ... with love! <3
It's colorful, cute and beautiful~
It must have taken many hours... >oo<
Thank you cake-kun~ o^v^o
Quote from: VixyNyan on December 05, 2009, 07:00:47 PM
It's colorful, cute and beautiful~
It must have taken many hours... >oo<
Thank you cake-kun~ o^v^o
Thankies! my cookie-chan >/oo/<
Impressive, considering that it was done on Paint. owob Quite nice, yes (though a tad rough around the edges). :3
I can see that you put love, care and passion into these drawings of yours, Mr. Akira. I can respect that. :)
Thanks! :3
You're welcome. ;)
For the record, being rather fond of cute couples, I must say that you and Vixy are so adorable together! *o*
You are the God of mouse!
Quote from: borockman on December 06, 2009, 01:48:57 AM
You are the God of mouse!
i have been shown who is the boss :c
Akira you should draw Zombie Kitsu.
With a maid like that... Who needs other maids? XD
Very cute pic, Akira. :3
It really does look quite good
Indeed it does, I shall see to visiting more often.
Quote from: Akira on December 05, 2009, 06:55:50 PM(http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn194/Akira_Corp/MaidNyan.png)
That was made with MSPaint & a mouse? Man, that's very impressive, cute pic too.
Thanks! :3
New drawing!
Shmup!! Danmaku hell!! O:<
That is so awesome, and it looks like it could work as a game!
Wily II boss! XD
Wow, it's awesome, beautiful, funny and cool. >U<
We fight together, for everlasting peace~ so cute. ^^
Good work, sweetie. ^^
Quote from: Black Nova on December 11, 2009, 09:42:50 PM
That is so awesome, and it looks like it could work as a game!
Thanks! :)
Quote from: VixyNyan on December 11, 2009, 09:42:53 PM
Wily II spider boss! XD
Wow, it's awesome, beautiful, funny and cool. >U<
We fight together, for everlasting peace~ so cute. ^^
Good work, sweetie. ^^
Thanks, my love *kiss* :3
Wow! Wily II isn´t [tornado fang]ing around!
Quote from: Akira on December 11, 2009, 09:41:01 PM
Wow, pretty cool. I'd love to play a game like that XD (as in, with those particular characters, etc.)
Quote from: Blackhook on December 11, 2009, 09:46:20 PM
Wow! Wily II isn´t [tornado fang]ing around!
Yes ^^;
Quote from: Irgendein on December 11, 2009, 09:48:51 PM
Wow, pretty cool. I'd love to play a game like that XD (as in, with those particular characters, etc.)
Yes, Thanks! ^^
Is there any chance of other RPM members becomming bosses?
Quote from: Blackhook on December 11, 2009, 09:58:46 PM
Is there any chance of other RPM members becomming bosses?
Yes, I think after Xmas, I need to draw something for RPM too ^^;
Quote from: Blackhook on December 11, 2009, 09:58:46 PM
Is there any chance of other RPM members becomming bosses?
You just gave me the greatest idea! Now I must learn to sprite! BOIL SOME TEA!
Quote from: Black Nova on December 11, 2009, 10:01:30 PM
You just gave me the greatest idea! Now I must learn to sprite! BOIL SOME TEA!
*Sips tea* I always boil tea beforehand
Quote from: Blackhook on December 11, 2009, 10:04:47 PM
*Sips tea* I always boil tea beforehand
Oh good move on that. But as I have said before, you dont sip tea, thats rude, you DRINK tea. Anyways, I must create a Nova boss! As soon as I understand the concept of drawing and or spriting.
Quote from: Akira on December 11, 2009, 09:41:01 PM
This is all kinds of awesome. Haha, I'd never survive!
Very nice!
I wonder if you two can survive the danmaku hell!? you are both too big! 8D
That's very lovely and awesome seriously!
Quote from: Akira on December 11, 2009, 09:41:01 PM
Thanks! :3
New drawing!
Shmup!! Danmaku hell!! O:<
Wow! That is beautiful and awesome, Akira! ^^
Wow, Imagine Megaman against THAT!
great job. XD
Quote from: Akira on December 11, 2009, 09:41:01 PM
Thanks! :3
New drawing!
Shmup!! Danmaku hell!! O:<
... So beautiful... O^O
You know... Would you mind if I decide to sprite this out as a Wily II Machine in the future?
Though seriously...
Thanks boys and girls :3
New Drawing!
This is my Xmas gift to RPM :3
Enjoy! o>w<o
oh wow. great job! thank you!
Kind of you. :3
Merry Christmas, to you too, Akira.
Quote from: Flame on December 19, 2009, 09:25:56 PM
oh wow. great job! thank you!
Kind of you. :3
Thanks! Flame :3
Quote from: Sniper X on December 19, 2009, 09:27:02 PM
Merry Christmas, to you too, Akira.
Thankies! Sniper X >w<
Flaaaamey the red nosed staaag ~
Looks great
That's just awesome.
I love the Sheepman indifferent face. XD
Merry Xmas!
Quote from: Blackhook on December 19, 2009, 09:34:29 PM
Flaaaamey the red nosed staaag ~
Looks great
XD , Thanks!
Quote from: Lucky Star on December 19, 2009, 09:40:44 PM
That's just awesome.
Thankies! >w<
Quote from: borockman on December 19, 2009, 11:13:35 PM
I love the Sheepman indifferent face. XD
Merry Xmas!
I love that face too! XD
Thanks! >w<
Quote from: Akira on December 19, 2009, 09:22:54 PM
Well this has gotten me more into the Christmas Spirit XD Great job, Akira!
Awesome Xmas pic Akira, have a merry one as well!
And Light's still a douche. XD
LoL, very awesome indeed.
Merry X'mas, Akira! Great pic indeed! owob
That's very creative! >w< :cookie:
Happy Holidays Akira ^^
Hi! RPM!
Little update...
Alice Clone :3 ( ESP Ra.De. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ESP_Ra.De.) / Espgaluda (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Espgaluda) )
Long red hair and glasses. I like, I like! XD
Quote from: Akira on January 12, 2010, 08:54:45 PM
Alice Clone :3 ( ESP Ra.De. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ESP_Ra.De.) / Espgaluda (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Espgaluda) )
I've never really heard of that character or series, but still a cute pic nonetheless. Great job, Akira!
We need video playthrough pronto!
and nice drawing as per usual. Love me the Tuxedo mask maid XD.
They are all so cute~ ^oo^
*snuggle all of them*
Quote from: borockman on January 13, 2010, 12:05:53 AM
We need video playthrough pronto!
Here's a video play~ ^^b (http://www.rockmanpm.com/?p=mp4/esprade)
Very interesting shump...
OwO... =w=... Cute... >w<
What they said.
You. Are. GOD~! :O
Hi RPM! :3 (again...)
New art!
Mushihimesama/ Reco-chan ( Vixy and Cephi likes a lot ^^ <3 <3)
Musihime-sama (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mushihime-sama)
Mew pew pew~ >U<
She looks so beautiful and adorable.
Her hair is so shiny and glorious.
Good work, sweetie. ^^
Now waiting for epic final boss theme.
Very lovely indeed.
I like it too.
Very awesome indeed. :3
And yes to final boss theme too. >w<
I really like it
Ketsui (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketsui_-_Kizuna_Jigoku_Tachi)
Akira: Blue Label
Original Pic:
It looks great. Serious and cool. You're bleeding... ; oo ;
Ah, I'd love to see you in a game. That would be fun. x3
Here's a video of the game in action. ;3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdrBEucu9iE)
Ouchy. You might wanna wipe that blood off your face, despite you looking more bad-ass from it! XD
So now you all see another (cooler) side of Akira.
You should try some more cool things like this later, sweetie. ^^;
If you want to look even cooler, draw yourself with PB Shades & a Scarf. That's the very definition of suave! 8)
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 01, 2010, 09:07:58 PM
If you want to look even cooler, draw yourself with PB Shades & a Scarf. That's the very definition of suave! 8)
Hahaha XD
Nice. Next time draw a pic of Vixy beating the crap out of whoever made you bleed
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 01, 2010, 09:07:58 PM
If you want to look like an ass, draw yourself with PB Shades & a Scarf. That's the very definition of dumbass! 8)
Oh you naughty little blue demon thingy!
Very edgy pic, great job on it. :3
Quote from: Akira on February 01, 2010, 08:47:40 PM
Ketsui (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketsui_-_Kizuna_Jigoku_Tachi)
Akira: Blue Label
Be more bored please. I love this.
More boredom...
Taiko no Wobbuffet >w<
haha yeah that game is great.
Nice pic.
Can't his tail beat one of those tiny exercise trampolines or something? Two distinct beats! Or three, even!
Ah... Taiko drum, I suck at that. XD
Hahaha, very clever drawing Akira.
Quote from: Akira on February 02, 2010, 08:31:40 PM
More boredom...
Taiko no Wobbuffet >w<
Ehehehe, the perfect game for him. XD
Sooooooo nans~
lolwut? That´s cute
Y'know, I'd play a game like that. I'd play it to Hell and back!
More boredom...
Quick drawing
Cool. ^^b
Gym lleader turned Elite 4 and also he´s a ninja...you can´t get more awesome than him...also yeah I have to agree with Vixy
You draw some sexcellent scarf action!
Looks great! Naturally, of course.
Awesome Koga is Koga awesome.
Sorry guys, many things to do, and no time for drawings, but this is my gift to RPM and for the New Rockman 10 ^^
Enjoy ^^
Quote from: Akira on February 25, 2010, 07:48:05 PM
Sorry guys, many things to do, and no time for drawings, but this is my gift to RPM and for the New Rockman 10 ^^
Enjoy ^^
Oh wow. Blues just looks so gutsy and heroic-y. Thanx Akira. I, for one, love this.
Oh yeah! The brothers are about to kick some robot master butts!
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 25, 2010, 07:50:59 PM
Oh wow. Blues just looks so gutsy and heroic-y. Thanx Akira. I, for one, love this.
Thanks Protoman Bruce 8D , i like Blues too ^^b
Quote from: Blackhook on February 25, 2010, 07:53:03 PM
Oh yeah! The brothers are about to kick some robot master butts!
Yes! owob
Prepare to be owned by the sexcellent combo of Blues and Rock!
Quote from: Mirby on February 25, 2010, 07:57:17 PM
Prepare to be owned by the sexcellent combo of Blues and Rock!
Yes! ^^ , Thanks Mirby ^^
Two words: Tiny. Pic. Link broke on my end while loading. -AC
Next time, you need to put Blues in front, and have his shield blocking Rock's face! 8)
Quote from: Gaia on February 25, 2010, 08:07:27 PM
Two words: Tiny. Pic. Link broke on my end while loading. -AC
I need to fix that because the uploaders like Photobucket are crap, and the original Pic is big
I have no problems uploading large files onto Tinypic (hence why I was able to upload the cards), you must have small processing power on your PC like I do then. If that fails, the Print Screen + Paint combo's your friend. :W
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 25, 2010, 08:08:15 PM
Next time, you need to put Blues in front, and have his shield blocking Rock's face! 8)
ahahaha oh you!
Quote from: Asena on February 25, 2010, 08:13:51 PM
ahahaha oh you!
It's true. Blues needs to take center stage! 8D
The sexcellent combo of Blues and... his scarf? His shield?
...his shades of ultimate protection
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 25, 2010, 08:08:15 PM
Next time, you need to put Blues in front, and have his shield blocking Rock's face! 8)
Maybe XD, lol
Problem Fixed
Ah, that's better. There should have been a reflecting effect though, since Protoman's in that kind of position. Just sayin'. Other than that it's perfectly good. Not "perfect perfect" but it's decent.
Quote from: Blackhook on February 25, 2010, 08:34:05 PM
...his shades of ultimate protection
That's right. The sexcellent combo of Blues and his shades.
Quote from: Gaia on February 25, 2010, 08:45:50 PM
Ah, that's better. There should have been a reflecting effect though, since Protoman's in that kind of position. Just sayin'. Other than that it's perfectly good. Not "perfect perfect" but it's decent.
