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Messages - KudosForce

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 36
You mean it isnt already?

Granted this game wasnt in development hell, but it pretty much fills the role anyway

On my end, I consider MegaPhilX's Mega Man Unlimited to be filling up that position (it was originally gonna get released in March, then wisely switched to not having a deadline anymore), but that's neither here, nor there. -u-'

Still, it'd be sad if the dream of a MML trilogy conclusion doesn't come true...X(

On a side note, we can't play games if the world ends, you sillies. 8D Let's not compare game release likelihood to that concept. I prefer the idea of Heck freezing over more than once. [eyebrow]

Fan Creations / Re: Blackhook's royal gallery
« on: September 25, 2010, 01:07:50 PM »
Boss subtitles, huh? Nice touch. :D

That said, I find it nice that you've settled with "DHN" as the serial number. It fits the RM roster better.

Also, Light's eyes do look better, now.

Gaming / Re: ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE (The MvC3 topic)
« on: September 24, 2010, 07:59:56 PM »
As long as it doesn't affect the box art. Lord knows how many times that practice was done, for games that are clearly T-rated. *thinks about Super Robot Taisen OG: Endless Frontier's US box art* ::)

Fan Creations / Re: Blackhook's royal gallery
« on: September 24, 2010, 12:26:27 AM »
Maybe it's best if we don't find out. :o

But yeah, I find the use of Boyacky's face, as the torso, amusing. >U< The drawing seems to exude a Cho Aniki vibe, if you ask me.

Gaming / Re: Ninja Theory: Old Dante “isn’t cool anymore”
« on: September 23, 2010, 08:04:26 PM »
Methinks that Inafking is doing this because of the zeitgeist. After all, Americans love things like God Of War-ish action games, Gears Of Wars/Halo-esque first-person shooters and MMOs these days, amirite? 8D

Of course, this isn't the first time that Capcom tries to appeal to Americans (*cough*Megaman1boxart*cough*). -_-

Ahh, good old Rambi. Nice to see that there may be animal buddies involved. 8)

Though, I do hope there's more of them than DK64 had.

Gaming / Re: The "Treasure" Thread
« on: September 23, 2010, 01:53:32 AM »
What saddens me, is the fact that no one has done any memes with any of the dialogue in the first Bangai-O.

I mean, seriously! Even Koa-Zo/Core Boy's line about "being actually a fox" hasn't been exploited.

Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
« on: September 22, 2010, 12:22:38 AM »
There we go, now I can see them.

Thank you very much! owob

Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
« on: September 21, 2010, 06:44:50 PM »
I just now found the official dicussion thread for the gameboy mm5 NES remake
ロックマンワールド5をFC風にリメイク Part1 = rockman world 5 is reamde in FC style

they give the password to on the uploader page which is "rw5" which has all the bosses's in color

Would it be possible for you to put up the link of the page in question, without having us accidently stumble upon smut? '>.>

Fan Creations / Re: The Gonzo has art.
« on: September 21, 2010, 06:39:10 PM »
To be honest, showing them off would be completely redundant. >U<

Fan Creations / Re: Nebula ★ Black's Cola Machine
« on: September 20, 2010, 12:05:54 AM »
I've got to admit, that mock title screen and illustration are pretty sweet. Those Heisei era Kamen Rider sprites are neat, too.

I would just die if you did one of Kamen Rider Black, however (I'm a sucker for Showa era riders 8)).

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: September 19, 2010, 09:51:48 PM »
Not sure what master Hayao Miyazaki would make of it, though. Last I checked, he was rather horrified at a shmup based on Nausicaa (granted, it was a bad game).

Gaming / Re: ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE (The MvC3 topic)
« on: September 18, 2010, 01:39:05 PM »
Wily summoning his RMs, would be more like Doronjo than Pokemon Trainer, if you ask me. ;)

Bass getting in would be HEAVEN for me, even though that doesn't have a chance of happening.

But still, I do hope that Classic Mega Man gets in, if only to see Hyper Mega Man in 3-D!

