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Protoman Blues · 399893

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Reply #575 on: December 21, 2012, 11:44:54 AM
Underneath St. Acidburg, Fxeni and Pretty Bunny ProtoGal Blues were following the tunnel to the Fxenodrome.

Fxeni - "So now that we have this chance to talk, I've been meaning to ask you something?"

PBPB - "Oh? What's up?"

Fxeni - "When did you decide to study the dark arts?"

PBPB - "Oh boy. Well that's a story!"

Fxeni - "I'm all ears. Although not as much as you!"

PBPB and Fxeni laughed at his joke before PBPB told Fxeni her story!

"Well this started about two years ago actually. I'll never forget the day. I was working in the Sex Shack at the time. Heh, and don't get any ideas about that! I meant that I was helping PB to run things. Hmmmm, there's really no way to make that sound non-perverted when you work in a Sex Shack, is there? Anyway, so I was on the computer looking at the finances when PB suddenly bursts in and yells out!"


"I'd like to say that I couldn't believe he just wanted to drop what he was doing and spar, but you know PB. His imagination is...well it's out there. I should know, since I tend to share it! You know, clone gal and all. Truth be told, I was pretty bored myself, so I agreed to his sparring session. We managed to sneak into Ninja Lou's Training Ground and we got started. At the time I was still using a bo staff. He whipped out his Sword of Omens and the duel began. He won, of course. Despite my best efforts, I'm nowhere near his level of skill. He's helped me to practice dozens of times, and I still have yet to beat him. When he helped me up, he told me something that changed my outlook on my fighting style forever."

"WHY DO YOU SUCK?" he said.

Fxeni was shocked. "He said WHAT?"

PBPB laughed. "Again, you know PB and his ego. Don't worry, there's more to the story."

"Listen, my Usagi Yojimclone! We've spent a lot of time together and we make a fantastic team. Plus, obviously, hanging out together is great since we damn near share the same brain. But so far I just still see a female bunny clone of me, and that's not what I want to see anymore. I want to see a sister. You maybe just a magical Trinkitty inspired creation spawned from god-like magic, but I've really come to think of you as family. Haha, I'm still going to call you Bunny Me and [parasitic bomb]. No worries there. As your big brother, I think it's high time you explore yourself a little better. Become your own you. You have my imagination, my nerd knowledge, and you definitely have my ego. Perhaps gain some inspiration from your mommies as well as your bro! AND STOP SUCKING!"

"After that I punched him in the face for the Yojimclone pun, as well as the sucking comment!" PBPB stated.

Fxeni - "He deserved it!"

PBPB - "Yeah, he did. He was right though. Sure I had my own unique fighting style and such, but he was right that I still felt like just a clone of him. So I took his advice and I decide to try and become a powerful sorceress. I had to leave for a while to go get trained. When I came back, PB and I had another sparring session!"

Fxeni - "Did you win?"

PBPB - "Nope. I definitely put up a better fight but he's still more powerful than I am. I'm okay with that though. In fact, it's inspired me to become even stronger. One day I hope to beat his arrogant powerful ass! Plus, I look so damn good in my magician outfits!"

Fxeni - "Perhaps one day you will beat him!" *suddenly Fxeni's scouter goes off* "I don't think it's that much further!"

PBPB - "So how about you, Fxeni. Where have you been these past years? Or would you rather not say?"

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Reply #576 on: December 21, 2012, 02:17:44 PM
"Well... I needed some time away from here, what with all that nonsense with Ciel" Fxeni responded after a moment of silence. "I had been tinkering away with a device in my lab that would allow me to create doorways to other dimensions."

PBPB - "Other dimensions? You could have just gone to the Sex Shack or something!"

Fxeni - "Yeah well, I figured that working on something would get my mind off things. Besides, I wasn't quite myself at that time either. Boy did I regret that decision once I stepped through the portal though... I found myself in a war-torn landscape, and the portal shut itself behind me with no way to return."

PBPB - "Why would you make a device that would just shut portals behind people?"

Fxeni - "The thing is, I didn't. Someone or something shut it behind me, and the handheld portal opener I had brought with me that would link to it was tampered with. It more or less completely fizzled out when I tried to use it."

PBPB - "It was probably Ciel, don't you think?"

Fxeni - "No... not her style. She would've just destroyed it outright. No, I'm sure someone was keeping an eye on me and wanted me out of the way."

PBPB - "Right... well, why didn't you just fix the handheld portal opener and come back earlier?"

