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Reply #3300 on: July 28, 2013, 09:32:04 PM
(Looks like Ash may be on the next flight to Kanto!  For his first trial, too!  It should be a learning experience for everyone's favorite eternal ten-year-old.)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #3301 on: July 28, 2013, 09:43:24 PM
(Okay then, I'm also going to make and epileptic tree too with something.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #3302 on: July 28, 2013, 09:46:34 PM
(It will take a while before Ash would even get involved, as Quickie needs to mention him and then the cops need to find him.  They'd most likely go through his mom, first, get a lead on his location, then coordinate with the authorities in Unova to find Ash.  He'd then be issued a summons and have to report to the police, who would then arrange transportation for him back to Kanto, where he'd have to stay until after the trial.)

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Reply #3303 on: July 28, 2013, 10:16:36 PM
Jenny nods and looks towards a nearby officer who was passing by, "Find out what Mewtwo eats and bring a small portion to him along with a cup of Snorlax tea.  After getting the reports from Nurse Joy, it could use something a little more herbal and less druggy than the medicines they pump into him."

The officer salutes and heads to where Mewtwo is, staying well near the door as he was still shaky about the rumors that were spreading around the station.

"Officer Jenny believes that the Mewtwo would behave better if it was fed," he said, "I wish to know what kind of food it eats so I don't waste the pantry with contents it won't eat."

(Snorlax tea is kind of the Pokemon equivalent to Celestial Sleepytime.  It doesn't necessary have to knock Mewtwo out like normal sleep aides, just mellow him down)


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Reply #3304 on: July 28, 2013, 10:53:50 PM
Lee nodded. "Well, it has the dentition of most carnivores, so any meat dish should suffice.  We feed our psychic types a specialized diet while they're in quarentine, but any kibble would do, really."

Kirby looked to Mewtwo. "What was the last thing you ate?"

"A breakfast sandwich," Mewtwo said simply.

Domino shook her head, pulling out her tablet and pretending that she was looking something up. "I'd avoid giving it any human food.  Makes Pokemon gassy.  If ya don't have anything else, though... Plain sandwich wit meat that's easy ta digest."  She glanced to the officer. "No mayo, hon.  Just the bread and meat."  She looked to Joe, who was simply fascinated by Mewtwo, who had all but ignored him. "Hey, I hafta make a phonecall, G.  If ya need anything, gimme a hollah."  Excusing herself, she left the room.

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Reply #3305 on: July 29, 2013, 12:13:07 AM
Taylor waited somewhat impatiently outside the door.

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Reply #3306 on: July 29, 2013, 12:22:22 AM
The officer nods as he backs out the door and heads off to the cafeteria to find something sandwich related and with some meat in it.  The best possible thought is a few Farfetch'd slider, which were made from farm-raised Farfetch'd after extensive studies showed their obsession for their leek stalk, and relying on it to keep them from caring about their own fates through routine feeding, keeping their pens spaced to avoid unnecessary squabbles, and tossing another leek to any Farfetch'd that had lost or eaten their own in a seemingly careless attempt to keep them from escaping.  This sad scenario bothered several Pokemon activists, many of whom vandalize and bully the Farfetch'd into fleeing towards the required openings of the farms and back into the wild.  But the officials can do very little but make sure the farms follow these regulations, and the farmers aren't chasing any Farfetch'd that escape the limitations of their property.

Officer Jenny, meanwhile, almost forgets that Taylor was waiting outside and points to the door, "You can go in too, if you want.  Just remember not to react to loudly or do anything that will make it flinch while its being examined."

Hierophant arrived back at the Center in time to see the patrol officers arrive at the entrance.  Nurse Joy had just came out, fixing to demand their presence.

"Step aside, Nurse Joy," one of them said, "Officer Jenny and the members of the Pokemon Institute have orders to confiscate the clones and bring someone by the name Dr. Wily II and a Hierophant."

"But we're still in the middle of examining them," Joy protests, "If we return them while the public is still aware of this, they could cause problems during transfer."

