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Alice in Entropy · 121369

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Reply #750 on: April 09, 2011, 11:42:12 PM
Anarchy Dodged, contemplating the design.

My, that head is bulbous.... Looks almost like a Sphere... Wait, maybe...

Anarchy looked around, noticing some stones that looked easy enough to throw. He dodged another attack, and grabbed a rock. He waited till the head was in sight and tossed the rock. It stunned the beast.

Direct Hit!

Using this opportunity, Anarchy climbed up the creature, and prepped his Drill to severely damage the creature.

Offline Gaia

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Reply #751 on: April 09, 2011, 11:58:24 PM
The creature regained postiure after a short while, and one-thousand eyes opened from it's back, side, and forearms, and emitted some kind of laser attack coming from nearly all directions. Unique about the stones around this area though, is that due to Gaia's reasearch, they seem to be impervious to nearly all kinds of laser attack. However, that does not keep from exploding.

BOOM! Rumbling can be heard from miles away, making the incoming racers more alert. This is the sound of a fight going on.

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline Police Girl

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Reply #752 on: April 10, 2011, 12:24:24 AM
Anarchy tried to dodge the lasers, he then realized that he was wasting his time. He quickly grabbed a small chunk of rock, knowing that the lasers seemed to cause explosions, he figured that the explosion + rock= Propelling out of the cave.

He waited till the beast threw a laser towards the convenient skylight. And stood on the rock, luck have it he was propelled out of the ruins. Looking foward he could see the finish line in the distance. Seeing as he was in a rather out of the way location, he quickly looked around him. Sure enough, he found what looked like Token #2. He grabbed it.

If this one is a false again, I'll have to make sure to get a 3rd flag.

Anarchy dashed off the ceiling of the arena, shortly before it collapsed as the Protector smashed it down.

Offline Gaia

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Reply #753 on: April 10, 2011, 12:28:12 AM
As the Protector's mindset telling it to "dont give chase, halt all offensive stradegies and wait for the next meal", it halted all vigorus activity.. for now, while bathing in the sunlight. Knowing it's body structure, it is resistant to all attacks from behind.. the ceiling collapse meant nothing to it more than an bite from a small mosquito.

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #754 on: April 10, 2011, 07:21:32 PM
Little did Anarchy know that he had stumbled upon a relic key to one of the paths of the ruins. Though not the token which he and all the other racers were looking for, it may have provided a clue towards its whereabouts. As the cloaked man landed back into the maze, the relic began to give a faint flash every few minutes.

"Hmmm, sounds like we have disturbed the resting place of some ancient predictably dull." Crimson muttered to himself.

"Do hope I find something to amuse myself soon."

Offline Police Girl

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Reply #755 on: April 11, 2011, 11:49:03 PM
Anarchy drove along, using the glowing thing as sort of a radar/compass, it started glowing brighter, so Anarchy took a right turn down a really dark tunnel.

Jeez, if it weren't for the light of this thing, I'd be blind.

Anarchy hit a wall at the end of the path.

Ouch, looks like this was a dead end... Oh look! Flag #3, how lucky of me.

Anarchy grabbed the flag, and as soon as he did that the thing glowed with intense light, Anarchy was engulfed by the light, when it dissipated, the object and Anarchy were nowhere to be found....

Where am I? Whats this music?

Anarchy looked around, He was in a large tube, lots of colorful spheres, bombs, and the occasional spring.

No... No... NO! Of all the places I feared going WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE THIS?

Anarchy took a few steps foward, when he was done walking he found himself on the top of the tube and promptly fell.

Y'know what, this sucks. Where's the Forfeit button so I can return to the race?

[Don't worry, once I get done with being stuck in the Sonic Heroes Special Stage, I'll drop myself around where I was, except I'll be on the damn path again.]

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Reply #756 on: April 15, 2011, 01:04:12 AM
[sa'right, as long as your being tortured challanged it's a'ight. Now to think of something to write...]

Offline Police Girl

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Reply #757 on: April 15, 2011, 06:33:14 AM
[Challenged? Trust me, I'll be screaming before I get anywhere, I hate that damn special stage.]

