The Gonzo has art.

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #1975 on: July 30, 2010, 07:32:41 AM
Heh. XD

No one would mind if I posted a write-up of this idea I've had floating around for a while, would they? Simply put, it's a sorta-pornographic Castlevania Sorrow fangame/hack concept ("sorta" because it'd use the Aria sprites and would not meant to be sexy).

Offline Mirby

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Reply #1976 on: July 30, 2010, 07:35:49 AM
I wouldn't.

Wait, would this be Do Horrible Things To Soma: The Game?

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #1977 on: July 30, 2010, 08:51:25 AM
Wait, would this be Do Horrible Things To Soma: The Game?

More or less.

I'll try not to get too graphic in my description, but I'll use a spoiler tag anyway, just to be safe.

[spoiler]The best subtitle I can think of at the moment is "Love Hates You" (a line from a song by Hole). The game would open with Soma's monologue about this tower that appeared out of nowhere, in the middle of a forest. He's worried that whatever's inside the tower is Bad News(TM) and that he wishes to check it out for himself; he tells Mina not to worry, though if he's not back within a certain time, she's to call the rest of the gang.

(Justification for Soma going in alone: It's safe to assume that any threat to his well-being, Soma would take head-on so that he can fight it on his terms.)

The moment Soma steps inside the tower, the door locks behind him; the few windows can't be opened. Soma does his best to stay calm; he's not sure if this is just another plot to turn him to the dark side.

Turns out, most of the monsters and demons residing in the tower want a piece of Soma--a very specific piece. It's very difficult to avoid them, and they're all rather creative; it would be a step up from "arg snort kill" if Soma actually consented to any of it.

(There's no Game Over screen; any time Soma "dies" (lol pun), he simply wakes up at the last Save Point. Another thing of note is that all of the female monsters/demons are indifferent towards Soma, or at least the prospect of banging him; that's specifically to avoid "how is THAT [twin slasher]? hur hur". Forced-anyone on aynone is not okay, dammit)

Some specific locations Soma enters or passes by on his way to the tower's top are what appears to be a meat locker (this will be important later), a region similar to the first game's "Harem" "Inner Quarters", and a strange pocket realm where Soma has a run-in with the Elder Gods, who do what just about everything else has been doing to him (this area may or may not be optional).

At the very top resides Magnus, a vain incubus and the tower's master. He says something to the effect of "I didn't want visitors, but since you made it up here alive, you deserve a reward"--the reward being sex (a bad one, but a reward. At least Soma sorta consents to it this time). Afterward, Magnus tells Soma that he'll find a way to safely get him outside if he brings the incubus a human heart to snack on (shades of "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream"). Soma remembers the meat locker, and goes back via Warp Points to see if there are any hearts there.

There are, and he brings one back to Magnus. Magnus explains that all the male and genderless monsters/demons are influenced by him, and the tower is designed to keep them all in; Magnus cares little about humans, but doesn't want to run all over creation looking for stray residents. He directs Soma to a tunnel somewhere midway through the tower and tells him that if he can get through that (there are no enemies, but it's very mazelike), he's home free.

Soma eventually does, and walks home.


The second half of the game is Mina's. She's furious at Magnus for what his subjects did to Soma (the poor guy's too traumatized to fully relate the story to her, so she didn't get all the details). In the dead of the night, she borrows one of Soma's swords and runs off to the tower.

This time, the monsters are only interested in attacking Mina. (Though, this being an H game, maybe she could occasionally...uh, "spy" on them) The female monsters will gladly tell Mina about the males/the tower/Magnus, if she chooses to listen.

She makes her way to the top using an alternate route (to keep things interesting). When she finds Magnus, she doesn't let him try to explain himself--she just attacks him. Though she doesn't actually kill Magnus, Mina succeeds in roughing him up rather badly. He yells that he wasn't actively trying to make Soma suffer, contrary to Mina's belief, and all Mina accomplished in doing was killing half of the residents.

It's here that it's revealed that the tower is always changing locations, all of which are remote. Magnus assures Mina that he'll make sure that, if the tower relocates to Japan again, he'll make sure that Soma is kept outside; he then tells her to climb out the window and down the side of the tower (using creeping vines and bricks that jut out). Mina would've been given the less dangerous route if she hadn't beaten up Magnus.

When Mina arrives home, she simply tells Soma that he's been avenged.