Fxeni - "I lost the device about a week in to a laser rifle shot. I was on the run for a good few months, then I decided that I had enough of running and took the war to them. I was fighting non-stop the whole time I was in that dimension... Yamalok sure got a lot of use."

PBPB - "How'd you get back?"

Fxeni - "Well, I-"

At this point, his scouter went off again. They had reached a large open cavern, with the Fxenodrome sitting in the middle of it. It seemed to be dormant for the time being, but Fxeni didn't trust it to remain that way for long.

(Well, off to work I go. Feel free to continue this, PB!)

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Reply #577 on: December 21, 2012, 02:36:37 PM
(Ugh, so much happening. I'm having difficulties thinking of something for RMZX and Akai to do without painfully shoehorning them into something.)

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Reply #578 on: December 21, 2012, 03:09:01 PM
Medic Man is surprised at the half-completed Junk Man. He remembered placing Junk Man on the table, but he was still a mound of scraps... So how did Junk Man managed to fix himself up? Medic Man walked towards Junk Man, and waved his hand in front of Junk Man's eyes. Nothing. Medic Man stepped back, and pouted.

Medic - How is this possible~

Soccer - *on his feet* What are you talking about?

Medic - I remembered bringing Junk Man here, but he was a mound of scrap~ Yet now, he's half sitting~

Soccer - ... Rats?

Medic - There's no still thing as rats fixing robots~

Soccer - ... Turtles?

Medic - ...

Medic Man ignored Soccer Man, and walked towards Junk Man. He then thought he noticed something moving behind Junk Man. Medic Man tiptoed towards Junk Man, and once close enough, stole a peek behind Junk Man.

Dr. Wily II was still spinning in his evil spinning chair. With nothing to do for the moment, he decided to spin some more.

Sound Woman started to slowly wake up. Her head was still spinning, but at least it's still on her neck, and it's still on her body. Using the wall she was leaning on as support, she slowly got to her feet. The last she remembered was checking up on Brick White, when she was knocked out by something, or someone. She also remembered seeing Brick White's red mono-eye disappearing before blacking out. Fearing that Brick White might have escaped, she took a look into the cell. Through the bars, she can make out the white wall that is Brick White, and then, it's red mono-eye opened, staring at Sound Woman.

Sound Woman sighed in relief, at least Brick White is still here, and not running around devouring the RPMians... Yet anyway. She decided she needed to do a full diagnostic on herself, and teleported to the Medical Lab. With Sound Woman gone, Brick White moaned a bit, before burping out an Arwing engine...

(So yea... Brick White somehow managed to clean up the wreckage around the SexStation without being detected, and return to the WDS without being noticed it was gone. :P)

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Reply #579 on: December 21, 2012, 10:55:32 PM
After dancing for a madman for well over an hour, Pyro poked a listless boforte with an inanimate carbon rod.

"Poke. Having fun yet? Poke. Having fun yet? Poke..."

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Reply #580 on: December 22, 2012, 02:21:29 AM
Medic Man finds the two Berbils still working on getting Junk Man back together (Well whatever's considered together).  They didn't seem to notice him, or rather they might have, but were too focused on working their magic to consider the danger of dissection; it was hard to tell when Berbils only have one part of their face that's animate.

As WilyII continued to spin in his chair, he soon began to notice one portion of the room was casting a shadow over him.  By the time his chair slowed to a stop, Shadow Man was standing on his console, holding a seemingly inanimate Berbil in his hands.

"Please forgive me, Wily-dono," he said, sounding apathetic, "I was only able to capture this one Berbil without being seen by the others.  But I think I may have popped a circuit on the way back because it hasn't moved since I snagged it."

Before WilyII could register everything Shadow Man said, the Berbil suddenly speaks.

"Please do not dissect anymore of our kind," she blurts in the typical, monotone bleeps, "Remaining Berbils swear allegiance to Dr. Wily II if Insane Medic Robot stops dissecting remaining Berbils."

"Oh...?" WilyII chirps as he snatches the purple Berbil from Shadow Man and presses her...snout against his face, "And why should I trust your word!?  Since Shadow Man brought only you back, I can easily assume you were the troublemaker causing all this racket!  Give me one VERY good reason why I shouldn't have you lumped in with the rest of the Berbils and stripped for parts!"

"Berbils had no choice.  Berbils defenseless and scared; Berbils use any means necessary to survive in unfamiliar world.  Berbils very good mechanics, will build and fix anything that is put in front of us.  But Berbils will become useless of Insane Medic Robot continues to dissect every last one of us."

