The Busy World of Rockman Perfect Memories

Strider Xhaiden · 452402

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #2775 on: July 23, 2009, 01:42:50 AM
Blackmore could only look, flabbergasted, at the Prince. But...that was his mighty Dark Starstorm! How could a measly human...?

"That does it!" the villain shouted, throwing his hands up, this time melodramatically, and whirling around, "I'm going to find someone who appreciates my evil wickedness!"

With that, Lord Blackmore, rather angrily. Nick just looked at the Prince.

"Nice one."


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Reply #2776 on: July 23, 2009, 01:44:18 AM
"He was, wasn't he?" He smiled brightly at Nick. "That was fun! Thought meeting new friends is always fun!" He nodded twice, agreeing with himself.

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #2777 on: July 23, 2009, 01:46:16 AM
Flame looked unimpressed at the cage.
"well you don't act it. You are acting like a child. Now, dear cage, you should show some manners if you want to be shown any. If you give back Afro and Blackhook, I promise you won't be experimented on and dissected like a frog. We've got a resident mad scientist that would love to take a peek at your insides."

Flame then walked out of the room to the one next door, and talked to the man working there.

"Analyze its mind. Shouldn't be too hard. He doesn't seem too bright. Just use the wave system. See who this "Clockston" is, and if you can get a clear image of him."

He then talked to his communicator, and said,

"Haijime, you're free to try what you will, I trust your judgement."

"...HeE hEe HeE." The creature laughed in it's mind.

"tHeY tHiNk ThEy TrApPeD mE hErE, bUt  ThEy DoN't KnOw WhO tHeY'rE dEaLiNg WiTh." It thought to self.

Unknow to everyone who is or was in the room at the time, the creature secreted some transparet liquid on Hajime's wires, just before cutting them. An ooze from it's stomach that emits a special unseen and unscented gas, which slowly makes a person see illusions of their greatest fears, making the victims attack, faint or run away from whoever or whatever they see. However, this gas takes time to take effect, once the gas is inhaled that is. So the creature decided to sit and wait till the men went mad with fear.

The creature's arms shrunk back into it's body, as well as it's legs. It dropped down on the floor, and then stood itself straight up.

It remained in it's small cage form, keeping it's eyes on the soldiers and Hajime.  

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #2778 on: July 23, 2009, 01:49:14 AM
Nick chuckled and patted the Prince on the back. Lucky Star did likewise.

"I think we'll get on just fine."

Meanwhile, Blackmore had taken to drifting aimlessly along the streets, looking for someone to scare. He stopped to look at a jaybird that was flying by, which he promptly zapped, and continued on his way.

"There must be somebody in this backwards excuse for a world to torment..."


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Reply #2779 on: July 23, 2009, 01:53:15 AM
Ricardo walked through the city streets with a frown. Roa had told him to patrol the city for evildoers, or something of the sort. He had no idea how he was supposed to stop said evildoers when he found them, being nothing but a Hotdog seller and all. Maybe the becoming a cyborg had something to do with it.

That's when he went past Blackmore, who zapped an innocent bird. "You, stop!" He screamed at Blackmore, as his hand went through the uncomfortable transformations of turning into a half-organic, half-robotic buster.

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #2780 on: July 23, 2009, 01:56:19 AM
Blackmore stopped, looked around, and fixed his gaze on the humble hot dog salesman. He frowned and chanelled dark magic through his hands.

"Eh, you'll do."


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Reply #2781 on: July 23, 2009, 01:58:22 AM
"Prepare to subdued, evildoer!" He raised his buster and fired some purple, lethal-looking blasts. "The power of evil will not avail you!" Man, what the heck am I saying?! I sound like an idiot...

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #2782 on: July 23, 2009, 02:02:35 AM
With an unimpressed frown, Blackmore held his hand out in front and crafted a shield of dark magic, which absorbed the bullets.

"It's like they don't even try anymore," sighed Blackmore, shooting bolts of dark lightning at Ricardo.


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Reply #2783 on: July 23, 2009, 02:05:30 AM
"Gwaaah!" Unsure of what to do, he randomly activated two is his robotic attachments. Immediately, wheels came out of the soles of his feet, attached to a motor which propelled him towards Blackmore.

He grimaced in pain as his left arm morphed into a sword which absorbed the lightning and used it to fuel it's own power.