Some points of interest:

* Any souls that Soma can use function like they do in the canon CV Sorrow games.

* Unlike most other alternate character modes, Mina can level up and open the menu.

* Everything sex-related in this game would be deliberately unsettling and icky. Kinda like Saya no Uta, minus the locales made of David Lynch's bathroom...maybe.[/spoiler]

On a semi-related note, I hope I can find at least one handheld CV game tomorrow (we're going to the one local Gamestop that I haven't checked for CV: Circle of the Moon yet).

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Reply #1978 on: July 30, 2010, 08:56:32 AM
You MUST make box art of it.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline Mirby

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Reply #1979 on: July 30, 2010, 09:07:40 AM
That's interesting... heh. I'd play it, though.

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #1980 on: July 31, 2010, 11:49:04 PM
You MUST make box art of it.

Now that this giant group pic is finished, I might.

This took several days; the exact number of, I've lost count. But I'm happy with the way it turned out (apart from the width and matter of the lines; I haven't found any sharper lineart brushes yet).

This isn't the same school that Rock went to (and was expelled from) many years ago; it was formed in retaliation to the usual "no robots" policy (the excuse being that robots had an unfair advantage and were clogging up the system). It's still incredibly small--there are no electives--and they have to make do with using other schools' trash at times, but it's a start.

While the students and teachers are mostly robots, there are a few humans. Everyone is in this picture, except for the principal.

Going in order from left-to-right (top row first, bottom second):


Terra: Economics.
Lulu: History. Notably, she defies "Historical Revisionism".
Ienzo: Literature/Grammar.
Dr. Sherri: Biology. The only human teacher so far.
Aqua: Algebra/Calculus.


Mono: A young robot girl who seems to live by herself.
Dez Boltz: One of the three Boltz brothers.
Dix Boltz: Second Boltz brother.
Yuna: Lulu's adopted daughter; acts more like her sister.
Dag Boltz: Third brother. All three transferred here for personal reasons.
Kumo: Pre-MM10, post-MM3 DOS Blademan. Transferred.
Sydney: Baroque. Transferred.
Ventus Himmel: One of the three Himmel brothers.
Roxas Himmel: Ventus's twin.
Kokoro Belmont: One of the current generation's Belmonts; her brother, Ragna, is college-age.
Namine: An artist. Currently pushing for the addition of art classes.
Alistair: Occasionally teased for "trying to dress Japanese" (he's from Scotland).
Linda: Dr. Sherri's assistant outside of school.
Kitora: The "ice queen".
Sora Himmel: The third Himmel brother and a key collector.
Tenor: Like Rock, was expelled from the other school for arbitrary reasons.
Rock: Megaman.
Xion: Wants to be friends with Rock.
Zoe: An American transfer student.
Riku: An aspiring adventurer.
Kairi: Usually accompanies Riku and Sora; enjoys exploring, as well.
Chelsea: Verismo. Transferred.
Alan: Chelsea's friend; transferred.

* Lulu doesn't have a chest panel, but she IS a robot here, honest.

* Decided to go with MM versions of several Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy characters. There would've been more students/staff, but that idea petered out rather quickly.

* If this were a game, most of the students would be viable "romantic" options (romantics in quotes because of Samus) Some, like Kitora, wouldn't.

Offline borockman

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Reply #1981 on: August 01, 2010, 01:00:45 PM
That's a lot of people.   :O

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #1982 on: August 02, 2010, 06:23:51 AM
That's a lot of people.   :O

I know... X_X

'Twas fiddling around with Soma's AoS sprites. I doubt I'll ever be able to make "LHY" a reality, as I can't program, but hey, maybe someone with a lot of spare time could help me with that... /wishful thinking, because projects associated with me tend to peter out

Anyway...There'd be a third bar underneath the regular HP and MP bars, with both their properties (regenerates, but game over if t hits 0). The first row of sprites is for when it gets low; the bottom--well, I'm not that great of a spriter, so just pretend he's collapsing. If anyone wants to finish it, please do.

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Reply #1983 on: August 02, 2010, 10:56:21 AM

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Reply #1984 on: August 02, 2010, 10:21:19 PM

Browsing through some fanmade textures for SSBB gave me ideas.

Again, Princess Peach has gotten everyone to dress up, this time as Sailors (as in "Moon"). I dunno how, but she did.