I know, It is hard to made those things with normal paper and with those pencils ^^;
I still wonder how many innocent color pencils have you sacrificed to make this kind awesome?
Awesome Rock and Blues pic Akira.
They are ready to kick butt.
Okay I just want to say some things Akira.
First of all I think your anatomy is broken in a way. Moon tits and girls with no organs isn't gonna fly if you want a job in art.
I'm not trying to be mean but I'm just trying to be truthful. Also, I'd really like to see something different from you that's not Pokemon or Vidya Gaems or, yeah I'm gonna say it, Vixy.
Interpret a favorite song.
Draw yourself with someone you admire.
Try gesture drawing.
I'd really like to see you try something different and challenge yourself instead of seeing the same thing over and over. Besides varying a portfolio will definitely be an eye catcher to businesses or whoever wants to hire you.
Although I will say keep up the coloring techniques, nice and smooth colors are always a plus~
Quote from: Kitsu on March 03, 2010, 05:24:18 AM
Okay I just want to say some things Akira.
First of all I think your anatomy is broken in a way. Moon tits and girls with no organs isn't gonna fly if you want a job in art.
I'm not trying to be mean but I'm just trying to be truthful. Also, I'd really like to see something different from you that's not Pokemon or Vidya Gaems or, yeah I'm gonna say it, Vixy.
Interpret a favorite song.
Draw yourself with someone you admire.
Try gesture drawing.
I'd really like to see you try something different and challenge yourself instead of seeing the same thing over and over. Besides varying a portfolio will definitely be an eye catcher to businesses or whoever wants to hire you.
Although I will say keep up the coloring techniques, nice and smooth colors are always a plus~
I know, I need to fix many thinks , Nobody it is perfect, and Kitsu, drawing it is only my Hobby, I'm styuding other thing, I know I need to do many changes in my drawings, 5 years ago I could not draw girls,it is a process, and it's hard, I do not have all the time in the world, this is just my hobby, but also need to study, and now I'm not in the best mood for the earthquake thing, I'm really nervous and sad, I like critics, but not in this moment, please.
Quote from: Akira on March 03, 2010, 08:39:19 PM
I know, I need to fix many thinks , Nobody it is perfect, and Kitsu, drawing it is only my Hobby, I'm styuding other thing, I know I need to do many changes in my drawings, 5 years ago I could not draw girls,it is a process, and it's hard, I do not have all the time in the world, this is just my hobby, but also need to study, and now I'm not in the best mood for the earthquake thing, I'm really nervous and sad, I like critics, but not in this moment, please.
Well its official I'm an ass.
Akira, I kinda agree with her. She has a good intention behind it.
Still, you don't have to change it suddenly. Just try something new when you have time to draw.
Focus on your study first, and draw when you have free time. No one force you to draw when you don't have time for it.
There's nothing wrong with sticking to what style you like.
But it's gonna be better if you try to go for different route and explore the new possibility.
Earthquake was a thing of the past. You might not forget it, but there's no point to keep mourning about it.
Life is short, so look forward.
Quote from: Emiri Landeel on March 04, 2010, 05:07:09 AM
Earthquake was a thing of the past. You might not forget it, but there's no point to keep mourning about it.
Life is short, so look forward.
Actually, there could be potential aftershocks and such. I think there was a 5 pointer yesterday.
Honestly gang, just give him some time. Some people react differently to stress, and an 8.8 quake under your feet is pretty serious.
What I've gotta say more than "Awesome" ? Your work is just great as any time I saw owob
RPM, one of many sites where giving criticism gets you called an [dark hold].
Quote from: Captain on March 03, 2010, 08:48:33 PM
Well its official I'm an ass.
Is that why I can't keep my eyes off you? 8D
OK, many things happened..., I will take your recommendations , but I have a new and a different thing, it is my first time in that, does not look perfect, but I like it :3. He is my cat "Arenito" in english is like: Sand or Sandy. Hope that like to you ^^
And this is really great stuff.
Truly is.
Aww~ Arenito is adorable! ^oo^
White and orange. And a cute red collar~
The drawing is lovely, sweetie. Good work! o^w^o
Hi Arenito. You're so cute. :3
Very nice, the eyes looks very realistic! ;)
Quote from: Emiri Landeel on March 10, 2010, 07:58:13 PM
And this is really great stuff.
Truly is.
Thanks Emiri, really ;)
Quote from: VixyNyan on March 10, 2010, 07:58:17 PM
Aww~ Arenito is adorable! ^oo^
White and orange. And a cute red collar~
The drawing is lovely, sweetie. Good work! o^w^o
>oo< Yus, it is adorable <3
Quote from: Sniper X on March 10, 2010, 07:59:17 PM
Hi Arenito. You're so cute. :3
Very nice, the eyes looks very realistic! ;)
Meow >w< , Thanks I appreciate that :3
OMG kitty! It´s even my favourite type of cat :D
Cats are so hard to draw but you did very well
Sandy is my moms name too btw
Quote from: Blackhook on March 10, 2010, 08:22:15 PM
OMG kitty! It´s even my favourite type of cat :D
Yus, it is cute ^^
Quote from: CephiYumi on March 10, 2010, 08:27:47 PM
Cats are so hard to draw but you did very well
Sandy is my moms name too btw
LOL. yes !,but I drew this just the past night ^^ , Thankies CephiNyan :3
Quote from: Akira on March 10, 2010, 07:55:13 PM
OK, many things happened..., I will take your recommendations , but I have a new and a different thing, it is my first time in that, does not look perfect, but I like it :3. He is my cat "Arenito" in english is like: Sand or Sandy. Hope that like to you ^^
See this is really nice! I love this is so cute. =3
Quote from: Captain on March 10, 2010, 09:35:37 PM
See this is really nice! I love this is so cute. =3
Thanks Kitsu! :3
Quote from: Akira on March 10, 2010, 07:55:13 PM
This is just amazingly made and adorable. Fantastic job, Akira!
(also, glad to see you're a cat person!)
Your detail in your art translates magnificently when put to use on real-world things and creatures. Great job, Akira! You have massive talent in this; I wish I had 0.0000001% of your artistic talent.
Quote from: Irgy on March 10, 2010, 09:45:47 PM
This is just amazingly made and adorable. Fantastic job, Akira! (also, glad to see you're a cat person!)
Meow! XD , Thankies Irgy ^^
Quote from: Mirby on March 10, 2010, 09:47:19 PM
Your detail in your art translates magnificently when put to use on real-world things and creatures. Great job, Akira! You have massive talent in this; I wish I had 0.0000001% of your artistic talent.
Thankies, and it is my first time on it ^^;
I'm a wombat person.
Quote from: Nekomata on March 07, 2010, 12:56:28 AM
RPM, one of many sites where giving criticism gets you called an [dark hold].
Quote from: Akira on March 10, 2010, 07:55:13 PM
OK, many things happened..., I will take your recommendations , but I have a new and a different thing, it is my first time in that, does not look perfect, but I like it :3. He is my cat "Arenito" in english is like: Sand or Sandy. Hope that like to you ^^
this is kinda nice, you should try more realism, it works out pretty well for you
The eyes on your kitty are so very lovely. Really nice work, Akira.
Quote from: pianochan on March 11, 2010, 12:09:38 AM
this is kinda nice, you should try more realism, it works out pretty well for you
Yes Maybe, but easy things like animals or things ^^
Quote from: Protoman Blues on March 11, 2010, 12:48:26 AM
The eyes on your kitty are so very lovely. Really nice work, Akira.
Thanks , I like the eyes too :3
Nah, next up is fan art of the Glastonbury from NMH2.
Either that or your cat doing something undeniably adorable.
That is one brilliant kitty...
The details, the FUR, very nice. :3
Akira? realism? cat? a very good surprise there.
We want moar!
It's.... PURRRRRRRFECT......
Wow, that is really nice.
Akira- let me suggest- (to add on to what Sky said)
You should really try more realism. with your amazing coloring, it translates very nicely. Try also, improving on your "realistic" backgrounds.
And at SOME point, (whenever) try to do a self portrait. It doesnt have to be perfect, but I think you could pull it off. the hardest part is finding a starting point.
New art!
Nothing special, testing colors and gradients
I'd say the test was a complete success. The coloring looks incredible.
Mission complete. Good work. But the eyes...they look...creepy
I think it's the contrast between large eyes and small lips, I think it generates that effect. :P
The colouring is superb, but I'm sorry, those are the eyes of Satan.
Oh, beautiful as usual but the ey... OBEY IBUKI OBEY!!!!!!
I find the eyes amazingly well done. Hair is flawless too.
Your test is a succeess.
Oh my ...! I missed that detail *fixed*
Oh wow...
The colouring... Magnificent... *o*
The colouring is indeed very nice. Though, I must agree with the eyes... They're kinda creepy... Though, that I think is more due to the fact that she is looking directly at the camera and staring straight into the viewer's soul.
Nah, I'd say that it's more because instead of being covered by the hair as they should be, they are above it; at least that's why they feel kinda wrong to me. Other than that I must agree with everyone else, the coloring is impressive.
amazing coloring. you have managed to top yourself this time Akira.
Nothing Special, More Ibuki
Ibuki has nice hair.
Wow, that's very beautiful!
The hair steal the shows really, that's beautiful!
Awesome wind in the hair pic. :3
Also, at the grass blowing away as well. :3
I was survived 1 month without a PC, that it is the reason why I was not active in those weeks. But now I'am happy, I can scan my drawings and make my college projects ^^
First drawing, something cute ^^
I want that game!!!!
*ahem* nice of you to come back anyhow..
Looking really good!
Quote from: Akira on May 17, 2010, 03:05:00 AM(http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn194/Akira_Corp/BalloonFightPokever.png)
Pokemon Balloon Fight? WANT
I could totally make that. ^_^ Glad to see you back!
Glad to see your com back Akira.
The first pic is cute and lol @ a peach on the front.
Awesome balloon fight homage!
Aww~ <3 we are so cute~ ^u^ It is my wallpaper. :cookie:
And wow, Jigglypuff and those other pokemon.
They match the normal game exactly. I'd play that! x3
Beautiful drawings, my kyun. ^oo^
I'm glad you have your PC back, and it's great to see your art once again.
Quote from: borockman on May 17, 2010, 03:25:50 AM
The first pic is cute and lol @ a peach on the front.
Looks more like a Pecha Berry to me. XD
Welcome back Akira, and great to see your arties again as well. :3
March is really cute, and Jigglypuff... YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Glad to see your arts back! Flying balloon Jigglypuff game would be adowable. :3
I thought Drifloon was the player...
Oh you kids, in Balloon Fight the player starts off on a platform, like the one Jigglypuff jus floated off of. Plus she's kinda balloon-y soo... yeah x3 She's the player
Well it's been a while since I've played it... I was confused because I thought you went right, not left as the image implies...
There is a version where you fly to the right. You don't fly with a balloon on the back tho.
It's a car with a propeller on it's top. With each difficulty, the car gets longer.
It's a Mona Pizza boss game in Wario Ware Twisted. XD
Quote from: VixyNyan on May 18, 2010, 03:46:35 AM
There is a version where you fly to the right. You don't fly with a balloon on the back tho.
It's a car with a propeller on it's top. With each difficulty, the car gets longer.
It's a Mona Pizza boss game in Wario Ware Twisted. XD
Yes, I remember that game ^^
And thanks people >w<
Posted on: May 18, 2010, 03:53:23
Boredom... ( you need to listen that theme /Saffron City)
-Cephi and Vixy are just normal school girls, they want to visit Goldenrod.
-PB it is a famous Supermodel in Kanto region, PB makes ads for certain companies like Silph.
- Gold , sitting and bored waiting the Magnet train, it is based in many Youtube comments XD
How can he be bored with two hotties next to him?..Oh he´s 10...
That's a manly PB!
Meanwhile, Mirby's stuck in Hoenn managing the Mauville Gym... :P
Great work Akira! Lookin' awesome as usual! I really did miss your art.
Quote from: Akira on May 22, 2010, 10:08:27 PM
Boredom... ( you need to listen that theme /Saffron City)
-Cephi and Vixy are just normal school girls, they want to visit Goldenrod.
