World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria

Joseph Collins · 1092

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Offline Joseph Collins

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on: October 05, 2012, 04:25:46 AM
So...  I bought Mists of Pandaria today.  I'm going to have to use the downloader to get my game, however, because this laptop does not have a fully-functional DVD drive.  *facepalm*  I did notice something rather odd, though...

In the box for the game, there was a pair of World of Warcraft Guest Passes.

For those who don't know, World of Warcraft Guest Passes used to let people play the game until Level 20 for so-many days. (I think 15?)  However, when Cataclysm rolled out, the game allowed people to play for free until Level 20, guest pass or not, forever.  So my question...

Dude.  What's up with the guest passes?  :B

That aside, haven't started yet and probably won't start playing a panda until the roleplaying community I'm off-and-on a part of decides when to start their paced event.  But I bet I'll see a bajillion pandas running around until then and well beyond.  XD

Pandas!  8D