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Messages - TeaOfJay

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Fan Creations / Re: borockman's fun fun art thread!
« on: April 19, 2010, 01:08:26 AM »
Borock, here is your mission, should you choose to accept it. You must make Hero into a Scyther and Thief into a Murkrow.

It will be awesome and epic.

This message will self destruct in thirty seconds.

Fan Creations / Re: TeaOfJay's Wordy Art Topic (Maybe Sprites too)
« on: April 14, 2010, 12:33:42 PM »
Heeeeey. It's been a while since I posted anything.

Well, I don't have an update for the LP yet, but I do have something else. I have this video. It's just a test. I'll be posting a series of these and seeing if I can get some feedback on how to do things better. So anything would be appreciated.

I'll probably update the LP once I get some sleep. It's late where I am.

Off The Wall / Re: Latest Buys
« on: April 12, 2010, 02:57:55 AM »
Left 4 Dead: Game of the Year Edition (PC version)
Fallout Trilogy

Both fine purchases. And they only cost me $35!

Fan Creations / Re: borockman's fun fun art thread!
« on: March 29, 2010, 07:38:05 AM »

But can a hook gropes?  8D

I don't know why, but I can see Hero or some other clueless character ruining their fun. And I laugh.

Fan Creations / Re: TeaOfJay's Wordy Art Topic (Maybe Sprites too)
« on: March 28, 2010, 10:00:15 AM »
Something I did for the school paper. Except it's not formatted for a journalism class.

Visceral Games and EA brings us the hack and slash based on a literature classic Dante’s Inferno. I journeyed to Hell to see if this was worth the sixty dollar price tag or not.

The game is very true to the original epic with its imagery and musical score. The scenery is Hellish and the game often has you use walls made of the damned as your footholds, all the while you hear their moans of anguish as they’re tortured for eternity. The characters converse with one another naturally and none of the in game dialogue sounds forced.

And that’s where my praise for this game ends. 

In the original epic Dante descends into Hell along with the company of fellow poets of the time such as Virgil and Shakespeare. In the game the poet’s party is cut down to just Dante and Virgil. It should also be noted that Dante is no longer a poet but a soldier of the crusades.

During the job change Dante seems to have lost everything that made him likable which makes it difficult to pity him. For some reason he sews on a red cross to his chest as a sort of penance. At least I think that’s why he did it. It’s never explained any further than that.

Beatrice, whom in the game is Dante’s wife, plays little more than the damsel in distress that the hero chases after through a literal Hell to save her. Except at first she rightly reacts to him coldly as he betrayed her trust and instead couples up with the devil the first leg of the game.

Speaking of the Devil, Lucifer has got to be one of the best villains I’ve ever seen in a video game. He doesn’t even have to do anything; he just speaks and it drives Dante crazy.

For the game play itself it’s a pretty standard hack and slash: mash a few buttons in varying combinations until everything but you is dead. Although that can be difficult at times since enemies have far too much health and have way too many ways to stay invulnerable to your attacks.

Dante gets two weapons in this game. Death’s scythe, which isn’t as cool as it sounds, and Beatrice’s Cross which is a holy projectile weapon. You’ll be using the cross more often since it’s free to use and 95% of the enemies in the game are melee based.

There are two upgrade systems that make up the karma system: one for being good and the other for being evil. You gain experience by either finishing off your opponent in an exceptionally violent way or finishing off your opponent in an exceptionally violent way, but you’re praising God while you do it.

Each side unlocks new combos and increases your health and magic bars. You either learn new spells as the game progresses or you buy them in the karma level up system. There’s no real impact to the story for which side of the karmic coin you pick
The combat is fluid enough. Combos are easy to pull off, making the game much more bearable.

Everything outside of battle can be a chore. In every section of the game there is always something that can kill you instantly. Whether that obstacle is a bottom less pit (this is the one that happens most often), burning oil, lava, or fire despite you only taking slight damage from it a section before. Jumping to avoid these insta-kill obstacles can sometimes have to be so precise that you may barely miss. The camera doesn’t help matters since it’s always stuck either on Dante or something in the scenery instead of Dante. It’s more often the latter.

