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Messages - Saber

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Entertainment / Re: DC Animated Universe Thread
« on: October 12, 2011, 10:03:24 PM »
The next Batman animated series, debuting in 2013, is titled Beware the Batman. According to Register, the CGI animated series will spotlight a classic-looking Batman teaming up with a gun-toting Alfred Pennyworth and a female ninja sidekick. Beware the Batman is executive-produced by Glen Murakami, and will explore the mythology’s more obscure villains, such as Professor Pyg, but also won't shy away from featuring some of the more well-known Batman foes. In the series, Batman will team up with a younger female sidekick named Katana. During the keynote, Register added that Katana will fill the sidekick role, but won't be a replacement for Robin.

To use a quote from an ACTUAL Batman:

"This is the single DUMBEST plan I've ever heard."

I'll stick with "Batman: Year One" and "The Dark Knight Rises", thank you very much. You can keep that thing for yourself.

Anime & Manga / Re: Fate/zero by ufotable
« on: October 02, 2011, 02:15:48 PM »
I really don't get why there's so many people who're either laughing at or complaining about the whole scene with Tokiomi and Risei circling around Kotomine. I thought it was quite nicely choreographed, I liked the whole thing.

Anime & Manga / Re: Fate/zero by ufotable
« on: October 02, 2011, 01:53:53 PM »
The competition must be horrible, if this "song" is the best.

In any case, I heard the first episode is yawn inducing. Should I wait until the series finishes, or should I go right now and start to watch it?

First episode is primarily exposition and character introduction. It'll get better once the Grail War actually starts, which hasn't by the end of episode 1 since there's still one Master slot open. [parasitic bomb]'s gonna get real by episode 3 at latest I'd say.

Anime & Manga / Re: Fate/zero by ufotable
« on: October 02, 2011, 01:04:52 PM »


Screw what anybody else says, Saber goddamn owns everyone and looks magnificent in a suit.

"oath sign" confirmed for best opening of the year.

Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: September 22, 2011, 08:56:19 PM »
I've recently started clawing my way through One Piece, and managed to get as far as finishing the Arlong Park arc, but not quite done with the East Blue saga yet.

DASH / Re: It's dead, Jim.
« on: September 21, 2011, 01:52:25 PM »
Back to topic, Protodude's Rockman Corner posted some more recent comments from Inafune about Legends 3.

It's mostly confirming what we could have guessed: That Inafune was literally fighting against Capcom to get the game started, that he knows the development staff was passionate, that he was hoping they could keep fighting without him, but that he's not sure that anyone has the nerve to stand up and be the point-man."

Basically the "father of MegaMan (guy who made the pre-existing NES sprites into character art)" is saying that the franchise needs a new figurehead.  Here's hoping.

This would sort of beg the question if this whole thing was just a problem of it being Rockman DASH or if it was Rockman period. Inafune said some time ago that the only games getting greenlit at Capcom were sequels and he had to fight for Dead Rising to get released (or rather, he cheated them to get it out). So the question is, is Capcom not interested in producing anything Rockman related anymore period? There's new merchandise coming out which will bring in some new money from nostalgic fans etc, yet they don't want to get a new game on the way to solidify all that?

And his talk about the franchise needing a new figurehead, can there even be such a person? Would Capcom even allow that? We've been hearing the wildest tales like Capcom employees being only allowed to work on Rockman titles in their spare time, so can there even be a future for the franchise without a well-known, influencial senior like Inafune who always was the most vocal about Rockman inside the company? From all of this, I'm getting the feeling that Rockman went from Capcom's beloved mascot to being the red-haired stepchild of the company that no one wants anything to do with anymore.

Inafune has always been the vanguard for bringing out new Rockman titles, but lately it's all come crashing down, with and without him. Even before Inafune left, the franchise was in a dire situation. We haven't had a new ZX title in four years despite that cliffhanger ending, Shooting Star fell flat on its nose and despite the success of Rockman 9 and 10 on the DLC market, we haven't heard from anything new since. It sort of reminds me of Sonic's situation over at SEGA, except that SEGA has been producing some shitty to subpar titles these last few years, whereas Rockman is seemingly going into complete hibernation now it seems.

Anime & Manga / Re: Fate/zero by ufotable
« on: September 21, 2011, 01:19:49 PM »
Wait, i'm confused. Do they mean two 30 minute episodes, or an actual hour-long episode?

No info on that yet. I would guess it's two episodes in a row however.

Oh, and it's getting a simulcast.

And damn it all, it actually gets a GERMAN simulcast. Never thought I'd see that.

Anime & Manga / Fate/zero by ufotable
« on: December 21, 2010, 03:49:06 PM »
[parasitic bomb] just got real...


Excuse me, I have to change my pants...

Gaming / Re: Batman: Arkham Asylum/Arkham City
« on: December 12, 2010, 11:11:38 AM »
Batman: Arkham City trailer

brb while i wipe the drool of my desk.


And is that... Christopher Lee?

Wow, Hugo Strange...didn't expect him

It was said quite some time ago that he'd be in this game. He's the one in charge of looking after the inmates of Arkham City.

Zero / Re: Megaman Zero: The Fandub Project
« on: December 04, 2010, 05:44:46 PM »
As for the first episode, there's no doubt I'll have to revisit it. Visuals are a mess, and dialogue should have been cleaned up...If I gathered up more support. That said, characterization marches on. And by characterization, I mean deconstruction.