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #2784 on: July 23, 2009, 02:11:09 AM
Blackmore swerved to dodge the sword, surprised that the lad had actually got fighting spirit. Alas, the blade had left a slight tear in the villain's cape...

" scratched my cape! I'LL KILL YOU!"

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Reply #2785 on: July 23, 2009, 03:40:37 AM
RMZX and Kallen are laying in their hospital beds...

Hey, Kallen... we're pretty much fully healed... What do you want to do after we get out of here?

I don't know... I think I have an idea...

Kallen gets up and pushes her bed right next to mine....

Hm? Kallen... what are you doing?

Before he knew it, Kallen was laying right next to him...

We should enjoy what time we have left in here... I'm glad we have our own room....

Kallen kisses RMZX, and pretty soon after shes making out with him....

I love you, Kallen...
I love you too, RMZX...

Offline Afro-Shroom

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Reply #2786 on: July 23, 2009, 05:29:47 AM
Meanwhile in the Sack's Stomach...
A-S:*AH! *holds his temple in one hand and is shooting all over the place with his peashooter with the other*

???1: *in a sarcastic tone* What's wrong? Still scared of us? HA! Things never change do they? I can still remember the day you fled...oh the memories! *cackles*

A-S: S-SHUT UP! *shoots at the image but it disappears into an after image* ...Why? Why did you destroy the DDL...our home town...

???2: *appearing behind Afro* And Don't forget Her as well.

A-S: *slouching down in a state of mental reck* y-you think I'd ever...forget her...*some tears begin to well up*...

???1 & 2: ...a crybaby, like always... *laugh in unison*

Elsewhere in the RPM Desert...

D: *noticing StrangeMan ahead* won't be long until something happens... Clockston!

CS: *sighing and turns to face Dan*...yes? tick tock.

D: Another question before you talk to StrangeMan...Who is it that your hoping to meet if you use Afro-Shroom as bait.

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #2787 on: July 23, 2009, 06:29:41 AM
Meanwhile in the Sack's Stomach...
D: *noticing StrangeMan ahead* won't be long until something happens... Clockston!

CS: *sighing and turns to face Dan*...yes? tick tock.

D: Another question before you talk to StrangeMan...Who is it that your hoping to meet if you use Afro-Shroom as bait.

CLockston stopped in his tracks and faced dan. He stood there silent for a minute or two before answering: "...Isn't it obvious...tick-tock."

Clockston turned away from Dan and continued walking towards the caped crusader (8D) and the knights.

Offline Afro-Shroom

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Reply #2788 on: July 23, 2009, 07:12:09 AM
D: *Getting a little POed* Hey! *headbutts Clockston from behind his back causing him to fall* No, NO IT'S NOT! I've dealt with your kind before...*stares down Clockston*

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #2789 on: July 23, 2009, 07:17:01 AM
"...HeE hEe HeE." The creature laughed in it's mind.

"tHeY tHiNk ThEy TrApPeD mE hErE, bUt  ThEy DoN't KnOw WhO tHeY'rE dEaLiNg WiTh." It thought to self.

Unknow to everyone who is or was in the room at the time, the creature secreted some transparet liquid on Hajime's wires, just before cutting them. An ooze from it's stomach that emits a special unseen and unscented gas, which slowly makes a person see illusions of their greatest fears, making the victims attack, faint or run away from whoever or whatever they see. However, this gas takes time to take effect, once the gas is inhaled that is. So the creature decided to sit and wait till the men went mad with fear.

The creature's arms shrunk back into it's body, as well as it's legs. It dropped down on the floor, and then stood itself straight up.

It remained in it's small cage form, keeping it's eyes on the soldiers and Hajime.  

Little did the cage realize that Hajime's glasses were more high-tech than they appeared, causing the room before his eyes to appear red like blood as warning signs flashed of an unknown gas filling the room.  In reaction, his rebreathing apparatise kicks on, causing him to choke as it shuts off access to the outside air and attempts to connect to his lungs.

While this was going on, Hajime begins to sense fear rising from the hearts of the human soldiers remaining in the room, eyeing behind him to see their eyes growing wide with fear as if they had seen their worst nightmare.  Obviously something was causing them to freak out; but what?  He assumed the cage released some kind of gas into the room that was causing their fears to rise so drastically.  Until his glasses could identify what kind of gas it was, he couldn't afford to let Flame back into the room, worried he would end up just like them.  He had to do something to warn him without the cage suspecting his evasion and doing something to pull him into the fiery sea of fear.

