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Messages - Fragman

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X / Re: Best and Worst Armors?
« on: September 02, 2009, 07:22:32 AM »
I'm going to go with the RX armor.  Evil X is hardcore.

In game, I loved the Hyper Armor.  Sure the buster was slow, but that wouldn't hold you back with the right timing, and you could use it to really tear through stages by dashing along behind one big shot.  Though that buster was more looks than performance.  The other abilities of the armor though make up for it.  Double air dashing, regeneration, damage barrier, and giga crush.  The helmet is pretty useless unless you haven't played in a while and forgot where things are though.

The customization aspect of the neutral armor was great, but the bonuses for matching whole sets kind of punished you for customizing.  And for some reason I'm fairly fond of the blade armor.  Not sure why really, I just find it fun to play around with.

Shooting Star / Re: Impressions so far of Ryusei/Star Force 3
« on: August 29, 2009, 07:42:39 AM »
Well most of them seemed in the first one to themselves be victims of a destructive culture.  They didn't trust people, and it seems most of them in some twisted way wanted to help their humans even in the original.  Additionally they were for the most part soldiers following orders.  When Cepheus reversed his policy most of his team would follow.  With the exception of maybe Gemeni who seems to have been forcibly tamed by Pat, and Ophiuca whom seemed to be such a monster that she was totally beyond redemption.

Shooting Star / Re: Impressions so far of Ryusei/Star Force 3
« on: August 27, 2009, 10:12:08 PM »
I think everyone loves to Overkill.  Yes when a boss has one life unit left you could just peg him with that last shot, but where's the fun in that?

News and Announcements / Re: Operate Shooting Star Revealed
« on: August 08, 2009, 08:27:55 AM »
I am severely disappointed at the failure to design new sprites.  At this point the entire game should either be 3D or make use of larger sprites and more detailed environments.  I do however like that this is going to be a genuine crossover, but it seems like it's not even a full blown remake so far, but rather a hacked update to include changes to the story.

Original / Re: Wich one was harder for you? MM9 or MM And Bass?
« on: August 01, 2009, 05:37:48 AM »
MEgaman & Bass is the game that HATES YOU!  It's like the level designers said to themselves.  "Okay we all hate gamers.  I just wish we had a way of making them understand just how much we hate them.  I know how about insanely long levels, mets that can take a charge shot, no E-tanks, no Rush transports, and the second King stage should have four bosses, one of which should be autoscrolling over a pit with moving platforms that the boss can destroy, and can blind you.  Yeah if we do all of that I think they will understand our hatred."

So yeah, MM9 is challenging until you get things figured out and start using the proper weapons in the right places, but ultimately it's made out of love, while Megaman & Bass is made of hate.

Original / Re: Mega Man 9's secret?
« on: July 21, 2009, 02:05:58 PM »
Well I'm going to throw it out there because it's been eating at me, but Jewel Man's theme sounds a lot like the chorus line from "Love Her Madly," by The Doors.  Or at least reminds me of it.  I'm sure this can't possibly be it, but since we're talking about similar theme music anyway I thought it good to put that out there. 

Shooting Star / Re: Timeline of Star Force
« on: July 21, 2009, 01:56:53 PM »
If I may there does seem to be a bit more divergence between the two timelines than just the difference between Wily's Robot idea and Light's Network idea.
The biggest difference is that the BN/SF timeline also seems to have different countries by both name and location.  If you go by the world map in BN4 the continents are different as well.  The classic timeline as judged by numerous shots from space seen throughout the series features an earth more geographically like our own, and MM6 would imply that the real world country names are in use.

Though these are things that grew into the BN series later on.  BN1 specifically dodged naming any countries and just said "our country" whenever the subject came up.  Likely the writers did intend it to be a timeline split at first but the universe grew more independent as time went on.

Shooting Star / Re: Impressions so far of Ryusei/Star Force 3
« on: July 17, 2009, 12:49:38 PM »
You know this game is making me really wish that the anime continued for another season.  There's a pretty solid plot this time around aside from the sheer variety in gameplay.

I seem to be stuck in a bit of a rut though.  While I rocked the Wolf Noise for a while, I've settled on Cygnus now.  The fact that it gives bonuses to non elemental cards, which just happen to be the very cards that raise your noise, means it finalizes super fast.  For some reason though the game just refuses to give me anything outside of those two, crown, virgo, and taurus.  I'm beginning to think that the chances of getting certain forms may be weighted depending on which version of the game you get.

Rockman Series / Re: How has Rockman performed in Japan?
« on: July 15, 2009, 08:31:08 AM »
I wonder how that stacks up against American sales.  Here in the U.S. I suspect Classic and X have a following among older gamers.