Posted on: April 14, 2011, 06:27:17 PM
[Ok, I've had some rather disturbing thoughts. Time for a post!]

Anarchy revved his skates, he saw the Token flying past him, going at a set pace. He had to get to it before the end of the tube.

Lets Go!

Anarchy collected spheres, they slowly filled up his boost gauge. He occasionally ran into springs to be able to get shiny spheres, which further increased the gauge. He ran into the bombs constantly, though that was probably because his controller was a broken down piece of [parasitic bomb]. Naturally, with all of his frustration getting stuck on the ceiling didn't help much either.


More Bombs....

"Progress Bar"


= is Anarchy
* Is Token
o is the Endpoint

Anarchy saved his boost, making sure not to use it till he could get the token.





Anarchy made a mad dash, using the conveniently placed springs to avoid the bombs.


Anarchy extended his arm towards the token.


He collected it!


Anarchy walked to the exit, but was impeded by yet another hole, a hole in an underwater tube? It was dark, mysterious, ominous.

Anarchy stood up, there was no visible ground, just purple haze, almost like Subspace but less defined.

Hello? Anybody here?

He looked around, nothing and nobody there. Then, he spotted somebody... it looked like Panty but Anarchy was unsure. He walked closer.

Panty? What are you doing in a dank place like this?

"Panty" turned around.

There was nothing, just a dark, shadowy figure, no discernable features on the body or face, just a black void of a shape.

Anarchy stepped back and started to run, but the shadowy figure had other plans, it materialized a gun out of its hand, it was blue at first, but then changed to a menacing dark red, it fired.

Anarchy was hit, right in the stomach, then he was fired at again, 5 more times, till he collapsed on the ground. It wasn't long before he tried standing up again, his armor was wrecked but he wasn't down for the count yet.

But that wasn't the end of it all, Another shadowy figure appeared, this one holding a sword. Without flinching it cut through the Wounded Anarchy multiple times. Another appeared, and another, and another. Anarchy was nothing more than a destroyed body now..... Then, a final shadowy figure emerged and stood over anarchy, the spectre went under a horrifying transformation, and assumed the Form of Anarchy, the only differences being a slightly darker color of clothing, darker hair, and eyes that shone in a crimson tone.

Anarchy woke up, he was alive, sitting back on the path in the God Complex Ruins, in his hand was the Token he had worked so hard to obtain, and also the 3 flags he had collected. Without a word he continued on the path, his eyes seeming to glow a bloody red. This, as you should've noticed, is Not Anarchy.

[Sorry bout this guys, I got a really odd thought in my head and I wanted to use it, Hurray for shitty plot twist!]
« Last Edit: April 16, 2011, 10:52:06 PM by RMZX Anarchy »

Offline Gaia

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Reply #758 on: April 15, 2011, 08:06:14 PM
[Just think of it as a last hurrah from the Protector]

During the same time, the Protector had his filling of sanity, if anyone, or anything, wasn't devoured whole.

Protector *in thought*: RRR, dern whippershnappers..

