IQ-0 Game Reviews and Guides thread

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on: November 23, 2010, 10:03:35 AM
Not sure where in this forum it belongs but aside from having an interest in game creating, I've also been a natural born game reviewer which I been doing since before I was 10. I've recently inherited the game guide gene only a couple years ago. Well I co-wrote a few of madre's guides back in the day but I started doing it on my own back in Feb 2008. This thread will list my game reviews for certain games I've played. Some will be AVGNish since that's how I originally did my reviews when I first started.

To get the ball rolling, here is my newest review just typed up and submitted to GameFAQs.

Game: Donkey Kong Country Returns (WII)

<i>An epic return welcomed with mixed reactions</i>

It's been a while since I last wrote a review. I figured I'd make a comeback with DKCR for the Nintendo Wii. I'll tell you now that this game is not for beginners. The plotline here is that the Tikis have hypnotized Donkey Kong's animals buddies and forced them to steal all of his bananas and Diddy takes off to stop them. Meanwhile, one Tiki tries to hypnotize Donkey Kong but alas, such tricks don't work on him and he ends up getting a beatdown from Donkey Kong with a little help from you of course. Now Donkey Kong is on the loose to retrieve his stolen bananas.

<b>Graphics 10/10</b>
Nintendo really outdid themselves with the graphics. It is so easy to get distracted by level design and the physics involved in the game. A good example is the use of the blow function where you can blow away dandelions to reveal hidden items. Then you can also slap the ground to knock away loose gravel beneath you or reveal hidden items. Although there is no swimming levels in the game, the levels with aquatic backgrounds (you are still above water), are truly interactive. Such as the Beach levels where the waves causes the bridge to do the "wave" itself and the mine cart levels are extremely challenging especially the one where you roll on the inside of a ball and have to avoid the spike when the crack in the ball rolls over it. Rambi the Rhino whom has been with the Kongs with the first game kicks major tail. Nothing can stand in his way. The end of level sequence is very odd but I'll let it slide since it still looks so cool.

<b>Gameplay/Controls 8/10</b>
You can either use a Wiimote by itself or use the Nunchuck. For realtime effects, I say use the nunchuck since its cooler to use the bongo motion than the "Rah Rah" motion of the Wiimote. Much like Sonic 4, Donkey Kong Country Returns used a lot of innovation in its newest game. That is, it takes advantage of stuff that memory restraints would've made impossible in the previous games. At least that the truth unlike Donkey Kong for the NES where they used that excuse to put 3 levels in the game instead of 4. But anyway, some pure examples of innovation is the blow function where you duck and drum/shake the controller. The drum function is an extension of Donkey's ground slap in DKC1. Players must be on there toes at all times because in some cases the controls can get real tricky to learn such as pressing 1 to grab things and drumming/shaking the remote while running to roll.

As stated before, this game is not really for beginners because even the first world (Jungle) will have you pulling your hair out. It took me a while  to figure out how to beat the first boss. How was I to know to jump on its backside after leaping over it. After avoiding it for a few rounds, I finally got a hint to "bop now" which I didn't utilize until my next life. I just happened to jump on its back after it jumped past me and it still took me a few more lives to beat it since it simply would not die. Another thing I have to gripe about is the lack of Diddy's usefulness in this game. All he does is ride on Donkey's back. (Ride the donkey! JAJAJA!). The only thing he does is give Donkey and extra boost in jumping support and two more hits to take and that's it for him.

<b>Sound/Music 10/10</b>
Now the music is totally off the chain. You can't get any better than that in a game. Well maybe you can but you get my drift. The remix of the Jungle Theme had me jamming and I definitely loved the tune in 1-4 which is almost of a reprisal of the Jungle Theme. As always,
the Mine Cart level music gives the feeling of suspense like you can't tell what is coming next. In general, Nintendo did a good job of keeping the music jazzy. I definitely would buy a sound track for this game.

<b>Replay Value 10/10</b>
With many collectibles in the game like KONG letters and puzzle pieces, as well as gallery mode and time attack mode, it's worth playing again and again just for the fun. Even though I said this game is not for beginners, you can get through this game with lots of practice through trial and error.

<b>Overall 9/10</b>
I gave this game a 9 because it is totally awesome to play. I only had a beef with a few things: Diddy's virtual uselessness, bland power-ups, and most of all... Lack of Kremlings. How can you have a Donkey Kong Country game without Kremlings (especially K. Rool)? I hope they weren't property of RARE. But that's only minor. Donkey Kong Country Returns is a game well-suited for someone looking for a challenge. Hope you enjoy it.

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Reply #1 on: November 29, 2010, 04:34:01 AM
Walkthrough for Sonic 4: Episode 1

Each zone is a throwback to a previous sonic level and the bosses even match
that zone.