-PB it is a famous Supermodel in Kanto region, PB makes ads for certain companies like Silph.
- Gold , sitting and bored waiting the Magnet train, it is based in many Youtube comments XD
HOT (literally) DAMN! I look breathtaking and supermodely! And Pyre Heart looks so adorable and ego-sexy! 0v0
This is simply awesome! Gold should try talking with Cephi & Vixy, or perhaps have a doubles battle! 8D
Wait... I thought Cephi was the new trainer in Isshu.
Quote from: Blackhook on May 22, 2010, 10:10:47 PM
How can he be bored with two hotties next to him?..Oh he´s 10...
Yes, maybe it is that...
Quote from: Talyn on May 22, 2010, 10:20:14 PM
That's a manly PB!
Meanwhile, Mirby's stuck in Hoenn managing the Mauville Gym... :P
Great work Akira! Lookin' awesome as usual! I really did miss your art.
Thanks Talyn ^^
Quote from: Protoman Blues on May 22, 2010, 11:50:14 PM
HOT (literally) DAMN! I look breathtaking and supermodely! And Pyre Heart looks so adorable and ego-sexy! 0v0
This is simply awesome! Gold should try talking with Cephi & Vixy, or perhaps have a doubles battle! 8D
You are the sexy one ! XD, lol, thanks PB
Quote from: Talyn on May 22, 2010, 11:59:20 PM
Wait... I thought Cephi was the new trainer in Isshu.
She is a student too XD , or there are many of those girls , like Nurse Joy XD
Are you saying there's a lot of Cephis all over the Pokéworld? O_O
hehe lol no problem there. You are an awesome artist, ya know.
That's reeally well done.
Gold has it easy, some people have to stay in their house or walk in place all day!
Fortunately Nova doesn't have to do that.
PB kina reminds me of Flint from D/P/Pt. ;)
That poster is really awesome! lol @ pyreheart fire.
The two sailor fuku girl are also cute.
All in all, another excellent entry.
Quote from: Akira on May 23, 2010, 12:43:19 AM
You are the sexy one ! XD, lol, thanks PB
No no, thank you! XD
You know I'm kinda suprised Vixy wasn't the model.
Manliness has taken over RPM. 8D
But PB is sooo... MANLY! I mean... look at that pose... those muscles... 0v0
Err... ahem... I mean... it looks good...
Quote from: borockman on May 23, 2010, 04:57:10 AM
Manliness has taken over RPM. 8D
Yeah I guess that's true.
Quote from: Talyn on May 23, 2010, 04:57:15 AM
But PB is sooo... MANLY! I mean... look at that pose... those muscles... 0v0
Err... ahem... I mean... it looks good...
Quote from: Protoman Blues on May 23, 2010, 05:04:49 AM
I never thought I'd ever see the day when PB gets embarassed.
Well it turned out that way in the picture, at least.
Quote from: Usagi Sakura on May 23, 2010, 05:08:18 AM
I never thought I'd ever see the day when PB gets embarassed.
No sweetie, that's a facepalm. That's not embarrassment!
Quote from: Protoman Blues on May 23, 2010, 05:25:32 AM
No sweetie, that's a facepalm. That's not embarrassment!
If you say so. [eyebrow]
Awwwww, it's adorable owo <3
A bunch of me all over pokeworld? I hope not, Brock would go crazy
(and thanks too~)
Quote from: CephiYumi on May 23, 2010, 05:43:18 AM
Awwwww, it's adorable owo <3
A bunch of me all over pokeworld? I hope not, Brock would go crazy
(and thanks too~)
As if he hasn't already gone crazy with all the Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys.
Quote from: Usagi Sakura on May 23, 2010, 05:44:35 AM
As if he hasn't already gone crazy with all the Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys.
Lol, good point. XD
Anyways, that is a very brilliant pic Akira.
PB and Pyre Heart are at their manliness, and cute Cephi and Vixy. :3
And bored Gold sure is bored... XD
Instant fav. :3
OK, new drawing...
[Touhou project] Miss Yukari Yakumo
I like her a lot ^///^, maybe I can draw Reimu o Cirno XD , but first VIVIT from Seihou series ^^
[spoiler](http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn194/Akira_Corp/YukariYakumo.png) http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn194/Akira_Corp/YukariYakumo.png[/spoiler]
Your colouring is still brilliant as always.
And I'm still afraid of those warps. D:
She is so elegant and beautiful~ ^w^
Her eyes are lovely purple and her hair and skin is so shiny. x3
The frilly dress and the umbrella is so detailed too. ^^
She is very 'hermosa'~ <3
So, so shiny!...I mean her eyes!
You know, it's sooooo good to see your art again! XD
Hmm Yukari, one of my fave from Touhou series.
Though my knowledge is a bit limited...
Little update, simple drawing...
Kotone/Lyra Scarlet XD
-OK, based on Soara's insane Kotone drawings,many people thinks that she is a demon with legendary pokemon powers
Example: http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/9b221642bae51b9c5fc6d138e776f232.gif
- Her hat it is similar to Flandre Scarlet from Touhou series( she is crazy too with destructive powers), and I add that Golbat from R/B games XD .
Damn, the look in her eyes is both cute & psychotic at the same time. Kinda psycutetic! 8D
Yeah, that does look accurate to Soara's comics XD
Awesome... I always loved Soara's depiction of Lyra... XD
Brilliant job!
Quote from: Akira on June 27, 2010, 09:11:41 PM
U.N. Owen was Lyra? *ahem* But uh, great job Akira! Managed to really capture the creepiness of both Flan and Soara's ver. of Lyra and combine them into one creepy (and cute-ish) picture.
Edit: Oh, didn't even see that Yukari pic. Great job on that one too!
DAT Golbat!! >oo<
Kotone never change her expression in those comics and that's scary and funny. XD
Beautiful drawing, my kyun-kyun~ ^oo^
That image will haunt my dreams forever... O_O
Great pic, Akira! ^_^
XD That golbat's expression really reminds me of his Red/Blue sprite...
Quote from: Protoman Blues on June 27, 2010, 09:19:21 PM
Damn, the look in her eyes is both cute & psychotic at the same time. Kinda psycutetic! 8D
Exactly XD
Quote from: Taiyo on June 27, 2010, 09:20:35 PM
Yeah, that does look accurate to Soara's comics XD
I wanted that on this drawing XD
Quote from: NSFW on June 27, 2010, 09:22:21 PM
Awesome... I always loved Soara's depiction of Lyra... XD
Brilliant job!
Thanks Wily ^^
Quote from: Irgendein? on June 27, 2010, 09:25:39 PM
U.N. Owen was Lyra? *ahem* But uh, great job Akira! Managed to really capture the creepiness of both Flan and Soara's ver. of Lyra and combine them into one creepy (and cute-ish) picture.
Edit: Oh, didn't even see that Yukari pic. Great job on that one too!
Yes! XD, Thanks Irgendein?
Quote from: VixyNyan on June 27, 2010, 09:29:29 PM
DAT Golbat!! >oo<
Kotone never change her expression in those comics and that's scary and funny. XD
Beautiful drawing, my kyun-kyun~ ^oo^
Thanks my nyan nyan >u<
Quote from: Talyn on June 27, 2010, 09:41:49 PM
That image will haunt my dreams forever... O_O
Great pic, Akira! ^_^
Nightmares! XD
Quote from: Day on June 27, 2010, 10:17:15 PM
XD That golbat's expression really reminds me of his Red/Blue sprite...
Golbat FTW!
Oh, and I still hated the fact that Golbat couldn't learn Lick in RBY... XD
Quote from: Akira on June 27, 2010, 09:11:41 PM
Little update, simple drawing...
Kotone/Lyra Scarlet XD
-OK, based on Soara's insane Kotone drawings,many people thinks that she is a demon with legendary pokemon powers
Example: http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/9b221642bae51b9c5fc6d138e776f232.gif
- Her hat it is similar to Flandre Scarlet from Touhou series( she is crazy too with destructive powers), and I add that Golbat from R/B games XD .
Mama, I can't sleep mamaaaaaaa!
Nightmare fuel right there Akira, GJ!
OK, New art !
I was not here because I had problems in real life with my family. I feel really stressed. I could finish this drawing yesterday.
.: (Touhou) The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Pokemon version :.
- Crystal: ( Remilia Scarlet)
- Kotone/Lyra: (Flandre Scarlet)
- Leaf/Blue: (Sakuya Izayoi)
- Haruka/May/Sapphire: (Koakuma)
- Hikari/Dawn/Platina: (Patchouli Knowledge)
- White: (Hong Meiling)
and Golbat ^^
Hope you could get through your problems man.
Anyway, lovely art and coloring as per usual, lol Golbat too. XD
Yeah, best of luck with everything. Still love your art!
That Golbat...! Always haunting me in my nightmares. >u<
The girls fit so nicely in their Touhou outfits, it all makes sense! x3
White is so beautiful and fits so well as China. Kotone is scary as always. ^^;
Wonderful drawing my kyun, it made me laugh and I hope you feel better! *hug*
Lovely pic and I like the fact you left out your "trademark" this time. If you know what I mean 8D
Quote from: Blackhook on August 07, 2010, 05:17:27 PM
Lovely pic and I like the fact you left out your "trademark" this time. If you know what I mean 8D
Well I'm stumped.
Very nice, as always.
Heh, I do see your point, Blackhook.
Anyway, flat or not, still great work as always!
OK, first... I had problems with myself... I was in psychological treatment, was a long time, I was stressed, I did not draw during these months, but for now I am doing this step by step.
Nothing interesting with this drawing... enjoy :)
Ice Man & Cirno...
Aww, sow cute~ Cirno and Ice Man looks so adorable! x3
I love the colors, my kyun, you must have worked hard on this! I love it~ <3
Quote from: VixyNyan on September 29, 2010, 02:18:49 AM
Aww, sow cute~ Cirno and Ice Man looks so adorable! x3
I love the colors, my kyun, you must have worked hard on this! I love it~ <3
Thanks my Vixy! you supported me a lot ^^ <3
Glad to see you back, Akira! Your work is great as always! ^.^
Quote from: Akira on September 29, 2010, 02:17:20 AM
OK, first... I had problems with myself... I was in psychological treatment, was a long time, I was stressed, I did not draw during these months, but for now I am doing this step by step.
Nothing interesting with this drawing... enjoy :)
Ice Man & Cirno...
Hey, your health is more important. I hope you're doing better now.
And this is all types of adorable! Cool work! XD
Quote from: Akira on September 29, 2010, 02:17:20 AM(http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn194/Akira_Corp/Baka.png)
All I can think of now is Letty Whiterock with Freezeman XD
Nice job as always, Akira. Glad to see you back, hope things all work out for you.
Quote from: Talyn on September 29, 2010, 02:36:46 AM
Glad to see you back, Akira! Your work is great as always! ^.^
Thanks Talyn !
Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 29, 2010, 02:53:19 AM
Hey, your health is more important. I hope you're doing better now.
And this is all types of adorable! Cool work! XD
Thanks bro! ;)
Quote from: Nyasiliciously Frankwurst on September 29, 2010, 03:02:32 AM
All I can think of now is Letty Whiterock with Freezeman XD
Nice job as always, Akira. Glad to see you back, hope things all work out for you.
Haha! Thanks! :)
It's good to know you're feelin a bit better.
Quote from: Akira on September 29, 2010, 02:17:20 AM
Ice Man & Cirno...
I wonder why Ice Man looks so nervous :D
So that's why you're absent for a while. Hey good to see ya back!
With cute and soothing Cirno x Iceman to boot!
WB! No wonder why you locked this topic....
Anyway, Baka x Eskibot looks awesome as always. Visit my gallery if you may like!
Oh, I missed here very much Akira-boy. Your works are just great as always
Nice tag Cirno-Iceman, and looks like you've more interest in Touhou now? Heh~
Quote from: Blackhook on September 29, 2010, 06:42:08 AM
It's good to know you're feelin a bit better.I wonder why Ice Man looks so nervous :D
Thanks! ;)
Quote from: Borockman on September 29, 2010, 10:08:07 AM
So that's why you're absent for a while. Hey good to see ya back!