"We will make sure the clones are safely kept in their Pokeball and not spotted by any Pokemon with Odor Sleuth capabilities.  If necessary, we will also take you and one of your Chanseys along to continue your examinations."

Nurse Joy seemed unsure, but knows that it was best not to raise draw anymore attention than what had already happened earlier and reluctantly heads back inside to talk with WilyII.

Hierophant compressed his lips upon hearing his name and looks towards Excalibur.

"Try and land somewhere that won't startle the officers right away," he said, "I'll use a Mini spell to shrink you too if they insist on bringing you in for safety reasons."

Excalibur nods as he flies towards the back of the center, sitting down low enough for Hierophant to get off and take Genbu into his arms before they head towards the entrance.

One of the officers spot him and march over to address him, "Excuse me, young man.  I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to take your Pokemon to another Center.  This one is currently under investigation."

Another looked towards him before quickly noticing the unnatural changes to Genbu's size and the addition of Moltres wings on Excalibur, as well as noticing the white wings on Hierophant's back.

"Hey, wait a minute!  Are those wings real!?  When did Arcanine become flight-capable!?"

"Ah, nuts...." Hierophant mutters, almost forgetting that Excalibur now stands out because of the wings on his back.

"And what kind of turtle Pokemon is that he's holding!?" a third pipes up, "That looks suspiciously like a Torterra, but they should be the size of a small Island!"

The first officer that addressed him frowns in suspicion before grabbing Hierophant and forcing him around, revealing the back end of the Magician's card on his back.

"A tarot-shaped card...." he mutters, "There had been sketches of that green tailed Mewtwo running around with one just like this one on its back, with another plastered picture-side up on its forehead....  And Officer Jenny jokingly claimed that tarot cards were the primary cause of this fiasco after the original Mewtwo claimed the culprit impersonating it was using them to alter his appearance...."

The third officer marches over to Excalibur and yanks Tarot Skitty off his back, finding two more cards on its back, "There's a white Skitty on this deformed Arcanine's back with two more of cards with the same back designs on its back!"

"Then he must be an accomplice if he has the same card on his back!" the second proclaims.

"No, wait!  It's not what you think!" Hierophant protested, "The guy imitating Mewtwo's structure had stolen these cards and used them for his own ambitions!  The only reason I got involved was to get them back before they wound up in even greedier hands!"

"In any case," the first officer said, yanking Hierophant's wrist behind him, inadvertently dropping Genbu in the process, and snapping handcuffs on them, "We're placing you under arrest for conspiracy to assist in assault and battery of public safety and damage."

He looks towards the officer holding Tarot Skitty, "Radio for a truck to transfer this boy and his deformed Pokemon to the holding center to be examined and documented on which of these cards were responsible for their unnatural appendages and size."

The officer spoken to salutes and pulls out a radio to do as told while the second grabs Genbu before he could attempt to escape.


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Reply #3307 on: July 29, 2013, 01:00:23 AM
(That Jenny must feel foolish now 8D)

Taylor nodded and went in carefully, almost certain that Mewtwo knew she was there as well. Or at least, that he could sense her. Powerful Psychic-types tended to have that ability.

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Offline Quickman

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Reply #3308 on: July 29, 2013, 01:24:11 AM
Quickie looked from the observation window to Taylor, then back to the window. "He's troubled.  And depressed.  He needs to talk to someone, someone who would treat him as a person, rather than an animal."  She sighed and glanced over to Jenny. "Do you have a staff psychologist?  Any crisis worker on hand?  Would any of them be willing to talk to Mewtwo?"

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Reply #3309 on: July 29, 2013, 01:27:15 AM
"This is exactly what I was saying... treat them with the same respect you'd treat another person. They respond so much better that way, instead of talking about them like they aren't even there. They may not be able to respond 9 times out of 10, but they sure as hell can understand what you're saying to them. Or at least the general gist of it..." Taylor said.

