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Messages - Rin

Pages: 1 ... 167 168 169 170
Anime & Manga / Re: Yugioh 5 D's
« on: April 01, 2009, 01:15:17 PM »
which of course means the 4kids version is, naturally,... Getting worse. -__-;
Oh stop with this 4Kids bashing already. We all know their version sucks. We don't have to mention it every two posts that are made in this thread, or any other ygo thread.

4Kids Bakura: I'm not british, I'm just gay...and evil.
4Kids Manjoume: I'm not british, I'm just an [dark hold].
4Kids Kaiba: HA! I'M MUCH MORE OF AN [dark hold] THAN YOU, MANJOUME! HA...ha...ha?

Rockman Series / Re: Coro Coro Contest Possibly Revealed
« on: April 01, 2009, 01:09:31 PM »
Acorrding to the news today they are making a MMX9
Yes child. It will be DELICIOUS!

Anime & Manga / Re: Sora Kake Girl
« on: March 30, 2009, 06:14:07 PM »
It's on TT.

And it's been on 2ch for a few days.
I got lossless format of the soundtrack from emule... few hours before it appeared on TT.
[tornado fang]!

Anime & Manga / Re: Sora Kake Girl
« on: March 29, 2009, 09:48:54 AM »

Okaaay. So i looks like ost is on the net, but only on share/winny. And I don't have a clue how to get it. HALP?

Anime & Manga / Re: Casshern Sins
« on: March 25, 2009, 08:34:00 AM »
Lyuze = Robot trying to kill Casshern, but later becomes friends with him.

Zero = Reploid trying to kill X, but later becomes friends with him.

Now once again image of X and Zero making out with each other will be burned into my mind. Thanks a lot.

Also, from what I see here. The finale is pretty lame(still haven't watched it yet lol).

Anime & Manga / Re: Sora Kake Girl
« on: March 25, 2009, 08:29:55 AM »
Also it's Aleida.
Crap, you're right. I confused Aleida with Amelda, which is the name of one of Doma Riders from YGO. lol

As for the ost, yeah. I tought it will be like that because Sky Cake Girl is not very popular. Still, I have hope.

Anime & Manga / Re: Sora Kake Girl
« on: March 25, 2009, 05:20:44 AM »
[spoiler]In Episode 12 Leopard got owned by Benkei. Oh, what am I saying? EVERYONE got owned by Nerval and his "army". Akika's blue haired hot ass sister got mindraped by Nerval and became his slave. The elders probably got killed by Amelda(AKA Kaguya-sama lol) This was an awesome episode, and we finally got enough Leopard to satisfy my needs.[/spoiler]

Now, I'm waiting for the ost, which is supposed to come out today. If we're lucky we might have by the end of the day. But that's wishful thinking, yes?

Entertainment / Re: Justin Chatwin IS Goku!
« on: March 23, 2009, 10:37:28 PM »
Rent? Who [tornado fang]ing says rent?

I'mma download it the day aXXo releases his version. :P No [tornado fang]ing way I'm wasting cash on this kinda [parasitic bomb]. XD
Amen, bro.

I'm going to do the same.

And most of all, why this card game?
And you're still doing it wrong.

For one thing, YGO GX dub is fuckin' horrible. And the fact that they often spew random bullshit just doesn't help. [tornado fang]! Oh, and let's not forget about the fact that they deicided to make Manjoume a huge fuckin' dick through the whole show. Where in original he was just like that for a part of the first season. They did the same to Kaiba actually, but [tornado fang] him and his dragon-jet.

Tough, on the other hand. I absolutely love TMNT 2003, and it was made by 4Kids and voiced by their voice actors.

He had an Australian accent.
Okay, okay. If you say so.

...He had an Australian accent.
That was Autralian? Wait, but he was saying often "oi" like for example "Oi, Wheeler!" And I think british people do that. It even says so here.

I didnt mind the voices. It was everything else they did that i disliked. come on, cheese and fruit juice? seriously, who actually believes thats fruit juice?

loos like 4 kids saw sonic shorts 5.
And they dont want to get blown up by missiles.
so, thats all we needed to do? a simple missile threat?
I actually didn't mind voices too. Except Malik's... especially Dark Malik's. Oh and I guess there be also Vaaron that from Doma Saga who was so fuckin' british that I tought that I will myself become british.

Off The Wall / Do you write?
« on: March 22, 2009, 12:20:44 AM »
As in, do you write stories? If so, what did you write?

Because I often do, and they are usually "comedy stories". And I write them in Polish. Tough I used to write shitty fanfiction. And I actually still do, except now I use to trolling people over at

But my stories are as follow.

Inner & Outer - A fantasy/science fiction story about... well saving the world and stuff. I rewrote it more times that I care to count, and I ultimately gave up writing it(quite recently actually).