WilyII cocks his lips to one side while the Berbil continues to beg and plea the only way she could muster, "Please, do not let remaining Berbils' talents go to waste.  Keep Berbils alive; let Berbils work for you as long as Berbils come to no harm.  Please."

WilyII's mind seems to be a mixture of emotions; he wants to make the Berbils suffer for giving him a hard time, but considering their defenseless nature and the traumatic situation they had gone through watching their friends and family get dissected one at a time, he could use that to his advantage to not only get more vengeance out of the fiasco, but amass a new set of slaves to follow his every command for the mere prize of staying alive and happy.  This contemplation was made even more one-sided when the purple Berbil pulls the one attack that would melt even the most cold-hearted villain.

A cute teddy bear pose; second only to the sad puppy eyes if only because it required actually having eyes that did more than sparkle to show life.

Hajime returns to the Junkyard and gathers the Robot Masters he needed to collect and repair the Wily Star II.  The familiar trio from his First Set, Broom Man, Mop Man and Bin Man, along with the assistance of Lantern Man and Beast Man.  He then summons the rest of his second set of Robot Masters, two of which were already introduced, though Hajime decides it was probably best not to bring CementMan along for obvious reasons.

DTN#009: Melt Man

A melted mess of metal mashed together to somehow form a flexible, metamorphic robot.  Concealed in his oozing hands is a welder and a gun containing a seemingly endless supply of super glue.  Special Attack: Sticky Melt.  Fires a basketball-size glob of glue at his opponents that slowly burns them as they struggles to get it off.

DTN#010: Minotaur Man

Resembles Centaur Man, but with only the rear hooves and a bull-shaped face.  He was originally created to be a mascot bodyguard for RPM's history museum, but due to his constant urge to bash things with his head and mace, he was rejected and left to be the back up demolition bot in areas Wrecking Woman couldn't get to. Special Attack: Charging Bash.  Closes in on his targets and thrusts his mace outwards; if the target jumps, he follows with a leaping headbutt in which he turns his head to the side so his horns can cause extra damage when penetrated.

DTN#014: Concession Man

A crane-game like concession stand full of boxed foods, energy products, and canned, or bottled drinks; his are attached to the side walls and are long enough to reach the controllers.  He has four eyes, two above the controller and two sticking out the ceiling, both take turns moving and positioning the crane to pick out whatever the customer's demand (if they don't do it themselves).  Hajime built him out of complaints from both his first set and other workers he caters them to of not having a water-type to keep them refreshed on hot, blistering days. Special Attack: Fast Food.  Inspired by the Atari 2600 game, when forced to attack, he opens the glass and uses his long arms to grab and throw whatever non-energy-type stuff he can get his hands on.

DTN#015: Botanic Woman

A mechanical sunflower (most likely once a motion-sensitive dancing flower reminiscent of the sunflowers from Super Mario Sunshine) surrounded by a thick rosebush he purposely trimmed to resemble D-size breasts.  Hajime doesn't know what went wrong when he built Botanic Woman; whether it was the fact he made him out of a broken dancing flower pot, or because of some bumbling on the part of Bin Man (With perhaps a little bit of insistent screwing-up by one-trick pony technicians, Atsushi and Ittetsu), but the end result is a gardening robot with a stereotypical transvestite personality that's probably even worse than Birdo's.  Special Attack: Glomp.  An effective (if not annoying to those who win his affection) tackle hug to where his targets get pushed into his rose-bush body and riddled with their thorny vines.

DTN#016: Tarot Cat

What could be the most confusing Robot Master Hajime ever conceived.  It is a genderless, floating white cat, draped in a large purple robe, with a stack of tarot cards on its back and a big snot hanging off its non-existent nose.  Tarot was supposed to be a female, humanoid entity of light able to change into whatever form and ability is presented on the data cards he designed after tarots, but Ittetsu and Tango's fight over who cheated in Magical Drop Touch bulldozed its way into Hajime's workshop, creating a fiasco that caused the entity to take the shape of a fused version of The Fool.  Unable to fix the problem due to a lack of funds and parts, Hajime was forced to make do with what he got.  Special Attack: Tarotmorphose.  The cards on its back unhinge and spin around it; whichever card it eats becomes a Magical Drop version of that character, obtaining their personality and abilities.

"Let me guess, you got swindled into another one of Wily's requests?" blurts a voice Hajime wasn't too happy to hear.  He doesn't bother to turn around as Ryuta saunters up behind him with his arms crossed and a not to pleased look on his face.

