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Reply #50 on: August 25, 2010, 11:25:37 PM

In a word? Yes. You didn't read what I said, though.

In my example, I pointed out how one case (Sonic 06) was a thing where a project made it to the market place, and its issues that made it to the final version where what incited bawling. Sega couldn't care less though, because they already MADE their money. Sonic 4 was a thing where the project was shown for what it was, and well, the joke was on Sega this time. They didn't even get a chance to make any money for "all their trouble". Oh! NOW they care! 8D

Again, if the leak had not happened, Sega would've been fine releasing the product as was, funky physics and design decisions not-withstanding.

And where are you checking, pray-tell? A lot of the rhetoric that you have seen me spout? Echoed at the likes of NeoGAF, Sonic-Retro and etc. There are people who actually care about level design and game play, believe it or not, and not the borderline "Sonic Passion"-inspired kids/furs who dominate Sega USA's forums, believe it or not. If all you're citing is the likes of Sega USA's forums or whatever, then you're bound to not see what I see.

Different cases, here. In HL2's case, hackers stole what was effectively incomplete source code and maps from Valve, compiled it all together and made it all into a make shift "beta". The game was clearly not ready for consumption yet by any means, and people were getting notions from what was a "game" basically thrown together by hackers. To put it in perspective, this is comparable to when some Neo Geo rom-hackers/pirates took a beta version of Garou (Fatal Fury): Mark of the Wolves, and did whatever bit of rom-tweaking necessary to put a "working" rom online for people to play, back in 1999/2000.

In Sonic 4's case, code was released to those who had access to devkit/presskit software on the 360, which was available to those who had specific connections (reporters, reviewers, etc.). Since Sonic 4 had already been submitted for ESRB certification by that point, and data already existed for PSN and Live certification, as well, again, it's highly likely that the game was well on its way to meeting that original Spring/Summer release date that Sega had in mind. Then, for whatever reason, some schmuck was willing to jeopardize his livelihood to showcase what was basically a completed version (or close enough to it, if they were willing to show it off to the press) of Sega's new game.

Again, clearly different cases in mind here. Comparably speaking, Sonic 4's episode earlier this year has more in common with how Halo Reach got leaked on the internet earlier this week, 3 weeks before its intended release.

If it's what it takes for Sega to take a hint, by all means, rake up the "deadweight" combo some more. Sega's definitely aware of the video now, it'll be on them to see what they do with the knowledge presented to them.

After all, it only took several years, and a number of 8-bit MM rom-hacks/fan works being made, before Capcom finally wised up to the idea of "HEY! Maybe we should listen to what is going on out there!". Perhaps Sega's "Eureka" moment is still out there, waiting to be grasped.
They're marketing it the same way Nintendo marketed New Super Mario Bros, which was also different from its predecessors in physics and setup.

Honestly, what was leaked was for all intents and purposes, a demo version. Something for the press and for the ERSB. Not even review-approved, so I'd imagine it was a long way from being ACTUALLY done. And you know what? Aside from a few problems, it looked fine. There were things to fix, but I'd imagine the ERSB gets all manner of broken games in order for them to get rated early, and as this is supposed to be something which we're not MEANT to even see, then I can't pass judgement on Sega in any way by SUPPOSING that it's a game that was near its release date before getting pushed back.

Suppositions and baseless accusations are all incredibly nice, but I find it funny how nobody has played the game to test this in the first place. To get even a small feel for the gameplay. But nooooo, when Sega tries to fix their ways, they're eeeevil bastards and must be treated with total disrespect for doing so.

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Reply #51 on: August 26, 2010, 12:06:47 AM
Again, clearly different cases in mind here. Comparably speaking, Sonic 4's episode earlier this year has more in common with how Halo Reach got leaked on the internet earlier this week, 3 weeks before its intended release.
Well, all right. As long as no-one is under the illusion that leaked gameplay is usually indicative of final gameplay.

