Dawn of War 2

Tickle Buffalo · 1011

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Offline Tickle Buffalo

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on: January 29, 2009, 01:34:03 PM
So anyone else here got the demo for this? Automatch either gives me people who are way better than me or people who are afk, and half the custom games I see are people who just want to play with their friends or against the AI, so it'd be nice to play with people who I know. Sort of know. Know of, at least.

There's no base building, and you can literally hit the unit cap with 4 squads and a tank, so it's not like it's too complex. There's some wierdo levelling up thing for troops, too, so I guess you can pretend it's an RPG and feel right at home. Yeah.

Doubt I'll get any responses, you guys don't seem too into PC games, but hey, can't hurt to try. It's got, uh, fungus based orks in space, and psychic elves in space, and seven feet guys with chainsaw swords in space, so I guess that might appeal to someone? I dunno, it's on Steam if you want it.