Splash Hill = Green Hill from Sonic 1 with a little bit of Emerald Hill from
Sonic 2.

Casino Street = Casino Night from Sonic 2 with a little bit of Carnival Night
from Sonic 3

Lost Labyrinth = Labyrinth Zone from Sonic 1 with a little bit of Sandopolis
from Sonic & Knuckles

Mad Gear = Metropolis Zone from Sonic 2 with a little bit of Hydrocity Zone 2
from Sonic 3.

E.G.G. Station = Death Egg Zone from Sonic 2.


Since the levels have many different routes, I'm not going to be to thorough
with the walkthrough unless I have to such as with the later levels.

~~Splash Hill Act 1: The Adventure Begins~~

You don't really need much help in this zone since it is the first level and it
is supposed to be easy enough for you to handle but I'll give you some advice
on what to look for.

-Use the homing attack sequence on the Bubbles gang to get to the Sneakers
early in the level.

-Some springs are hidden underneath rocks. Use the homing attack to destroy the

-Be careful where you stand, the Newtrons in this level will form on walls and
spit a bullet at you. You cannot harm them because the walls are solid.

-Another reason to be careful where you stand is because some spikes will come
out through the ground and hurt you.

-Towards the end, be careful not to land on the spikes after using the speed
booster. Same when the Buzzer after using the Spring past it.

~~Splash Hill Act 2: High Speed Athletics~~

Now things start to get more innovative where I can go into more details. At
the start of the level, you have to swing back and forth on the vine to get
enough leverage to swing over the hill. Get the 10-ring box and I find it easy
to take the low road. Run through the corkscrew and through the loop and you
will end up on the vine. Take a high swing and use the Homing Attack on the
two Bubbles for leverage to land on the ledge. Swing high twice. If you miss
the ledge, there is a swing where you can bounce back and try again but you got
to swing left to get on the ledge then get back on the vine. Use a homing boost
to make it easier.

You will touch a lampost and run through two loops and a corkscrew. There is an
invincibility box. Use it to get as far to the right as possible. You will more
than likely hit a sneaker box while still invincible. On the same token, the
invincibility should wear off by the time you reach a set of springs that will
bounce you straight up. The last spring will take you to the top of a hill, hit
the Speed Booster and you'll end up on a vine. Stay high and use the Bubbles to
reach the spring and go through a loop. Stay high as possible because you will
land in the spikes if you fail to reach the next hill. Use the homing attack on
the buzzer for leverage. The exit is to the right.

~~Splash Hill Act 3: Sunset Dash~~

Move to the right and you are going to take the high road. There are times when
you will use the zipline. After the first one, use the speed booster instead of
going up and watch out for the Newtrons that turn into rockets. Stay on this
path and ride two ziplines to a series of angled springs. Now you can start to
work your way up. Beware of the spikes and the Buzzer at the top. Ride on the
zipline and continue to work your way up and you will use two bubbles to reach
the next zipline. As you keep moving along the path, beware of the Newtrons on
the walls during dead ends.

Take the spring up and pull right to avoid the Bubbles and ignore the Sneakers
if you prefer and take the lower road. Kill some Bubbles and spring to the next
platform and use the ziplines. When you hit the spring, you must use the two
Bubbles to make it to the next platform or you will land in the spikes. Keep
riding the ziplines and using the Bubbles for leverage and you will reach the

~~Splash Hill Boss: Showdown with Dr. Eggman~~

A throwback to the first Sonic boss of all time. Eggman fights the same way as
he did before for the first part of the battle then after a number of hits, he
will pull in his wrecking ball and take a swipe at you with it. Eight hits and
he is done for.

~~Casino Street Act 1: Neon City Adrift in the Night~~

Ahh! The good old days of Casino Night Zone where you get to play a little game
of pinball complete with bumpers and jackpot slots. Get a speed boost up the
curves and work your way up. Get past the Crawl and run up the half pipe and
stay on there on the ground. You should end up on a pinball startup spring and
you hold the jump button to pull back and let go to release. You go through a
loop and hit a spring. Use the Bubbles to clear the spikes and be on another
pinball startup spring that shoots you straight up and into some triangular
bumpers. Use the auto flipper from the right side to vault to a manual flipper
and roll to the end of it and flip off. Hit the lamp post and go to the lower
region and use the startup spring to boost you to some manual flippers. You can
choose to play the jackpot slot for more (or less) coins or drop to the bottom
and get an invincibility box.

Go all the way up and use the startup spring and go right and from here start
working your way down to the bottom. You will pass a 1-up box on the way. Get
past the moving column and use two startup springs and you are home free.

~~Casino Street Act 2: Road of Cards~~

Thanks to this level, there should be absolutely no excuse for getting a Game
Over for the rest of the whole game. This level just gives extra lives to you
by the dozens if you play for cards right. (no pun intended. Ti ji ji ^v^).
You will pass by lots of cards and they will either be a coin, Sonic head, or
an Eggman card. 3 Sonics gives you an extra life. 3 rings give you 10 rings and
Eggmans don't count worth anything so no worries about penalties.