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Reply #3310 on: July 29, 2013, 01:47:15 AM
"We'll look though our forces for a more Pokemon-understanding personnel," Jenny said, "But until then we can only rely on the Pokemon Institute to perform proper procedures to ensure its tameness among the public."

Her radio suddenly goes off as she picks it up and presses it to her hear, "This is Officer Jenny."

"We're at the Pokemon Center right now, negotiating with Nurse Joy on the transfer of the clones to the station," the officer on the other end states, "We'll relay progress when it comes, but right now we have an 18-year-old boy in possession of tarot cards matching the sketch and possible proclamations of the Mewtwo that confronted its Shiny counterpart in our immediate custody.  So far, he has been responsible for the odd alteration of a Shiny Arcanine with Moltres-like wings, a turtwig-size Torterra, and a white Skitty.  We're requesting a transport truck to take him and the Pokemon back to the station to be held in our containment center to be examined on the odd properties of these cards and their effects on the Pokemon's natural anatomy."

Jenny seemed perplexed by what she had just heard, "Wait a minute.  You mean to say you believe what my cousin was joking about after she interrogated Mewtwo earlier?  That tarot cards WERE responsible for most of the damage to Route 11 and Vermilion City?"

"As hard as it is for us to believe, looking at this boy and the odd deformities of the Pokemon that followed him, we have no choice but to believe that these cards have something that may have aided in the fiasco caused by that mysterious, green-tailed Mewtwo."

Jenny frowns a bit in concern before sighing in reluctance, "Very well....  I'll have someone send a truck down to pick up both the accomplice and his Pokemon and cards.  Try and take them somewhere away from prying eyes; we don't want the public misconstruing another unnatural phenomenon and going on a witch hunt to eradicate every Pokemon that didn't fit their common, natural structure."

"Roger that," the officer said before cutting transmission.

Jenny looks towards Quickie and Taylor while punching in another set of numbers on her radio, "I'm going to call my cousin and have her do a routine round up of all the profiles and officials that were recruited in the past year.  I'd rather not have her anywhere near the tarot card conundrum and giving our newest suspect more grief than she was giving Mewtwo earlier."


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Reply #3311 on: July 29, 2013, 01:56:07 AM
"You know, in a world where we have creatures who can control the very elements that form the building blocks of our reality (and some that even exist outside our reality), I'd think a few mystical tarot cards wouldn't be too much of a stretch of logic," Taylor said jokingly, obviously teasing Jenny a bit.

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Reply #3312 on: July 29, 2013, 02:09:52 AM
Jenny furrows her eyebrows, somewhat sympathetic of what Taylor was getting at, "Unfortunately, people today only believe in what's common knowledge and widely populated.  That's part of the reason none of the officials can look at Mewtwo in the same manner as the average person or Pokemon.  Even Legendary Pokemon can't be approached by the most Pokemon friendly with a slow pace and a cautious shrug."


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Reply #3313 on: July 29, 2013, 02:11:52 AM
"Fair enough," Taylor replied. She was somewhat relieved that the officer didn't take what she said seriously and take offense to it. "Speaking of Legendaries... back in Kalos we have stories of a majestic deer named Xerneas, one of the Fairy folk... One day, I'd like to befriend Xerneas... and ride him around. That would be awesome."

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Reply #3314 on: July 29, 2013, 02:20:43 AM
"That sounds like such an aspiring ambition," Jenny said, "I hope your quest goes smoothly and without any other shady organizations trying to force ownership through means other than attention-drawing violence."


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Reply #3315 on: July 29, 2013, 02:23:42 AM
Quickie nodded, returning her gaze to the observation window.  The man who was examining Mewtwo had stepped back and entered into a conversation with the wardens, and at some point, the other officer had returned and given Mewtwo a plate of food and a cup of tea, and Mewtwo was concerning himself with his meal.  His eating was punctuated with glacing at the wardens.  After a moment, he risked a glimpse to the two-way mirror.

Quickie froze, but exchanged glances before focusing her thoughts. "They won't let me have any contact with you."