Original / Re: When Megaman is about to shoot Wily...
« on: July 14, 2009, 09:46:46 AM »
Inafune is a fan of Tezuka and it shows in his writing.  It's pretty clear that Tezuka was also a fan of Asimov, so I think it's fair to say that some Asimov worked its way in.  Asimov himself proposed the 0th law of robotics stating that the survival of humanity as a whole overrides the value of a single human life.  Though any robot capable of coming to this conclusion would either completely burn out its brain trying to resolve this issue before acting, or if advanced enough, just after.

Megaman's hesitation did kind of make it seem like he was starting to lock up.  I think firing would have probably killed him as well as Wily.  Compared to classic Megaman, X and the reploids based on his design were unique for having no laws and rather free will to decide.  It's kind of hinted at in Megaman Power Battles when Dr. Light talks about how robots need more advanced AI to resolve difficult issues.  I think the idea behind X was to replace the Asimov laws with a form of artificial conscience, thus instilling robots with a sense of empathy for living things and each other.

Shooting Star / Re: Brother Band Topic.
« on: July 08, 2009, 09:19:46 AM »
Ah good I was hoping this would come back.

Star Force 1:  Pegasus (endgame) looking for Leo.  (Playing with Leo form is the only thing I haven't done.)

Star Force 2:  Saurian (endgame) looking for anything (already unlocked Tribe King so now it's just filling slots and upping Link Power)

Star Force 3:  Red Joker Gemeni Noise (After game)  
I'll take anything.  FC:  287977196440

EDIT:  To make this a little easier I'm throwing in my AIM which is "FragrahamLincon"  (minus quotes)  in order to make finding someone who's online a little easier.

X / Re: Little busters.
« on: July 03, 2009, 02:30:27 AM »
This argument has gone on throughout the Megaman series.  Super Adventure Rockman for instance showed Megaman doing a shotgun style lock and load to form his buster, but most cases either would cut away and have his buster suddenly appear or it would appear in a flash of light such as in day of Sigma.  Let's just ignore that abomination Ruby Spears cartoon no matter how much some fans want to cling to it.

The Flash of light and cutaway methods seem to be most common.  In either case we can probably assume that whatever transformation goes on, be it mechanical, nanomechanical, or even some kind of energy conversion, that the flash or cutaway is intended to show that it occurs too quickly to see with the naked eye.

If you want to work in the SAR and X3 intro versions we could assume that these are ultra slow mo shots to show you what is physically happening.  At least in those revisions of the buster, as X would certainly have different transformations for different armors and later X busters and classic Megaman has had his buster upgraded at least twice since then.

I'll stick to "Too fast to see" explanation myself, as it fits with the gameplay with having almost no delay between normal hand at the side, and firing buster with the press of a button.

X / Re: The Z Buster
« on: July 03, 2009, 02:22:42 AM »
One could just write the whole issue off as being the same as "What happens to X's armor?"  Can we assume that Zero just gets so trashed in the last battle in every game that he has to rebuild his buster each time?  Sometimes they build the same one, sometimes a different one, sometimes none at all.  It's one way of looking at things anyway.  Considering how frequently he dies or takes heavy damage, it seems like a safe assumption.  Though I doubt Capcom is thinking much more beyond wanting to mix up gameplay on occasion.

More Megaman is always good.  Sure I'd rather it be ZX3 but I like the characters of the BN series but preferred the gameplay of the Star Force series, so a crossover could be the best of both worlds.  Of course it may have a whole new style of gameplay.  Though I do have an off hope that it will play like Network Transmission which got me into the BN series to begin with.

News and Announcements / Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Listed For 360/PS3?
« on: June 05, 2009, 01:41:43 AM »
Man, and I've so far managed to come up with excuses not to get a 360.  But if it's for Megaman, and this is legit, I'll have to.  I've even purchased a PS2 for Megaman and I despise Sony in its entirety.

Rockman Series / Re: Once and for all...
« on: May 25, 2009, 08:46:45 AM »
I tend to agree that the name Megaman has become more than just a name, but more of a mantle of sorts.  Megaman in particular is a name that should describe a hero who appears in a time of need.  When X was gone and the world needed a Megaman Zero took up that title and I think he lived up to it.  Just the same Vent, Aile, Grey, and Ashe all appeared when the world needed a hero, and really came to embody the meaning of the name Megaman.

The other Megamen may have been contenders for the title, but ultimately all of them were short sighted and fighting for selfish ends.  In legends it would be Trigger created to take up the legacy of Megaman as a purifier unit.  While there were other megamen like Juno, just like in ZXA there are those who live up to the title and those who don't.

So I have no problem saying that Zero is a genuine Megaman.

But that's getting away from the point of voice actors.

It's not uncommon for women to voice young boys, as their voices change less over time than men.  Bart Simpson has always been voiced by a girl.  Though there has been a trend of using child actors to voice children lately, the problem is it requires a constant voice cast rotation if the series is ongoing as the actor's voices will change, unless of course the character also grows up.  In Classic Megaman's case that's not going to happen as he's a robot who's incapable of growing up.