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Reply #52 on: August 26, 2010, 12:20:41 AM
Sonic Rush, having levels that matched the design of the original in any way? The curves, gravity, boosting, verticality, size and overall COMPLETELY different design didn't make you realise it's pretty much a totally different game on all counts? Plus, even without using the boost mechanic, the levels there are pretty much based on speed with little platforming. if anything, I'd consider this Sonic closer to Sonic Advance. And how does it LOOK like a Rush game? Or play? Except for different physics, it's pretty much all classic. And it's only Episode 1. I'm guessing other characters will be available in the next episode. Or if they're not, I don't really see anything wrong with it. Didn't Megaman 9 get rid of the dash that had been in the game for years, and the charge beam just so it could be more like 2?

See this is why I'm asking. Several people in this topic have said that Sonic 4 essentially looks like a Rush game based on what they saw, except without the boosting. This one guy who gave a review for Sonic 4, praising the game, still said "yeah, it's Rush" when describing how it looks and feels when he played the game. And like I said, I'm no expert on Sonic. I don't remember the classic Sonic games as super memorably as I do Mario games or Zelda games, as I briefly played them & Sonic CD on my brother's Genesis. So no, Rush did not make me realize that it's a "totally different games on all counts" as you put it! XD

This is why I'm asking these questions, and trying to compile all the facts about why people are complaining, praising, loving, hating, [speed burner]ing, vilifying this game and the franchise. And ultimately, only Ben here has given me full, well rounded out rationalizations as to why SEGA should be ashamed of what they have done and what they continue to do with their mascot and how they market him to fans. Mind you, I don't agree with all his view points because in the long run, I'm not a hardcore classic Genesis Sonic fan like he is. However, I can understand why someone like him would be really [tornado fang]ing frustrated.  It's all hypothetical at this point, but still he brings up a good point. If that leaked never happened, regardless of whether it was just a demo or really close to the final product, would SEGA have gone back to fix Sonic 4 or would they have just released it like it is?

But nooooo, when Sega tries to fix their ways, they're eeeevil bastards and must be treated with total disrespect for doing so.

Perhaps not with total disrespect, but there comes a point when their shitty service has to be addressed.

The best analogy I can give for this is to imagine that SEGA is a restaurant. Now, it's customary to tip the waiter, but imagine the waiter keeps up [tornado fang]ing up your order, like say more than 3 times. (I consider more than twice worthy of no tip, but that's me) Sure, he eventually gets it right after going back and fixing it all those times, but after all the times he's screwed up, do you tip him as well or forget how god awful the service was?  Or, for that matter, do you continue to go back to that restaurant at all in the first place?  And lets say you do go back and you see the same waiter who [tornado fang]'d up your order the last time. Do you walk in and sit down and eat, hoping you don't get the same waiter, or do you put up with it because the food is so good?

It really all depends on what type of person you are. Clearly, Ben and other fans like him have had enough shitty service from SEGA, so when they continue to market a game as "going back to Sonic's roots" like I assume they've done in the past (again, not an expert), they don't forget that same shitty service they received in the past. Whereas other fans are willing to continue to give SEGA a chance because the service may be shitty, but they still like the quality of food.

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Reply #53 on: August 26, 2010, 12:25:03 AM
Well if they don't like the service, stop going to the restaurant.

What happens in Vegas stays on Youtube. I also stream on Twitch from time to time.

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #54 on: August 26, 2010, 12:28:02 AM
I think he has, at this point. I think the problem is that the chefs at the restaurant use to be so good, and it's just hard to let go and see what bad ownership has done to a good restaurant. 

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Reply #55 on: August 26, 2010, 12:36:15 AM
Very well structured on that scenario PB, but people like Ben could be extremely butthurt and continue to keep bringing up the negative parts of the resturant even though he/she has stopped going there ever since. It's kinda like beating a dead horse. Plus I think it's the consumer's/owner's actions, not the chef's (This case, the programmer's) fault (Due to them following what the lead developer wants to see, rather than touching things up).

Say Sega's still correcting it's errors. due to the extremely poor reviews given by hypocritical critics, it makes it hard for them to earn back thier consumers (because they follow the critics around like mosquitoes, therefore they take the critic's word for it and spread it around like wildfire), therefore losing half thier salary.