While the visuals are hellish, I could have gone the rest of my life happy without seeing the Lust section of the game. And this is in the beginning of the game.

The Lust section and insta-kills aside, Dante’s Inferno starts off as an alright game. Then halfway through you can tell that the developers just stopped putting effort into the game.

I almost stopped playing the game after Fraud, which made you go through ten challenges that would have been better left as a side mission or its own section of the game, not part of the main story.

The boss battles in this game are a joke and far too simplistic, even for something in the hack and slash genre. Some of the minor boss battles will repeat through several points in the game which always leads to the same end; and these boss battles can only end through quick time events.

The game doesn’t even try to change up which button you need to push for these quick time events to succeed. So long as you’ve done it once you can do it again. Even the final battle with Lucifer was boring, and I liked Lucifer as a villain!

Bottom line: Dante’s Inferno isn’t worth the $60. It’s a pretty game, but the game play just drags it down to Hell; and not in the way it’s supposed to. If you want a good hack and slash that’s based on mythology you’re probably better off picking up God of War III.

Posted on: March 03, 2010, 09:07:38 PM
WELL. It's been a while since I updated the LP. I think I should do that.

Sorry for the delay, but Yakuza 3 Pokemon Soul Silver I'M LAZY school has been annoying.

ANYWAYS. Here's an update.

[spoiler=Assholes and Birds, oh my!]

I was just about to leave town, but then I saw someone in the distance.

Oh god, it's him.  O^O

I'll tell you anything! Just don't hit me!  ;^;

Yeah, I beat their asses.

Funny how a thief and an [dark hold] is scolding me on lying. Even though I'm not.

"good you are."

Looks like he's caught some Pokemon since last time. Still won't be enough, though.

He caught a...Ball of gas? Did he just fart into the PokeBall or something?

Holy crap! The Fart Monster just put Oxtongue to sleep by looking at it!

And now it's being spiteful! (I'm too lazy to post the screenshots, but Spite reduces the PP of the last used move by a random amount. In this case Peck was reduced by 3.)

Eventually Oxtongue woke up and pecked the gas ball to submission... I'm not sure how that works but it was funny to watch.

Oh hey, it's one of those bat things that pop up every time I take a step in a cave!...  O:< I [tornado fang]ing HATE those things.

Mr. Tickles threw some rocks at it. Then it did things I didn't even know you could do to a bat... I'm going to have nightmares.  O^O

It's our man Derp versus the slightly bigger Crocodile that Ahole stole. Damn, that thing looks pissed.

Hey, Derp is not useless!

Oh, you were talking about yours... They aren't useless either!

Must be tough hating yourself. OH BURN.

...So you really do hate yourself?

"out the weak."
Well, at least he's motivated about something... Maybe he should put those efforts into NOT BEING AN [dark hold].

You say that, but I know I'm going to be doing most of the work.

I noticed that too.

"Hate" is such a sto-Oh who am I kidding? I hate those bastards too.

Hey, I just kicked your ass. There's no way in hell that I'm weak.

And then he left. Boy that took longer than I thought. The sun rose while we were battling!

Wow, I go from daylight to darkness. DAMN YOU NATURE!

Your boss is mad because you're standing around? He must be a hardass.

Well, this has turned into a Farfetch'd situation.

Bullshit. You just don't want to.

Fine. I'll go look for it. You pussy.

OH hey, that was easy. I thought that would be harder.

...It quaked in my face and ran.

Okay, stop quaking in my face and running away.

Not so smart now, are you? Stupid Bird.

While herding that bird back...

Oh god, it's the weird mushroom crab thing.


Now to stuff it in my box and never use it. Because it sucks.

The damn thing needs to stop running from me.

Yeah, your boy over there was too much of a pussy to look for it.

Yeaaaaah. I think you need a better business model.

Although I got this for saving his business. Which is awesome.

Now I made Venus even more useless!

Also, Mushback had a Big Mushroom on it... I don't think I can use it, so I'll just sell it next chance I get.