Hajime pretends to choke some more after his rebreather kicks on, grabbing his throat and struggling to stay standing, "W...what's going on...?  I...I can't breathe...."

He whips his head around, his eyes widening in shock, "S...smoke....  There's smoke everywhere...!  Did someone set up a poisoness gas pipe...!?"

He begins to backs towards the door, coughing and choking as he looks around some more at, what the observers think, is absolutely nothing, "N-no...!  S...someone open a air vent...a-anything...!  I don't wanna die...!"


Offline Flame

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Reply #2790 on: July 23, 2009, 08:16:04 AM
Flame looks through the mirrored glass and sees a sight that severely upsets him. Complete chaos. Worse than the incident in Batman begins. He talks to the operator next to him  and says

"well, we have managed to obtain a voice sample... but the appearance is not that great... "

"Kgh... If it is as smart as it claims, It wont fall for it. We have to find this man. Now."

He  sees Haijime worming his way to the door and making as if he goes through accidentally. On the panel next to him, he sees Haijime locking the door.

Flame runs out and asks Haijime what just happened.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline Blackhook

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Reply #2791 on: July 23, 2009, 08:41:15 AM
MR. Sack, whatever you plan to do won´t work, do you know where we are? We are in space, I quess it would be the best if you stopped all this before you get yourself killed or even worse.
Said BH in a calm manner.

"Ah I see...well I'm glad she fine." StrangeMan looked at the jumping knight and asked: "...Original?"

Sonne stopped jumping around StrangeMan.
Yes, you´re my original-kun, it´s a long story, you see....
Sonne got interupted by Sieg.
Not now, someone is comming.

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #2792 on: July 23, 2009, 08:44:44 AM
Despite making it out of the room, he saw that he was completely covered in the gas, suggesting it was as lingering as skunk odor.  Before he could figure out what to do, he senses someone heading in his direction and looks up to see Flame in the distance moving towards him.  He presses his back against the door.

"Don't come any closer!" Hajime calls out, causing Flame to stop in his tracks in confusion, "The poisons already spread throughout my body!  It'll get you too if you come any closer!"

He starts to tremble from the increasing sense of hysteria on the otherside of the room, "Lock me in something air-tight and take me to your research facility.  The scientists might be able to come up with some cure to expel the effects of the poison that's effecting the soldiers in the transportation room.  Hurry...before their frightening spirits drive me insane...!"



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Reply #2793 on: July 23, 2009, 08:49:30 AM
"Wo-wooaaahhh!" Ricardo screamed as rolled at full speed toward Blackmore, the sword outstretched in front of him.

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #2794 on: July 23, 2009, 09:27:04 AM
MR. Sack, whatever you plan to do won´t work, do you know where we are? We are in space, I quess it would be the best if you stopped all this before you get yourself killed or even worse.
Said BH in a calm manner.

Sonne stopped jumping around StrangeMan.
Yes, you´re my original-kun, it´s a long story, you see....
Sonne got interupted by Sieg.
Not now, someone is comming.

"eXaCtLy, wE'rE iN a 'SpAcE' sTaTiOn, AnD tHeReS aN eScApE pOd iN EvErY oNe Of ThIs ThInGs. BuT, FiRsT wE'rE gOnNa HaVe To GeT oUtTa HeRe."

The creature morphed one of it's bars into a tentacle with some sort of suction cup, it placed said suction cup over BlackHook's face, making sure the gas doesn't effect him. The creature then scanned it's enviremont for a control panel for the containment unit. Once it found it, the creature sprouted four spider legs, and used one to tapped on the wall behind the control panel. Some of the soldiers panicked and began to shoot at the panel. The panel was destroyed, but miracoulessly, the cointerner had just been opened. (Just like in the movies 8D)

The creature pushed the opening and scurried over to the ventilation shaft.

"Mr. PiRaTe, I'm GoNnA hAvE tO pUt yOu In OnE oF mY StOmAcHs NoW. YoU'rE tOo BiG tO fIt ThRoUgH hErE" The creature then swallowed BlackHook, and transformed it's body into a child sized salamander. It then escaped through the ventilation shaft.

"HeE hEe HeE hEe!"

Once the creature left, the soldiers slowly began to calm down. However, this is only because the source of the gas, the creatures stomach ooze, was no longer in the teleportation room. The gas started to clear and everything seemed back to normal, however the soldiers were still in a bit of shock, falling to the floor, they trembled in what little fear they had left.