With cute and soothing Cirno x Iceman to boot!
Thanks Borockman! :)
Quote from: GP Aznable on September 30, 2010, 10:35:05 AM
WB! No wonder why you locked this topic....
Anyway, Baka x Eskibot looks awesome as always. Visit my gallery if you may like!
OK, thanks!
Quote from: Milen Anessar on October 07, 2010, 03:56:46 AM
Oh, I missed here very much Akira-boy. Your works are just great as always
Nice tag Cirno-Iceman, and looks like you've more interest in Touhou now? Heh~
Thanks Milen, Yes! Rockman, Pokemon and Touhou = Serious Business XD
I will draw more ^^
Little update.
Just Sketches about Pokemon Black & White Girls.
Aww, Fuuro is so adorable, soft and cuddly~ ^oo^
Kamitsure and White are cute too.
Cute sketch, kyun~ ^^
That is cute~ :3
Pokemons girls! They are very cute Akira! <3
Quote from: VixyNyan on October 14, 2010, 12:42:49 AM
Aww, Fuuro is so adorable, soft and cuddly~ ^oo^
Kamitsure and White are cute too.
Cute sketch, kyun~ ^^
Thanks my love~
Quote from: Talyn on October 14, 2010, 12:48:40 AM
That is cute~ :3
Thanks! ^^
Quote from: Borockman on October 14, 2010, 01:24:47 AM
Pokemons girls! They are very cute Akira! <3
Thanks Borockman ! :)
Very nice indeed. I wanna catch em all! XD
Just perfect!!
Make me wanna see you draw Shikimi and Caitlin too.
Not bad, they all look adorable :3
Heh, it seems White is jealous of Fuuro's racks. Man, you keep getting better and better Akira.
Oh, try drawing my character(see my gallery) if you may like. But just one thing, DO NOT LET HIM WEAR A MAID OUTFIT. That is all.
You can draw my character in a maid outfit~
Quote from: GP Aznable on October 14, 2010, 03:34:06 PM
Heh, it seems White is jealous of Fuuro's racks. Man, you keep getting better and better Akira.
Oh, try drawing my character(see my gallery) if you may like. But just one thing, DO NOT LET HIM WEAR A MAID OUTFIT. That is all.
Awww, but you looks awesome in it. 8D
Quote from: Borockman on October 15, 2010, 01:15:21 PM
Awww, but you looks awesome in it. 8D
Imagine the Maid-Afromask doing Bayonetta's taunting dance and say " DO YOU WANNA TOUCH ME?" with Mr.Wakamoto's voice.
Yep, truly nightmare indeed.
Thanks to everyone!
OK, another little update!
Pokemon Black & White girls (part 2), those drawings are a bit bigger ^^;
Mmmm Pokelicious! XD
Aww, they all have adorable eyes~ ^oo^
I love the line art, the girls look as beautiful as the originals. x3
Beautiful Belle~ <3
Quote from: Protoman Blues on October 17, 2010, 11:07:50 PM
Mmmm Pokelicious! XD
XD Thanks PB!
Quote from: VixyNyan on October 17, 2010, 11:10:45 PM
Aww, they all have adorable eyes~ ^oo^
I love the line art, the girls look as beautiful as the originals. x3
Beautiful Belle~ <3
Thanks my love ^^ <3
Now that's just lovely~ owo I take it they're some of the Gym Leaders in Black & White.
Well Belle is one of your rivals and Araragi is the Professor, with Makomo as her assistant, soo...
It's beautiful, Akira. Great work!
I have to say, drawing the B/W girls in grayscale is pure genius, btw.
And Araragi is another one of these "Tree Professors" in Black & White (Prof. Oak, Elm, Birch, etc)?
We don't know her English name, but according to Bulbapedia it translates to Japanese yew or something. So still very much a tree name.
Another nice work. They look lovely
Araragi is the vampire. Oh wait, wrong Araragi.
Of those three girls, I like Makomo the most. Too bad she didn't much involve in storyline.
That Bell is just too cute. They're almost look official.
Thanks to everyone!
More quick sketches.
Pokemon Black & White girls (part 3)
-Champion Cynthia/Shirona
-Elite 4 Caitlin/Cattleya
-Elite 4 Shikimi
Aww, Cattleya really is sleepy. Poor her. x3
Shirona is beautiful as always. Shikimi is cute.
Great drawing, sweetie. ^^ Did you use 1 pencil for the shading?
Yet another phenomenal illustration. ^.^
*Agrees with above posts*
I know you won't make disappoint to me, Great job!! All girls are just perfect!!
Man, I wish my lines would be as neat as you. Another nice work!
BTW the name Cattleya, the huge knockers mom popped up in my head.
Nice man, as usual!
is Cattleya jacket really looks like that?
Quote from: Borockman on October 28, 2010, 02:55:08 AM
Nice man, as usual!
is Cattleya jacket really looks like that?
I believe you meant Shikimi there, and yes, it does look like that.
Very beautiful Pokemon BW ladies you have drawn, Akira.
They are as stunning as they should be.
Thanks to everyone !!
.: Project :. ( This has no name yet)
(Thanks to my Vixy for the translation)
Well, lately I haven't had much time with my drawings, and I'm in the finals this year at my University. After that, I can go back and draw more often.
For now, I'm uploading this drawing.
Hmm... these are characters that I wanted to do for quite some time, and I haven't given much details on this because I have still so many things to clear up, I'm just going to explain who they are and their personal identity.
Drygon Kurogane (The boy with the black hair): He is a transfer student from America, but born in Japan, his father is Japanese and his mother is american, he studied and spent most of his childhood abroad, and he is considered a "boy genius", he lives with his father (his mother died when he was still young), and he came to Japan to return to his old home and reconnect with the "Shirohana" family who are close neighbours and friends since childhood, especially with Ibuki who made him a promise from a long time ago before it all happened. The tragedy of Drygon's mother is also an important secret.
KEY (The purple-haired girl): She is basically a humanoid virtual drive, one of Drygon's projects abroad, her functions are almost similar as hacking a webpage. Besides being a very fast and smart drive, she behaves almost like a younger sister to Drygon.
ICY (The blue penguin): KEY's support unit, a dynamic IP unit, and also KEY's mascot.
Ibuki Shirohana (The calypso/blue-haired girl): The "Shirohana" family has been friends with the "Kurogane" family for quite some time. Being considered a wealthy family they always picked the right path for Ibuki, as she is regarded as a exemplary daughter in every way, academically, cooking, artistically, among other things, she always had everything, but as she was the only child, she has been alone since Drygon went abroad for a long time, but once life changed since Drygon moved back to the neighbourhood, nothing would be the same for her again.
Sakuya Mori (The green-haired girl): She's practically a self-styled president of Ibuki's fan club, with an explosive personality, with undefined sexual preference (bisexual?), but she's a good person and student. She is the joy of the group.
Kenta Yamashita (The brown-haired boy): He arrived at the school through a student scholarship to improve on athletics, he's not a very good student, he always asks for help from Sakuya, he is almost considered a pervert in some way, but he always gives good advice for everyone.
All this will take place in Secondary "Newcastle", eventually I will give more details about this and present some other characters.
OK, I need just to finish with my exams and I will draw more, maybe a Xmas drawing for the site and my current drawings :). And I am happy for another thing too, I have a new Mini-Laptop ( better than my old PC...) an image of it :) :
This is one of the most inspirational and creative projects I've seen in a long time. ^^
I'm happy you liked the "traducción"~ ;3 It all looks great like this. *kiss*
Ibuki, KEY and Sakuya are so cute and beautiful. And ICY is so adorable~ <3 ^oo^
When I saw Kenta's face, hair and personality, I had a feeling he was that kind of guy. XD
Like I said before, your blue lappy is so cute. ^^
Always a pleasure to see original characters. Very nice.
Looks interesting. Also congrats on your new laptop :D
One thing I know is KEY's a Tsundere type...
I wish I had a laptop too, as a backup.
OK, a challenge! Draw my character (http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y221/GreatPan/artwoik/mascot_colored_resized.jpg) in a red loincloth, I dare ya.
Yay for new laptop! The casts looks very awesome. (especially the upper right guy, love that kind of guy)
Quote from: GP Aznable on December 07, 2010, 07:17:01 AM
OK, a challenge! Draw my character (http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y221/GreatPan/artwoik/mascot_colored_resized.jpg) in a red loincloth, I dare ya.
Oh god, kinda wanna see this. XD
That is one sweet looking laptop you have, congrats.
And this sounds like a very interesting project.
Hope to hear more of it soon.
Thanks to everyone ^^
OK, as usual I always draw something these days ( I'm doing my best ). This was the hardest year for me, I've had many problems with myself, that's why I don't post or draw some things lately ( Vixy knows more about this ), but I'm very grateful to this site. I hope to draw more here. Anyways my future is uncertain to some things related to my life...
But this is my gift to RPM! ;)
Aww, it's so lovely. ^^
Roll is cute, and Tron is being angry as always. x3
Red Kobun is adorable too. It's a beautiful drawing, my kyun. ^oo^
Merry Xmas, my Akira~ *hug*
Quote from: VixyNyan on December 21, 2010, 01:40:05 AM
Aww, it's so lovely. ^^
Roll is cute, and Tron is being angry as always. x3
Red Kobun is adorable too. It's a beautiful drawing, my kyun. ^oo^
Merry Xmas, my Akira~ *hug*
Thanks my love *kiss* <3
Haha, this is a very nice Xmas pic indeed.
Simply love the colouring, and angry Tron.
Happy holidays to you too Akira!
Christmas Tron and Roll are pretty.
It looks very lovely, Akira. Merry X-Mas to you. And I hope everything goes well with you! Best of luck!
I think Tron's pissed because of the somewhat skimpy outfit...
Then again, considering her normal attire...
Nice work, Akira!!
Aww, what a nice christmas picture. Very beautiful.
You're missing Aero. 8D
They look great in those suits. They could wear them all year long :D
Updating with this...
.: ESP :.
- Chihiro (Nurse girl) Espgaluga/Arrange mode
- Iori Mimasaka (the other girl) ESP ra.de.
Practically those girls are counterparts of their respective games
ESP ra.de. (Atlus/Cave)
Espgaluda (Cave/Arika)
Aww, so cute~ And the little furry friend~ >w<
Big beautiful eyes, and the lips. Their voices were cute in the games.
I love the ESP series (and Manabu Namiki's music), good games~ <3
The colors are so lovely my kyun. Both dark and light shading~ ^^
Very lovely colouring from you again, both of them look really cute as well.
Great drawing as usual
Aww, a ferret scarf, so cute!
Thanks to everyone :)
Yeah! Update:
First drawing it is for my Vixy :) Happy valentin's day! <3 with love~
Second drawing:
Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi by CAVE (Arcade/NDS/Xbox360)
"Approach Your Target And Attack. Your Mission Starts Now. Are You Ready?" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULQySMjxBoI) (Original (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro5i_h9_G8g))
Nya~ >oo< Te amo mi novio lindo~ *kiss*
Thank you for the flower. ^oo^ So romantic~
Happy Valentine's Day my soft tender Akira! :cookie:
You look so good in that outfit. *snuggle* nwn
Quote from: Akira on February 15, 2011, 01:03:48 AM
Thanks to everyone :)
Yeah! Update:
First drawing it is for my Vixy :) Happy valentin's day! <3 with love~
Awwwwwwww, how sweet. Happy <3 Day you two!
QuoteSecond drawing:
Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi by CAVE (Arcade/NDS/Xbox360)
Kick ass as well! Very awesome!
Quote from: VixyNyan on February 15, 2011, 01:07:54 AM
"Approach Your Target And Attack. Your Mission Starts Now. Are You Ready?" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULQySMjxBoI) (Original (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro5i_h9_G8g))
Nya~ >oo< Te amo mi novio lindo~ *kiss*
Thank you for the flower. ^oo^ So romantic~
Happy Valentine's Day my soft tender Akira! :cookie:
You look so good in that outfit. *snuggle* nwn
Thanks my love~ *kiss* <3
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 15, 2011, 01:11:40 AM
Awwwwwwww, how sweet. Happy <3 Day you two!