Next time:
Headbutting trees and getting the F out of Ilex Forest

Off The Wall / Re: Latest Buys
« on: March 14, 2010, 05:48:07 AM »
I have ways, and methods.

I also know people.

Off The Wall / Re: Latest Buys
« on: March 14, 2010, 05:36:08 AM »
Yakuza 3
Pokemon Soul Silver a day before it's even out.

Played a bit of SS today, it's awesome so far. Haven't played Yakuza 3 yet. Waiting for it to install on the PS3.

Off The Wall / Re: Reposted Picture Thread (56K Warning)
« on: March 11, 2010, 07:47:56 AM »
You probably should have specified which was the eechi and which was the eye bleach, zerokun.

I could have gone the night without seeing the first or third ond.

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: March 07, 2010, 08:39:26 AM »
...Well, that's nice. I finally get TF2 for the PC and I can't play due to two reasons:

The servers are full or I get kicked before I can even play.

Fan Creations / Re: borockman's fun fun art thread!
« on: March 06, 2010, 01:07:08 AM »
You need to be a female first. :P

That doesn't stop you. >.>

...I need to employ some more violent measures to enforce this rule.

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: March 04, 2010, 06:04:28 AM »
"Downloading characters for my Mugen... Which I can actually keep since my computer has more than enough memory for it now. >.>"

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: March 03, 2010, 04:21:30 AM »

Now to transfer all my files from my crappy desktop to my awesome laptop...

Anime & Manga / Re: Incarnate = Bleach?
« on: March 01, 2010, 07:07:24 AM »
• "I have no idea how people are saying my comic looks like that bleach magma

...Please tell me I'm not the only one who noticed this.

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: February 27, 2010, 08:19:51 AM »
"...That's it. After I finish this game I'm going to have to go through it again and transcribe every awesome quote in this game. 'Cause god damnit there are some good ones."

Fan Creations / Re: TeaOfJay's Wordy Art Topic (Maybe Sprites too)
« on: February 27, 2010, 08:12:05 AM »
JOSHing around... Brilliant Tea. XD

FINALLY, someone noticed that.

Well the good news is that there are no bugs on this edition of this playthrough,

What are you talking about no bugs? There were certainly bugs in this update. Oxtongue even ate most of them.

...Oh wait, you mean the technical error type of bugs. NEVER MIND THEN.

Fan Creations / Re: TeaOfJay's Wordy Art Topic (Maybe Sprites too)
« on: February 26, 2010, 09:37:57 PM »
Alrighty, time for another update to the LP.

[spoiler= HOLY CRAP BUGS!... And Derp.]
With Team Rocket out of the way I can FINALLY go to the gym. The glasses guy was there again but this time I ignored him. He'd probably say something obvious again... Oh hey, There are two little girls.

"LEADER? No way!"
I'm not sure if they're complimenting my skill or insulting it. I'm guessing the latter.

Wait, they're battling together? That can't be legal.

Or maybe it would be? I dunno. I'll have to look up the rules la-OH hey, a spider.

Oxtongue, you are AWESOME.

You have three guesses as to what happened to this Ledyba. And the first two don't count.

Now I feel kind of bad. They didn't do anything against me... At least I don't think they did.

"you're mighty!"
FINALLY! Some recognition!

"tough too!"
Yeah, well, your FACE.

Oh come on! I was only JOSHing you.

...What in the blue hells is that thing?


I just had to kill a crab thing with mushrooms on its back. Imagine how I feel.

So what, do you have an essay on how tough bug type poke-


On the bright side, at least Oxtongue gets a snack.

Please, Oxtongue eats Pokemon like that for breakfast.

"stronger that much faster."
Huh, I didn't know that. So can I assume your party is fully evolved?

He had a Weedle and then...

A giant [tornado fang]ing bee.

And then a cocoon... Wait, I think you messed up the order kid.

I just thought that your Pokemon sucked, honestly.

"it comes to bug Pokemon."
Trust me, with your competition that isn't hard.

"the authority on bug Pokemon!"
Oak already beat you, except he's the authority on ALL Pokemon.

"from my studies."
And I'll show you just how awesome my Pokemon are!

