Iwata: Next Nintendo handheld to have “ability to read movements”

Emiri Landeel · 4150

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Offline RMX

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Next Nintendo handheld will come with a built-in Sharingan. You heard it here first.

Offline Dexter Dexter

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What I want in the new handheld:
  • Higher screen resolution
  • External (and also internal) mic
  • Cameras like the DSi
  • Ability to record videos

Am I being spoiled here?


Offline Black Mage J

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I bet you want TWO mario games a year, huh? I'm spoiled too.

Offline Hypershell

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I keep skeptical until the system is proven worthwhile to me. Example: The DSi is still not worth it.
I want to argue with that but it's very hard to.  Only reason I have a DSi is because my original phat cracked its top screen.  Yeah, it's shinier, the options are far superior, and it is TECHNICALLY a superior system from a CPU/RAM standpoint, but it really is being treated as just another DS.  The online store is crap and the extra horsepower hasn't yet yielded anything noticeable besides a slightly less horrendous web browser.

Also no more remakes. Just all virtual console support on the handheld and done.
Considering what we got in SM64 DS I have to very strenuously disagree with that one.  Besides the fact that Bowser's sub refuses to reappear, the entire thing is infinitely superior to SM64.  However there is the question of what first-party N64 candidates one would want to see get such treatment.  Let's be honest, the next most demanded titles after SM64 would be Zelda, which already saw Master Quest, and Smash, which should be given an actual new entry (MEWTWO!).

For reasons nobody knows, Nintendo doesn't seem too keen on a portable Virtual Console.  Even if they did it would probably only emulate other handhelds.  They're not willing to transfer ownership of Wii-downloaded VC titles (hence the inability to play them at a friend's or anything), so anything beyond that would be competing with themselves.

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble, DLive.tv, and the Fediverse (@freespeechextremist.com and @bae.st)

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Not too hard to dodge that. The PSP-PS3 have a system where you have to actually register the PSP to the PS3 before you can share content between the two. Now, to be fair, there's also the PSN sign-in, but that's not really used outside of going to the PSP's own PlayStation Store, so it's not necessary to the process.

Example: I have the Final Fantasy VII PSN release on my PS3. Because my PSP is registered to my PS3, I could transfer the file over to the PSP without a problem. Nintendo can work a similar system between the Wii and the new DS or even the DSi...

..but that'd be implying Nintendo can make any sort of competent online or even networking scheme and they've yet to really prove that. Yes, even Mario Kart Wii has issues, like Red Shells missing even though you see a direct hit.

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Nintendo is no stranger to such combination-registers, though, as the entire Friend Code system revolves around it.  Your SRAM and console are registered as a pair.

I just don't see Nintendo as willing to transfer ownership of VC games due to piracy paranoia (not like they're honestly stopping much) and general iron grip of DLC.  Once you get it, it stays on the console that bought it.  You cannot transfer or exchange.  Furthermore, Wii VC titles have Wii-specific data in the operations manual, channel image, and so forth.  To enable a handheld transfer would require updating them with comparable elements for said handheld's interface.  I just don't see that happening.

Red Shells missing even though you see a direct hit.
That's a simple matter of lag.  Rather than slow down the game the CPU tries to anticipate what's going on, and inevitably sometimes makes a mistake.  And Nintendo is no slouch in local networking, see Mario Party DS.

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble, DLive.tv, and the Fediverse (@freespeechextremist.com and @bae.st)