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline Blackhook

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Reply #759 on: April 15, 2011, 08:50:25 PM
A blue flash went by Anarchy. The confused racer then looked at his hands, the token and flags gone. In front of him was Hawk of the Spark 6, outside his vehicle holding Anarchy's missing items.
"It worked exactly as planned"
Anarchy focused on the sentai wannabe noticed too late that Hawks vehicle was right behind him. The car bumped into Anarchy in full speed, launching him into the air. Hawk jumped into the air and landed exactly on top the car's roof...
Blackhook found his first flag, but he still felt wasn't because of the reaverbots or the traps, not even the other racers gave him that feeling.
"I should find the flags and get out of here...
Adante didn't find any flags directly, but he encounterred two sparkvenian vehicles, each holding one flag. Adante didn't really care if they were sparkvenians. The msician pushed a button and then the two amplifiers on top of his vehicle started emitting a loud sound that flipped the other two cars over. The riders were unconsious when Adante approached them and took their hard found flags...
Sachertorte has sneaked up to Clockston, Sally, ST and Crimson.
"Target found. Eliminate target"
The cyborgs arm turned into a bazooka that fired four homming missles at the group...
Meanwhile on the Edeleisen.
Schimmer:"Miss Temnota? It looks like we've lost contact with one of the racers.The Turbo 540X from Sparkvenia"
Temnota:"Lost contact? You mean his badge got destroyed? That's not good..."
Schimmer:" It looks like it. The badges were created with link alchemy by Misstress Silan.If something happens to the owner than the badge reacts accordingly. It wouldn't be strange,if it was a normal racer that got lost in the ruins and his badge was destroyed by a rampaging Reaverbot. But this racer was one of Sparkvenia's newest combat robots. Also according to our reading, none other racer was aroundthe Turbo X540 during the time of it's dissappearance."
Temnota:"This is strange, what could have that much destructive force inside the complex?"
Stolz: "The Protector?"
Sieg: "No the protector was in a different part of the complex when the signal vanished...We should investigate it before this something can endanger the other racers."
Temnota:"We should inform Adante and Sil about it...And the other racers aswell!"
Sieg: "No, this has to be discrete. We don't want to cause any panic. We have to investigate, through in secret. I will go there...alone, the rest of you stay here."
Temnota: "But Sieg! You can't investigate alone!"
Sieg: "I won't. I'm going to contact the imigrants from the alternate RPM. They agreed to follow orders by Silan in a case of emergency..and this is one. Schimmer? Tell me their location, I'm going to meet them..."
After the knight got his information, he teleported inside the Godcomplex ruins to the location of Afroman and Chief Nalis...

Offline Gaia

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Reply #760 on: April 15, 2011, 09:06:26 PM
(WTF Have I done? Restless spirits from the Protector's previous meals go unrest here. XD)

Now the protector has gone for a stroll, just to go to his favorite lake for drinking. This spells caution for the racers. Crossing paths with this beast will either have one's soul or mind devoured and left to become senile. This might have not been the best place for a race course.. AT ALL.

Did you know that before the race even began, a man unententionally fed this thing with a few Lakitus? Not filling, but residents of the Mushroom Kingdom will warrant a drink due to their salty taste, being exposed to a plumber's foot for so long.

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline Blackhook

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Reply #761 on: April 15, 2011, 09:09:47 PM
(Let's just say the ruins are more than just ruins..nye-he-he-he-he-he-hwa-hwa-hwa-hwa!)

Offline Police Girl

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Reply #762 on: April 15, 2011, 10:39:25 PM
(No No No. What I went with was completely different, You'll find out later, its NOT the Protector. Anarchy is essentially gone, the Anarchy currently in the race is just using his body, but it is not really him. Just pure, unadulturated evil. Oh, and Evil is somehow more Mary-Sue than normal Anarchy.)

"Anarchy" caught himself in the sky and used his weight to pull himself down. He then landed behind the Spark 6's vehicle. Unwavering, he pulled out the powered buster and Shot the vehicle. And continued to shoot at it, his eyes getting darker in Red shade.

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Reply #763 on: April 15, 2011, 10:52:33 PM
Hawk was unafected by the shots, since Anarchy wasn't aiming for him and the car wasn't getting damaged. While Hawk was getting further away, Anarchy was surrounded by the rest of the spark 6, all of them out of their cars.

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #764 on: April 16, 2011, 12:18:25 AM
The three (Crimson left the group to find someone) hooded racers were surprised by the sudden attack, but were able to evade the missiles accordingly.

Closkton used the loud ring of his Clock Scepter to detonate on of the upcoming projectiles. ST diverted the trajectory by using his one of his free capes, and Sally ate the remaining missiles. She promptly burped out some smoke.

"Oouuurrgh. I'm gonna get a stomach ache after this." She groaned in pain.

"Now Sally, you can't go and ruin your appetite like that, it's not even close to dinner time yet." The gentleman chuckled.

"Uurgh. Not funny, Clockston."

"Who are you and why should I care!" ST asked the attacker.

"...Hmmm this is getting, dull, thought I would have found him by now." Crimson muttered to himself.

After a few more minutes of speeding through the maze, the man spotted a hovering boat.

"Hmmm...better him then no one I suppose." Crimson sped up to catch up to the windy pirate.