* Forgot to mention it in the art itself, but Sailor Rock's design is *crazylegz42's, albeit with thinner gauntlets (gloves?).

As for Peach's...I'm aware that there's a lot of drama surrounding the designer of her fuku. I don't want to hear any of it; think what you will of the guy, but his designs got me thinking about the possibility of breaking away from the traditional fuku types.

* Madotsuki's and Samus's fukus were drawn already (though Madot's was slightly modified); I decided to go with Roll's "Sailor Giga" design this time.

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Reply #1985 on: August 02, 2010, 10:39:15 PM
Peach is a silly girl! XD

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Reply #1986 on: August 03, 2010, 07:05:39 AM
Heh. XD

Capcom-Rock must've dropped in from an inter-dimensional portal.

By the time I finished this, it was nearly midnight. It's midnight as I type this. X_X

I'd always wanted to draw a pic of all four CV3 guys, but couldn't work up the idea or motivation until now. Also, I dislike the size 3 brush; not really dark enough for lineart. >.>






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Reply #1987 on: August 03, 2010, 08:26:31 AM
I knew Alucard was Trevor's dad, I knew it!
I really like the style used there, makes it seem cartoonish, but not that much.

Offline borockman

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Reply #1988 on: August 03, 2010, 02:34:21 PM
I really like that castlevania poster.

and nice job Peach girl!  owob

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Reply #1989 on: August 05, 2010, 03:07:44 AM
Thanks. :)

Hey, Dingo.

"Dingo Man is a dingo-type robot from Australia, and one of the newest participants of the Annual Robot Tournament.

Dingo Man, being what he is, tends to be a rather wild individual, behaving like a wild dog and howling on a whim. He has a fondness for curry, which makes him stop what he's doing whenever there is some nearby.

However, he has a very good sense of direction, using his flair to find what he's looking for.

Being fascinated with totems, Dingo Man makes his own hand-crafted totems on his free time, and sells them. Yet, no one is interested in buying any, much to his frustration."

...except Rock, now.

Those previous two group pics of these ladies (and boy) could be considered class changes; this is not a class change. (It is, however, part of a long-overdue request for ~NeoduelGX)

Peach and co. take a break, and hope that no freak tidal waves will engulf the beach.

* Roll's swimsuit was based on another one, from memory.

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Reply #1990 on: August 05, 2010, 06:15:26 AM
Very nice swimsuits!

They should totally make that Roll one.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #1991 on: August 07, 2010, 06:58:05 AM
Indeed. :)

"Postlude of the Night" stuff.

Posted on: August 06, 2010, 02:19:40 AM

Set out to redesign my crapass Sonic characters a day or two ago, and started with Team Radical here.

...Technically, they're not my characters. Way back in the distant year of 2004 (give or take a year; my memory's fuzzy), Sonic HQ had a preview page for Sonic Heroes; it detailed the four teams and the starting stage. It also mentioned a fifth team, comprised of "Spunkie, Bunkie, and Ted"--to this day I can't find any info on them, or even proof that they existed. I'm starting to think someone outside of SEGA/Sonic Team made them up. >.>

Sometime in 2005, I gave the three designs...bad ones. Now, they feel slightly less crap (designing Sonic characters is something of a stumbling block for me). Ted's name was also changed to "Rock"...but I don't think I'll be keeping that.

Spunkie the Porcupine (who might as well be named "Sploogey". Gack), Bunkie the Mink, and Ted the Vague Species of Bird are essentially the Freedom Fighters Without a Cause, going around Eggman's stuff because it's there, not because it's an active threat. The actual Freedom Fighters aren't amused, as it's somehow drawing unwanted attention to them.

Spunkie and Bunkie are the two hotheads; Ted, the calmer one, directs them to their targets.

* Ted's design is still heavily influenced by one of ~Jofinin's (now ~jofamo). ;_;

*Spunkie is much less clothed than he used to be.

Mathias/Leon, of the "incredibly-one sided" variety (with a dash of "this can only end in tears").

Time to upload my MMXXX oekakis, I think. (At least one will have to stay off of dA)

Drawn 6/02/10.

"The only thing about doujins that enrages me more than the dangerous belief that women won't want to murder you after you do horrible things to them is chains/collars. Slavery is the anti-boner. [something about more yaoi on the main site]"

...well, slavery is MY anti-boner.