"I don't like doing this anymore than you do, but it's the only way we're going to avoid getting slack from both sides over more than just money," he grumbles.

"I know," Ryuta sighs, "Just remember not to try and get us too involved.  In situations like this, I'd rather wait until the final stretch before getting involved on either side."

Hajime eyes Ryuta, "You're still going to keep an eye on the Berbils and make sure they're safe from this conflict, right?"

"Do I have much of a choice?" Ryuta snorts, "Even if I didn't have a soft spot for something that cute, I'd still be outnumbered by the rest of the group." he adds by looking towards one area of the Junkyard where Atsushi and Ittetsu were in the midst of training most of the Berbil, some of whom had painted themselves black and red to match their uniforms.

Hajime looks towards the cutesy show before sighing and turning his attention towards the Robot Masters he summoned, "Alright, you guys, here's what's going to happen.  We're being tasked by WilyII to repair the Star the Resistance just destroyed."

Hearing this, the Robot Masters began looking towards each other while complaining about their duties to the city.  Hajime sighs again while rubbing his close-cut head.

"I know you don't like doing something that tarnishes your reputation, but in this situation we don't have much of a choice.  It's either get dirty, or choose a side; and for the sake of this situation, I'd rather keep this business as balanced as possible."

He then points towards the truck, "So get seated.  The sooner we get that Star up and running (or unavoidably alert the Resistance to its repairs), the sooner we can get back here, no worse for wears and with little to no free favors yanking us to either sides."

The Robot Masters let out a reluctant sigh as they all filed into two of the seven carts that were lined up behind the Dragon Truck.  Hajime compresses his lips again in frustration before getting into the drivers seat and heading off towards WDS to get the fuel cells needed to reach the Wily Star II.


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Reply #581 on: December 22, 2012, 05:43:21 AM
Medic Man is surprised to see not one, but TWO Berbils behind Junk Man. What's even more surprising is that the two Berbils are the ones responsible for fixing up Junk Man. The two are so engrossed with their tinkling, that they did not notice Medic Man staring at them. Medic Man slowly stepped away, and thought to himself.

Medic - (Hmmm~ These Berbils seem to have a knack for mechanics~ I guess I'll spare them this time~)

Medic Man then walked back towards Soccer Man, and waved off his questions of possible intruders. Soccer Man wasn't satisfied with Medic Man's sudden dis-interest, but since even Medic Man seemed OK with it, Soccer Man shrugged a bit, and returned to watching his soccer match... When the match was interrupted by Dr. Wily II.

DWII - Medic Man.

Medic - Yes Doctor~

DWII - I want you to stop with the dissection.

Medic - Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat~?

DWII - There have been some... Developments. Developments that's highly favourable in our favour. For now, I want you to release the remaining Berbils, and sent them to me. I would like to have a... Discussion with them.

Medic - If you wish~

When the signal ended, Medic Man sighed. He so wanted to dissect a few more Berbils... But it can't be helped now. He went to the cages that held the remaining Berbils captive, and entered the combination which opened all the cages at once. The Berbils inside were surprised at this sudden turn of events, and are visibly confused, flashing their lights wildly.

Medic - You can come out now~ The Doctor would like a word with you all~

The Berbils cautiously stepped out, still wary of Medic Man. Medic Man slowly motioned to the Berbils to follow him, and they reluctantly followed him out, towards the main control room. As for Soccer Man, when the match resumed after the short interruption, he stayed behind to watch the match instead.

As for the 2 Berbils fixing Junk Man, they have overheard the words of Dr. Wily II, and pondered on their next move.

boforte somehow managed to survive the torture, but now he's been physically poked by the weird furry thing. He continued with his possum ruse, and remained oblivious.

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Reply #582 on: December 22, 2012, 05:58:37 AM
The two remaining Berbils looked to each other and flashed their lips without sound before continuing work on Junk Man.  It seems one of the Berbils has gotten through to WilyII curious, yet cold-hearted persona and convinced him to find a better means of using their remaining captives to his advantage that doesn't involve ripping them open.  The hard part now as how they were going to use this to their own advantage to escape his evil dominion and return to the side they favored most.

The rest of the Berbils were brought before WilyII.  They were obviously nervous and scared of what he was going to do to them, but upon seeing the purple Berbil standing beside him, albeit with Shadow Man standing behind her so she doesn't try anything, they eventually calmed down, trusting that she has some idea of what's going to happen and how they were going to survive in this scary environment.