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

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Offline Flame

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Reply #56 on: August 26, 2010, 12:45:27 AM
In my example, I pointed out how one case (Sonic 06) was a thing where a project made it to the market place, and its issues that made it to the final version where what incited bawling. Sega couldn't care less though, because they already MADE their money. Sonic 4 was a thing where the project was shown for what it was, and well, the joke was on Sega this time. They didn't even get a chance to make any money for "all their trouble". Oh! NOW they care! lolwut

Again, if the leak had not happened, Sega would've been fine releasing the product as was, funky physics and design decisions not-withstanding.
What im getting from this- is that basically, Sega releases Sonic 06. its full of problems and everyone finds something to [sonic slicer] about. Sega should basically say sorry, and re-release the game fixed? or recall every single one and release another version?
how would that benefit the company? Nobody seems to remember that Sega is a company. Yeah yeah I know. go ahead and whine at the "company excuse". but its true. they make a game to make money, nothing more. Some companies care more about the fans wishes and respond better to them than others. Sega made Sonic 06. it was hated universally. So ok. they made their money, what they could- and lets move on to something new then. Sort of how X7 flopped, and so Capcom did something different witht he next game.

They made storybook sonic, (which some people liked, and generally were liked better.) then they made Unlesahed. They made the manhog. people complained about the manhog, but found the regular sonic stages to be alright. so, Now comes colors, which is exactly what the fans were trying to get through Sega's skulls after unleashed. just make a game with the daytime segments. So they are. that shows that they saw that it works, and that hey, look at that, it pleases the fans too. two birds with one stone.

Now Sonic 4. A video is leaked, somethin which isnt even FINAL, and people are already complaining that Sega should be ashamed that it had glitches? thats like say- that recent X6 prototype having been leaked out, and people bitching about how Capcom should be ashamed that a non final product  has glitches and is incomplete. How dare a videogame company not make games perfect from day 1!

Keep in mind trailers would have surfaced event anyway, and other gameplay videos in afterwards, where people would have bitched about any problems there, if any.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #57 on: August 26, 2010, 01:48:11 AM
Funnily enough, I've been one of the most open critics of Sonic I've seen on this board, saying out loud that I considered pretty much every single damn attempt Sega ever made in the last ten years for any kind of "rebirth" to be extremely sub-par and to the point of being extremely unplayable and horrible. Sonic games today are synonymous with "BAD". Period. No amount of arguing about reviews or general opinion will change that.

What I do take an issue with, is people criticizing this new game, which simply seems like Sega catering to fans in any way they can, and it does look pretty fun, simply because it's not like the old ones. Screw that! I think that, while we do have the right to complain about Sega, being nitpicky at this point is something stupid. I say give us a GOOD GAME. I don't care if it deviates from the norm a bit. If it's got good quality, why bother needlessly complaining that it's not a picture perfect 16-bit rebirth?

I just want a good Sonic game. Fans can [sonic slicer] however they like about how they want THIS SPECIFICALLY or THAT. I want something, as long as it's something good.

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Reply #58 on: August 26, 2010, 04:24:33 AM
They're marketing it the same way Nintendo marketed New Super Mario Bros, which was also different from its predecessors in physics and setup.

Apples and oranges, again. As Blues said earlier, there still is a problem with trying to roll S4 in the same way. NSMB was a game that was marketed as a "new take" on that original SMB formula. It was not trying to be "SMB4/5" (take your pick on numbering) any more than Yoshi's Island or SM64 was. It was meant to be its own product unto itself. Sonic 4, on the other hand, directly tries to invoke the spirit of the 16-bit game's legacy by ATTACHING ITSELF to it, and yet then goes on a completely different tangent from what those who expect an "heir" to that legacy to do. And that's where the problem is. There's certain expectations that people have in mind when it comes to sequels. This is only more so the case, depending on which "school of thought" applies when we're talking about sequels.