Start things off by using the three glass bowls to get to the platform up top
then pass by 4 cards. Results will vary. Take the low road to touch eight more
cards total. Use the springs and start working your way upwards. Use the manual
flippers to flip a lot of cards around for potentially a whole lot of lives. Do
not drop down; just stay on your current level plane and get 4 cards and hop
on the next set of cards and hop off quickly to avoid being dumped. Use the
speed booster and kill two bubbles and pretty much stay on the ground as you
run until you reach a spring. Use three homing attacks on the pile of cards to
take a Magic Card ride. Spring up and bounce off the springs and I say just
fall past the Bubbles to the ground below. Use the two cards to get across, and
work your way to the spot where cards flip themselves back and forth. Fall down
the card with rings beneath them to collect them though they are nothing of any
specialty here.

Get the sneakers and flip over tons of cards as you run past them. You will see
a Crawl next to the Magic Cards. Get past it and take the Magic Card ride to
the next area where cards flip themselves. Stand in the middle and drop then
drop on the left and drop on the right that way you get all the cards in this
sequence and pull to the right. Just keep runnning to the right and along the
curves and you will hit more cards. More cards keep on coming as you bounce off
the springs to the top. Kill the batbots as you see them or they will keep on
chasing you. Get past the moving columns and wait for the cards to flip down so
you can use the flipper to spring past them. You will continue to stay on the
high path until you reach a spot where the cards flip like crazy. You better
time your jumps super carefully because one wrong step and its into the abyss
for you. Good you made it. Now run down the little path and get past the Crawls
here. Don't touch the auto flippers. Now this part is going to be a nightmare.
You must time the first three cards perfectly or you will fall to your death.
Make sure the first card flips up first then jump to the next and hope it flips
up too. Run down the card bridge quickly and make a leap of faith to reach safe
ground and end this level. Whew!

~~Casino Street Act 3: Casino Climax~~

The technology used in this level is a throwback to Carnival Night from Sonic 3
with the cannons being used to boost you to your destination. You will also see
the moving columns sequence from the Spring Yard Zone from Sonic 1. I will use
bullet points here since you can play this level as you normally would and I'll
just give you some small tips on what to look for (I'm deviating from the path
that's drawn out).

-You can collect some rings by shooting straight up on the first cannon instead
of going the suggested direction first.

-When you see the Bubbles for the first time, don't use them for leverage. Fall
down instead and use the startup spring. You will go right at the end and you
will shoot up through some blocks.

-From here, you can bounce off of the Crawl's shield and bounce of the spring

-With this path you are taking, you will eventually reach a Speed Booster that
leads to a cannon. Use it to go in the suggested direction then the next cannon
you can shoot straight up to get the items first then go in the suggested path.

-You will see an endless loop of curves. Jump down from the top curve path and
get the 1-up and jump to the next area.

-At the next cannon, shoot left and use the homing attack to hit the shield and
do it again to hit the spring above to the left and get the items there. Don't
go back down. There is a hidden path behind the left wall here. Use that as a
big shortcut through the level. After this path, you are almost all set.

-When you reach the cannon with two bumpers with a gap in between them, press
right once, and shoot out and hold right. You should be able to hit all three
Bubbles in succession and spring to the top.

-The final obstacle is two falling platforms. On the second one, carefully jump
through the bumpers and you are home free.

~~Casino Street Boss: Dr. Eggman's Party~~

Another throwback boss. This time he fights just like his Casino Night self in
Sonic 2. Only difference here is that he will start off trying to grab you with
his pincers and drop you into some spikes at the beginning but after a few hits
he will add electricty to his repretoire just like in Sonic 2. If you let him
stay on the screen too long he will use a buzzsaw spin.

~~Lost Labyrinth Act 1: Ancient Maze of Mystery~~

For all the curious cats out there, no you can't drown yourself by ducking into
the shallow water. There are three major shortcuts in this level. The first one
can be exploited by using some well-timed homing attacks on the Burrobots then
using the homing attack on the spring to boost you over the wall. Carefully
jump through the 3 sets of falling boulders. The first one is safe to fall into
the pit. The second major shortcut is here. Get a good bounce off the spring
and gather enough speed to be sent flying into the air to the right. Use the
Bubbles for leverage but be extra careful because there is a red one at the end
of the line and they'll hurt you if their spikes are out. Watch out for the red
Orbinaut and get past it. Here comes the third major shortcut and its a tough
one since you are going so fast. Run down the slope as two boulders chase you.
You should be able to land on some floating platforms but it is hard to stay on
them. If you stay on, you can climb to the top and skip the majority of the
level below.