"I am aware of that, and I shall make this brief," Mewtwo paused in his eating. "Talk to the officer and tell them to contact Ash Ketchum.  I will attempt my own contact, but he may be too far away to establish a link.  Do not mention my involvement, explain it as you had suddenly remembered.  Tell them what I told you concerning Ash's involvement on Mount Quena, and request that they find him." He took a moment to take a sip of the tea. "Hurry.  You have an opportunity to discuss this now."

The link was broken, and Quickie looked away from the observation window.  Stepping backward, she turned to Officer Jenny. "I think I may have another witness who might help us..."

In the last stall of the women's restroom, Domino contacted Giovanni. "Mewtwo's in police custody and there's talk of going to trial.  How soon would you be able to travel?"

"I need to make final arrangements with my lawyers," Giovanni replied. "I've already called to confirm that there is a corporate apartment available, and I'll be gathering a team.  We've been busy with another project.  I had been in contact with Cipher for quite some time, and when I arrive in Vermilion, I'll fill you in on the details."

"Sounds good to me.  We are also bringing in Mewtwo's clone buddies and I'll be making arrangements to have Mewtwo transferred to a kennel in the Pokemon Institute," Domino paused for a moment to listen for any intrusion. "They have it locked up in a psychiatric cell, can you believe that?"

"The beast's brain is broken, I know that," Giovanni dismissed it, "I made sure of it.  And its state of mind will make it easier to control.  Like I said, I'll fill you in on the details when I get there.  In the meantime, though, we need to make sure that this ends in our favor."

"Don't worry about that," Domino sneered, "Lexi Shank will be squashed like a bug.  Mewtwo is ours."  Ending her call, she put her phone away, flushed the toilet to support her ruse, then busied herself with washing her hands before leaving the restroom.

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Reply #3316 on: July 29, 2013, 02:27:46 AM
Jenny looks towards Quickie while still trying to contact her cousin, "Who might that be?"


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Reply #3317 on: July 29, 2013, 02:30:34 AM
"Ash Ketchum," Quickie nodded. "He was involved in the Mount Quena incident and can corroborate any allegations against Team Rocket.  I only know what Mewtwo had told me before, so if you could find Ash, he may be able to help us."

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Reply #3318 on: July 29, 2013, 02:31:52 AM
"Hopefully not. When I left Kalos, there were rumors of some Team Flare starting up or something... or maybe they'd been around for a while and were starting to make themselves known. It was rather confusing... All I know is that they'd better not interfere with my dream of riding Xerneas. There's also a wyvern known as Yveltal, but I don't think it would be fun to ride him." she replied. Quickie then mentioned Ash, a named Taylor recognized. Exploring all the regions as she had, there were quite a few times that name had come up.

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Reply #3319 on: July 29, 2013, 02:39:38 AM
Meanwhile in the Police Lobby Sakura and N had contacted the Gym Leader of Cerulean City Misty. She was a girl about Sakura's age with short red hair.

"So you're saying that Team Rocket is trying to take ownership of Mewtwo." Misty stated.

"Yeah they're saying he was stolen and that he's brainwashing people and all sorts of crap." Sakura nodded.

"They're also treating him like a beast it seems." N added "The police were talking about how they were glad to have the Pal Park officials here to make sure he doesn't bite people."

"Lately the Pal Park officials seem to be a bit less sympathetic than they used to be." Misty sighed "I'm worried about the fact that people seem to forget all the trouble Team Rocket has caused over the years, and it keeps getting worse and worse each time."

"What do you mean?" Sakura said raising an eyebrow.

"It's not something I can talk about on the phone, or by myself.  Let me get some people I know and head over there myself." Misty suggested.

"Good idea, we'll see you then." Sakura said as she ended the call.

"What did she mean when she said the wardens have become less sympathetic?" N asked.

"I think she was talking about the confinement of rare Pokemon and even the recent Pokemon Center regulations." Sakura sighed. "You noticed it too right?"

"Those Pokemon being presented in exhibits?" N said sadly "Yes, they didn't look too happy, they even looked scared."