Kick ass as well! Very awesome!
Thanks PB a lot ;)
Glad to see your art again!
That's SO adorable, Akira.
And very thoughtful. :3
Also awesome fighter is awesome.
Quote from: Akira on February 15, 2011, 01:03:48 AM
Thanks to everyone :)
Yeah! Update:
First drawing it is for my Vixy :) Happy valentin's day! <3 with love~
That's very adorable and cute, Akira-sama. Happy Valentine's, you two. <3 w <3
Quote from: Akira on February 15, 2011, 01:03:48 AM
Second drawing:
Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi by CAVE (Arcade/NDS/Xbox360)
"An enemy plane of the ALLTYNEX operation system deployment model is coming close. I shift to a phase with the second battle mode. I fight back immediately, and please overthrow it. A goddess of victory smiles upon you."Sorry, felt like throwing ALLTYNEX Second's warning screen because this is quite a badass fighter. I haven't played Ketsui though, but there's always the DS version and Crimzon Clover. >w<
Aww, so cute and lovely.
The fighter though, awesome! no doubt!
Still great as usual, Akira! Especially that fighter, really awesome.
Thanks to everyone! :)
I was a bit busy with my things, anyways I update with something ;)
I've seen several pictures with these characters, both are the extra final bosses of their respective games, wings with multicolor gems, both demon things and the silly hat...
(c) Flandre Scarlet/ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil/ Touhou Project/ ZUN
(c) Soul Marx/ Kirby Super Star Ultra/ Hal Laboratories/ Nintendo
Marx...He isn't the right company for lady Flandre, he's bad influence :D
Nice pic though.
Marx is awesome! Dat smile, dat tongue, dat face! >u<
One of the coolest Kirby bosses~ <3
Flandre is cool too. And cute. ^^
Cool drawing, my kyun~ the lightning effect is great too. nwn
Flan scares me less than Marx does (even though she is like a living Atom bomb). XD I like the combination, man. owob
Flandre seems more dangerous. XD
Oh the chaos and destruction the 2 will created... <3
Thanks people ;)
Ok, I will upload a simple drawing.
A drawing with all my love for my cute girlfriend Vixy, I love you *kiss* <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Aww, you are sitting on me~ I am a fluffy white kitty nya~ ^oo^
The round kitties are cute, you are so brown and cute~ <3
I love the drawing, it shows our love for each other, you and me together!
I think the whole drawing symbolize our love and affection for each other~ <3
We have been together for many years, I feel it's a special drawing.
And you are sleeping on my tail! That is so cute nya~ >/u/<
Te amo mi novio tierno y lindo~ mi zorrito-kyun~ <3
Quote from: VixyNyan on March 27, 2011, 05:11:13 AM
Aww, you are sitting on me~ I am a fluffy white kitty nya~ ^oo^
The round kitties are cute, you are so brown and cute~ <3
I love the drawing, it shows our love for each other, you and me together!
I think the whole drawing symbolize our love and affection for each other~ <3
We have been together for many years, I feel it's a special drawing.
And you are sleeping on my tail! That is so cute nya~ >/u/<
Te amo mi novio tierno y lindo~ mi zorrito-kyun~ <3
I love you too! *kiss* mi novia linda y suave~ mi gatita-nyan~ <3
One word, "Cute"
Cute kitty Vixy and Akira are sure cute, who disagree?
Quote from: Akira on March 27, 2011, 05:09:30 AM
Thanks people ;)
Ok, I will upload a simple drawing.
A drawing with all my love for my cute girlfriend Vixy, I love you *kiss* <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Simple yet effective and full of love! <3
Very lovely!
It is special... :)
Very cute and heartwarming. *faints*
Those months I was really busy with my college things, I had no so much time for drawings, but I am updating with this...
Toua = East Asia
This title it is the first stage of Dodonpachi Daioujou also it similar to Touhou.
I drew some background in this drawing, I do not know if it is good or no... The characters are Reimu (Touhou project) and A.I (Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu), always I see hate between those games but I like the genre and CAVE and ZUN keeps alive the Shmup/STG/ Danmaku genre. This drawing represents the love of the genre, very japanese too...
A.I (Seifuku/Sailor outfit) (Do-Don-Pachi Dai-Fukkatsu)
Hakurei Reimu (Miko/Shrine maiden) (Touhou Project)
(c) A.I/ Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu/CAVE
(c) Hakurei Reimu/ Touhou Project/ZUN
I do not understand the hate between the games either. The genre is among my favorites, specially games from Cave, Psikyo, Raizing/Eighting, Konami, Treasure and Taito to name a few~
A.I-chan and Reimu-chan are so beautiful, my kyun! They look so similar~ ^w^
Beautiful colors, so many details, and the background is lovely too~ <3
Quote from: VixyNyan on April 25, 2011, 02:52:40 AM
I do not understand the hate between the games either. The genre is among my favorites, specially games from Cave, Psikyo, Raizing/Eighting, Konami, Treasure and Taito to name a few~
A.I-chan and Reimu-chan are so beautiful, my kyun! They look so similar~ ^w^
Beautiful colors, so many details, and the background is lovely too~ <3
Thanks my love *kiss* <3 <3
personally, i love the shmup genre, Giga Wing and Gunbird especially
i really love the sakura blossoms in the background, akira. your backgrounds are always so beautiful <3
Great work as usual my friend. I would like to draw things but no idea coming whatsoever....
Still, I miss Einhander...
Such a wonderful scenery...look at those cherry blossoms falling towards us...wait a sec, those ain't blossoms! Those are Bullets! GAAAAAAH! :D
Very detailed and lovely!
Quote from: Akira on April 25, 2011, 02:51:03 AM
Those months I was really busy with my college things, I had no so much time for drawings, but I am updating with this...
Toua = East Asia
This title it is the first stage of Dodonpachi Daioujou also it similar to Touhou.
I drew some background in this drawing, I do not know if it is good or no... The characters are Reimu (Touhou project) and A.I (Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu), always I see hate between those games but I like the genre and CAVE and ZUN keeps alive the Shmup/STG/ Danmaku genre. This drawing represents the love of the genre, very japanese too...
A.I (Seifuku/Sailor outfit) (Do-Don-Pachi Dai-Fukkatsu)
Hakurei Reimu (Miko/Shrine maiden) (Touhou Project)
(c) A.I/ Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu/CAVE
(c) Hakurei Reimu/ Touhou Project/ZUN
[spoiler=TL:DR]I'm no expert on the hate that some people have against CAVE's shooters and Touhou, but I can probably guess why. I guess one of the reasons for the unnecessary dispute against these games because a) people find the overall difficulty of the either one of the games harder than the other, b) some prefer the
actual scoring system and mechanics of these games over one another, or c) people have an innate disliking for the Touhou games because ZUN's art is mediocre at best where as the artists that works on CAVE shooters are gorgeous like Mushihime-sama Futari Ver 1.5's, and maybe even d) people like this guy (http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/614177-trouble-witches-neo/58872317/653732423) who don't know their Touhous from their CAVE shooters apart, yet willing to bad mouth the developers anyway. I'm a guy who had play both at least one CAVE shooter and some Touhou games, before it was all Touhou for me, since I got Mushihime-sama Futari Ver 1.5., its been more CAVE over Touhou since I have a console to devote to for shooters than my brother's PC. I will admit that I was reluctant to actually play Mushihime-sama Futari v1.5. since I saw video of the final boss on God Mode with Black Label, I was intimated to even play it with all those bullets on screen. But since Aisha at DoujinStyle recommended this game to me when I was asking for shoot 'em ups to buy for my Xbox 360, Mushihime-sama Futari Ver 1.5 (plus Black Label) was the one to get. I bought the game from Amazon (for about $55 bucks plus another $20 for the card to buy Black Label add-on) and I found myself enjoying this game more than I expected to.
I get my grapes rocked by both games on a regular basis (except for this one time yesterday with Mushihime-sama when I was actually getting good with Reco on Black Label... up until Stage 3's boss, that's when things went downhill for me. o-O), but do I like any of them any less? Sure, CAVE's shooters scares me sometimes with their bullet patterns, and we may as well accept that ZUN's art is never going to go from what it amounts to now to talents of those like Yasushi Suzuki (the guy who worked on Sin and Punishment's and Ikaruga's character art and had a part to do with Radiant Silvergun's development), but these games are quite good with epic boss battles, killer music, and memorable set pieces. It's a shame that people does this the bullet-hell genre of games.[/spoiler]
Very pretty. The scenery is beautiful as the girls are. :)
Quote from: Rep on April 25, 2011, 09:24:01 AM
personally, i love the shmup genre, Giga Wing and Gunbird especially
i really love the sakura blossoms in the background, akira. your backgrounds are always so beautiful <3
Thanks a lot! Gunbird is one of my favorites too.
Quote from: GP Aznable on April 25, 2011, 03:27:17 PM
Great work as usual my friend. I would like to draw things but no idea coming whatsoever....
Still, I miss Einhander...
No worries, to me that happens a lot.
Quote from: Blackhook on April 25, 2011, 04:17:21 PM
Such a wonderful scenery...look at those cherry blossoms falling towards us...wait a sec, those ain't blossoms! Those are Bullets! GAAAAAAH! :D
Thanks Blackhook!
Quote from: Protoman Blues on April 25, 2011, 07:37:34 PM
Very detailed and lovely!
Thanks Sexy boy!
Quote from: ViperAcidZX on April 26, 2011, 03:20:32 AM
[spoiler=TL:DR]I'm no expert on the hate that some people have against CAVE's shooters and Touhou, but I can probably guess why. I guess one of the reasons for the unnecessary dispute against these games because a) people find the overall difficulty of the either one of the games harder than the other, b) some prefer the actual scoring system and mechanics of these games over one another, or c) people have an innate disliking for the Touhou games because ZUN's art is mediocre at best where as the artists that works on CAVE shooters are gorgeous like Mushihime-sama Futari Ver 1.5's, and maybe even d) people like this guy (http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/614177-trouble-witches-neo/58872317/653732423) who don't know their Touhous from their CAVE shooters apart, yet willing to bad mouth the developers anyway. I'm a guy who had play both at least one CAVE shooter and some Touhou games, before it was all Touhou for me, since I got Mushihime-sama Futari Ver 1.5., its been more CAVE over Touhou since I have a console to devote to for shooters than my brother's PC. I will admit that I was reluctant to actually play Mushihime-sama Futari v1.5. since I saw video of the final boss on God Mode with Black Label, I was intimated to even play it with all those bullets on screen. But since Aisha at DoujinStyle recommended this game to me when I was asking for shoot 'em ups to buy for my Xbox 360, Mushihime-sama Futari Ver 1.5 (plus Black Label) was the one to get. I bought the game from Amazon (for about $55 bucks plus another $20 for the card to buy Black Label add-on) and I found myself enjoying this game more than I expected to.
I get my grapes rocked by both games on a regular basis (except for this one time yesterday with Mushihime-sama when I was actually getting good with Reco on Black Label... up until Stage 3's boss, that's when things went downhill for me. o-O), but do I like any of them any less? Sure, CAVE's shooters scares me sometimes with their bullet patterns, and we may as well accept that ZUN's art is never going to go from what it amounts to now to talents of those like Yasushi Suzuki (the guy who worked on Sin and Punishment's and Ikaruga's character art and had a part to do with Radiant Silvergun's development), but these games are quite good with epic boss battles, killer music, and memorable set pieces. It's a shame that people does this the bullet-hell genre of games.[/spoiler]
Very pretty. The scenery is beautiful as the girls are. :)
No worries, every game has their own merits. CAVE is king in arcade and consoles meanwhile ZUN is king at PC, CAVE games are focused in stages and True Last bosses, meanwhile ZUN games are focused in bosses. But I like a lot of old shmups too, like Psikyo, Raizing and others, I've grown with arcade cabinets and I love that genre a lot.