You should come up across a boulder which you can push and take for a ride. To
ride it, press the d-pad in the opposite direction and keep it steady so you do
not fall off from the back of it. When you reach the lampost, go to the dead
end to avoid the boulder then zigzag your way to the spot above and run right
like hell so you will avoid the three boulders and get enough speed to avoid
the one that is chasing you. Bounce off the spring then duck into the pit to
avoid being hit. Wait for the boulder to pass a little bit then run to the edge
and use the spring. Now you can ride on three boulders in succession. The third
one has a Bubbles acting as an obstruction. Jump over or kill it and get on the
next platform. Blaze past the Burrobots and you got one last boulder to ride
and it runs on multiple rails. Careful not to fall to your death. Survive this
ride and the end of the level is to the right.

~~Lost Labyrinth Act 2: World of Darkness~~

I'll tell you now, this might be the level where you will suffer a time out
loss without any kind of horseplay on your part. It is just that difficult to
complete this zone in the alloted amount of time. You pretty much figured out
that the torch Sonic carries will light up other torches and act as a switch
activator. You also notice that you can use the torch to light up fuses to blow
up dynamite. When you do, don't stand to close or you will take damage from the
blown rocks. Now that this level is pretty straightforward for the first half
of the stage, I will skip to the part where you will need my help.

You will come across a set of four torch holders that activates five different
platform mechanisms. Leave the second one alone at all cost. Touch the last one
first and wait a little bit then touch the third and then go hit the first one
and in the process you'll jump over the first one without touching it. Jump on
the short platform and quickly jump to the right. The last torch holder should
burn out first so you can make it across. Now that was the part where I meant
you might get a time out loss because of it. Dash past the Burrobots and work
your way up. Light the torch holder on top to move the wall, and proceed to the
right. Ride the springs to the top, and maintain running speed on the left wall
to light the fuse at the end of the road. As you proceed, there are Bubbles
that will boost you to a falling platform that you can light the fuse as you
fall. You can jump off and take the higher path (both lead to same path but the
higher path is safer. Blow up one more block and you will take one last mine
cart ride. Hold right at all times and jump when necessary. You will not die if
you fail a jump, you just get sprung back up. You need to hold right so when
the ride is over, you have enough momentum to spring to the platform and end
the level.

~~Lost Labyrinth Act 3: Underwater Maze Escape~~

Now this feels more like the Labyrith Zone from Sonic 1. The level is filled
with water as well as Burrobots and Jaws with lots ofspikes. Do not stay under-
water too long without air or you will drown. Jump into air bubbles that form
on the ground to avoid drowning. When you come a part where you shift the back-
ground a little. Try to get into the gap so you get spit out onto the endless
water slide. Jump off to the right as soon as possible and hit the lamp post.
You come across a part similar to Hydrocity Act 2 from Sonic 3 where the wall
tries to crush you. Stay ahead of it at all times as the water levels rises
rapidly. When you make it out of the water, hit the lamp post. Get the shield
and invincibility and hit the switch. Time to go wild down there while you are
invincible. There is a shortcut past the Jaws where you can go through the wall
and stay near shallow land. As you proceed, the water level rises rapidly again
so make it to the top and gather some air as much as possible. There is a 10-
ring box with a switch underneath. Hit that to proceed and carefully rotate the
screen to loosen the block without touching the spikes. On the endless water
slide, you must jump off to hit two switches which are loacted on one side each
then jump off to the right to exit the level.

~~Lost Labyrinth Boss: Trap-filled Ruins~~

A two part fight. The first part is just like the Labyrinth Zone boss fight in
Sonic 1 where you have to chase Eggman through an obstacle course filled with
Orbitrons and spears as the waters continually rise. When you catch up to him,
he will not flee to end the fight. He will make some pillars rise on the sides
first then he will get into position somewhere at the top of the screen and try
to crush Sonic to death. There are many patters.

Pattern 1: If Eggman is in the middle and pillars come in from the sides, get
ready to jump because anything above the third pillar is safe and you can get
some hits in.

Pattern 2: If Eggman is in the middle, pillars come only from the top and the
bottom, get underneath him but get at least one hit in first.

Pattern 3: Eggman goes off to the side and only 1 pillar will come from each
surface to form a cross.

Pattern 4: Eggman goes off to the side and pillars come out from everywhere but
there is only 1 safe spot on the opposite side above the second sideway pillar.
That pillar in the third column will stop short.

Pattern 5: Same as Pattern 4 except the safe spot is around Eggman's spot.

