The Resident Evil / Biohazard Thread

Setsuna F. Seiei · 36789

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Offline Rin

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So, yeah. A bit of a bump because this seems like a good thread to ask.


I want to get for real into Resident Evil series, and I want to know few things.

First off, I'm not entirely unfamiliar with the games, I played a bit of this and that. I have original copies of RE3 and RE5 on PC. (RE3 I could not play because OLD GAEM AND WINDOWS 7 64bit DON'T MIX and RE5 disappointed me so much I simply downloaded save game to watch cutscenes and [tornado fang] around with mods)

So here I am, asking for a personal opinion of you RPM'ers, becuz why not EL-OU-EL.

My question is, which games should I play? If they're on gamecube/pc/wii/ps2/psx/dreamcast and ps3 then I should be able to play them. But with ps3 it might take me some time, because I would need to well... buy them first... instead of, ya know.

Soo... which are the best games in the series? And on which system should I get dem/which system are they available?

Try to keep your nostalgia to a minimum though, because I already played the first Resident Evil, and I did not enjoy it much. Heard there's a remake though, is it better?

I'm asking because there seems to be a lot of dem games. Plus, I'm getting Umbrella Chronicles, because it looks a lot like House of the Dead. Can't go wrong with that.

Offline Phi

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I'm in the same boat as you. I've only played very few of the games.

But If I were to recommend some, I'd say go for Revelations and RE4. Revelations is for the 3DS, so if you have it, you're set. It brings back the horror feel that RE5 neglected to provide. I beat it a while back, and was really impressed by it. It's like a console experience on-the-go, and it has a [parasitic bomb] load of replay value thanks to Raid Mode. Raid Mode is online/local co-op play and Solo. I can't stress enough how addicting this mode is, if not more than the main game itself (which is already pretty fun).

Now, I haven't played RE4 (PS2, GC, Wii) in a while. Borrowed it from a friend and never finished it, but from what I've played, It's top notch. I don't believe it's quite as "horrific" as Revelations, but it's up there in quality.

Try to keep your nostalgia to a minimum though, because I already played the first Resident Evil, and I did not enjoy it much. Heard there's a remake though, is it better?

I haven't played either games, but everywhere I've seen the Gamecube remake discussed about, fans have said it's the better version.

Hope I've helped.

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My question is, which games should I play? If they're on gamecube/pc/wii/ps2/psx/dreamcast and ps3 then I should be able to play them. But with ps3 it might take me some time, because I would need to well... buy them first... instead of, ya know.

I also haven't played RE (I've watched people play, but that's not the same), but I can safely tell you what games are on what consoles.

Resident Evil 1 is on the PSX, PC, Saturn, and DS. The remake is on the Gamecube and I guess the Wii too as of recently.
RE 0 is on GCN and Wii.
RE 2 is on GCN, Dreamcast, N64, PSX, and PC (Windows 9x based systems, so it won't work with modern hardware.) with PSN release.
RE 3 is on the same consoles minus the N64. Apparently the GCN version is pretty bare-bones.
Code Veronica is on DC, PS2, GCN and PSN.
RE 4 is on everything since Capcom has such a hardon over it (GCN,PS2,PC,PSN,etc.)

That's the mainline games, best bet is to use the PS3 or Dreamcast with switchoffs to GCN for 1 and 0.

I'd probably get into the games if it weren't for all the Pre-rendered fixed angles craziness. And i'm not in the mood for TPS games anymore so 4/5/6 are out for me.

Offline VixyNyan

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You should play the REmake on Gamecube/Wii re-release, it retains the gameplay as the original core but there's new puzzles and some changes in the environments, and new areas to visit. Everyone should give it a try, and also RE2, RE3, Zero and Code Veronica. Oh, and definitely RE4. ^^b

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If you didn't enjoy RE1... I dunno. The old-school RE games are mostly very similar. The camera angles and the unforgiving combat are the usual complaints, and there's not much you can do except deal with them. They do get progressively more action focused, though. By RE3 you'll be literally making your own ammo.

I think most will agree that the RE1 remake is excellent.

Offline Rin

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Okay guys. Thanks. If luck will have it, I will try out the remake of 1.
And I had my eye on RE4 for some time now, might even buy it on PC if I like more than enough, though I heard the PC version needs shitload of patches to actually look good.

If I have any further questions, I'll come back into this thread. I'll probably also post some thoughts on my adventures with the various games.


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yey~ can't wait! <3 <3

Posted on: November 03, 2012, 02:33:59

Yay~ RE Revelations on X360/PS3 coming soon! <3

It's great news even if you have the 3DS one or not. :3

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Offline Phi

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Reply #232 on: January 24, 2013, 04:14:39 AM
Check it.

Doesn't appear to have much more content than the 3DS version, but it's a great game on its own anyway. No doubt better than 5 and 6.

Posted on: January 23, 2013, 08:05:25 PM