Late, but a giant girl robot with sailor uniform is win in my book.
Just a heads up akira, the touhou wiki has moved to http://touhouwiki.net .
First than anything, I had not posted here for a long time, because I have my reasons... Other thing I had an Ilness, I was worried because I thought that could be a Heart disease, but I was caring of myself and finally was a Tension problem that affected my chest, anyways I need to take care about my mood, because was very painful.
My girlfriend Vixy helped me a lot during these months, without her my problem could have been worse, thanks <3
I will update this, it was a bit abandoned, my next drawing I will draw my cat again.
: Cave-chan :.
This girl will represent Cave in the new game of Hyperdimension Neptunia (Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2) for PlayStation 3 named Cave-chan ...
I drew most of the representative characters from Cave, missed Dangun Feveron/ Fever SOS, because does not have one, because the main theme of the game it is the disco music, anyways represented it with the purple stars in the background.
"Each of these characters are from Cave's shmup series of games, and they each capture the essence of each game's inspirational design and appeal. Each of the characters are a main character in the games they are from. Both vertical and horizontal, each game are dangerously hard and will terrorize your mind cycle with danmaku bullet hell."
Cave it is one of the most representative companies in the Danmaku/ Bullet Hell genre, represented in this game by a girl with red hair and twintails.
"Cave-chan's role is to maintain the order in Leanbox by fulfilling her role as a shooter by flying around the world. Cave, of course, is known for their arcade shooting games like Deathsmiles, Guwange, and Espgaluda. Cave is best friends with 5pb-chan who is also resides in Leanbox. Makoto Asada thought that Cave-chan would be a macho character and was surprised to discover she is actually cute."
Also Hibachi and the BEES!!!!
First file:
A.I (Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu)
Iori Mimasaka(ESP Ra.De.)
Hiiragi Kosame (Guwange)
Alice Blackbarn (Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi)
Batan Saionji (Akai Katana Shin)
Chain Chierotto (Progear no Arashi)
Second file:
Reco (Mushihimesama series)
Casper (DeathSmiles series)
Seseri (ESPgaluda series)
Meidi Rose (Ibara/Pink Sweets)
Momo Barasoto (Muchi Muchi Pork!)
Cave-chan (Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2)
Hibachi (Dodonpachi series)
(c) Cave series
(c) Hyperdimension Neptunia/ Idea Factory/ Compile Heart / Sega/ NIS America
Glad you're doing well, Akira. Keep strong and artfully awesome!
Quote from: Protoman Booty on August 10, 2011, 06:05:21 AM
Glad you're doing well, Akira. Keep strong and artfully awesome!
Thanks a lot, really! :)
Good to see you back, Akira... I missed your beautiful colours. Owo/
Very detailed =O
Glad to see you back, and feeling better, Akira. :cookie:
*picks the chibi heads like apples from a tree*
Hello Akira, cute art. See you in 3 months then.
That sounds awful! D: I wish I knew about it sooner! >^<
You take it easy, okay Akira? A lot of people would be really sad if you got worse!
Aww so adorable~ >u< Each girl on each file is cute too. I recognize all of them, since I have those games on 360, Mame and DS (http://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?http://www.trueachievements.com/mygames.aspx?gamerid=284902), and I am glad that you liked the "bullet hell" message I wrote for you. <3 Cave-chan is so adorable, her outfit is lovely. The colors are beautiful and wonderful. Great work, my Kyun! Please stay strong! For us! *kiss*
Quote from: Rep on August 10, 2011, 08:44:03 AM
Good to see you back, Akira... I missed your beautiful colours. Owo/
Thanks!!! ^^
Quote from: Krystal on August 10, 2011, 01:36:20 PM
Very detailed =O
Thanks Krys! ^^
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on August 10, 2011, 02:34:28 PM
Glad to see you back, and feeling better, Akira. :cookie:
*picks the chibi heads like apples from a tree*
Those are delicious! :P
Quote from: Blackhook on August 10, 2011, 02:47:59 PM
Hello Akira, cute art. See you in 3 months then.
Quote from: Night on August 11, 2011, 02:44:01 AM
That sounds awful! D: I wish I knew about it sooner! >^<
You take it easy, okay Akira? A lot of people would be really sad if you got worse!
Sorry, that problem was too sensitive to me, I am not a person of much words, thanks anyways :)
Quote from: VixyNyan on August 11, 2011, 02:48:47 AM
Aww so adorable~ >u< Each girl on each file is cute too. I recognize all of them, since I have those games on 360, Mame and DS (http://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?http://www.trueachievements.com/mygames.aspx?gamerid=284902), and I am glad that you liked the "bullet hell" message I wrote for you. <3 Cave-chan is so adorable, her outfit is lovely. The colors are beautiful and wonderful. Great work, my Kyun! Please stay strong! For us! *kiss*
Yes, you helped me a lot, I love you *kiss* <3
Posted on: August 11, 2011, 06:10:26
Hi RPM! :)
Yay! finally an update!,I had many things to do with my life and with my Vixy <3. This drawing it is not perfect at all , but I needed to finish it, Cirno and Chill Penguin are considered easy bosses in their respective games, and as usual of me I had drew them in the same drawing. TAKE IT EASY! ;)
That's awesome as usual, Akira. Good to see more artwork from you! ^.^
Love the drawing. But I wouldn't trust riding on top of Chill Penguin with my life.
It's common that you pick a snow or ice stage as your first choice. And they end up having great music, "cool" atmosphere, and the overall difficulty of the stage and bosses are easy too. Penguigo is having fun sliding so fast. Poor Baka-chan has to be careful not to fall. I like the drawing, sweetie. The colors look good too~ ^^
That's freakin adorable!
Too adorable indeed...
I WANNA RIDE TOO (even if I crash into a wall)
Don't worry about crashing into walls, Doc. He rebounds off them, remember? :D
D'awww Cirno looks so adorable >w<
Quote from: Mirby on September 21, 2011, 01:18:16 PM
Don't worry about crashing into walls, Doc. He rebounds off them, remember? :D
He does, I don't. 8U
Can she shoot the generator?
Thanks to everyone ;) <3
I needed to upload those ^^;;
.: Arenito ver.2 :.
My Sister wanted other drawing of my cat, and I did drawing it again. Was a fast drawing, drawing animals for me it is relatively easy, the problem was the coloring, anyways looks decent. :P
Other thing...
D-ARTS Rockman (Mega Man) X (Full Armor) Action Figure[Bandai ]
My Vixy (thankies my nyu <3) gave me this figure Rockman X/Megaman X Full Armor/ First Armor , and I took some photos of it.The figure itself it is a bit fragile, but was a lot of fun with their poses :) ,and poor cartridge,lol.
Photobucket shrank that.
But the animal is beautiful, very nice work, man.
You can see it just fine on deviantart! :3
The cat is absolutely adorable. :3
And lucky-ky-ky~
Sorry to everyone, this year I was here few times, mostly because things to do with school, life, spending the time with Vixy and other things. But always RPM will be a part of my heart, this is like a tradition for me to the community, thanks to everyone for make this place alive.
.: Swimsuit :.
Was a bit old, but i did not uploaded in this place.
Ibuki (Blue haired girl), Sakuya (Green haired girl) and KEY (Purple haired girl) with swimsuit, some of fanservice, because I did not drawn that for long time.
Chill Penguin and friends celebrating!!
Ibuki, KEY and Sakuya are so beautiful. <3 ^oo^
Good work with the colors, my kyun. Sexy fanservice~ >u<
Chill Penguin makes the best scarf penguins! XD So much fun! >u<
Those are awesome. I want a robo-bunny now too! XD
Merry X-Mas Akira!
Beautiful pieces as always, Akira!
And Merry Christmas~
The rabbit is eager to destroy the sculpture once Chill Penguin looks away. I KNOW IT!
Beautiful pic though, as always. Great job! :3
Okay, I need to ask... What resolution do you scan at? Any specific adjustments afterward? My scanner doesn't seem to like colored pencils very much, and I scan at 200 dpi. The pencils tend to come out a bit rough and muddled in my scans, yet yours maintain clarity. Are there any specific settings you use?
.: Sweetie Magica :.
Wow! took long time for an update,sorry for the people here, i wanted to enter to Miyabi's contest but I had several problems in my life and I was at bad mood, but I needed to draw something and felt good about it.
I wanted to draw Mami because I like her a lot (ara~ ara~), the drawing it is not perfect itself, but I liked the colors, the Chain Chomp and Kirby... do not ask why I drew those... . Enjoy the drawing :D
Mami is the loveliest ever~ So cute, sophisticated, adorable, busty~ <3 x3
I giggle when I saw Kirby and Chain Chomp! >u<
Yummy cake, and yummy dessert things. ^^
The drawing is so beautiful, kyu kyun~ *hug* <3
That sucks about the problems and bad mood, but seeing this and any update always reminds me why I miss your art so much. This is lovely!
Mmm... chocolate...
And again, what resolution do you scan at? Your scanner handles colored pencils better than mine.
Mami... ;~;
Quote from: VixyNyan on February 24, 2012, 05:51:26 AM
Mami is the loveliest ever~ So cute, sophisticated, adorable, busty~ <3 x3
I giggle when I saw Kirby and Chain Chomp! >u<
Yummy cake, and yummy dessert things. ^^
The drawing is so beautiful, kyu kyun~ *hug* <3
Thanks my nyan you are cute~ <3
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 24, 2012, 06:14:43 AM
That sucks about the problems and bad mood, but seeing this and any update always reminds me why I miss your art so much. This is lovely!
Yeah, thanks, I missed to draw too.
Quote from: Quickman on February 24, 2012, 06:55:02 AM
Mmm... chocolate...
And again, what resolution do you scan at? Your scanner handles colored pencils better than mine.
Oh! sorry Quickie, I did not read your old post, Hm... 200 dpi, then I do resize it with MSPAINT, my scanner it is an old Epson Stylus CX3900,for my drawings so I do not do so much modifications, like this. Vixy can prove to you that, because she has several drawings of mine and most looks very close to the original one, also I am not an expert to use advanced programs for modify.
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on February 24, 2012, 09:12:00 AM
Mami... ;~;
Yes! ; _ ;
Hm. I scan at 200 DPI as well, with an HP Scanjet. But, my colored pencils still come out a bit muddled until I adjust the noise and resize the image. I'll need to play around, it may be my paper quality, too, as I use a smooth texture. Perhaps if I color on a rougher texture, it may hold the colors better...
When you layer on colors, do you have any underlying sketching aside from the linework, like any light monochrome shading? Or do you just go right to the coloring? I start with a monochrome shading for reference, then start layering. Perhaps it's my methods, or even the brand of pencils I use. Hm, I'll need to play around and see what works best with the scanner...
Wow! long time passed since I uploaded something, because problems... I am a depressive person and that causes in me laziness, so sorry for my inactivity, anyway... This was a simple drawing for test some pencils and pens, added a bit more shadows to it because I do used to that a lot in the past. This is a relaxed drawing with Ibuki sharing a good time.
.:Tea Time :.
.: Pokemon BW2 girls :.
And in celebration of upcoming pokemon games I drew some of the girls from the game, I did this in the past with monochrome drawings,but now this is with "color", those drawings were really fast, but took time because of the coloring, enjoy the girls!
- Elesa / Kamitsure
- Homika
- Bianca/Bel
- White2 protagonist
She is having a good time there, she is relaxing. ^^
I love the cute face, the long hair, the soft sweater~
She has a delicious meal there. >u<
Beautiful drawing, kyu~ Many improvements. <3
Aw cute Bel and protagonist! ^^
Homika is so tsun. ^^;
Kamitsure looks so cute and innocent too~ x3
Quick drawing, but beautiful colors, kyu! <3
These look simply amazing Akira the shading looks really good, it really looks like a improvement.
I love how you gradated the two colors in her hair! Nicely done! > w<_b
And don't worry about how long it took, I'm lazy like that too... =_=;
Awwwww, that Homica <3
I love it
Any update is an awesome update. :3
(http://i.imgur.com/v2KMyjm.jpg) (http://akira-hikari.deviantart.com/art/Vixynyan-s-world-391567320)
More here~ (http://akira-hikari.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=/)
That thing has to be made of diabetes, it's freaking adorable.
