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Messages - Blue Valkyrie

Pages: 1 ... 154 155 156 157
Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: December 14, 2013, 02:00:12 AM »
I want to keep playing Super Mario Bros 3D World but Wind Waker HD keeps calling me. Choices argh!  :'(

Gaming / Re: SGZ Wrestling 2K14 - Now Accepting Requests!
« on: December 10, 2013, 11:01:12 PM »
That Alakazam...cannot un see.  :o

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 07, 2013, 04:21:42 AM »
I like him... I blame the green. [eyebrow]

Thanks, although coming up with original attacks was surprisingly hard for Terra Star. All the attacks big bots such as him kinda have already been done, ended up being a mix of Guts Man and Tunnel Rhino.  X(

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 07, 2013, 03:21:05 AM »
Thanks for positive feedback everyone. Terra Star is next.

Posted on: December 05, 2013, 15:45:23

Terra Star

The first of the captain's "Star Generals" and the simplest in design. Terra Star was originally designed for heavy duty mining operations and was equipped with a rocket powered diamond drill to break even the hardest of rock for ore mining. After the captain began work on his second generation of combat robots to defeat Blue Valkyrie this mining robot was the first to be refitted, equipped with the earth chip granting Terra Star even greater physical strength and some control over rock he mines. While Terra Star is the most primitive of the Star Generals and his actions and speech are slow and ponderous he is by no means lacking in intelligence, in fact Terra Star is quite intelligent he simply thinks his action through in great detail although this makes him poor in situations where quick thinking in required. Terra Star is weak to any attack that pierces armor or generates intense armor melting heat.

Terra Star prefers to charge his opponents with a dash or attempt to crush them with ground pounds. His ranged method of attack is to fire his diamond drill, if that fails to hit the debris from it drilling into the wall will often catch his opponents off guard. When at half health he enters "hyper mode" and begins to cause debris to fall from the ceiling with each ground pound at random points as well as flinging debris with each dash or diamond drill he fires.

#1 Terra Star jumps into the air above Blue Valkyrie and attempts to crush her with a ground pound causing collision damage. If Blue is on the ground when he lands she'll be stunned for a second. In "Hyper Mode" debris is sent flying in an area of effect around Terra Star damaging Blue if she is still too close as well as causing debris to call from the ceiling at random points.

#2 Terra Star fires his rocket drill toward Blue Valkyrie, the drill deals heavy damage on impact. If the drill misses it will hit the nearby wall and begin drilling into it flinging debris near by. In "Hyper Mode" more debris is flung around and the drill explodes causing damage if Blue is caught in it.

#3 Terra Star dashes at Blue causing collision damage if she is hit, when he hits the wall debris flies out around the impact point causing the screen to shake stunning Blue for a short time if she is standing on the ground.

Very imposing, although being that large must hurt his maneuverability, perhaps a weakness for heroes to exploit? 

Gaming / Re: SGZ Wrestling 2K14 - Now Accepting Requests!
« on: December 05, 2013, 03:15:16 PM »
But you have to admit.

... It is true.

I..uh..well,dammit I can't deny it.  :o

Gaming / Re: SGZ Wrestling 2K14 - 1 New Match Added! WITH COMMENTARY!
« on: December 05, 2013, 02:30:16 PM »
Robotnik's ass is fantastic.

That--is not a sentence I'd ever thought I'd hear.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 05, 2013, 05:19:46 AM »

Flare Star

One of the captain's "Star Generals" created after his first defeat at the hands of Blue Valkyrie. Realizing he would need robots on par with her if he was to get his revenge and realize his goals for galactic conquest he began construction on four powerful androids with advanced combat abilities. Flare Star was the third in this new series of robots, with Terra Star and Gale Stare predating her and Shadow Star being built after. Originally based on Blue Valkyrie's design he changed direction when development on his elemental chips was complete and installed the fire chip into Flare Star. The Fire chip grants flare star powerful fire based attacks allowing her to generate heat exceeding that of an active volcano, her own armor and internal systems are easily able to withstand this heat as well.

The archetypal hot head, she dives into all problems head on and loves nothing more than to fight. Her being heavily based off of Blue Valkyrie has given her a inferiority complex and her main desire is to defeat her rival in single combat to prove she is superior.

Flare Star attacks quickly and often, transforming her self into a fireball to collide with Blue Valkyrie and lobbing fire balls from the air and ground to create area hazards and inflict damage. She runs and jumps somewhat erratically and quick timing is required to avoid let alone land hits on her. When Flare Star is low on health she begins lobbing twice as many fire balls per attack and fireball dashes twice in a row. Her weakness are attacks of extinguishing flame or extreme cold.

#1-Flare Star swings her arm sending a fireball toward Blue Valkyrie, if the fireball misses it will create a small flame that acts as a hazard limiting the space Blue can maneuver in. When she reaches "Hyper Mode" she will fire two fires balls in different directions increasing the number of hazards. The flames die off as she uses the attack again.

#2-Flare Star creates an orb of fire when attacking from the ground, the fire orb moves moderately fast but leaves a trail of fire hazards in it's wake leaving just enough space between each hazard to jump to as you avoid the orb. The orb dissipates as it hits a wall. When she reaches hyper mode she will fire a second orb just as the hazards fade forcing Blue to jump to a spot previously covered by a fire hazard.