Complete Unreality - A story about evil overlord called Lord Forte who tries to conquer the world. Starting with city called Absurdity. Generally a comedy and parody of many things. Characters and their names are based on users of a certain polish forum about Sonic(Sonic PL). And some of my originals. Also it features many characters from my earlier works(when I was like what, in elementary) like super-hero Sitoman, Sailor Girls(parody of Sailor Moon team hurr) and other [parasitic bomb] like that. It was written in "freestyle" with raping of basic writing rules and all that. I wrote few alternate reality stories, and decided to write a remake. But without this whole "evil overlord bullshit", but with the same characters with different stories and sometimes changed looks. Also, there's a girl called Mu Serenity who is a parody of CC. lol

Legend of a Conqueror - Comedy. It's once again about an evil overlord and his organization. I'm still writing it. It's a sequel to original Complete Unreality and takes place in the same universe. It takes place ten years in the future when Forte was defeated and put to prison... LIEK FOREVAH. Only two chapters so far.

Love & Rivalry - My newest one. Which I started writing yesterday. And I have one chapter so far. It's about a certain gamer who is a real fuckin' dick named Larry. He moves away with his family to city called Absurdity(yes. It takes place in CU universe) and there he starts going to very high-class school. There he meets two other gamers(guy and a girl) who are both leaders of their own Gaming clubs. They both hate each other and have strong rivalry. And they both want Larry in their clubs. And he doesn't really want to join ANY clubs. Not even gaming ones. Tough before the first school day ends, he discovers a certain secret of the two rivals and gets into more trouble than he expected.

Okay. What do you guys write? And in what language? If in english, then show me where I can read it(if you want me to) because I'n curious. Oh, and I just might translate Love & Rivalry to english and post it here. Want or do not want?


Hmmm, I thought this was just a joke but still Brooklyn Joey was not all bad but I still wish they continued the high school drama without that blasted card game.
I'm sorry to be mean, but...

Are you retarded? And you like stereotype brooklyn Joey? BABY JESUS! HAVE MERCY UPON HIS POOR SOUL.

Tough on the other hand, PB likes brooklyn Joey. Owait. PB likes everything American. I forgot.

Anime & Manga / Re: Old anime movies
« on: March 20, 2009, 07:44:41 AM »
What about these old Gundam movies? I don't know what they are called or from what universe they are, but I know that they are out on DVD in Poland lol.

Oh oh! I remember one of them being called "Odwet Chara" which means "Char's revenge" or something like that.


"This video is not available in your country."
[tornado fang]ing YouTube. [tornado fang]ing ass.

Also, who frickin' needs these low quality [parasitic bomb] raws, when you can download higher quality raws from... certain OTHER sources. Eheheheh.

Anime & Manga / Slayers General Thread
« on: March 16, 2009, 11:58:49 PM »
Okay, I decided to finally make this thread because lacking a Slayers thread in anime sub-forum is a friggin' disgrace.

So, what are you toughts on this series? Do you like it? Was it a part of your childhood(like it was mine)? Who is your favorite character? Do you watch the new series that is currently airing?

Personally, Slayers is one of my favorite animoo series. It has great characters, great humor and overall it's awesome.

My favorite character is(SURPRISE, SURPRISE) Xelloss, followed now closely by Ozel from Revolution and Evolution-R.

Okay, dudes and dudedets, DISCUSS.

Oh. So that's how it is? Well, thanks.
I've saw a not very nice review about "Stage 0" on some site and it got a low score. It kind of made me not buy that one. Okay. Thank you very much.

Anime & Manga / Re: Casshern Sins
« on: March 10, 2009, 03:06:27 PM »

Anime & Manga / Re: For Shaman King fans.
« on: March 10, 2009, 03:02:31 PM »
I don't know, I kind of liked the no "true" ending thing it allowed me to think of any possible endings the manga may have but it will be at least better than the anime ending I suppose.  :\

Also, I need to lurk in more shaman king forums.

Anyway, I really want to know how it ended. It should be interesting.

Hai gaiz. Sorry for reviving this thread, but I have a question to ask.

I've just ordered Geass Novel "Stage 1 - Shadow" and I've been wondering if anyone else here has one of the novels. And if so, then can someone please tell me how good are they? I will order them anyway, but I'm just curious what people think about these STORIES. Good? Bad? Mediocre? Well-written? Does it have material anime doesn't?(Like for example interesting bits of information, scenes not in the animoo)

Thanks in advance.

Entertainment / Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Comics
« on: March 03, 2009, 05:33:18 AM »
It's Shadow's "I don't have time for your bull-[parasitic bomb]" face.

In a totally unrelated topic, Bull-[parasitic bomb] doesn't get censored without the hypthen there.

That is until the mods take notice and censor it.  8D
You of course do realize that you can turn off the censorship, right?

And I think it was more of a "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" face. Or maybe "I'M SPEECHLESS" face. Either way, it's awesome.

Anime & Manga / Re: Sora Kake Girl
« on: March 03, 2009, 04:58:57 AM »
This episode was made of so much win. This is how you do fillers. And yeah, this version of that emo [sonic slicer] is better.

Entertainment / Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Comics
« on: March 03, 2009, 04:56:26 AM »
If you're interested, it's from mini-series that just started called Sonic Universe, issue 1.

And yeah, I burst out laughing at the second page. And I still lose it. That expression is just priceless.

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