I miss Akira. D:
Best part is, my Baby Nyan is real, and is a special one-of-a-kind soft hand-made plushie pet with red ribbons, made just for me~ <3
(http://lol.rockmanpm.com/pannya_babynyan_poyochan/WP_000001.jpg) (http://lol.rockmanpm.com/pannya_babynyan_poyochan/WP_000002.jpg) (http://lol.rockmanpm.com/pannya_babynyan_poyochan/WP_000003.jpg) (http://lol.rockmanpm.com/pannya_babynyan_poyochan/WP_000008.jpg) (http://lol.rockmanpm.com/pannya_babynyan_poyochan/WP_000009.jpg) (http://lol.rockmanpm.com/pannya_babynyan_poyochan/WP_000010.jpg) (http://lol.rockmanpm.com/pannya_babynyan_poyochan/WP_000011.jpg)
The cute... The plushies... The Poyopoyo...
*dies from diabetes AND heart attack*
Awwwwwww I love that drawing of you Vixy. And the plushie is so sweeeet.
Tell Akira HI!!!
So adorable~ 0v0
Hmmm... practically a year without posting in this site, mostly because my work and some differences, but something changed my mind, and revived the little Akira inside me:
Holy asdf, I was chatting with my Vixy as always and she showed at me the Kickstarter thing, then I saw Inafune and I creamed my pants this is literally the project we always wanted , the spiritual successor of Mega Man, with the same old team we loved everything was there, obviosly nothing will replace the original Mega Man, but I am seeing this project as the New Mega Man, the natural evolution of it.
This is the main reason that I am here, maybe the days of glory will return,I had good time in this site when Mega Man still was a thing. I hope with this news the forum will return at its form glory.
My present as always a Not-Roll to celebrate this, I drew this quickily, maybe has some issues, but I do wanted to do something, greetings... Akira
It's a good day to come back, and "Not-Roll" is so adorable~ <3
Beautiful bright colors! You did a beautiful work with this, my kyun~ :cookie:
Quote from: Akira on September 03, 2013, 05:37:03 AM
Hmmm... practically a year without posting in this site, mostly because my work and some differences, but something changed my mind, and revived the little Akira inside me:
Holy asdf, I was chatting with my Vixy as always and she showed at me the Kickstarter thing, then I saw Inafune and I creamed my pants this is literally the project we always wanted , the spiritual successor of Mega Man, with the same old team we loved everything was there, obviosly nothing will replace the original Mega Man, but I am seeing this project as the New Mega Man, the natural evolution of it.
This is the main reason that I am here, maybe the days of glory will return,I had good time in this site when Mega Man still was a thing. I hope with this news the forum will return at its form glory.
My present as always a Not-Roll to celebrate this, I drew this quickily, maybe has some issues, but I do wanted to do something, greetings... Akira
Absolutely BEAAAAAAUTIFUL!!! 0v0
Quote from: VixyNyan on September 03, 2013, 05:39:03 AM
It's a good day to come back, and "Not-Roll" is so adorable~ <3
Beautiful bright colors! You did a beautiful work with this, my kyun~ :cookie:
Yes my nyan, anyway, the drawing was for you, you picked the girl <3
Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 03, 2013, 05:51:32 AM
Absolutely BEAAAAAAUTIFUL!!! 0v0
Thanks PB, you are always so supportive. 8)
Quote from: Akira on September 03, 2013, 06:18:29 AM
Thanks PB, you are always so supportive. 8)
Tis my pleasure. I still love your art, Mr. Akira sir! 8)
Amazing! I love it! >w<
Also long time, no see. How's it going, Akira-sama?
Quote from: ViperAcidZX on September 03, 2013, 06:23:35 AM
Amazing! I love it! >w<
Also long time, no see. How's it going, Akira-sama?
Working! Working! and Working! , ha! everything else its fine :) , now I have less time for my drawings but I will update this meanwhile appear more Mighty No.9 official art, because its hard to draw from small pics, he!
Beautiful and cute Call... Welcome back Akira! :3
.: Thunder Goddess Mighty No.3 :.
Phew~ another week, more work. I was planned to finish this drawing at the past week, but at my country happened the "Independence week", yes, WEEK. So I was no at my home, or I had no time to finish this drawing, but I finished it, was drawn from the sketch itself, so was a very simple drawing, but took me a lot the painting, because of the dark colors. Anyway, she was painted, with her edging teeth, and I am here posting it, also, support the project there are few days left.
I LOVE IT! Gagrbhlhlhhlh. 0v0
Oh god that's amazing, good job hitting pure nightmare fuel levels since that Flandre and Marx drawing.
Good lord, the coloring is AMAZING. ELECTRIFYING EVEN!!!
Fantastic work!
Quote from: borockman on September 25, 2013, 01:55:44 AM
I LOVE IT! Gagrbhlhlhhlh. 0v0
No words for you >0<
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 25, 2013, 01:56:14 AM
Oh god that's amazing, good job hitting pure nightmare fuel levels since that Flandre and Marx drawing.
Always I try to draw the character from the original source, so she needs to be scary.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 25, 2013, 01:56:48 AM
Good lord, the coloring is AMAZING. ELECTRIFYING EVEN!!!
Fantastic work!
Thanks PB, you are always so supportive.
And obviously I will draw the next elected "Call" girl. I will take my time with that one.
Fantasic work, Akira. You really made a electrifying impression out of No. 3 and it gives the sense of her electrical power. owob
Oh god.
That No.3 is brilliantly done... Hats off to you Akira!
.: Happy Valentine's Day 2014 :. (http://akira-hikari.deviantart.com/art/Happy-Valentine-s-Day-2014-434144506)
QuoteThis drawing is for my cute VixyNyan, with all my love Heart . This drawing took few time to make , because I was with vacation, really I was tired, it's not a perfect one but at least ended to be a good looking one.
(http://i.imgur.com/OjLP6hS.jpg) (http://akira-hikari.deviantart.com/art/Happy-Valentine-s-Day-2014-434144506)
Akira needs to come back. :c
All that chocolate... *o*
So much sweets. :3
Glad to see you again, Akira! 8)
Birthday revival~ *o* >U<
QuoteI do wanted to make something different for my VixyNyan, yet simple but graceful. With all my love for you~
(http://orig10.deviantart.net/985a/f/2015/321/7/0/___happy_birthday_vixynyan____by_akira_hikari-d9h28to.png) (http://akira-hikari.deviantart.com/art/Happy-Birthday-Vixynyan-572853804)
In summary, a lot of Senran Kagura and other cute art has been uploaded on DA, you can look around there~ (http://akira-hikari.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=/)
You look amazing with that dress. <3 Hats off (no pun intended) to Akira for his beautiful work.
Damn, Akira has gotten even better.
Quote from: VixyNyan on November 18, 2015, 03:27:54 PM
Birthday revival~ *o* >U<
(http://orig10.deviantart.net/985a/f/2015/321/7/0/___happy_birthday_vixynyan____by_akira_hikari-d9h28to.png) (http://akira-hikari.deviantart.com/art/Happy-Birthday-Vixynyan-572853804)
In summary, a lot of Senran Kagura and other cute art has been uploaded on DA, you can look around there~ (http://akira-hikari.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=/)
So beautiful! Akira's art is still incredble.
Indeed, Akira's has always been top-notch.
And beautiful dress that is. :3
http://akira-hikari.deviantart.com/art/HAPPY-BIRTHDAY-VIXYNYAN-646573818 (http://akira-hikari.deviantart.com/art/HAPPY-BIRTHDAY-VIXYNYAN-646573818)
[spoiler=Suggestive Half-Nudity](http://orig10.deviantart.net/a721/f/2016/323/1/d/___happy_birthday_vixynyan____by_akira_hikari-daoybju.png)[/spoiler]
That's some nya-s right there. :3
He's still got it! And daaaaaaaamn!!! 0v0
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XVII (http://languagelaboratory.ru/t/292160)???? (http://largeheart.ru/shop/1162110)???? (http://lasercalibration.ru/shop/1536700)PCMC (http://laserlens.ru/lase_zakaz/420)???? (http://laserpulse.ru/shop/591217)Basi (http://laterevent.ru/shop/154535)Lieb (http://latrinesergeant.ru)Lovi (http://layabout.ru/shop/599971)Tree (http://leadcoating.ru/shop/600892)???? (http://leadingfirm.ru/shop/108370)???? (http://learningcurve.ru/shop/466624)Falc (http://leaveword.ru/shop/794386)1640 (http://machinesensible.ru/shop/305756)???? (http://magneticequator.ru/shop/609566)T202 (http://magnetotelluricfield.ru/shop/447286)???? (http://mailinghouse.ru/shop/269554)???? (http://majorconcern.ru/shop/671127)???? (http://mammasdarling.ru/shop/671009)ARAG (http://managerialstaff.ru/shop/612692)???? (http://manipulatinghand.ru/shop/1174902)???? (http://manualchoke.ru/shop/1040496)???? (http://medinfobooks.ru)Medi (http://mp3lists.ru/item/3168)
???? (http://nameresolution.ru/shop/1151226)???? (http://naphtheneseries.ru/shop/574564)???? (http://narrowmouthed.ru/shop/462109)???? (http://nationalcensus.ru/shop/1056137)???? (http://naturalfunctor.ru/shop/576623)Crys (http://navelseed.ru/shop/103290)???? (http://neatplaster.ru/shop/455794)Wind (http://necroticcaries.ru/shop/182049)???? (http://negativefibration.ru/shop/639796)Wind (http://neighbouringrights.ru/shop/643854)???? (http://objectmodule.ru/shop/470753)???? (http://observationballoon.ru/shop/10287)Chou (http://obstructivepatent.ru/shop/457516)Chri (http://oceanmining.ru)Twis (http://octupolephonon.ru)Deni (http://offlinesystem.ru/shop/149612)???? (http://offsetholder.ru/shop/203621)???? (http://olibanumresinoid.ru/shop/151000)Wind (http://onesticket.ru/shop/581411)???? (http://packedspheres.ru/shop/583667)???? (http://pagingterminal.ru/shop/685478)???? (http://palatinebones.ru/shop/684944)???? (http://palmberry.ru/shop/689673)
Davi (http://papercoating.ru/shop/584850)???? (http://paraconvexgroup.ru/shop/690314)???? (http://parasolmonoplane.ru/shop/1172046)???? (http://parkingbrake.ru/shop/1171950)???? (http://partfamily.ru/shop/1176063)XVII (http://partialmajorant.ru/shop/1173908)???? (http://quadrupleworm.ru/shop/1543547)???? (http://qualitybooster.ru/shop/1540971)???? (http://quasimoney.ru/shop/596899)???? (http://quenchedspark.ru/shop/810078)???? (http://quodrecuperet.ru/shop/1074635)Micr (http://rabbetledge.ru/shop/1080338)Mikh (http://radialchaser.ru/shop/352229)???? (http://radiationestimator.ru/shop/511091)???? (http://railwaybridge.ru/shop/635431)???? (http://randomcoloration.ru/shop/903554)Mich (http://rapidgrowth.ru/shop/1027087)???? (http://rattlesnakemaster.ru/shop/1216408)???? (http://reachthroughregion.ru/shop/1210158)Stea (http://readingmagnifier.ru/shop/515561)???? (http://rearchain.ru/shop/874867)???? (http://recessioncone.ru/shop/840790)???? (http://recordedassignment.ru/shop/1033533)
