Fxeni's various types of stuff

Fxeni · 3514

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Offline Fxeni

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on: December 07, 2008, 06:11:55 PM
I'll be updating the main post each time I post something new so everything will be accessible from here.

Game Demos: Desert Canyon and Portal Bonus Map

Well, I guess I should make one of these. Although sprites are more my forte more than anything else, and I haven't exactly been spriting a lot lately, I figured I'd make this anyways.

That said, posting those will have to wait, since I don't exactly have a lot of time on the computer right now. What will follow is a story I wrote recently. I wrote it when I was a tad... depressed, mind you, so if it comes off as a bit on the negative side, that would be why. Anyways, do let me know what you think.

   "What a long night..." Fxeni quietly says to himself as he steps out of the Fxeni Foil. He glances around the gigantic room. No one was there, as has been the case often these days. He lets out a sigh and walks up to his computer, quickly running a final check on the latest headlines in the city before he heads off for some much needed rest. As he scrolls through the headlines, one in particular catches his eye. "Group of armed men holds PlaCorp CEO hostage" it reads. It was posted a mere minutes before Fxeni returned to his lair. "It never ends..." he thinks to himself as he gets up, "No rest for me tonight". He quickly turns to look where the Fxeppelin would normally be, but he sees that it's gone. Fxeni arches his brow and brings up a communication link to the Fxeppelin.

"Ciel, out taking a ride?" he asks, waiting for a response.

"Yup, I'm doing a job!" a cheery voice responds over the speakers a few seconds later.

"You could have let me know, you know" Fxeni slightly gruffly says, knowing full well who she was working for. That blasted Visionary Ultimatum Systems CEO, Ben Vusen. That guy's motives stank more than a garbage compactor filled to the rim, and Fxeni sensed no good from him. He had gotten into several arguments over him with Ciel, who adamantly protected him. He had no proof of any wrongdoing from him so far, though, so Fxeni let the whole thing slide for a while now. Didn't stop it from annoying the heck out of him, though.

"Sorry..." Ciel responds quietly.

"It's fine... don't worry about it. I'll talk to you later, I suppose. Take care." Fxeni says as he starts walking away from the console, hearing a muffled "Byeeee!" from the speakers as the communication link was cut from the other end. He hopped back into his Fxeni Foil, and plotted the quickest route to his next destination, the PlaCorp headquarters.


   Standing at the base of the building, he stared up towards the roof. The PlaCorp CEO was being held in his office on the top floor. "This would be so much easier with the Fxeppelin" he thought to himself, a slight frown appearing on his face. He quietly makes his way in the building through the service entrance in the back. Once inside, he presses his back to the wall and keeps low, slowly making his way towards the closest elevator. As he gets close, however, he hears some voices. "Police or kidnappers, I wonder..." Fxeni thinks to himself as he inches closer. He pulls out his scouter and examines them from a safe distance. There are three relatively well armed men standing around a woman who's on her knees, all tied up.

"So what do we do with this one?" One of the men asked the others.

"We have some... fun... eh heh heh..." One of them responds with a large smirk on his face.

   "Kidnappers it is, then" Fxeni thinks to himself as he pulls out his trusty weapon, Yamalok. He rushes in and jump kicks one of the men in the back of the head. Before the other two can react, he spins Yamalok around and extends it out, knocking one of them up into the air as it whacks him under the chin. The third starts firing his weapon at Fxeni, who dodges behind a pillar.

"Whatcha going to do now, huh!?" the man says as he sprays his bullets all over the pillar. "There's nothing you can do! Ah hahahahaha!" he exclaims  wildly with a laugh.

   "This" Fxeni casually says as he tosses  a flash grenade towards the man. It explodes into a bright light, blinding the man temporarily. Fxeni quickly rushes out, turns on one of the scythe extensions on Yamalok, and slashes his weapon in half. As he's still moving closer, he closes Yamalok up and puts it away onto his belt, followed by a swift elbow into the man's gut. He continues pushing the man until they hit the wall, then he swiftly brings up his other arm to pin the man up by the neck.