He's the gym leader, so he's got to have some awesome Bug type Pokemon.

...You're doing this to [acid burst] me off now, aren't you?

Wait, WHAT?

Now THAT is an awesome Bug type Pokemon.

See? That Scyther helped Derp learn how to spit water at things.

No, you just suck.

No, really, I beat you with DERP. Derp, the Pokemon I have to give commands to before the battle. Derp, the Pokemon with the type disadvantage compared to you.

GIMMIE GIMMIE! ...But you still suck dude.

Aaaand another shiny thingy that shows how awesome I am at enslaving animals. Whoo.

He talks about how the Hive Badge will let me control Pokemon up to level 30 and how they'll be able to use Cut out side of battle. That's useful I guess. I also got this:

TM 49 contains Fury Cutter!

I also went to Kurt's and picked this up.

Next time:

Ahole is back, and Crystal isn't happy about that...
Cheer up, emo kid! You can use Cut outside of battle!

Off The Wall / Re: Latest Buys
« on: February 25, 2010, 07:21:40 AM »
Here's some purchases from last weekend to now. >.>

Bioshock 2 (Awesome! Haven't tried multiplayer yet due to not having any months left on my Live account. D:)
Ace Attorney: Miles Edgeworth Investigations (Also fun.)
Dante's Inferno (If I said I was doing this for the school paper, would you believe me?)

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: February 20, 2010, 11:18:03 PM »
But my posters are far too many and awesome to photoshop them out. D:

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: February 20, 2010, 11:08:03 PM »
Here be me:

I also got some of my posters in the background for some reason...

Fan Creations / Re: TeaOfJay's Wordy Art Topic (Maybe Sprites too)
« on: February 20, 2010, 06:16:17 AM »
Ah, now I see what you mean.

It also looks like something that I can't do anything about, since I've done the same thing this update that I've been doing with all the other ones.

Sorry about that.

Fan Creations / Re: TeaOfJay's Wordy Art Topic (Maybe Sprites too)
« on: February 20, 2010, 05:53:33 AM »
Print Screen Button

Then open up paint, right click and "paste"

Edit out anything you don't want anyone to see




Fan Creations / Re: TeaOfJay's Wordy Art Topic (Maybe Sprites too)
« on: February 20, 2010, 05:48:56 AM »
That might be just you, then. This update looks like the other ones to me.

It might be easier if you take a screencap so I can actually see what you mean.

Fan Creations / Re: TeaOfJay's Wordy Art Topic (Maybe Sprites too)
« on: February 20, 2010, 05:40:26 AM »
You mean the spoiler tags? I only do that so you guys don't get a flood of images for each update and spare the 56K users some grief.

Fan Creations / Re: TeaOfJay's Wordy Art Topic (Maybe Sprites too)
« on: February 20, 2010, 05:30:56 AM »
Lol Smithers. XD  By the way the second picture in the letter doesn't show.

I would like to think I have some decent naming sense.

And that has been fixed. Thanks for telling me.

You are now officially my bug tester for the LP. Keep doing what you've been doing up to this point.

Fan Creations / Re: TeaOfJay's Wordy Art Topic (Maybe Sprites too)
« on: February 19, 2010, 09:41:27 AM »
So yeah, I should probably update that LP, huh?


Ah, now that I'm all rested I might as well head for the gym.

Oh hey, it's another one of those helpful guys in the black shirts! ...Except he's not being all that helpful.

"heard it's tasty!"

...THE [tornado fang] IS WRONG WITH YOU? I am not glad you told me that!

These people are clearly evil. First they cut off Slowpoke tails and then they block my path to victory. This shall not stand! I will-Oh hey, a tree.

It's not a berry. That makes me sad.

Well you see, my name is-

"some BALLS?"
I would make some joke about what he said. Especially about the emphasis on the word "balls", but I'm still on shock that he knew my name before I even told him.

Aw, that sucks.

That'll help since you randomly made the name drop.

An evil gang using Pokemon for their dirty work?! This shall not stand!

"three years ago."
Well maybe someone didn't like that and decided to bring the group back together to fuel his/her personal agenda?