~~Mad Gear Act 1: Dr. Eggman's Secret Base~~

Ride up the platform and use the steam to boost you high into the sky. The
level is a little straightforward at the start so I'll skip to the part where
you run into the pistons for the first time. Never stand underneath them or you
will be crushed. Always look above them to make sure you won't get spiked and
crushed to death. After the first pistons, ride past the Asterons and wait for
them to explode to avoid being hit by a stray bullet. Let the pistons come down
and make a break for it across them because the third one has twin spikes above
so no safe spot there. Enter the teleporter and get a big boost and run down
the slope through the walls and through the steam to boost high. Now use the
Bubbles to get to a high platform and kill the Shellcracker. Let the piston
come down and ride it up. The middle steam boost you the highest. You will use
the steam + Bubbles to go up constantly.

Hit the lamppost and use the steam and the Bubbles to get across again. Just
remember that there is a red Bubbles in the front this time. Get to the steam
behind the Bubbles set and use the next Bubbles set for leverage and kill the
Shellcracker if needed. You will come across a floor piston and several ceiling
pistons. Let the floor piston go down. As soon as the floor piston comes down,
rev up a Spin Dash and let go when it rises up and you'll avoid all the ceiling
pistons in rapid succession and end the level.

~~Mad Gear Act 2: Escape the Cog Trap~~

There are a bunch of cogs in this level. Jump through them and you should even-
tually come across a cog where you will run in the opposite direction to make
it move. Junp off at the end to bounce off the yellow rubberbands. Your travels
will lead to a another walking cog which will act as a gear to make a wall rise
up. Hit the lamp post and ride your way up to another invincibiity. Ride the
next cog down and get through some surfaces. You will be boosted up to where
you can hit some switches to make platforms appear. You will soon come across a
point where you fall through loose floors and ride a cog to the rght to move a
wall and bounce up a spring. Take the spring and ride it all the way to the
to the curve and hang left to avoid crashing into the Bubbles. Use a series of
homing attacks then ride one more cog upwards but beware of the Asterons and
the Slicers as they will throw projectiles at you as you ride it. Make it to
the top and you can exit stage right.

~~Mad Gear Act 3: Impending Doom~~

The kitchen sink has been thrown at you. This part of the game plays similar to
Hydrocity Act 2 on Sonic 3. Not only does the wall chase you but it has drills
that will damage you if you get too close or worse crush you to death against a
wall. My only advice is to run for your life. There are times when you can rest
a little bit when maneuvering parts of the level. I will go into some detail
since I don't want to leave ya'll hanging here.

Ride the steam upward and get an invincibility box and bounce back and forth
upwards. Careful not to get crushed and enter the teleporter. Now you got a
little grace period where you can jump up the cogs and roll down some tilting
platforms and hit the spring for a boost to the right. Get moving quick so you
can get two 1-ups. There is a switch you must hit past the second one to avoid
being trapped. Avoid being crushed in these parts and enter the teleporter. You
come across another grace period. Jump through the loose floor and land on the
moveable cog. Ride it to the right to and get past the pistons quickly, and
work your way down the tiltable platforms without hitting the spikes. After the
second set, the wall comes chasing you again. Use the Bubbles for leverage and
use the speed booster to avoiding being crushed as you run and jump past the
crushers. Step on the switch to remove the wall and you must use the speed
booster here or the wall will catch up to you and kill you. Roll down the
tiltable platforms while avoiding the spikes quickly then bounce off of the
springs to get a running boost because the wall will catch up if you don't. You
will reach the end of the level if successful.

~~Mad Gear Boss: Defeat the Real Dr. Eggman~~

Another 2-part boss. The first phase is just like the Metropolis Boss fight in
Sonic 2 where Eggman surrounds himself with eggs. However, the eggs hatch into
bombs that bounce towards you slow (black ones) or fast (blue ones) and these
cannot be attacked like before. The second phase is like the chase scene from
Sonic and Knuckles Mushroom Hill Zone and Death Egg Zone where you chase him
and try to hit him while he throws bombs back at you. Get close enough and use
a Homing Attack.

~~E.G.G. Station: Final Showdown in Space~~

For starters, you will be taking on all 4 bosses you took on the first time but
the good news is that they will only take 4 hits to defeat instead of the usual
8. There are a few notable differences I noticed from the round 2 fight. Eggman
#1 will try to do a double wrecking ball swipe if you haven't beaten him before
he gets a chance to do so. Eggman #2 will have the same pattern up until the
part where he will rest in upper right with his electric barrier on the bottom
and the spikes will stay onscreen until he is defeated. Eggman #3 doesn't seem
to have changed much. Maybe he uses the harder patterns in this fight only. The
last Eggman will cut to the chase portion where he adds a Mega Bomb attack that
is hard to avoid and he also throws a spike ball attack. Anybody looking to get
the Untouchable Trophy/Achievement will have survive Eggman #4 the most to get
a shot at it. The last boss ain't so bad compared to Eggman #4.