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Reply #583 on: December 22, 2012, 10:25:39 AM
It wasn't long that Medic Man had brought all the captive Berbils before Dr. Wily II in the main control room. Initially, it can be seen that the Berbils were nervous, but they have mostly calmed down.

DWII - Thank you Medic Man. Sound Woman is in need of some medical attention, please attend to her in the Medical Labs.

Medic - Yes Doctor~

Medic Man left the control room, leaving Dr. Wily II with the Berbils. Dr. Wily II stood up from his evil spinning chair, and began to walk around the Berbils, observing them.

DWII - You know... All you Berbils have caused me a lot of trouble... With your breakout and all... Plus all those damage costs... I wonder how all that can be repaid...

Dr. Wily II stopped in front of the group of Berbils, and stared hard at each and every one of them.

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Reply #584 on: December 22, 2012, 10:54:29 AM
The reaction is what one might expect from a clan of defenseless robot bears, some were knocking their knees, some were shaking their heads while holding their hands to their faces, and others were clinging to each other in a vain attempt to comfort themselves; a few even tried acting cute in almost the same manner as the purple Berbil.

It was clear WilyII may have been stuck with the most cowardly of the village (as if their immediate lack of fight during the mostly successful escape wasn't evident enough).

"The Berbils who caused the ruckus are the braver of the village, they help the One Who Holds the Sword of Omens simply because they owe him and the Resistance for rescuing them," the only neutral Berbil in the group points out, "These Berbils before you are not as brave.  Berbils cower simply because they are afraid of getting hurt and broken with no one skilled enough to repair them.  If you treat them as fairly as you do your most trusted robots, we will humbly serve your army the best way we can."

The frightened Berbils snapped their heads over to her, and with a reassuring nod, they quickly turned their attention back to WilyII and nodded just as quickly before folding their hands together and giving him the same pleading, damn-near adorable look as the purple Berbil did before.


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Reply #585 on: December 22, 2012, 02:43:38 PM
Despite hearing the mockery by the Berbil of themselves, Dr. Wily II just wanted to facepalm. Facepalm hard. However the way the Berbils are displaying themselves... OH GOD THE CUTENESS. Some RPMians know of Dr. Wily II's weakness to anything cute, but this... This is like cute overload. He just can't stop staring at the cuteness with beady-eyes.

DWII - ... OK, OK!! You all will now work for me. Serve me well, and you'll be treated fairly!!

Shadow - Wily-dono. What of this purple one?

DWII - ... This one will stay here for now. Shadow Man, show our new allies their new residences!!

Shadow - Yes, Wily-dono.

Shadow Man chanted some words in ninja fashion, and the shadow under the Berbils started to grow... And swallowed them all. Shadow Man similarly disappeared into his own shadow, leaving Dr. Wily II and the purple Berbil alone. Dr. Wily II then turned his attention to the purple Berbil.

DWII - Shadow Man is a bit of a dramatic, but your Berbils friends are unharmed. Now... What to do with you...

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Reply #586 on: December 22, 2012, 09:29:45 PM
Bored with poking boforte, Pyro tossed the carbon rod aside and scampered off to another section of the Sex Station. He came across what looked to be a hangar loaded with ships and grinned at what he saw.

"Awesome! More toys to play with!"  8D

He jumped into the open cockpit of one of them and excitedly pressed as many buttons as he could without any regard to what their function was. One of them closed the canopy and then he pressed another that fired up the engines. He pulled back on a nearby lever that increased the thrust until the ship shot through the hangar and punched through the doors into outer space. The g-forces threw the fox boy back into his seat and he shouted out in excitement.

"Whaaaaa-HOOOOOOO!"  XD

Coincidentally, he was headed in the direction of Dr. Wily II's fortress.

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Reply #587 on: December 23, 2012, 12:45:38 AM
"If Dr. Wily II want to keep captured Berbils' trust, Dr. Wily II best spare Berbil Jane as their moral support," suggests the now lone Berbil with just a pinch of pleading, "Berbil Jane has seen outside of World Domination Station; Berbil Jane knows who can and cannot be trusted.  If Berbil Jane is disposed of, captured Berbils will flee to whoever treats them more fairly."

WilyII just glares at her; glares at her hard.  He knew if he spared HER, the only Berbil bold enough to mess with his controls and cause a building wide blackout, she wouldn't hesitate to release the Berbils to the Resistance if they attempt to break into his domain.