   "Now for a little chat..." Fxeni says with a sneer, holding up the man up to the wall. The man twitches slightly, breathing heavily with fear. "Now... who are you working for?" Fxeni asks with a low tone in his voice. The man spits on him, and turns his face away. "Wrong answer" Fxeni says with annoyance as he tosses the man onto the ground and wipes the spit off his face. He takes out Yamalok and extends it. "Now," Fxeni begins as he twirls Yamalok in his hand, "Who do you work for!" he asks more aggressively as he smashes the edge of Yamalok onto the man's hand. The man yelps out in pain and stutters out something in a low voice. "What was that?" Fxeni asks as he raises Yamalok again for another smash. "V... V-Visionary Ultimatum S-Systems..." the man whimpers out. Anger rushes through Fxeni at this response. "Dammit!" he yells out as he knocks the man out with a swift whack to the side of his face with the Yamalok. He puts away his weapon and walks over to the woman and unties her. "Get yourself out of here" Fxeni says bluntly as he tosses the rope aside. She nods and thanks him nervously, and quickly runs out of the building as quickly as she can. Fxeni slowly walks into the elevator, with a troubled expression on his face.

   When the doors to the elevator slide open on the top floor, Fxeni pounces out with Yamalok ready. He catches two guards off-guard, bringing them both down with one swift movement. He continues rushing down the hallways, dodging and weaving through the gunfire, bringing each of the guards down one by one. He comes to the CEO's office doors, being guarded by two behemoths of men. "Get out of my way, or I'll make you get out of my way" Fxeni grunts out to them, getting into battle stance. They just smirk and start rushing towards him. "Very well" he quietly growls as he rushes towards them. He turns on one of the spear edges on Yamalok and aims for the legs of one of the men. He slices one of his legs open and turns around to face the other. He isn't quick enough, however, and gets sliced on the side of his torso by the knife of the other man. He winces in pain, but quickly jumps backwards onto the now fallen behemoth and pounces off of him, spinning Yamalok squarely into the jaw of his attacker. As the man staggers, he elbows the man through the door, sending him sprawling across the floor. Fxeni quickly glances over the room, examining every angle. It is very large and very nicely decorated. His eyes sweep over to the desk in the middle, and he focuses on the man sitting in the seat. "You..." Fxeni growls as he looks at Vusen sitting comfortably where he doesn't belong.

   "Well well, seems we have a visitor" Vusen says with a grin. He slightly turns his head to his side, and says "Love, mind taking care of this... riffraff?". "Of course, honey!" a woman with long flowing red hair responds as she walks over and kisses him on the cheek. She turns to look at Fxeni with a smile, which quickly fades into shock as she realizes who she's looking at. She freezes in place, and doesn't know what to do. Fxeni just looks on with an angry face.

   "What's the matter, Ciel? Do you know this man?" Vusen asks snidely, clearly already knowing the answer all too well.

   "He's... he's... uh..." Ciel stutters out, not sure how to react.

   "I'm nobody" Fxeni says with a sigh, and quickly raises up his weapon. "Don't get in my way Ciel, this guy is filth."

   "Don't call him that!" Ciel exclaims as she pounces towards him, morphing her weapon orb into a sword. Fxeni doesn't flinch as her sword swiftly strikes towards him. He deflects it off to the side and kicks her aside. He then rushes up towards Vusen, somewhat blinded by rage. He's stopped in his tracks by a slash to the back. "You don't know him!" She continues as she swings her sword again. Fxeni turns around and blocks her attack. He quickly pushes her away, but she attacks over and over again, leaving no room for Fxeni to attack. Ciel quickly conjures up a blast of fire and sends Fxeni flying to the wall. She walks up to him and points her sword at him. "He's... filth..." Fxeni grunts out, grinding his teeth. Ciel kicks him out of anger. Vusen laughs sinisterly.

   "Now... kill him, Ciel" Vusen says with a large grin.

   "But... he's..." Ciel starts to say, but she's interrupted. "I know exactly who he is! Now kill him! He's nothing but a pain to me and my... associates" Vusen exclaims as he points at Fxeni, his grin fading into a frown.

   "...What?" Ciel asks him, a bit confused. "You heard me! All he does is get in the way of my operations, as well as the people I deal with!" Vusen answers, clearly losing patience. "Now, kill him, if you really care for me!" he continues. Ciel turns to Fxeni and looks at him straight in the eyes. She freezes into place."Well?!" Vusen continues with anger in his voice. Fxeni gets up and wipes the blood from under his lip.