Drawn 6/24/10.

Half-naked catboys? No, I'm too classy for that.

...I wish. >.>

Drawn 6/25/10.

I know at least two other deviants who'll like this. The rest will be diving for the brain bleach, I'll bet.

Drawn 7/27/09.

That does it for the worksafe yaoi oekakis for now. And DON'T TRY THAT, PIT

Now for the het stuff. (Annoyingly, het and yuri are lumped together over at MMXXX)

Drawn 6/10/10. Whatever the Cheer Bot was planning, it would involve at least one injury that the hospital staff would talk about for weeks.

Drawn 6/22/10.

RS-Rock doesn't like touching boobs. So, naturally, that's how his attempt to break the Cheer-Bot's fall turned out.

urgh her anatomy. blaaagh

Drawn 6/26/10.

Protowoman, get your gauntlet off your little sister's boob.

...the only justification I have for Megawoman being nude is that it was drawn at the MMXXX oekaki.

Drawn 6/26/10.

Twenty to life, Samus.

Drawn 8/4/20.

This is how a superhuman robot deals with tentacles.

Saved the newest for last.

I've tried drawing other characters in LoZ: Wind Waker style before, but was never satisfied with the results, until now--mostly because I learned to use references other than Link.

* There's a theory on TV Tropes that Maria Renard is Princess Peach (or at least a relative), hence Alucard's thought bubble.

* Megaman having a visor was influenced by one of *kevinbolk's Captain N pics.

* Simon is wearing the same outfit Simone wears, corset and all. I wasn't in the mood to transcribe his Judgment outfit to LoZ:WW style. >.>

* Samus's headgear comes from Super Metroid (sans black visor).

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Reply #1992 on: August 07, 2010, 08:21:39 AM
LoL, is that me in that one picture, Gonzie?  8D

Offline borockman

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Reply #1993 on: August 07, 2010, 02:42:54 PM
I like the lot of nakedness in this update. 8D

and yes show em who's the boss Roll!

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Reply #1994 on: August 07, 2010, 07:11:05 PM
Wind Waker style is best style!  owob

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Reply #1995 on: August 09, 2010, 03:43:35 AM

LoL, is that me in that one picture, Gonzie?  8D

RS-Proto, actually. (I imagine a threesome with them and you would be made difficult on account of him /rambling)

Submitted for Lizsama's MMTT Robot Master Design Contest.

Copy-pasted from the original e-mail:


[MY] NAME: [not posting it here.]
dA NAME: General-RADIX
BOSS NAME: Elveman (as in the upper-atmospheric lightning, though properly it's "elves")
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Ornate black/dark purple armour with yellow and lilac highlights, a black belt, white jumpsuit, and green gems; has a chain connected from one sound-amplifier to the other. Wields a cinquedea. Elements are "Elec" and "Ghost". (His helmet was inspired by some Middle Earth-esque crowns. In retrospect, all the black made him resemble Bass, so I threw in a doodle of what his alt. colour scheme would look like)
CREATOR: Light [that is, a brainwashed Light]

1.) Doppelganger Spin (several hologram devices projecting Elveman's image rush at the player from the left and right; only the real one has his sword. Player keeps firing until they score a hit on Elveman)
2.) Thunderbolt (Raises his free hand into the air and calls down several lightning bolts that trail the player's location)
3.) Unnamed attack in which Elveman fills one half of the screen with a dim, flattened glow that will harm the player if they're caught in it.


1.) Megaman gets attack #3, modified to fill the entire screen and remove it of enemies. The energy cost is such that he can only use it twice with a full bar.
2.) Protoman recieves Doppelganger Spin; he sets up a hologram device that, after a few seconds, assumes his image and begins firing.
3.) Bass gets Thunderbolt, which mostly behaves in the same manner as before (it switches targets after the current one has been destroyed).