Rockman Series / Re: Once and for all...
« on: May 24, 2009, 08:33:26 AM »
Corlett is a good voice actor, but he sounds a bit too old to be classic Megaman.  Call me a freak but I liked Megaman's high pitched voice in Megaman 8.  He's a child robot after all, so he shouldn't have a teenage or adult sounding voice.  I know everyone says "But he sounds like a girl." but really he's intended to sound like a kid, because that's what he is.  I've never liked the idea of trying to Make classic Megaman into some steroid pumped robocop wanabe.  Giant muscles on the Ruby Spears series for instance made the show so un-Megaman it was un-watchable.

Rockman Series / Re: Metall, who are you?
« on: May 09, 2009, 12:41:59 PM »
Now I feel bad about blasting them.

And my personal thoughts.  I think they're just the most common type of robot made, and mass produced in ridiculous quantities, so it's easy for Wily to get lots of them to fill the ranks of his robot armies.

Rockman Series / Re: The way you play Mega Man games
« on: May 03, 2009, 12:43:25 PM »
Any series.  If I have replinishable sub or E tanks, I will get lazy and just Tank an enemy.  That is I completely ignore defense and just chase them down, taking hits on the chin in order to keep hitting them as much as possible.

In the classic series I favor the blade weapons when there is one.  Everyone loves the metal blade sure, but who goes out of their way to always use the flame sword?

Strangely in all later series, even the zero series I prefer to use the buster.

Any boss with an AI exploit (like how some bosses never come to the left of the room or auto jump when you shoot) I refuse to use them, as I consider it an unfair fight.  Yeah sure I know I can just make Metalman jump into my shots, but I'd rather fire away while weaving through a storm of metal blades and come away with a close victory.  The exception is X7 sigma's first form, where I do exploit the unhittable upper right platform and V hanger combo for easy win just because that stage is too friggin' long.

When beating the final boss I have to make the final hit land in a good pose.  No having Wily bow and beg while I'm standing behind him.


Everyone knows that you have to jump through boss doors to be cool.

In EXE or Star Force I focus on having a theme to my folder and I stick to it, even if it's not the most efficient folder available.
Yes I know you can deal insti death with a bunch of vulcanseeds, but I'd rather use freezing and breaking, or grass and fire combos.

News and Announcements / Re: Protodude's Ramblings: Megamix Returns
« on: May 03, 2009, 12:22:36 PM »
And here I always visualized Item-2 as just riding a missile.  It's more of a rocket surf board.  Looks like Megaman's about to wipe out.  Hope he's not in Heat Man's level.

That satalite server info is nice.  Makes me glad I reserved Red Joker.  I'm betting most people will be picking Black Ace, but I'm always more inclined to just blast the crap out of things than use finesse.

That was kind of the whole point of the X series.  All Reploids are replicas of X, Sigma being the closest to a perfect reproduction.

ZX / Re: Is this possible?
« on: April 25, 2009, 11:13:16 AM »
I'm pretty sure Model A can mimic the abilities of other biometals but clearly not their full power.  Thus why it can't use Overdrive or have two charge attacks for each form like the model X double megamerges which are canonically more powerful, so attempting to perform some kind of triple form by copying the data of a double megamerge would probably be quite weak.  Though Model A did copy model ZX which is a double Megamerge. 

Though if Model A did a double Megamerge with model X that would be a whole different story.  Could very well be the ultimate biometal combination.  Plus It would allow Model Ax to Copy Model H and create Model HAX.

Rockman Series / Re: Megaman Lookalikes That Predate Him
« on: April 25, 2009, 11:04:08 AM »
I'm pretty sure that Inafune based Megaman's design on Astro Boy.  In fact he's at least once said  "I based the designs on cartoons from my childhood." Or something to that effect in an interview (The one on the Anniversary Collection for Gamecube.)  Paint Astro blue and slap a helmet on him and you've pretty well got Mega right there.

News and Announcements / Re: Protodude's Ramblings: Who Wants Manga?
« on: April 25, 2009, 11:00:15 AM »
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it's nice to see that the ZX series is still featured on the official Megaman page.  At least that lets me know that Capcom thinks of it as a still ongoing series.

News and Announcements / Re: Protodude's Ramblings: Oodles of News
« on: April 20, 2009, 10:01:53 AM »
My guesses are these.
The one everyone expects:  Resident Evil 6.  MvC2 is a port so it's not exactly a new game, however I don't think anyone would be surprised to hear about a new RE game. 

The one that's a big surprise:  I am going to go with Megaman Legends 3.  MM 10 is pretty well expected already.  It might be X9 though.  I'd like to see ZX3 but I don't think they'd hype a portable so much, and the series hasn't gone as long without a sequel compared to Legends and X.  Could be an entirely new Megaman series though. 

And yes I know it could be non Megaman too, but Megaman is what I want to see, so I'll speculate on that with the power of wishful thinking.

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