"I saw it too but people didn't give a danm.  If my dad saw that he would have been adamant on releasing those Pokemon back into the wild." Sakura stated "He would never accept that treatment, even the part about Fire Pokemon having to be in Pokeballs at all times would tick him off..."

"We'll worry about that later, let's just wait for Misty and her friends." N said changing the subject.

"Right." Sakura nodded.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #3320 on: July 29, 2013, 02:40:18 AM
As if a cold wind blew right into Chariot and Jessie, time seemed to slow down. It was only in their minds however as a heavy feeling dawned on them. Like a heavy weight was holding them in place and all they could do was turn their heads to the source. Right there in the in the rectangular looking glass of the door were two crazy looking eyes staring into the room. They shifted back and forth to and from every being in the room, examining each one rabidly. Not even the eyelids showed, just the whites of the eyes. A loud click echoed through the room, coming from the lock mechanisms on the outside.

Ahhh, Jessie. How nice of her to stop by. What she was doing here in the first place won't matter much when I'm through with her. And these...creatures. What are they? Only time will tell after I dissect each one and analyze every fiber of their being. Steiner thought to himself as he looked throughout the room.

After Froslass was finished with the nuisance in the ship, he'd have it ghost into this room and freeze them all to death as to go through with proper examination. Or...maybe all he needed were these mysterious creatures, not the feeble woman who dared to enter his domain. There would be nothing of her left before he entered to room which was just what he wanted. Steiner chuckled to himself, continuing to look down straight at Jessie.

On Mt. Moon...

Charizard followed the pokemon, carrying Julia in the process. It looked down at the half conscious human in its arms, not knowing what else to do besides getting her to the pokemon center. All around it were little pink pokemon scurrying about, running for their lives. It looked up towards the ceiling, knowing that it had left the rest of Ahrzayl's pokemon on the summit and that they would more than likely be lost in the cave in. There wasn't anything the black dragon could do but make a silent promise to personally dig them out when it returned. The Charizard continued to hurry along, allowing a few Clefa to ride on its tail.

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Reply #3321 on: July 29, 2013, 03:25:27 AM
Jessie was white as a sheet at the sensation of being slowed down and pinned by nothing.  She couldn't move no matter how loudly her mind demanded them to.

The same with Wobbuffet and Synthis, though the former could barely muster more than its usual squinted eyes and jagged maw.

Chariot, however, was gritting his teeth in a fit to free his mind from this harrowing sensation.  All that time hanging out with Danny was starting to pay off as he went into a unexpressed meditative state, focusing on his own will power to revert the time-altering feeling that was warping his conscience and making him think he was being frozen in place.

Thoughts were running through his head as to how to deal with this.  His primary instinct was to shove his spear through the window and impale whatever was screwing with their minds, but then it would only give the crazy scientist access into the room to cause more harm to him and the less fortunate people trapped in the captain's chamber.  He had no choice but to flop into a indian-crossed sitting position, plant his spear in an upright standing position and close his eyes, going even further into meditation while relying on the Tarot Energy he had been taught to keep an eye on everyone in the ship.

Posu and Nega eventually caught up to Ryo, flanking his sides while trying to speak through labored breaths.

We ran into some Clefable that were inhabiting this cave with the Clefairy and Cleffa!

We tried to get them to run, but they said they claimed some of their family and friends had been left behind on the summit, collecting something and ran off to find them!

Before Ryo could respond, some of the Clefairy and Cleffa bounced towards the Charizard, each holding a Pokeball in their paws.

Excuse me!  Are these yours? a Clefairy asked mid-bounce while holding up one of the Pokeball.

Another bounced up on the other side of the Charizard, holding another Pokeball We found them on the summit after you left with our family and friends.  We weren't sure if they were full or not, so we decided to bring them with us just in case.

It's going to have to wait until we get outside! Ryo points out We can't stop now with that evil scientist running rampant with Ms. Ahrzyal's ship!

He's right!  Let's keep moving! the Clefairy leading the way said.