GENERAL LEVEL DESCRIPTION: I don't have anything concrete at the moment, but the idea is that Elveman has taken over a residential area (like a hotel). The power's been cut, and something about the place seems off.
SPECIAL ENEMIES IN LEVEL: Hologram devices like the ones Elveman uses in battle; they take a variety of images, mostly of "humans" spawned from the Uncanny Valley. The player has to shoot the device itself in order to defeat them.
BOSS ATTACK PATTERN: Going by the numbers assigned to his attacks, it's 1-2-1-2-3; usually after each attack, he leaps away fromt the player. If he doesn't, it means he's about to charge forward and attempt to stab them.
BOSS PERSONALITY: Rather disturbed, though not in the same manner as Zaiakuman. Just before setting out, Elveman discovered that he's technically a zombie; Ramano found his body in a scrap heap--cause of death unknown--and brought him back for Dr. Light to modify and resurrect. Posthumous damage meant that his memories and personality were unrecoverable, so what he was like before now is a mystery.
REF. MUSIC FOR LEVEL: ("Numbers World" music for Yume Nikki) Whatever Elveman had done to the place has warped it slightly; the music is meant to be foreboding (though I'm not sure how well it would translate to MM stage music)

Honestly, I prefer him mostly-purple. :/

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Reply #1996 on: August 09, 2010, 03:45:30 AM

RS-Proto, actually. (I imagine a threesome with them and you would be made difficult on account of him /rambling)

So you have thought of me in a threesome then!  8D

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Reply #1997 on: August 12, 2010, 02:56:15 AM

My attempt at drawing several CV characters (and one guest) in Judgment/Obata style failed, I think. Not intricate enough, or too recognizable?

Can you guess who everyone is? (Snake-lady should be easy...and doesn't resemble a shinigami, unlike Death)

Speaking of Castlevania...

CV: Portrait of Ruin, Jonathan Mode: CLEAR.
Sisters Mode: Made it to the credits, but there's no "CLEAR" bat. Presumably, I have to go back and fight Brauner.
"Richiter" Mode: City of Haze cleared. (Why does Richter have blue hair?)
Old Axe Armour Mode: Unlocked, but not started yet.

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Reply #1998 on: August 19, 2010, 03:23:21 PM

Testing out Muro. Predictably, it did not want to cooperate with me, as it was slow as hell and made the whole thing look like the animation team behind the LoZ CD-i games got ahold of it. Or the lineart, at least. Maybe you can't have more than one tab open in Firefox?

That said...I've got CV: DoS on the brain because all of my attempts to get a copy have failed so far. Hopefully, the GameStop at our other mall will still have a used copy in stock, and fate won't pull a dick move and only leave out the case (frustratingly, there'll be times when GameStop ONLY has the case and not the actual game).

Soma's AoS attire clashes with Arikado's, which comes from a DoS wallpaper.

Posted on: August 13, 2010, 12:08:46 AM
Well, I've owned CV: DoS for a few days now. :)

"A" standing for "American". D'ohoho how clever

Something possessed me to draw the would-be Toonmaker versions of the Sailors, using some of *crazylegz42's art for reference. Three of the gals, she drew before finding that higher-quality video (the ones holding their tiaras); Toonmaker!Rini and Sailor Earth are original. (I did change Rini's hair colour, though, in hopes of keeping it in line with the other designs)

* I still don't know if that white cat was meant to be Artemis or Luna; an interview mentioned having both cats in the show.

* Rather than scrap Mina, Andy, and Lita, I figured that they'd eventually leave so that they could try and resume their lives on Earth, and the other three gals would step in. Phuong (Mars) just gets a haircut. :/ As for Sailor Earth, she's not officially recognized as a Sailor by Endymion.

* Many of the poses were based on a Sailor Moon SuperS group shot.


Adult Soul is just as good at stomping Goombas as either of her parents, but she breaks tradition by ditching the overalls. (Then again, she wore them as a kid...)

Posted on: August 16, 2010, 06:59:08 PM

Man, is that a crappy title.

Took a stab at emulating the Persona 4 portraits, which involved lots of gradients. To the left is Rock, wearing something ridiculous (at least for him); to the right is Diaz, the "Protagonist".

Rock is more or less the same; he and his friends and family are investigating odd murders in places that recently updated their audio-visual centers/components (uh-huh.). Rock thinks that Wily might have something to do with it at first, despite the man's retirement.

Diaz is a mute robot girl; unlike many other silent protagonists, she is not a blank slate. Diaz has already met her Persona, who speaks for her; she's hesitant to recount the experience.

* Rock was supposed to be wearing a nice hat, but I couldn't draw it in a way that didn't look stupid (at that angle, at least). His scarf/shawl-thing is a reference to the Law alignment from the other Megaten games.

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Reply #1999 on: August 19, 2010, 03:34:43 PM
Rock looks good with a scarf