Final Boss: Mecha-Robotnik

After getting the last 3 rings of the stage, you face off against the Mecha-
Robotnik which is similar to its Sonic 2 counterpart. When the fight starts,
get in two quick hits and back off a little bit because Mecha-Robotnik will
extend its arm upwards and hit you if you get too cocky. It will do this each
time you hit it 2 times during its walking pattern.  It will eventually, rocket
out of sight above the screen. A crosshair will appear. Keep moving because it
will lock on and land where you were last standing when it did so. From here,
it will do one of these three actions: Blast off again to try to stomp you, Do
its walking pattern, or fire its arms at your current position. You need just
15 hits to complete phase 1.

Phase 2 sends Mecha-Robotnik into Overdrive mode where it goes berserk. Do not
even try to attack it in this mode. The electricity surrounding it will hurt
you. It starts off by playing hop-and-skip. Get in the far left corner and rev
up your Spin Dash so you can let loose when the boss is about to step on you.
Do the same for the other side but don't be so hasty to let er' rip since the
boss will sometimes pause and go straight to rocketing thus you may Spin Dash
into it by accident. When it finishes it stomp it may do 1 of these 3 actions:
blast off again, fire an arm at you that curves upward n' floats down, ir do
the hop-and-skip (last one sometimes twice in succession). If he does option 2,
get to the side of it and attack the arm before it hits the ground. It will hit
the boss and stun it momentarily thus you can get some hits in until the boss
gets its limb back. As the fight progresses, the boss with fire some shots at
you during its actions to make things tougher on you and will occasionally fire
a ground laser which you must jump to avoid. After enough hits, it will attempt
one last rocket dive and fall flat on its face. You better hit it before the
floor collapses or you are dead. When it does fall on its face, jump in the air
before it lands so you won't be stunned by the impact. Congratulations! You
have just beaten Sonic 4 Episode 1.


During the Epilogue you can control Sonic's jumps to collect the rings. Collect
them all to see a different Sonic pose at the end.

Failure (all emeralds or not): Sonic's pose at the end of Sonic 1.
Success (not all emeralds): Sonic's fist pose from Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 ending.
Success (all emeralds): Sonic becomes Super Sonic.

Pattern: Stay still, Stay still, jump, get on hill and come back down, jump,
get on hill n' run off. Total = 18 rings.

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Reply #2 on: December 14, 2010, 11:24:44 PM

1 button to fire
2 button to jump
D-pad to move or climb
You can assign the swithch weapons to A or B button
+ button pauses the game
- button changes options

Classic Controller:
Y button to fire
B button to jump
X button to switch weapons
R button to stay in the same spot
D-pad to move or climb
+ button pauses the game
- button changes options


BGM Volume and SE volume controls the volume of the background music and sound

Difficulty: Easy, Normal, Hard, Nightmare (must beat hard mode)

The differences for each difficulty is the number of enemies and in Easy Mode,
if you die you still hold on to your current Weapon. In Hard Mode, some bosses
have extra attacks and take longer to fall. In Nightmare Mode, each enemy will
fire at least on blue circle on death.

Player Stock: Up to 7 lives

Screen Adjust and Controller setting adjust the control to what you are using.

Staff Credit shows who made the game

Default setting resets everything back to normal

Exit leaves option menu.


N - Normal gun. For a default weapon, its fairly decent as it can cause lots of
continuous damage and does so very fast.

H - Homing Missile gun. When you need to clear the area of enemies that are out
of reach, this gun will track onto most enemies and kill them.

S - Spread gun. A good weapon which good range. This is best useful when the
room is full of enemies in your path.

L - Laser gun. It's may be powerful but its not the best weapon to have in the
game since the next shot is slow to come out.


Level 1
You can run and gun through this level with ease. The first powerup you get is
the spread gun. Run through the level as you shoot through countless enemies.
There is a homing gun on the route. Get it to rid of more enemies out of reach
like the cannons and the ground aliens. When you start getting furtherm you'll
see some snake dragons coming from the ceilings. Shoot them as soon as you see
them. Near the end of the first section, pods will starts sprouting. Use your
homing gun to shoot them as you run to the end of the section without direct
confrontation with them. In the new area, you will see two machines. In the
Hard Mode, there is an added red machine that is tougher to take down. Shoot
them down. In the Hard Mode, they will have longer dashes and tricky jumps so
watch out. When they die, the miniboss appears.

Shoot away enough of segments to expose its eye so you can destroy it and thus
defeat the miniboss. Watch out for the blue circle and the green laser it will
occassionally fire.

Boss 1:
You fight a giant centipede while you are on a series of broken platforms that
plummet towards the earth. Keep an eye on those pinchers to know where it is
coming from so you can dodge its advances. From the Easy mode and beyond, the
segments will shoot green sparks at you as the centipede passes. You objective
here is to shoot away each segment of the boss and finish it off by destroying
its head. The footholds will break once they reach the top of the screen but
they'll replace themselves with new ones coming from the bottom of the screen.
The best way to shoot at it is to hold the fix button and blast at it as it
comes across horizontally.