Cleaned up is maybe a little too weak a word to use for this. I mean seriously, Ciel shouting "[parasitic bomb]!" ? That absolutely does not match my view of her as a character and person. Her cursing simply doesn't fit her persona at all. She's the soft-spoken type of girl.

As for Zero, he doesn't really talk a lot normally, in the Zero series at least. He was a lot more chatty up to X4, but since then he's become more of the strong silent type, even more so than he already was. He's the kind of guy who only talks when it's necessary.

Zero / Re: Megaman Zero: The Fandub Project
« on: November 27, 2010, 04:41:11 PM »
Urgh, I only managed to get through half of the first episode. I couldn't bear any more, Zero's just talking too much trash.

Gaming / Re: Gundam Musou 3 (Dynasty Warriors: Gundam)
« on: November 20, 2010, 07:53:25 PM »
Kind of disappointing to see that they didn't even bother to draw new pictures for the old characters.

Also lol for Furuya asking where Ribbons is.

Gaming / Re: Gundam Musou 3 (Dynasty Warriors: Gundam)
« on: November 16, 2010, 05:56:25 PM »
In the non 00-Raiser videos like the one with Ribbons/Amuro's VA playing as Unicorn at the conference, He was getting his ass kicked. The bosses can now also 3-4 shot you as well.

Care to share a link?

Gaming / Re: Gundam Musou 3 (Dynasty Warriors: Gundam)
« on: November 15, 2010, 08:47:56 PM »
Weren't the grunts supposed to be an actual threat this time?

Gaming / Re: ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE (The MvC3 topic)
« on: November 15, 2010, 08:08:54 PM »
Was Lucas not available? Is he going to have to smash Johnny's kneecaps?

Not wanting to invoke desaster here, but that sure is a fight I'd LOVE to see. I mean, I don't know Gilbertson's background, but Bosch to say the least is actually a competent martial artist.

Since I loved Bosch doing Lelouch/Zero in Code Geass, I think he does a fine job as this Zero, but seriously, why did they not get Gilbertson for the job? I mean, that guy loves being Zero. He'd probably even do it for free.

Now it's just a matter of time before they show Mega Man. Who'll be voiced by Yuri Lowenthal.

Interestingly enough, Suzaku's Japanese VA also voices X...

Off The Wall / Re: Latest Buys
« on: October 29, 2010, 06:33:48 AM »


X / Re: German X1 manual?
« on: October 25, 2010, 08:04:59 PM »
But Zero is a GIRL...


Needs more updates, Mr. Walker =P

X / Re: German X1 manual?
« on: October 24, 2010, 06:31:47 PM »
But what does the German MHX say about Zero?

Dieser Reploid dient in der derselben Hunter-Einheit 17 wie X. Er gehört zu den wenigen, die das wahre Potential von X erahnen. Zero führt seine Aufträge schnell und präzise aus und hat als Special A Rank-Hunter nur noch Sigma über sich. Die anderen haben kein Verständnis dafür, dass sich Zero über X, einen B-Rank-Hunter, so viele Gedanken macht. Für X, der mit den anderen Huntern nicht besonders gut klar zu kommen scheint, ist Zero der Einzige, dem er wahren Respekt und Vertrauen entgegenbringt.


This Reploid serves in the same Hunter Unit 17 as X. He's amongst the few who can guess at the true potential of X. Zero performs his assignments quickly and precisely and only has Sigma above himself as Special A rank Hunter. The others have no understanding for Zero thinking so much about X, a B rank Hunter. For X, who doesn't seem to get along too well with the other Hunters, Zero is the only one he truely trusts and respects.

X / Re: German X1 manual?
« on: October 24, 2010, 05:53:04 PM »
Here you go.

But do even have any knowledge of German language to begin with?

And there are no character bios in the German X1 manual. But there are in the IHX manual, of which I don't have a scanned version.

As for the Zero thing, it's on page 5 of the PDF aka page 7 of the manual, in the last paragraph of the Cain Journal:

X nimmt diese neue Entwicklung sehr persönlich. Er möchte sich Zero, der neuen Anführerin der Maverick-Jäger, anschließen.


X takes these developments very personal. He wants to join Zero, the new leader of the Maverick Hunters.

Anführer is the German word for leader. Anführerin is the female form of that word.

Off The Wall / Re: Latest Buys
« on: September 18, 2010, 12:21:40 PM »
I bought a lot of anime this month, several hundred dollars worth as well as some figurines, but I haven't received most of it yet.

What I bought this week however, was a new iPod. iPod Classic, 160 GB to be exact, and a nice leather case for it.

Having money is a curse, aye?

Gaming / Re: Gundam Musou 3 (Dynasty Warriors: Gundam)
« on: September 10, 2010, 11:40:50 PM »
Why did they take away 00's GN Sword III again? >_>

Zero / Re: MMZ reference in Sonic Comics
« on: September 05, 2010, 09:49:35 PM »

To this day I still don't know what part of Elpis' body this is supposed to be.

Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: September 01, 2010, 09:11:21 PM »
Wing's animation I can deal with. Seed however, just took a turn and it probably was the same animation team who animated Code Geass.

It's all Sunrise you know.

News and Announcements / Re: Rockman Online artwork and details.
« on: August 26, 2010, 11:23:53 AM »
Someone forgot that Forte has violet stripes under his eyes >_> No wait, there they are, but extremely faint...

And when I saw Roll in that trailer, I immediately thought of K-ON!. The design looks too similiar.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man X: Corrupted (flash fangame)
« on: August 18, 2010, 01:44:47 PM »
It is just one level!

That one level is just for demonstration purposes.

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