Back in the dessert...

Clockston stood back up and sighed. "Your really testing my patience you know. tick-tock." Clockston moved his cane towards Dan. "...You should take a nap." After that, the clock on his cane emitted a high pitched sound which distabalized Dan's programming, shutting him down momentaraly.

"Now then. tick-tock." Clockston walked towards the knights, and faced our caped hero.

"........Clockston?" StrangeMan eyes widdened, when he saw the clock maniac.
"...It's been ages...#315. tick-tock."

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Reply #2795 on: July 23, 2009, 10:17:27 AM
OOOH....are you a friend of original-kun?
Sonne you idiot, that´s the man that trapped Blackhook and the afroed man.
Sieg pointed his lance at Clockston.
What have you done to those two?
Asked Shimmer.

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Reply #2796 on: July 23, 2009, 10:36:50 AM
After a while, the sensation of fear starts to fade from the teleportation room as the demonic-like essence of the cage starts to crawl its way through the ventilation shaft.  Unfortunately for Hajime, the danger wasn't over for him as his glasses were still flashing wavering, smoke-like substances before his eyes.  Though still unaware that his two wires were still smoothered in the cage's unforseen ooze, Hajime is left thinking he must have contracted something from it's mouth that was causing him to continue reeking of potential fear-inducing illusions, still making him a potential threat to anyone who so much as comes within a yard of his presence.

Still, he couldn't just keep silent about the cage's escape and looks back over to Flame.

"Change of plans...." he mutters, still reeling from the effects of sensing the soldiers' fears as he slumps to a sitting position on the floor, "That cage...thing is making an escape through the ventilation shaft...desperate to escape....  After you drop seal me up and transport me to the research lab to figure out why I'm still covered in fumes, you might want to set up serveillences and figure out a way to contain the cage without provoking it to poison other members of FAUST with hallucinagenic pandamonium...."


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Reply #2797 on: July 23, 2009, 12:05:07 PM
Blackmore was too enraged by the - minor - damage done to his attire that he didn't even notice as Ricardo zoomed towards him at an insane speed. The blade pierced his chest and, due to the hot dog vendor's velocity, was shoved straight through Blackmore's body. The villain adopted a look of shock, horror and amazed awe, mouth hanging wide open alongside his eyes. His hands dropped, and his body hung forward limply. He could say nothing.

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Reply #2798 on: July 23, 2009, 02:32:15 PM
"No worry, that sort of thing has little to no effect on me... You don't get made a super soldier without certain precautions... I can not only hold my breath indefinitely, but my systems can cleans such poisons as that very quickly. In any case, you need to do something about yourself. Ill call a hazmat team to take care of you. You can catch up with after that's done. They'll take care of the teleporter room too. Thankfully, we still have the freight teleporter room.."

Flame talked into his communicator, and said;

"Flame to central control room, we have a monster on the loose. It can morph, it can swallow a person whole, and emit a poisonous fear inducing gas. All Human workers are to be relieved of their duty by the robot workers where possible. All Human workers must also be equipped with emergency oxygen tanks. The gas is odorless, and cannot be  detected until its too late. plus the monster itself is in the ventilation system. put the ventilation on full blast throughout the ship, create a system of air purification. Keep me posted on any happenings. Understood?"

*Yes sir!*

"also, send me a constant update on its position. close down all docking bays, and disable all spacecrafts. remove the wings if you have to. close off all ventilation to the control room and computing core, and turn on their artificial oxygen system instead."

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #2799 on: July 23, 2009, 02:33:41 PM
"Mr. PiRaTe, I'm GoNnA hAvE tO pUt yOu In OnE oF mY StOmAcHs NoW. YoU'rE tOo BiG tO fIt ThRoUgH hErE" The creature then swallowed BlackHook...

Afro-Shroom was laying in the middle of an open floor twitching, his mind in a terrible mess of wrecked memories, uncontrollable emotions, and Most of all, the 4kids One piece anime.

Back in the dessert...

Clockston stood back up and sighed. "Your really testing my patience you know. tick-tock." Clockston moved his cane towards Dan. "...You should take a nap." After that, the clock on his cane emitted a high pitched sound which distabalized Dan's programming, shutting him down momentaraly.

D:Yeah and-what, wha? *is hit by Clockston's sound attack and falls to the ground* ....

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...