Unfortunately, despite all his suspicions and awareness, he can't help but admit that she also has a point; after being subjected to the horrors of confinement and watching their friends and family get dissected one at a time, all the while fearing their turn arriving with no less than a point of Medic Man's finger, they have become too traumatized to even comprehend the trusting sight of the Resistance and the whip-cracking, iron-fisted tyranny of his own Domination Station.  Getting rid of this Berbil, who they've immediately identified and practically clung to as the only one who knows what's best for their survival in this unfamiliar world, would have driven them to the point of running to any intruder that made nice to them, losing him the only chance he has of researching their abilities without hogtying and ripping apart the few remaining Berbils that didn't have the...processor to flee with the others.


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Reply #588 on: December 23, 2012, 08:59:53 AM
DWII - Jane, can I just call you Jane? Anyways, given that you have managed to get the rest to follow me, I'll spare you. However, if I find you fiddling around my console again, I'll take my chances with dissecting you. For the moment, I'd like to question you on a few things... Perhaps on your village? Your previously relationship with the Resistance? Hajime's stand in all this? So many questions... So little time.

Dr. Wily II picked up the purple Berbil, sat back in his evil spinning chair, and began to spin again.

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Reply #589 on: December 23, 2012, 09:36:43 AM
It was hard to tell if Jane was enjoying the spin due to obvious absences, but her lack of resistance only states that she may be enjoying the ride.

"Berbil Jane prefers not to involve RoBear Village if possible.  Berbils originally lived peacefully in the Forest of Third World before civil war started.  During conflict, your army invaded village ransacked it.  Berbils outside too scared and confused to protest and were kidnapped to be dissected only for Resistance to show up thanks to tip from someone who requests to remain anonymous.  Dragon Rider saw most of us flee into Junkyard and offered to deliver debris from Resistance.  Berbils still learning about Dragon Rider, but Dragon Rider admits his business is too shady and all-around to be trusted and prefers Berbils remain on Resistance side, or rely on less shady associates for protection and information on the plains beyond Junkyard and Old RoBear Village."


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Reply #590 on: December 23, 2012, 10:18:25 AM
DWII - Old RoBear Village? So that is more to your kind than that Village my Robot Masters ransacked... And that Hajime... I guess him putting his business before everything else has always been his MO... (Good. Else I'll have another person to deal with. Although that anonymous tip is a bit worrying... Bah, I have more pressing issues than to chase an anonymity.) So... Your Village sides with the Resistance... That is... A pity. However, since you and your friends are working for me now, I guess I'll spare your village for the moment as well.

Dr. Wily II continued to spin in his evil spinning chair, makes you wonder if this can solve a future energy crisis. He abruptly stopped, almost flinging the purple Berbil off his lap. Dr. Wily II picked up the Berbil, and placed her back on the floor.

DWII - Thank you for your generous information. You're free to wander my WDS, except for 2 areas due to... Obvious reasons. This control room, and the underground cavern. Then again, death-traps line the route to the underground cavern, and that route is the only way there, so... If you value your life, I believe you know what's best. If you like to do some tinkling, you can use the scrap yard. There's plenty of debris there for you to use. If you have any questions, you can always contact Medic Man. He'll be glad to assist you.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #591 on: December 23, 2012, 07:18:00 PM
(Derp. Been kinda busy at work so that's my reason for absence.  -u-' )

Afro began wandering around the WDS now that his current duty of repairing the damaged wall was finished. "Sigh....well now what?" he asked himself as he walked towards the command center, only to have Dan bump into him from behind.

"Afro!" Dan called out. "I've been looking all over for you. I don;t know why I was woken up but my sensors indicate something is currently a miss in here."

Afro quirked an eyebrow at Dan,"And you want us to try and warn the Doc about it and help somehow?"


Afro shrugged and smirked,"WHy not?" he said and pocketed Dan before running back to the command center.

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

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Reply #592 on: December 23, 2012, 10:35:19 PM
Berbil Jane nods as she turns to leave only to nearly bump into Afro rushing into the room in what she could assume to be nonchalant panic (If such an emotion was possible).

Before Afro could even register her existence, she snaps into her wheel formation and zips out of the room, narrowly missing him by a few inches.


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Reply #593 on: December 24, 2012, 08:10:33 AM
PBPB and Fxeni put their discussion of Fxeni's absence on hold as they began to infiltrate the Fxenodrome. After entering the maintenance hatch underneath the Fxenodrome, they sneak aboard and thus far have noticed no one manning the mighty vehicle. Fxeni and PBPB walk around, still taking care to avoid detection.