For example: Street Fighter 4 was allowed to be its own beast, separate from its predecessors, because in the end, the realistic expectation was that it was not going to play like either 3S or Zero/Alpha 3. "SF4" was, in essence, the beginning of a "new series" with the SF anthology. In that same way (much as I haven't liked it at first), MvC3 has changed things up from its immediate predecessor, which even so, goes right along with how MvC2 was different from MvC1.

In this same train of thought, KOF: Maximum Impact and its sequels may have the name tag and share a number of characters, but that's where the similarities with the 2D, "mainline" KOF games end. Like it or lump it, the MI games have a distinctly different "feel" about them from the 2D games, so you can't crucify the spin-offs for being what they're clearly NOT trying to be, or otherwise emulate. That's like hating the Sonic Rush games for not being verbatim to the Genesis games. The Rush games were clearly trying to do something else, and thus you'll either love or hate depending on the games' individual merits. (Oh, and please believe I got plenty in that area alone! 8D )

On the other hand, games like Tekken 6/BR, for the sake of our fighting game theme, have a different set of expectations. People expect successive games to play like an improved version of what they got before. In fact, Tekken 4 is widely-considered the worst game in the series because it did a lot of things to its own, as well as the series' detriment (especially coming on the heels of the widely loved 3 and Tag). That's why the later Tekken 5 had to do more to clean up 4's mess and get back on track. And we can more than likely bet that the "Next Tekken" game (already in the works, and stands to be out before Namco's Tekken x SF game) will likely do more to follow suit.

In this same vein, that's where Sonic 4 falls for guys like myself. It's not what we expected from such a modern day game that tries to tack itself on to a SPECIFIC iteration of the series that carries a certain amount of weight with it. If Sonic 4 was named any thing else you or some other PR schmuck could imagine, that would have perfectly fine. The game would then be able to be judged as an entity unto itself, not unlike the Rushes, the Storybooks and everything else that came before it. Who knows, maybe the game, as a proposed "Sonic Retro" that's not connected to anything else, could have been something special. But now and forevermore, 4, and any games attached to it, will always be judged by its immediate predecessors within its lineage. And again, that's the crux of the issue. It has NOTHING to do with Sonic 4 as an individual game any longer, and everything to do with if it can live up to the high bar that Sonic 1, 2, 3&K set for it. And you only have the brilliant minds at Sega to blame for pitting the game up against such a tough act that, at this rate, it can't hope to follow.


Very well structured on that scenario PB, but people like Ben could be extremely butthurt and continue to keep bringing up the negative parts of the returant even though he/she has stopped going there ever since. It's kinda like beating a dead horse. Plus I think it's the consumer's/owner's actions, not the chef's (This case, the programmer's) fault (Due to them following what the lead developer wants to see, rather than touching things up).

Say Sega's still correcting it's errors. due to the extremely poor reviews given by hypocritical critics, it makes it hard for them to earn back thier consumers (because they follow the critics around like mosquitoes, therefore they take the critic's word for it and spread it around like wildfire), therefore losing half thier salary.

And you know what? It's tough, but fair. Sega, like any body else in this industry, is in it for number one, and they're certainly in it for the money. That's what capitalism is all about. Everything is fine and dandy as long as the consumers and the shareholders are happy. It's when they aren't, THAT is when problems start occurring. If such "establishments" don't see the issue when such a thing happens, well, that's an even bigger problem.

So, when Sega does bone-headed decisions like those concerning Sonic 4's development, the shoddy PS3 port of Bayonetta and cutting out content from Yakuza 3 (which there are still TROPHIES for!), they can't exactly be expect to be rewarded with such behavior. If they don't like the "bad press" that ensues, then by all means! DO BETTER. Take a cue from Domino's Pizza, for crying out loud! 8D

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Reply #59 on: August 26, 2010, 06:01:05 AM
What im getting from this- is that basically, Sega releases Sonic 06. its full of problems and everyone finds something to [sonic slicer] about. Sega should basically say sorry, and re-release the game fixed? or recall every single one and release another version?
how would that benefit the company? Nobody seems to remember that Sega is a company. Yeah yeah I know. go ahead and whine at the "company excuse". but its true. they make a game to make money, nothing more. Some companies care more about the fans wishes and respond better to them than others. Sega made Sonic 06. it was hated universally. So ok. they made their money, what they could- and lets move on to something new then. Sort of how X7 flopped, and so Capcom did something different witht he next game.