   "Fine, I'll do it myself!" Vusen says, as he grabs his revolver. He aims his gun at Fxeni, or at least where he was. Vusen looks around, confused, until he sees Fxeni coming at him from up above. Fxeni bashes Vusen's shoulder, making him drop his gun. "Judging from what you just said, you're exactly what I've been saying you are for a long time now" Fxeni says as he turns on a spear edge on Yamalok. Vusen's face quickly shifts into fear. "This..." Fxeni growls as he slashes one of his arms, "ends..." he continues as he slashes one of his legs, "NOW!" he finishes as he twirls Yamalok around and bashes Vusen's crotch from underneath with a blunt edge of Yamalok, sending him to the ground in pain.

   Fxeni looks over Vusen who's crumpled over on the ground, breathing heavily out of anger. He slowly calms himself down, until his breathing returns to normal. "You're lucky you're still alive" Fxeni tells the half-conscious Vusen. "You don't know just how tempted I was to slice you apart" he snarls, kicking Vusen in the gut. He then quickly looks over the room again, searching for who he was here to save. He sees the PlaCorp CEO tied up under the desk, out cold. Vusen had been using him as a footrest.

    Fxeni quietly picks him up and lays him down on top of the desk and unties him. He checks his pulse, making sure that he's still alive. Seeing that he seems relatively well aside from a few minor wounds, Fxeni turns towards the door and starts walking towards it, pulling out a small communications device to contact the authorities. Ciel hurries behind him and holds his arm from behind, to stop him. Before she can say anything though, Fxeni, without looking at her, calmly says "I'll be going to the Fxenodrome for a while, to give both of us some time to think about what's been going on. Take care..." With this, he pulls his arm from her grip, and makes his way to the elevator without looking back. He calls the authorities to let them know everything's been taken care of, then remains silent the whole way to the Fxenodrome, his new home for an unknown amount of time from here on out. For now, he is alone.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2009, 07:40:23 AM by Fxeni »

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1 on: December 07, 2008, 06:39:46 PM
That was one very interesting read.
The action scenes are well-written, and everything proceeded smoothly.

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Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #2 on: December 07, 2008, 06:45:06 PM
I agree with Dr. Wily.  A very well written and well-told story.  Nice job, Fxeni.  Also, good to see you back at least for a little bit!  XD

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Reply #3 on: December 07, 2008, 11:23:28 PM
The heck?  ??? Am I possessed or something? *shudders*  :|

Bleh.. it's nothing like that at all lol  ;O;

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Reply #4 on: December 07, 2008, 11:24:39 PM
The heck?  ??? Am I possessed or something? *shudders*  :|

Bleh.. it's nothing like that at all lol  ;O;

Well, I think it's a good thing you like his story like I do. nothing wrong really. =/

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

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Reply #5 on: December 07, 2008, 11:26:01 PM
Lol he hates the guy who likes me.. I don't blame him either. And yes, I do say he's not like that. Sometimes "Vusen" is an ass, but sometimes he's nice.  :P


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Reply #6 on: December 10, 2008, 10:28:18 PM
A very interesting read. I enjoyed it, your writing style is something definitely in the realms of readable. I look forward to more work from you, Fxeni~

Offline Fxeni

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Reply #7 on: May 01, 2009, 01:02:40 AM
*digs up old topic and dusts it off* My my, been a while since I've posted in here. Well, I figured I'd show some demo reels I made half-assedly, so uh... enjoy, I suppose.

Desert Canyon (damn thing takes the whole grid in Hammer)
Portal Bonus Map

Offline borockman

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Reply #8 on: May 01, 2009, 01:25:33 AM
Desert Canyon pretty rad there and quite huge!

The Portal bonus stage looks mighty fine too.

But I guess, I'll appreciate more if I played portal before... *sigh*

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Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #9 on: May 01, 2009, 07:16:15 AM
That's pretty awesome right there!

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #10 on: May 01, 2009, 07:35:02 AM
Wow, these stages look great, and fun to play in to. :3

I'm watching you all. Always watching.