"What's going on here? Obviously someone moved my fortress from its original location, yet no one is here!" Fxeni whispered to PBPB.

PBPB whispered back "Something's terribly wrong here. Maybe if we can get to a computer terminal, you can scan the interior and see if anyone's on board!"

"Good idea. There should be a terminal a couple floors above us, in the kitchen!" Fxeni whispered.

"I could go for a snack as well. Alright, lets go!" PBPB whispered again as the two of them began climbing up to the kitchen. They would've taken the elevator if not for the risk of detection. Once in the kitchen, Fxeni accessed a computer terminal while PBPB raided the fridge for some carrot and string cheese.

"Code's been changed. This should be impossible. It would take a programming genius to hack the codes to this thing!" Fxeni exclaimed while typing on the keyboard. "Luckily I can change them back!"

"Mmmm, Okahy. This is delicious!" PBPB said while talking with her mouth full.

"Annnnd done. Whoa, take a look at this!" Fxeni pointing at the computer for PBPB. "All the power of the Fxenodrome is being diverted to one specific area. Right here in the prison area. Whoever's got control of this station seems to be using it as one very powerful jail cell."

"Who would have the ability to hack into your systems in the first place?" PBPB asked Fxeni

"Well RPM is not shy of technical & computer geniuses. However, with the war going on, I think we both know who's behind this." Fxeni said.

"Ol' Bathair. But why would he be using this place for a prison? Who is so powerful that he needs the station's energy to keep imprison...oh [tornado fang]!" PBPB stated and she and Fxeni both looked at one another.

"Of course. This must be where he's keeping PB!" Fxeni said.

"We've got to get down there NOWAHHHHGHGH!" PBPB was knocked back by a blast of powerful water!

"You're not going anywhere. Soon, you will join PB in his cage! E.A.R.T.H. assemble! TIGER MAN!" TigerMan yelled out with ferocity!

WeedMan - *laid back and relaxed!" WEED MAN, MAN!"

ArcherMan - *cocky and proud* "ARCHER MAN!"

CascadeMan - *he's a wise-ass* "CASCADE MAN!"

Fxeni runs over to check on PBPB. "You okay?"

"[chameleon sting]er! I JUST WASHED THIS! THAT LAKE [tornado fang]er IS MINE!" PBPB yelled out before magically changing into her magician's outfit!

Meanwhile, on the prison level of the Fxenodrome...

MonitorMan - "Come in, Dr. Wily II. This is Monitor Man!"

Dr. Wily II - *appears on screen* "What is it, Monitor Man? I'm a little busy spinning here. Is PB's rage conversion done yet?"

MonitorMan - "Negative, your Wicellency. He is at 90%. However, it appears that two resistance members have infiltrated the Fxenodrome. It looks like PB's female bunny clone and the original owner of this fortress."

Dr. Wily II - "FXENI? SHITMAN ON A STICK. He could easily gain control of the fortress again. He could ruin my plans for PB. We have no choice, Monitor Man. Release the power dampening field and teleport PB into the city."

MonitorMan - "Need I remind you that he's still only at 90% Frenzy state."

Dr. Wily II - "HAHAHAHAHAHA, that should still be enough for him to cause untold of amounts of damage. NOW DO AS I SAY!"

MonitorMan - "By your command, Master Wily!"

MonitorMan released the power dampening field and immediately teleported the enraged Protoman Blues out of the Fxenodrome and into the heart of St. Acidburg. Once he did, power suddenly returned to the station. Back in the kitchen...

Fxeni - *fighting against Tiger Man* "What the hell? PBPB look. Power has been restored!"

PBPB - *kicking Cascade Man's ass* "But that means.....oh seven levels of hell, no!"

In the heart of St. Acidburg, a lone figure in chains teleported into the city. People looked at this man to see who he was. He was breathing heavily. As someone approached him, Protoman Blues suddenly glanced at him with glowing, rage filled red eyes. He yelled out in pure anger, immediately transforming him into a Super Saiyan. The power of his transformation knocked the surrounding people back against the buildings, killing them all. Elsewhere in the city, Sakura felt the suddenly burst of ego and rage from PB's power.

Sakura - *with a tear in her eye* "....PB. What's going on?"

Meanwhile at Vixy's Game Corner, Vixy felt the power of PB as well. "Oh no..." Vixy said while clutching her talisman.