Level 2
Take your Spread gun and bum rush this level. In Normal and Hard modes, you got
to watch out for vultures that are initially eating out of trashcans because
they sneak up on you. They are in easy mode too but not as much. Also beware of
enemies busting out of doors and some annoying the enemies that pile on in the
normal mode and beyond. At the end of the section is the first round of the
boss. Avoid its jumps as you blast it into submission. It will occassionally
rear back and swipe at you. Get as far away as possible to avoid it then return
fire. Continue to watch out for enemies popping out through doors as you bore
your way to the right. You will have to battles with replicas of the very first
boss of Contra 1 NES. In the Hard Mode, it sends out bouncing black balls at
you. As you proceed, you'll come across some jetpack aliens. Homing missiles
can take them out. In the next section, you will climb the wall. The boss is
back and it launches rockets at you. Shoot the rockets to send them back at it
for damage. After enough hits, it retreats again. Once at the top, go right
and you will be on a falling platform. Kill the jetpack enemies until your last
confrontation with the boss.

Boss 2:
This boss will make a series of jumps. Blast it while it is on the ground and
run past it when it jumps. After 2 or 3 jumps, it will do a short jump then a
big jump to the left side of the screen which it shows a bunch of skidding on
its feet. It will rain down a series on orange balls that explode on contact
with the ground. Keep an eye on where they are going to land so you can avoid
them. Once the boss jumps back on the platform, it will do a few more jumps,
time a very very careful jump as it is winding up so you can avoid it arm swipe
that can accidentally cause you to jump off the right side of the platform to
your death if you are careless. In the Hard Mode, it will take two consecutive
swipes with its arms.


Level 3
You fight the majority of this level on a moving truck. At the start, a camel
will give you a Spread Gun. If you got a Homing Gun then use that instead to
take on the jetpack enemies. Another camel arrives with a Laser. Leave it alone
and crouch on the upper left side of the truck bed and blast away the enemies.
On higher difficulties, more enemies arrive while riding the rockets. As the
wave goes onm some will try to swing into you.

Get ready for a tough fight because this ninja is the toughest enemy you will
face and he has a set pattern which I will explain by difficulty.

Three slow moving fireballs, four arcing fireballs, three slow moving fireballs
followed by a flip that send a wave of fireballs that must be avoided by going
to the very left and jumping over the fireball coming directly at you and then
landing before the upper one hits you. Four arcing fireballs, three slow ones,
four arcing ones, three slow ones then the boss will go to the floor and a flip
to send a wave of fireballs. It iwll go on the floor and spin wildly as it will
send fireballs in every direction. You can wall in-between the fireballs with
ease. From here you can finish him off with not much effort.

Next update

Next update

The next wave consists of the running of the camels. You can stay on the truck
and let it hit the camels as it gets pushed back or just ride the camels and
kill the enemies in the way. Now in the Hard Mode, some games will throw a fit
but there is a way to beat this part without dying. If you held onto the Homing
Gun then ride the camels and blast everyone in sight and avoid the bullets. I
say gamers can throw a fit because in the Hard Mode, camels do shoot lasers at
you from there mouths. After a while the camels will pack up and you just run
across their backs until you see a sign to grab onto the missile that occurs
and ride it to the next truck and fight the next boss.

Boss 3:
Out of all the bosses, this one is the toughest due to taking so long to defeat
it. From the easy mode on, the boss will fire lots of missiles. Your goal is to
shoot as many of them as you can so that they fly back and hit the boss's pod.
The missiles get faster with the higher difficulty, the best standpoint is on
the hood of the truck as you duck and shoot the missiles. The missile spread
starts of similar to that of the Gradius-boss type wave. Then it will start
lining itself up with you and shooting three missiles in a line. Once the pod
is destroyed, the real boss will emerge. It's weakness is the core that is on
its bottom. The legs will not kill you so you can get go to the very bottom and
start blasting at the core. Listen for a little noise because the boss is going
to take the following actions.

If the boss stays on the ground, go to the top of the truck bed to avoid its
lasers. In normal mode and beyond, it will shoot homing missiles which you can
shoot away with ease by holding down-right as you shoot. The lasers get faster
with increase in difficulty. If the boss goes up in the air, get on the upper
left of the truck bed to avoid its lasers. As before, they increase in speed
with higher difficulty. In the normal mode and beyond, it'll launch homing
missiles during the attack. If it goes off-screen, it will launch missiles at
you which can be shot away. When it is low on life, it will go off screen and
start raining down green lasers on your location. In the hard mode, it'll start
with two orange lasers that turn into your direction for a second attack once
then it will do its normal green falling lasers. It's other attack which is a
Hard mode exclusive involves it trying to bumrush you. It will bounce once then
fly across the bottom of the screen and then the top.