What do you mean, "How would that benefit the company?" Do you even know how PR or Customer Service works?  The first, FIRST, step towards keeping your customers happy, the people who purchase your products with their money, is to INSTANTLY admit a mistake when then [tornado fang] up and to apologize.  It's one reason why Netflix flourishes while Blockbuster dies, because not only is Netflix a far superior company & video rental service, but because when they [tornado fang] up, they IMMEDIATELY say they're sorry and try to make it up to you, which is the 2nd step: making it up to your customers.  Good customer service & PR can go a long, LOOOOOOOOOONNG way into keeping a business going, because people will definitely pay even a little extra for the promise of good customer service, and knowing that when an accident or screw up happen, the problem will be apologized for as well as dealt with with as little hassle as possible.

Now like you said regarding Colors, it seems like SEGA is trying to make a better day-time Unleashed game, which is a good thing, cept for people who did not like the day-time mode in Unleashed.  However, you can't please everyone.  Regardless, for the most part I don't really see anyone complaining about Colors that much.  I'm sure they're out their somewhere, but this game seems to be widely accepted, and IMO, looks like a lot of fun.

Hell, Sonic 4, to me, looks like a lot of fun too.  All I'm saying is that I understand how people like Ben get pissed at how SEGA's PR department has handled the Sonic 4 situation.  The best MM equivalent I could give towards that is if Capcom made an X9 game and it played like a Zero series game.

Take a cue from Domino's Pizza, for crying out loud! 8D

It's still [parasitic bomb] pizza.......but at least now it's actually edible! XD

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Reply #60 on: August 26, 2010, 08:05:44 AM
I understand why ben's all pissy too, I just dont GET IT though. If your so intent on the fact that its named Sonic 4 and therefore has a chip on it's shoulder, then PLAY it, and decide for yourself if that chip was warranted or not. Dont judge it from pre released demos and videos of something thats not final yet. Going back to my example, its like people judging that prototype of X6 before the actual X6 comes out with everything finished up in its nice little nightmare bow. I just dont see that as fair.

*in b4 someone brings up my Megaman 9 and 10 bitching*

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #61 on: August 26, 2010, 08:10:35 AM
*brings up Flame's R9 and R10 bitching*

Nah, I kid. I'm looking forward to S4, myself.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #62 on: August 26, 2010, 01:26:25 PM
I can actually see the line of thought here.

It's pretty much what happened when Bethesda did Fallout 3. Everyone said they were making a huge mistake for not creating a direct sequel which was an isometric classic RPG with the kind of old gameplay completely intact. Fans still [sonic slicer] ALOT about it, many continue to call the game "Oblivion with guns" and keep on refusing to play it.

I know that while certain game sequels focus on being something different and evolved in terms of gameplay and presentation (MGS, Assassin's Creed, Super Mario Bros...) other kinds of sequels focus on being more of the same, an expansion of what had already been seen (Megaman, Phoenix Wright, Tekken...). The problem you have with this, is the fact that the first few numbered games were the latter, and are now attempting to become the former, delivering something new instead of the same fans expected.

...I honestly say, tough. Original games were released almost 20 years ago. They're making a sequel in the vein of this "new take" thing companies seem to have towards some games now. I have absolutely no problem with this. And anyone expecting Sega, or pretty much ANY other company to release something with the physics of yesteryear, is being unrealistic. Most remakes nowadays don't choose to take that trouble. Rocket Knight and Bionic Commando Rearmed took a completely different physics approach, which WORKED. People bitched, yes. But honestly, screw them. We got two amazingly fun games out of it.