Huh, maybe those guys in black shirts are involved...Wait a minute. Their shirts had a red R on the front.

...My god, I'm dealing with retarded assholes.

"lesson in pain!"
Yay, violence! I'll come with.

And so it Crystal!

And then Kurt ran off.

Huh, that guy from before is gone. I wonder where he went?

Oh crap, Kurt is down.

Hey Kurt! So, uh, are you okay?

"shouted at him."
I would too if some old guy came ran up and screamed at me.

Ow, that had to have hurt.

"so I can't move."
Yeah, just lie down there and I'll handle everything.

Kurt was still talking, but I didn't care what he said. I was pissed.

Oh hey, it's the nice guy from before! Well, now that I know your true intention is to sell Slowpoke Tails you're the Evil-Nice Guy from before.

"down here."
Hah! You deserved that one!

"it out on you!"
BRING IT, [dark hold].

I don't care what Pokemon you have, I'll still kick your ass.

At this point I was cackling loudly. The dumbass looked confused.

At which point I had BackBurner burn his Rattata to a crisp. Then I started cackling louder.

I switched out BackBurner in favor of Oxtongue, which pecked the second Rattata to submission.

I don't recall much after that since I blacked out. When I woke up there was a huge splatter of blood on the wall.

...Huh. I feel slightly calmer now.

Holy crap it's a Slowpoke! And it still has its tail!

Might as well keep it from Team Rocket.


I decided to train Derp up and trash Team Rocket with him as Poetic justice when I ran into this guy:

Derp already started on him by using commands from the previous battle. He's so slow but gets the job done.

I threw my Pokeball at the snake before Derp tackled it again. Once again, Derp is SLOW.

...Okay, that's not what I named him.


With Derp trained to optimum Awesome levels (and preemptively giving it commands for battle) I stormed the Well once again and shouted "STOP TAKING TAILS, ASSHOLES!"

That's what I said.

Well maybe I will!

For all I say about these guys the girls of this team have some REALLY NICE outfits.

...Maybe I can see into getting something like that.

I didn't really have to do anything for this fight. Derp just did everything on his own. It makes for some kickass mind games, though. She was talking gibberish by the time the battle was over.

Did you see what I did to the girl that just asked me that? Don't make me break your thinking muscle.

"would be ruined!"
You obviously didn't have much of a rep if someone from my generation haven't heard of you.

...And he didn't fail to disappoint. I don't even remember much of the battle to be honest.

And yet it has that same Dopey look on its face. I doubt it will notice the missing tail until it grows back.

Sure, why not?

This Slowpoke must belong to that little girl that lives with Kurt.

...Time to kick some serious ass.

To kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of gum.

"expect any mercy!"
I don't expect any, nor will I give any.

Huh, he only has one Pokemon. It's probably something good for once.

That's different... And I gave Derp a break since his health was getting low. That and I forgot to give him commands before the fight.

(Thank GOD that this isn't Gen 3. Otherwise Mud Slap wouldn't work.)

The ability to create mini-earthquakes? Oh hell yes.

"three years ago."

That better not be a pun or I will beat you over the head with Mr. Tickles until your brain pops out of your ears.

"stir up trouble!"
Everytime you guys start something I'll end it. Painfully.

And then Team Rocket vanished.

I would feel a lot better if they all left in body bags.

"of here"
By the way, I'm glad to see your back is better. Let's go.

Why are you saying hi? We walked back together to your house from the Well, remember?

"hero at the WELL."
Ah, shucks. I didn't do all the work. My Pokemon beat things within an inch of their lives.

...Wait. How did you see anything when you were on your back the whole time?

"a trainer like you."
Thankfully, this service is free of charge. Yay free stuff!

Then he gave me this. It makes it easier to catch Water Pokemon.

What's going on?

The egg is hatching!

The egg hatched into another egg? That's confusing.

Now what to name it...

It's short for [sonic slicer] Omelet.
...I don't know why I added an extra "t" to the name. Anyways, time to stuff this sucker in the box and never look at it again. Hell, I won't even look it up on the Pokedex.

I'll head for the gym tomorrow. I need a shower.

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