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Messages - Dr. Wily II

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 18 19 20 ... 1168
OOPS, typo.
Blackhook should gain Rolling Hook, not Rolling Cutlass as well. >_>

Time to officially start this!

Name: Cutlass Man

Designation: Robot Master (WBN-001)

Weapon Get: Rolling Cutlass (borockman/Vixy)
Skill Get: Rolling Hook (Blackhook)

Other weapons: Cutlass Slash, Cutlass Shield

Background: The first of Captain White Beard's special robot series, the White Beard Numbers (WBNs), Cutlass Man is a powered-up version of the Cutlass Buccaneer, with upgraded cutlass, and exceling in swordsmanship.

Cutlass Man's main weapon, the Rolling Cutlass, has him throwing out his super-heated cutlass. This can easily cut through thick armour, and it returns to him so that he can throw it out again.
His other weapons include Cutlass Slash, a simple slashing attack, and Cutlass Shield, where he spins his cutlass fast enough to deflect most attacks.

Character: Likes to backstab.

Weakness: TBA


borockman/Vixy gets this weapon from defeating Cutlass Man. As demostrated by borockman, s/he gets to throw out a super-heated cutlass that returns after a distance, like the Shadow Blade.

You gained... ROLLING HOOK!!

Blackhook gains this skill from defeating Cutlass Man. While in the air, Blackhook can perform a rolling slash, great for inflicting multiple hits on an enemy.

OK... I think I found more drawing refs... I'll just PM over instead of spamming boobs here. :P

Well, I thought the tags listed for that would lead to other similar works... No luck. But the artist did draw references for feet, hands, butts, and such.
[spoiler=NSFW]Artist's gallery, look at pages 2-4[/spoiler]

I'll try again when I get back.

Well, I did a preliminary search using my phone, and this turned up.
[spoiler=NSFW]And you need a Pixiv account of course.[/spoiler]

I'll try on my lappie when I get back, and hopefully I'll find the ones that I've seen previously.

I think Pixiv might be a choice.
There are some pretty good tutorials on anatomy and art effect stuff there, but I would need to find the tag in kanji.

It was worth a shot! 8D *shot'd*

*recalls the chart on Pokemon female characters*
Would that one help? 8D

Off The Wall / Re: Latest Buys
« on: September 22, 2016, 05:24:00 AM »
The way your nose twitches when you smell the wine is very important too. 8D

>that feeling you are getting an ulcer because you bit yourself
Argh, I hate this. >_>

Fan Creations / Re: Dood's Doodles
« on: September 22, 2016, 02:09:57 AM »
You guys are sweet :)

Baby thoughts

The universe


Ah... We gotta start somewhere. :cookie:

Congrats! Hired as?

As promised, new news!


[spoiler=Video details]So we have version exclusive primates. In Sun, we have the Fighting-type Passimian, while in Moon we have the Normal/Psychic-type Oranguru.

Passimian has a new Ability called Receiver, which basically receives a fainted ally Pokemon's Ability.

Oranguru has Inner Focus or Telepathy, and a new move called Instruct, which basically causes an ally Pokemon to repeat its last used move.

Then it confirms the evolutionary version exclusives for Rockruff. In Sun, it's called Lycanroc Midday Form, in Moon it's Lycanroc Midnight Form.
Midday Form has Keen Eye or Sand Rush, while Midnight Form has Keen Eye or Vital Spirit.

New exclusive Z-Moves are revealed for Pikachu and Eevee.
Pikachu gets CatastroPika, where Pikachu is being thrown like a electrified fast ball.
Eevee gets Extreme Evoboost, where Eevee gains power from all its Eeveelutions, increasing all its stats by 2 stages.

Customisation returns, but this time, it must be paid using Festival Coins. There's a whole lot more hairstyles, hair colours, contact lenses, and of course clothes to choose from. Plus, you can go hatless!

Lastly, Pokemon Amie is replaced by Pokemon Refresh, where you can groom, rub and feed treats that aren't PokePuffs. Also, if your Pokemon is suffering from a status condition, you can heal them via specialised grooming.[/spoiler]

The next news update will be on 4th October.

All dat monies in your handsssssss...

Ahem, sounds like good spots as a foundation.

So what position are you applying for?

Off The Wall / Re: "What's Upsetting You Right Now?"
« on: September 20, 2016, 03:47:00 AM »
You need a hug. *hugs*

Best of luck!

"Dr. Wily II no clue what being edgy is"

My inner Grammar Nazi is tingling.

"Dr. Wily II is 69% tsundere."

... I-It's not like I b-believe in this... B-B-Baka...

"Dr. Wily II is a dandere animator

 Voice: ★
 Fashion: ★★
 Domestic: ★★★
 Cute: ★★★★★
 Lewd: ★★★★ "

... *speechless*

... *fires a Magic Missile*

Fan Creations / Re: Dood's Doodles
« on: September 18, 2016, 01:17:18 PM »
Daww... So cute. :3

Where's Blue indeed...

Somewhere else in Websitia, sailing in one of the great seas, a lone figure is staring at his television with mouth agape, shocked at the annoucement of White Beard's invasion.

A pirate? A robotic pirate!? There is only one TRUE pirate around these parts!!

ME!! In the name of true piracy... I will defeat you White Beard, you poser!! To RPM City!!

So it seems White Beard will have another "hero" to deal with. Players can now choose Blackhook as their hero, or still choose between Vixy and borockman.

Blackhook's special mechanic, has to do with his hook.

Besides being a simple attack, throughout the various stages, there will be grappling points for Blackhook to use his hook on, and swing across. Basically the Thunder Claw utility in Megaman 8.

Since Blackhook is a normal human, when... I mean IF he defeats the WBNs, he will gain Hook Skills, more skills to use with his hook. Basically... X-Series Zero. Blackhook will have comparably less health than borockman/Vixy, but compensates with his utilities.

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