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Reply #594 on: December 24, 2012, 08:13:50 AM
(Oh dear what should I do now, I feel kinda bad that I was taking too long. '>.>)

(EDIT: On second thought I can continue the flash back later, I can do this part very fast.  Just give me a minute.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #595 on: December 24, 2012, 09:15:49 AM
Hajime eventually arrives at the hanger area of the WDS, finding the welding work the Berbils had done earlier patched up by most likely Afro-Shroom.

He can tell the doctor was busy with something else; his focus on some all but out of control explosion of anger being let loose into another city.  As much as he wants to let the doctor do his work, he wants to get the Wily Star II back up and running so he doesn't provoke anymore unnecessary backlash from the easily misunderstood.

Tarot Cat suddenly drops onto his head, looking as blanked out as ever.

"Nyo!  Nyo-nyo!" it piped.  A wire slithers out of Hajime's arsenal pack and hauls it off.

"No, Tarot, you can't press any of the shiny buttons," he grumbles, "The last thing we need is to give him more reasons to keep me latched onto his side."

Tarot Cat cocks its head to the side while furrowing his eyebrows, "Nyoooooooooo....~"

One of the cards jumped out of the deck on Tarot's back, its picture a Magical Drop version of the Devil.  The picture was animate, pressing its side against Tarot's cheek while he leaned his elbow against the edge of the frame, then flops his cheek onto his balled fist.

"Hey!  Don't look so down!  You'll have plenty of chances to have as much fun as you like!" he smirks.

Another card flew out of the deck and stops behind the Devil card, a holographic image of Justice popping halfway out of the card and bashing the one in front with her sheathed sword, causing it to bend forward while the Devil grabs his comically-bandaged head in pain.

"Don't you dare encourage the Fool!" she screamed, "We have a duty to keep up; we don't need you looking for more excuses to cause trouble!"

Hajime sighs in frustration as the two cards began bickering over who gets to do what while his wire releases Tarot Cat and reaches over to press one of the buttons, causing a doorbell sound to ring in WilyII's control room.


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Reply #596 on: December 24, 2012, 10:17:25 AM
Dr. Wily II is watching the main screen, enjoying the utter destruction and carnage caused by the Frenized Protoman Blues. He's so engrossed in watching, that he didn't notice the slight commotion just outside the control room.


Dr. Wily II spun in his evil spinning chair, laughly manically all the way. Even though Protoman Blues is only at 90% Frenzy, the amount of destruction he's causing is still a lot more than Dr. Wily II had imagined. Dr. Wily II would have continued spinning, and might even lift-off the ground, if not for a familiar doorbell ringing. Dr. Wily II quickly braked himself, switched off the image of Frenzied Protoman Blues, and loaded the video feed from the hanger.

DWII - Ah, Hajime. *turns on the speakers* Hello there Hajime!!


I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #597 on: December 24, 2012, 10:23:33 AM
Upon hearing WilyII through the speakers in the hanger, Hajime uses two of the wires to grab the bickering tarot cards and shove them back into the deck behind Tarot Cat's back.

"I'd say ready when you are, but considering how antsy my Robot Masters are about being seen on the bad side of business, I think it'd be best to get the fueling over and done with so we can fix your Star without being spotted by the remaining Resistance members that might be on patrol."


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Reply #598 on: December 24, 2012, 10:29:59 AM
DWII - My, my, same old Hajime. What's the rush? It's not like I will not give you the fuel cells... Have a break, have a Kitty-Kat!! As for the Resistance, I do believe they have much more pressing matters to attend to... Not that I know of anything of course~!

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #599 on: December 24, 2012, 10:59:01 AM
WilyII could tell by Hajime's nonchalant face that he wasn't buying a word he said, but at the same time didn't want to care too much to make a big fuss out of.

The same, however, could not be said for Justice, who leaps out of the deck and presses picture end of the card against the monitor.

"How dare you!  Hajime has no time to mingle with the likes of you, especially when there are serious matters going on that he should never be apart of-!"

She's quickly interrupted by Tarot Cat grabbing her and pulling her back while "ni"ing at her to calm down, while the Devil pecks out from the deck and snickers at her current misfortune.  Beast Man looks over to Hajime.

"Tell me again why you decided to let Justice come along?" he grumbles, "You know how lawfully good she is; she probably won't even help defend us if the Resistance try to attack while we're in the middle of repairs."

"Tarot Cat claimed it tried to reason with her, but she still insisted on being added to the deck," Hajime sighs while lifting his glasses up to rub his temples.