Another thing to note is that when it attacks from the bottom, it will land on
the bottom of the bed but if it attacks from above, it'll land on the top then
drop down to the bottom, so watch out for it when it lands on the top. This
fight is a test of endurance.


Level 4
Ride down the bar and shoot away the homing mines and cannons. There are some
lava pulls to avoid. In the Hard Mode, there are more lava pools to avoid. All
you got to do is stay put when the spike blocks close in. Shoot away any laser
sensors you see to less the hassle. Jump to the next bar when the first one
gets close to the lava pit and ride that one down. The Homing Missile will take
out any laser guns that are out of reach. When the second bar breaks, hopefully
got you got a gun that shoots straight like a normal or spread gun so you can
fall down the middle and shoot downward with no hassle. The miniboss will make
a grand entrance with a splash in the lava. Watch out for the magma.

Watch out for its arcing bubbles as you shoot its face. After a series of the
bubbles, it will splash again. Avoid or shoot the magman rocks. Rinse and then

Make your way across the wires as you avoid Magma, sparks and in the higher
difficulties, extra laser sensors that appear in the most inconvientient spots
in the level. In Hard Mode, this part is super cheap but not too bad. A pure
example is the magma that erupts at the end of the first set of wires when you
got to climb the walls. If you make past this part then you fight the boss.

Boss 4:
The strategy is the same regardless of difficulty. You basically stay in the
middle of the boss as it swings one of its arms to knock away the spike blocks
in your way. Avoid the arm that is doing the punches as you constantly shoot
the boss during its attack. To avoid the double punch, just stay in the middle
of it. The other thing you got to watch out for is the homing sparks and the
cannons that are underneath some of the smashed blocks. If you manage to hold
on to a Homing Missile Gun then you are in very good shape as you can stay in
the middle of the boss the whole fight and shoot any sparks and cannons in the
way. Another good strategy is to stay in the middle as you hold the fix button
and shoot down the whole fight and breaking to kill the homing mines and the

Level 5

Aw yes the music you hear in the final level of Contra 1 brings back memories.
Shoot your way to the right and kill the beehive and the aliens along the way.
On Normal Mode and Hard Mode you fight extra cannons and more enemies.

Its the heart from Contra 1 and Contra 3. There is a super cheap way to beat
this miniboss. You can sacrifice a live and duck into the space just underneath
the heart while you are still invincible from the new life and you and blast
it to kingdom come from there.

After it is dead, keep moving to the right as you blast your way to the next
section. There a ton of mini-Megamoles (Mini versions of the Super Contra NES
final boss and the Contra 3 Miniboss) to manuever through but luckily you can
run on top of them. Some of them will jump at you. Get a spread gun to destroy
those. On hard Mode, some will run in a pyramid. Eventually you will encounter
Red Falcon.

Boss 5:
It's the old Red Falcon himself in his Contra 3/Super Contra Arcade form. In
the easy mode, he is the final boss. You are still being bombarded by miniature
Mega-Moles when this fight occurs but you can still use them as footholds. You
can choose to attack only the face or you can attack its chutes to eventually
prevent the centipedes from coming out. However, they are not much of a threat
to you and in most cases, easily avoidable. Red Falcon will use his lasers more
constantly depeneding on the difficulty level. He telegraphs his lasers before
he fires them. With the Spread Gun, Red Falcon falls easily.

Final Boss:
Bear in mind that you can only fight this final boss, you must be in the Normal
Difficulty or higher. Against this final boss, the screen will flip into four
different polarities: Rightside up (south), Upside down (north), and 2 sideways
(a west which pits you on the left hand side and an east which puts you on the
right side of the screen) and each of the bosses actions depends on which of
the polarities is on the screen. You must shoot the boss when you a chance to
do so.

South is the default polarity. The boss will send down a series of rubber hams?
that bounce all over the screen. You can shoot these to earn power-ups. On the
north polarity, the boss will gather up four big piles of garbage. One of them
will rear back and crash into the surface and splatter all over the screen. You
must dodge all parts of the trash to stay alive. It will go through four rounds
of this. The west polarity will have the boss shooting a beam of trash at you.
As soon as you this face starts, go to the top of the screen and wait for the
boss to attack and run into the opposite direction to the other part of the
screen. If you are feeling gutsy, you can stand in the right spot underneath
the boss and shoot away the trash as you hit the boss. The east side polarity
is the most difficult to dodge. It will gather trash around it and you try to
shoot off as much as the trash as you can until it goes to the left side of the
screen (which is technically, the top of the screen), it will rain down all of
the garbage that remains and it is very hard to avoid it. With a Spread Gun,
you will have better survival results. Once you have this pattern downpat, you
can beat this boss with no problem. Aside from the usual Nightmare properties,
this boss pattern never changes.