It wasn't long before they noticed light pouring into the cave from outside.  The Clefairy and Cleffas quickly picked up their bounce while the trio practically dropped on all four and galloped out of the cave before any further drilling from the Superia seals up the entrance.

"Ash Ketchum," Quickie nodded. "He was involved in the Mount Quena incident and can corroborate any allegations against Team Rocket.  I only know what Mewtwo had told me before, so if you could find Ash, he may be able to help us."

"Ash Ketchum...." Jenny closes her eyes and chuckles a bit, "That's someone I haven't seen in a while...."

She opens her eyes and looks back towards Quickie, "I'll call my other sisters and cousins and see if they can find him.  Though last I heard, he was somewhere in Unova.  If that's the case, they'll try and contact the officials there to see if they can find and ask him to return here for a quick, less harsh interrogation."


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Reply #3322 on: July 29, 2013, 04:24:56 AM
(Isn't it spelled Cleffa?)

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Reply #3323 on: July 29, 2013, 04:26:05 PM
Back at the police station, Domino returned to the holding cell and let herself inside. "Awright, puddin'," she addressed Mewtwo with the thick Queens accent, "Mistah G. and I are gonna get some papahwoik filled out, then you're coming back wit us.  Jus' takin' ya ta the Pokemon Institute, an' we'll set ya up wit a nice, quiet kennel.  Heard ya have some buddies in town, so they'll be comin' wit us.  You finish your dinner, get comfy, an' we'll come back an' get ya, 'kay?"  She motioned to Joe to follow her out.

Mewtwo just stared at Domino before moving his gaze to Joe, fixing him in a hard glare. "You are not who you seem, are you?"

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Reply #3324 on: July 29, 2013, 04:34:47 PM
Joe reeled back at Mewtwo suddenly speaking to him, yet, he was still amazed to finally see the Legendary face-to-face... Despite the consequences. Watching Mewtwo eat its meal... It's almost... Human. Shaking his head, he got up from his crouch and spoke to the flanking wardens.

"W-Well... From what I can see, Mewtwo's just fine. He just needs rest, it must have had a rough few days. That Snorlax Tea should do the trick, so...

Before he could finish his sentence, Domino walked in...
Back at the police station, Domino returned to the holding cell and let herself inside. "Awright, puddin'," she addressed Mewtwo with the thick Queens accent, "Mistah G. and I are gonna get some papahwoik filled out, then you're coming back wit us.  Jus' takin' ya ta the Pokemon Institute, an' we'll set ya up wit a nice, quiet kennel.  Heard ya have some buddies in town, so they'll be comin' wit us.  You finish your dinner, get comfy, an' we'll come back an' get ya, 'kay?"  She motioned to Joe to follow her out.

Mewtwo just stared at Domino before moving his gaze to Joe, fixing him in a hard glare. "You are not who you seem, are you?"
"... You don't know me. Don't try your Jedi mind tricks on me!" With that, he turned, and approached Domino, following her out.

Hierophant arrived back at the Center in time to see the patrol officers arrive at the entrance.  Nurse Joy had just came out, fixing to demand their presence.

"Step aside, Nurse Joy," one of them said, "Officer Jenny and the members of the Pokemon Institute have orders to confiscate the clones and bring someone by the name Dr. Wily II and a Hierophant."

"But we're still in the middle of examining them," Joy protests, "If we return them while the public is still aware of this, they could cause problems during transfer."

"We will make sure the clones are safely kept in their Pokeball and not spotted by any Pokemon with Odor Sleuth capabilities.  If necessary, we will also take you and one of your Chanseys along to continue your examinations."

Nurse Joy seemed unsure, but knows that it was best not to raise draw anymore attention than what had already happened earlier and reluctantly heads back inside to talk with WilyII.
Dr. Wily II was still conversing with Meowth, when he finally noticed the blaring of police sirens. "Well [parasitic bomb]." Dr. Wily II turned, and saw a rather panicked Nurse Joy walking in. "I guess the gig is up?"

I'm watching you all. Always watching.