???? (http://rectifiersubstation.ru/shop/1056661)???? (http://redemptionvalue.ru/shop/1064108)???? (http://reducingflange.ru/shop/1686707)???? (http://referenceantigen.ru/shop/1694445)???? (http://regeneratedprotein.ru/shop/1769423)Alfr (http://reinvestmentplan.ru/shop/1775583)Blue (http://safedrilling.ru/shop/1821147)???? (http://sagprofile.ru/shop/1061220)DefS (http://salestypelease.ru/shop/1854060)???? (http://samplinginterval.ru/shop/1879740)???? (http://satellitehydrology.ru/shop/1915129)???? (http://scarcecommodity.ru/shop/1494634)???? (http://scrapermat.ru/shop/1498479)???? (http://screwingunit.ru/shop/1498451)???? (http://seawaterpump.ru/shop/1608348)???? (http://secondaryblock.ru/shop/1439129)???? (http://secularclergy.ru/shop/1493480)???? (http://seismicefficiency.ru/shop/360500)Male (http://selectivediffuser.ru/shop/402705)MPEG (http://semiasphalticflux.ru/shop/403961)???? (http://semifinishmachining.ru/shop/1692205)PCMC (http://spicetrade.ru/spice_zakaz/420)PCMC (http://spysale.ru/spy_zakaz/420)
PCMC (http://stungun.ru/stun_zakaz/420)???? (http://tacticaldiameter.ru/shop/484818)???? (http://tailstockcenter.ru/shop/495675)???? (http://tamecurve.ru/shop/500277)Mons (http://tapecorrection.ru/shop/504537)???? (http://tappingchuck.ru/shop/489502)???? (http://taskreasoning.ru/shop/501043)???? (http://technicalgrade.ru/shop/1839383)???? (http://telangiectaticlipoma.ru/shop/1897985)1962 (http://telescopicdamper.ru/shop/1918295)???? (http://temperateclimate.ru/shop/790863)???? (http://temperedmeasure.ru/shop/403936)???? (http://tenementbuilding.ru/shop/982698)tuchkas (http://tuchkas.ru/)Brot (http://ultramaficrock.ru/shop/983079)???? (http://ultraviolettesting.ru/shop/485228)
audiobookkeeper (http://audiobookkeeper.ru)cottagenet (http://cottagenet.ru)eyesvision (http://eyesvision.ru)eyesvisions (http://eyesvisions.com)factoringfee (http://factoringfee.ru)filmzones (http://filmzones.ru)gadwall (http://gadwall.ru)gaffertape (http://gaffertape.ru)gageboard (http://gageboard.ru)gagrule (http://gagrule.ru)gallduct (http://gallduct.ru)galvanometric (http://galvanometric.ru)gangforeman (http://gangforeman.ru)gangwayplatform (http://gangwayplatform.ru)garbagechute (http://garbagechute.ru)gardeningleave (http://gardeningleave.ru)gascautery (http://gascautery.ru)gashbucket (http://gashbucket.ru)gasreturn (http://gasreturn.ru)gatedsweep (http://gatedsweep.ru)gaugemodel (http://gaugemodel.ru)gaussianfilter (http://gaussianfilter.ru)gearpitchdiameter (http://gearpitchdiameter.ru)
geartreating (http://geartreating.ru)generalizedanalysis (http://generalizedanalysis.ru)generalprovisions (http://generalprovisions.ru)geophysicalprobe (http://geophysicalprobe.ru)geriatricnurse (http://geriatricnurse.ru)getintoaflap (http://getintoaflap.ru)getthebounce (http://getthebounce.ru)habeascorpus (http://habeascorpus.ru)habituate (http://habituate.ru)hackedbolt (http://hackedbolt.ru)hackworker (http://hackworker.ru)hadronicannihilation (http://hadronicannihilation.ru)haemagglutinin (http://haemagglutinin.ru)hailsquall (http://hailsquall.ru)hairysphere (http://hairysphere.ru)halforderfringe (http://halforderfringe.ru)halfsiblings (http://halfsiblings.ru)hallofresidence (http://hallofresidence.ru)haltstate (http://haltstate.ru)handcoding (http://handcoding.ru)handportedhead (http://handportedhead.ru)handradar (http://handradar.ru)handsfreetelephone (http://handsfreetelephone.ru)
hangonpart (http://hangonpart.ru)haphazardwinding (http://haphazardwinding.ru)hardalloyteeth (http://hardalloyteeth.ru)hardasiron (http://hardasiron.ru)hardenedconcrete (http://hardenedconcrete.ru)harmonicinteraction (http://harmonicinteraction.ru)hartlaubgoose (http://hartlaubgoose.ru)hatchholddown (http://hatchholddown.ru)haveafinetime (http://haveafinetime.ru)hazardousatmosphere (http://hazardousatmosphere.ru)headregulator (http://headregulator.ru)heartofgold (http://heartofgold.ru)heatageingresistance (http://heatageingresistance.ru)heatinggas (http://heatinggas.ru)heavydutymetalcutting (http://heavydutymetalcutting.ru)jacketedwall (http://jacketedwall.ru)japanesecedar (http://japanesecedar.ru)jibtypecrane (http://jibtypecrane.ru)jobabandonment (http://jobabandonment.ru)jobstress (http://jobstress.ru)jogformation (http://jogformation.ru)jointcapsule (http://jointcapsule.ru)jointsealingmaterial (http://jointsealingmaterial.ru)
journallubricator (http://journallubricator.ru)juicecatcher (http://juicecatcher.ru)junctionofchannels (http://junctionofchannels.ru)justiciablehomicide (http://justiciablehomicide.ru)juxtapositiontwin (http://juxtapositiontwin.ru)kaposidisease (http://kaposidisease.ru)keepagoodoffing (http://keepagoodoffing.ru)keepsmthinhand (http://keepsmthinhand.ru)kentishglory (http://kentishglory.ru)kerbweight (http://kerbweight.ru)kerrrotation (http://kerrrotation.ru)keymanassurance (http://keymanassurance.ru)keyserum (http://keyserum.ru)kickplate (http://kickplate.ru)killthefattedcalf (http://killthefattedcalf.ru)kilowattsecond (http://kilowattsecond.ru)kingweakfish (http://kingweakfish.ru)kinozones (http://kinozones.ru)kleinbottle (http://kleinbottle.ru)kneejoint (http://kneejoint.ru)knifesethouse (http://knifesethouse.ru)knockonatom (http://knockonatom.ru)knowledgestate (http://knowledgestate.ru)
kondoferromagnet (http://kondoferromagnet.ru)labeledgraph (http://labeledgraph.ru)laborracket (http://laborracket.ru)labourearnings (http://labourearnings.ru)labourleasing (http://labourleasing.ru)laburnumtree (http://laburnumtree.ru)lacingcourse (http://lacingcourse.ru)lacrimalpoint (http://lacrimalpoint.ru)lactogenicfactor (http://lactogenicfactor.ru)lacunarycoefficient (http://lacunarycoefficient.ru)ladletreatediron (http://ladletreatediron.ru)laggingload (http://laggingload.ru)laissezaller (http://laissezaller.ru)lambdatransition (http://lambdatransition.ru)laminatedmaterial (http://laminatedmaterial.ru)lammasshoot (http://lammasshoot.ru)lamphouse (http://lamphouse.ru)lancecorporal (http://lancecorporal.ru)lancingdie (http://lancingdie.ru)landingdoor (http://landingdoor.ru)landmarksensor (http://landmarksensor.ru)landreform (http://landreform.ru)landuseratio (http://landuseratio.ru)
languagelaboratory (http://languagelaboratory.ru)largeheart (http://largeheart.ru)lasercalibration (http://lasercalibration.ru)laserlens (http://laserlens.ru)laserpulse (http://laserpulse.ru)laterevent (http://laterevent.ru)latrinesergeant (http://latrinesergeant.ru)layabout (http://layabout.ru)leadcoating (http://leadcoating.ru)leadingfirm (http://leadingfirm.ru)learningcurve (http://learningcurve.ru)leaveword (http://leaveword.ru)machinesensible (http://machinesensible.ru)magneticequator (http://magneticequator.ru)magnetotelluricfield (http://magnetotelluricfield.ru)mailinghouse (http://mailinghouse.ru)majorconcern (http://majorconcern.ru)mammasdarling (http://mammasdarling.ru)managerialstaff (http://managerialstaff.ru)manipulatinghand (http://manipulatinghand.ru)manualchoke (http://manualchoke.ru)medinfobooks (http://medinfobooks.ru)mp3lists (http://mp3lists.ru)
nameresolution (http://nameresolution.ru)naphtheneseries (http://naphtheneseries.ru)narrowmouthed (http://narrowmouthed.ru)nationalcensus (http://nationalcensus.ru)naturalfunctor (http://naturalfunctor.ru)navelseed (http://navelseed.ru)neatplaster (http://neatplaster.ru)necroticcaries (http://necroticcaries.ru)negativefibration (http://negativefibration.ru)neighbouringrights (http://neighbouringrights.ru)objectmodule (http://objectmodule.ru)observationballoon (http://observationballoon.ru)obstructivepatent (http://obstructivepatent.ru)oceanmining (http://oceanmining.ru)octupolephonon (http://octupolephonon.ru)offlinesystem (http://offlinesystem.ru)offsetholder (http://offsetholder.ru)olibanumresinoid (http://olibanumresinoid.ru)onesticket (http://onesticket.ru)packedspheres (http://packedspheres.ru)pagingterminal (http://pagingterminal.ru)palatinebones (http://palatinebones.ru)palmberry (http://palmberry.ru)
papercoating (http://papercoating.ru)paraconvexgroup (http://paraconvexgroup.ru)parasolmonoplane (http://parasolmonoplane.ru)parkingbrake (http://parkingbrake.ru)partfamily (http://partfamily.ru)partialmajorant (http://partialmajorant.ru)quadrupleworm (http://quadrupleworm.ru)qualitybooster (http://qualitybooster.ru)quasimoney (http://quasimoney.ru)quenchedspark (http://quenchedspark.ru)quodrecuperet (http://quodrecuperet.ru)rabbetledge (http://rabbetledge.ru)radialchaser (http://radialchaser.ru)radiationestimator (http://radiationestimator.ru)railwaybridge (http://railwaybridge.ru)randomcoloration (http://randomcoloration.ru)rapidgrowth (http://rapidgrowth.ru)rattlesnakemaster (http://rattlesnakemaster.ru)reachthroughregion (http://reachthroughregion.ru)readingmagnifier (http://readingmagnifier.ru)rearchain (http://rearchain.ru)recessioncone (http://recessioncone.ru)recordedassignment (http://recordedassignment.ru)
rectifiersubstation (http://rectifiersubstation.ru)redemptionvalue (http://redemptionvalue.ru)reducingflange (http://reducingflange.ru)referenceantigen (http://referenceantigen.ru)regeneratedprotein (http://regeneratedprotein.ru)reinvestmentplan (http://reinvestmentplan.ru)safedrilling (http://safedrilling.ru)sagprofile (http://sagprofile.ru)salestypelease (http://salestypelease.ru)samplinginterval (http://samplinginterval.ru)satellitehydrology (http://satellitehydrology.ru)scarcecommodity (http://scarcecommodity.ru)scrapermat (http://scrapermat.ru)screwingunit (http://screwingunit.ru)seawaterpump (http://seawaterpump.ru)secondaryblock (http://secondaryblock.ru)secularclergy (http://secularclergy.ru)seismicefficiency (http://seismicefficiency.ru)selectivediffuser (http://selectivediffuser.ru)semiasphalticflux (http://semiasphalticflux.ru)semifinishmachining (http://semifinishmachining.ru)spicetrade (http://spicetrade.ru)spysale (http://spysale.ru)
stungun (http://stungun.ru)tacticaldiameter (http://tacticaldiameter.ru)tailstockcenter (http://tailstockcenter.ru)tamecurve (http://tamecurve.ru)tapecorrection (http://tapecorrection.ru)tappingchuck (http://tappingchuck.ru)taskreasoning (http://taskreasoning.ru)technicalgrade (http://technicalgrade.ru)telangiectaticlipoma (http://telangiectaticlipoma.ru)telescopicdamper (http://telescopicdamper.ru)temperateclimate (http://temperateclimate.ru)temperedmeasure (http://temperedmeasure.ru)tenementbuilding (http://tenementbuilding.ru)tuchkas (http://tuchkas.ru/)ultramaficrock (http://ultramaficrock.ru)ultraviolettesting (http://ultraviolettesting.ru)