I'm one of the people who chose to be excited about Fallout 3, had some great fun playing it, and even considers it one of his favorite games. I will play Sonic 4 and judge it not according to it being a sequel which is supposed to be retro, but on its own merits. I suggest people do the same, otherwise, they're gonna be missing out on alot.

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Reply #63 on: August 28, 2010, 02:47:27 AM
this thread just takes the words right out of my mouth yet how can anyone fix up '06? Can we even consider Sonic 4 apart of the "classics"?

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Reply #64 on: August 28, 2010, 03:08:57 AM

I'm one of the people who chose to be excited about Fallout 3,

You and me both. I even go the lunchpail and bobblehead from the pre-order. retro music, headshot insta-kills.. oh it was joyous.

this thread just takes the words right out of my mouth yet how can anyone fix up '06? Can we even consider Sonic 4 apart of the "classics"?

Let's just say that Red's a poisounous color.. I shuddered when I saw red stripes on Shadow at first, actually. We can consider Sonic 4 as a classic once it does well also. It's like calling the kettle black for the most part (Sega and Nintendo being rivals for the most part back in the day, and we had doubts of Mario Galaxy after Sunshine's release so..)

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

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Reply #65 on: August 28, 2010, 04:08:18 AM
this thread just takes the words right out of my mouth yet how can anyone fix up '06? Can we even consider Sonic 4 apart of the "classics"?
06 COULD have been fixed. It had the right concept, the right idea. It was finally, a return to the Adventure genre. It associated Sonic with realism, and high quality values. It was built with levels stemming from adventure fields, and stuff like Sonic being followed by Tails at certain points. It WANTED to be Adventure.

...I have no idea how it ended up that badly. Were the developers just given a couple of weeks to make the game? Did they get in over their heads? Because honestly, there's an idea in there, but I don't see no GAME.

But man, it could have been beautiful if done well.

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Reply #66 on: August 28, 2010, 08:34:03 AM
It definitely felt like the Adventure games.

Not to mention that after having [tornado fang]'d with Shadow in his game, they went with the STHH true ending and gave him a "clean start" as it were. No geralds. No aliens, no angst, (well maybe a little) no WHO AM I, no GUNS... Just plain Shadow. I like that they made him part of GUN. although some [sonic slicer] about that, it really adds to the idea that his life has sort of been rebooted. Gun and him were at each others throats in STHH, and now, all is said and done, and he's even working for them, having put aside the [parasitic bomb] they did.

Oh also- Dan Green Mephies.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #67 on: August 28, 2010, 10:11:51 AM
It definitely felt like the Adventure games.

Not to mention that after having [tornado fang]'d with Shadow in his game, they went with the STHH true ending and gave him a "clean start" as it were. No geralds. No aliens, no angst, (well maybe a little) no WHO AM I, no GUNS... Just plain Shadow. I like that they made him part of GUN. although some [sonic slicer] about that, it really adds to the idea that his life has sort of been rebooted. Gun and him were at each others throats in STHH, and now, all is said and done, and he's even working for them, having put aside the [parasitic bomb] they did.

Oh also- Dan Green Mephies.
So he's working for the people who killed the only person he loved.

...that makes so much sense.

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Reply #68 on: August 28, 2010, 10:17:32 AM
Still felt different for his character. Something new. What better (and slightly cliche)place for an immortal ultimate life form than with the military? 8D

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #69 on: August 28, 2010, 10:31:16 AM
Because it's like making Batman the Punisher.

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Reply #70 on: August 28, 2010, 05:54:24 PM

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #71 on: September 06, 2010, 10:03:57 PM
With proper imagination and the right technology that can be possible!

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Reply #72 on: September 07, 2010, 04:26:16 AM
Indeed  :D

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Reply #73 on: September 07, 2010, 12:45:10 PM
Sega will try something similar for the next Sonic game.

...and fans will [sonic slicer] INCESSANTLY because Sonic's pupils will not be aligned and his shoes aren't of the pointy variety.

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Reply #74 on: September 07, 2010, 07:35:44 PM
That would be funny if it wasn't true. But that's exactly what would happen.

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