"Oi, second best! May I have a chat with you?" He shouted to the boat.
Meanwhile were Brocky was...

"'d I get back here again?" He grumbled, as he went to one of the paths that led back to the entrance of the maze for the 34th time.

Nekolyan however had managed to score 2 of the 3 flags required to receive the bonus points.
"Well this seems like my lucky day...strange though, I haven't seen or fought with many of the racers in the competition. I don't think they would fall for such weak and obvious traps either...I have a bad feeling about this..."

Suddenly, Nekolyan heard a bone chilling yet comical scream.

"YAAAAAAAAHAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (read like his crying and laughing)" It was B.C. who was dashing towards Nekolyan at the speed of a shot bullet, on his own two feet, holding on to his patched up car and one of the flags on his mouth.

"RUUUUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUUUUUUN!!!" The man with the elegant body hair and styling clothes ran passed Nekolyan.

"...That can't be good..."

"AAAAAAHHHHH, MEDIC!!!" Shouted a red giant following the beautiful neandertal.

Nekolyan felt a dark pressence coming from the direction BC ran from. So as anyone with common sense would do, he swiftly pulled a U-turn with his bicycle, and ran away.

"Running, running, runningrunningrunningrunningRUNNINGRUNNINGRUNNING!!!"

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Reply #765 on: April 16, 2011, 12:29:07 AM
"Anarchy" looked at the Remaining Spark 5, he quickly and effortlessly switched to splash mines. He disarmed them and started connecting them together, forming a large ball of Splash mines. He re-armed them and dropped it at his feet. The foreign entity controlling him then forced Anarchy's body to jump on the large ball, creating a rather sizeable explosion. It propelled Anarchy to catch up with the one named "Hawk". And left a smoldering crater at the site of the explosion. Damaging anything nearby.

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Reply #766 on: April 16, 2011, 06:25:25 PM
The member called Slug..who is in fact a large slug, absorbed the blast, protecting his teammates from any harm.
Hawk wasn't surprised by the behavior of Anarchy. His car proptly fired some anti air missiles at Anarchy, who shouldn't be able to change his direction at the moment.


Blackhook looked at the man behind him. Clearly he was not a Sparkvenian, but the pirate had to be careful.
"Yes my good sir? How can I be of any hellp to you?"

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Reply #767 on: April 16, 2011, 08:31:56 PM
[I'm going to call Evil Anarchy "Not Anarchy" from now on, seeing as he is not really Anarchy.]

"Not Anarchy" switched to the Machine Buster. He shot down a few of the missiles and dodged a few others, one of them hit him in the right arm.

Seeing the last missile, "Not Anarchy" moved to the side and grabbed it by the fin, using its propulsion he gave himself enough momentum to fling the missile back at the damned bird-person.

"Not Anarchy" then grabbed at the vehicle, he was not undamaged, his right arm, where the missile hit him, had skin coming off...

Underneath was the pure black substance that had taken Anarchy's Form.


On the outskirts of town, a small pile of snow appeared to move....

It was a person, a person who had the appearance of a certain rouge racer, but none of his color, completely white with black outines, he looked like he was from a Manga.

It was Anarchy, still critically injured from his mutilation by the mysterious shadows. He got up, and was unable to walk, he slowly limped around, trying to find help...

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Reply #768 on: April 16, 2011, 08:50:59 PM
Gaia, still outside, was waiting for at least ONE racer to come out of the damned ruins. He turns around and asks the person next to him.

Gaia: What the hell is going on in there? It's been nearly a full day and no racer has resurfaced yet, and yet I hear a loud roar coming from the Protector. What the [tornado fang] are they doing?!

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline Blackhook

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Reply #769 on: April 16, 2011, 09:19:39 PM
Hawk looked at the wound with confusion.
"I thought he was human?"
Suddenly Not Anarchy got captured by a whip. It was Gecko's whip, and while the SPark 6's leader was holding him, Ox rammed Not Anarchy with the horns on her helmet. The other 3 were in their cars, backing the rest up.

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Reply #770 on: April 16, 2011, 10:31:51 PM
"I wish to have a chat with you, is all." Crimson told the pirate.

