If you haven't played it already, prepare to be awed. Amazing game.
Symphonia's one of my GC games that my older brother had in his collection. Too bad I don't have access it to enjoy on my Wii. He sold it.
Anyway, I'm messing around in NG+ on BioShock, got to Fort Folic and hitch the stupidest idea of going about completing Cohen's "masterpiece". Rather than take the photos of his dead apprentices like normal, I was like "No, you're getting their butt-cheeks instead", and did exactly that. The results were worth a few laughs.
Can't help hating the guy for being a twisted artist and like him for some memorable lines.
-EDIT-One thing I can't stand about Fort Folic, or rather the thing that freaks me out the most, are those Plaster Splicers. It's like being stalked by Weeping Angels or SCP-173 only without "breaking eye-contact will end
badly for you" part. Unlike common Spider Splicers, these Splicers are much stealhier than Naruto, they attack without warning and pop up when you least expect it, and they've been spooking people long before Creepers. What's more disturbing is how can they find you, let alone breathe with the plaster covering their entire head!