Oh, and by the way, Spider-Man and Wesker were recently confirmed.

Fan Creations / Re: Starsim's / Yoku Man's Art and Sprites Thread.
« on: September 18, 2010, 12:22:23 PM »

Kevlar Man, Gryphon Man and Mage Woman, too! 8)

Fan Creations / Re: Starsim's / Yoku Man's Art and Sprites Thread.
« on: September 18, 2010, 02:57:29 AM »
Seeing Hammer Man do his thing on Nail Man did my day, yessiree. XD

That said, it's a nice tribute. Of course, much of the sprites shown there may not necessarily make it into the final versions, of the respective projects (especially Mega Man: Hollow Fate. These days, I can't tell what the final RM roster in that one is supposed to be o-O).

Fan Creations / Re: Rebirth of the Rockman-Themed Stolen *Bleep* Thread!!
« on: September 16, 2010, 08:00:35 PM »
Ahh, it took him long enough, yes. Worth the wait, though.

Frost man and Tengu Man in MMPU form is glorious!

Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
« on: September 16, 2010, 02:49:10 PM »
I, for one, am glad that they've actually made castle designs for King and Dr. Wily (even though the transfer to Wily's doesn't make any sense).

On top of everything else, they've also made some NES map conversions of Time Man and Oil Man's levels!

Original / Re: Idea for Mega Man 10 (well, 11 now).
« on: September 15, 2010, 12:47:13 PM »
Not according to their website profiles, they don't.

I mean, honestly. Did you actually think that Wily would, for example, intentionally build a museum tour guide just so he could infect it and regain control of it? It doesn't make a lick of sense, if you ask me (unless he secretly set him up there along with the rest of the MM10 RMs, in the first place, and even then, that's a stretch).

See, whenever Wily captures/"borrows"/infects and reprograms robots, he labels them as "DWN" (Dr. Wily Number), regardless of who created them (Dr. Cossack, the international MM6 RMs' owners, whoever built the MM10 RMs). Light's robots, King's followers and the Stardroids seem to be exempt of this, for some reason.

Just look at Udon's Mega Man Complete Works art book, sometime.

Original / Re: Idea for Mega Man 10 (well, 11 now).
« on: September 14, 2010, 12:43:51 PM »
Only eight of them?

I figure that MM just went after the ones, most likely to have stolen Wily's Roboenza medicine-making machine.

Taking on those, along with every RM that came before would make the game FAR TOO LONG, if you ask me. >U<

Fan Creations / Re: BarylTDF's gallery of everything.
« on: September 14, 2010, 02:11:14 AM »
Ugh...Well, that's a darn shame. X(

Regardless, best of luck to you... :chant:

Fan Creations / Re: BarylTDF's gallery of everything.
« on: September 13, 2010, 11:22:17 PM »
I say that I actually find these RMs to be pretty cool. 8) The acquired weapon functions are neat, as well (although, revealing the weaknesses right off the bat might not be such a smart move  >U<).

I hope to see some enemies and a Wily Castle from you at the least! owob

Original / Re: Idea for Mega Man 10 (well, 11 now).
« on: September 12, 2010, 09:53:42 PM »
I think he means that he WANTS the series to end, with X and Zero being unveiled...

Original / Re: Idea for Mega Man 10 (well, 11 now).
« on: September 12, 2010, 09:03:19 PM »
@UrielManX7: Nothing and nobody is perfect, you know that.

Just don't expect the Capcom devs to bend to your will. ::)

Original / Re: Idea for Mega Man 10 (well, 11 now).
« on: September 12, 2010, 08:58:32 PM »
The way I see it, it can only end in one of two ways:

A) Wily ends up in prison (fat chance of that happening)

B) No ending.

Original / Re: Idea for Mega Man 10 (well, 11 now).
« on: September 12, 2010, 08:46:10 PM »
Yeah, and besides, Capcom was never really known for "neat and tidy" story-telling.

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