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Reply #771 on: April 17, 2011, 09:27:38 PM
Another two wounds in "Not Anarchy", the darkness seeped out from the disguise, "Not Anarchy" laughed. It was odd sounding, the voice was off, probably why it had avoided saying anything.

It grabbed the whip, and yanked it to pull Gecko from his spot. He then grabbed the horns on Ox's helmet and broke them. "Not Anarchy" Grinned, his teeth were jagged, another red flag to his wrecked disguise.

Posted on: April 16, 2011, 03:51:00 PM
The real Anarchy kept walking towards the stadium. He needed medical attention, badly. He could hear voices in the stadium as he approached the doorway.

Meanwhile, the screens in the Stadium show "Not Anarchy" in the race, people muttering and wondering why the person they believe to be Anarchy is a being of pure darkness under a human disguise.

I knew that guy was freaky, but HOLY [parasitic bomb]. Is he like a ghost or something? Sure would explain why you like him so much...
Thats not him... it can't be, his eyes, they aren't red. That.... thing must be a doppelganger. We've handled these before, lets go kill it!

Wait... Stop.

Huh? Anarchy? Is that the real you? Where are you?

Down here... hurry....

Stocking looked down at the entrance, Anarchy, still completely white, sat there, kneeling from the painful wounds.

Are you really Anarchy? You don't seem to look like him.

That [tornado fang]er... out there... he stole my color, my weapons, my identity, soon he will start corrupting the people who come into contact with him... he is pure evil, dressed like me. His weapons will soon reflect that, his appearance is doing so already.

Yeah, we can tell... He looks like a ghost.

Anarchy grabbed at Stocking's dress with his wounded hand.

Please... you have to take me to a hospital... I'm not much longer for this world if I don't get any medical attention.

Fine, Fine, one second... Let me just find the damn keys.
Chuck Chuck Chuck...
You bastard! Give me those damn keys!

Thanks... I owe you one... Stocking.
You don't owe me unless you die. I'll never forgive you if that happens, you promised to take me to that fancy sweets cafe and you've yet to do so, remember?
Why would I forget?

The three got into See-Through and left for the closest hospital.

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Reply #772 on: April 17, 2011, 09:34:05 PM
Temnota was annoyed by another intrusion in the race.
"I wonder if there is a connection between this being and whatever was responsible for the dissappearance of Turbo X540..I'm going in!"
With that Temnota stepped into the teleporter of the Edeleisen and got transported into the Godcomplex ruins to the location of Not Anarchy.
"Members of Spark 6..please leave!"
The sentai heroes after aknowledging the second in command of Sparkvenia left in their vehicles. Not Temnota was facing Not Anarchy alone.
"Identify yourself please!"

Blackhook's ship stopped.
"A chat? Is it something important?"

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Reply #773 on: April 17, 2011, 09:51:42 PM
"Not Anarchy" looked at the woman.

Me? I can tell you can see through my disguise. No sense in keeping a wrecked skin anyway.

Body horror ensued as "Not Anarchy" grabbed at its face, slowly peeling off the disguise. Within a flash the Shadowy figure stood before the Woman. Red eyes had formed from the blankness, along with a sharp, toothy grin. Its hands were pointed at the fingertips, skin a blackish red mess.

I am Noi Id. I came from the alternate realm accessed by that Fool calling himself Anarchy, I used the opportunity of having a being from the other side to entrap him and slaughter his body, using his form I was able to come to this world. Now, It is time to destroy it, and everything that exists inside! The boy that I used so gracefully for my escape is either dead or close to death. If you think you can stop me go right ahead, just be warned that you life is at stake, and you WILL fail.

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Reply #774 on: April 17, 2011, 09:56:13 PM
Temnota wasn't impressed by the body horror or Noi Id's introduction.
" are neither a racer nor a judge and you are clearly interferring with this race. I have to ask you to return to where you came from..othervise you are forcing me to take drastic measures."
Temnota's eyes showed determination. She took a fighting stance before introducing herself.
"I am Temnota, zivel of Darkness, Prime minister of Sparkvenia and Head judge of the great Rpm race!"