General Anime and Otaku Hate Thread...

Rin · 9038

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Reply #25 on: February 24, 2011, 05:43:21 AM
You mean Miss Undôsuru? o.o;
And this is what reminds me that there ARE hot chicks who like anime.
Although very often I wonder if she isnt just full of it with the whole Japanese thing and is just trolling the whole world by making her fame off of her awesome cleavage
In fact, thats probably it. I nevr see any tits comments blocked or spam'd.

Damn, id forgotten all about that chick.

I know one thing I have learned:
That id hit it.

Back on track though,
There are only really two types of Otaku that I absolutely cannot stand.

Type 1: Narutards, Because they have it in their head that Naruto is the End-All Be-all of Anime, they think its the best in every way and not flawed in the bit. They irritate me to no end because they don't realize that the show is Ass Pull after Ass Pull (Oh no I'm going to die, OH NO WAIT SPECIAL MOVE I JUST MADE UP! Oh yay Bad guy is going to die, OH NO WAIT I GUESS HE IS SUDDENLY IMMORTAL NOW WTF.)

Type 2: Sub-[Top Spin]s, Those guys who hate Dubs and prefer Subs over everything else, complain about dubs when they have no intention on watching them, and complain about dubbing in general, EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE THE OPTION TO WATCH WITH SUBTITLES. They complain about everything when "This actor sounds dead compared to this Seiyuu" or "This line lost all meaning because this actor sucks [parasitic bomb], I like the Seiyuu better, Wah wah wah." If you don't watch dubs, don't [sonic slicer] about people liking dubs. Don't say they aren't true fans because they don't watch the anime in Japanese only. Don't say they aren't true anime fans if they enjoy Dubs.
This. Sub [Top Spin]s are pretty bad, but to be fair, they were created by the horrible dubs of the past. Nowadays, dubbing is slowly getting good. Funimation comes to mind. An shoot me, but while 4kids is the worst at character voice matching, a few of the VAs themselves do seem to enjoy what they do and do it as best they can. Even if it means hamming it up stupendously. (lookin' at you Dan Green!)

Narutards only really annoy me because not only that- but they will VERY often go out in full narutard gear. the headbands, God... the headbands...

Ignorance against anime is one thing, but those idiots in that video certainly arent helping... in fact I daresay they are the REASON for the hate. I mean God, I certainly feel contempt towards them.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #26 on: March 06, 2011, 11:15:21 PM
I stumbled onto this thread and foolishly clicked on the link. Needless to say...


Courage is the Magic that turns Dreams into Reality.

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You may have to be on fire for that to happen, though.

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Reply #27 on: March 09, 2011, 04:59:50 PM
A-Ahhhhhhhh my ears my ears >o<

Not to mention the terrible peaking, ugh!

I don't usually go around hating anime fans and idiots who don't know a thing about it, but it's hard to like these kinda people as well. Especially since they create such a negative public image for the fans of anime who still act like normal human beings.
But you see, this isn't only a problem with self-proclaimed 'otaku', but with any rabid fandom group as well. Like Twilight fangirls. Beiber fangirls. Et Merda.
Sadly I'm going to just say it's a problem with the passions of adolescence and that the best choice available to us is to *sunglasses* deal with it.