#2-Flare Star turns her self into a large fire ball and charges for Blue's last position. When in "Hyper Mode" Flare Star will fireball dash once, then quickly fireball dash again.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 05, 2013, 01:19:46 AM »
*makes mental notes for a possible Gen11*

Possible Dr Wily and Captain White Beard team up for galactic domination? =P

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 04, 2013, 02:56:00 PM »

Shadow Star (also working name)
Still need to make some frames of animation where he stands chuckling at the player.

Created by "Captain White beard" after his first defeat. Shadow Star is equipped with a dark matter generator, this experimental system allows him to fire dark matter energy, create black holes and worm holes. An arrogant sort, Shadow Star enjoys mocking his foes reminding them of his believed superiority. He secretly desires to mutiny against his captain and begin his own plans for cosmic domination.

Shadow Star never stays still for long giving the player only a small chance to open fire, jumping around the room before unleashing his attacks. Shadow Star does land on the ground and pauses for a second to mock his foe after an attack to allow the player to damage him. Any light based attack would be his weakness. When low on health he will stop using attack#3 and instead use a version of it that does not disperse causing the black hole to constantly be a threat for the remainder of the battle.

#1: Jumps into the air and fires two small balls of dark energy at the target (similar to how metal man throws his metal blades in MM2), if the balls fail to hit the target they will disperse on the floor and travel along the ground left and right till they hit a wall and vanish.

#2 Extends his arms side to side and generates two dark portals, two more appear one on each side of the arena one high one low. They begin firing energy balls that must either be jumped over or dashed under in rapid succession.

#3 Creates a slow moving black hole that chases the player, it deals rapid damage for every second spent in the black hole. It will chase the payer long enough to present a hazard during shadow star's next attack making dodging more difficult. The black hole can be shot to knock it back abit, otherwise the player will need to use the small platforms in shadow star's arena to jump over it.

#4 Opens a wormhole behind him and disappears, a few seconds later another portal appears behind the target and they have a split second to dash or slide out of the way before Shadow Star appears and causes collision damage.

Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: December 04, 2013, 05:15:19 AM »
Hence why I went to double check.
Price seems to be 6480 Yen, which translates into... USD63.20.

... Still lower than I expected. Then again, exchange rates might change by June next year.

Fair enough, thanks. I'll pick this up anyway but nice to have a price. (Love me some Turn-X)

Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: December 04, 2013, 05:09:58 AM »
... USD58.50.

... Something's not right. *double checks*

Yeah that seems kinda cheap for a master grade.

Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: December 04, 2013, 04:58:38 AM »
It's going to be priced at 6000 Yen.


 :'(   (Whats the in US dollars roughly anyway?)

Off The Wall / Re: Latest Buys
« on: December 04, 2013, 04:57:52 AM »
Who draws that?

For a majority of the run it`s Nick Roche who`s done a stellar job. Jame`s Roberts is the main writer for the whole thing.

Off The Wall / Re: Latest Buys
« on: December 04, 2013, 04:40:59 AM »
Soft cover trades of IDW's Transformers More Than Meets the Eye series. I gotta give the writers credit, for a story made up of a huge number of mostly lesser known characters (only Rodimus, Ultra Magnus and Ratchet being well known characters) they have managed to make nearly all of them likeable or at least memorable. I really like how they've handled Cylonus and Whirl both have become favorite characters with an interesting dynamic. The mix of snappy writing and storytelling has also helped, it's like an ongoing Last stand of the Wreckers and that's not a bad thing at all.

Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: December 04, 2013, 04:33:47 AM »
Be happy to know that a MG Turn X is coming out in June 2014. :P

You make my wallet weep.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 04, 2013, 04:32:26 AM »
Captain Klaus?  Captain Santa Klaus? 8D

He steals Christmas?  :D

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 04, 2013, 04:21:06 AM »
Robot space pirate? Sold. XD *swipes*

I'll have to whip up some machines for him to drive. Any ideas on a name? This is always the worst part of character creation for me. = /

Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: December 03, 2013, 11:58:05 PM »
Agreed, but the 00 HGs were pretty good and I liked how the HG AGE-1 turned out. One master grade I really want to get though is Turn-A, I loved that series.

Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: December 03, 2013, 11:42:31 PM »
I don't mind High Grades really, nice and simple to put together and still look good. But yeah. no comparison to the Master or Perfect Grades. (never cared much for Real Grade though after the disaster that was RG RX-78)

Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: December 03, 2013, 11:25:47 PM »
How much is it at your hobby shop?

Off the top of my head (and by no means accurate), High Grades about 20$, Real Grades about 40-50$ (depending on the MS), Master Grades = 40-70$, and PG 100$ or more.

Not sure what the typical prices on them are, but a little much to randomly put down even on an awesome model.

Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: December 03, 2013, 11:01:02 PM »

And goddamn that Wing Proto Zero MG Model they came out with is damn sexy!

I know, love to get a master grade but the least at my local hobby shop. D=

Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: December 03, 2013, 10:06:24 PM »
I might need to buy and build a Mr. Beargguy III XD

Perfect Grade Bearguy III anyone?  :P

Fan Creations / Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 03, 2013, 04:18:33 PM »
Just my "attempts" at doing sprites, mostly edits of Extreme X, minus the row under the head. I scratched that row since I hated X's standing pose.

Blue lacks a charge shot but can rapid fire her buster as well as aim in multiple directions. Equipped with a dash system, she can also hover for a short time during a jump, she begins to descend immediately however.

Story is...ah a work in progress.

Possible design for a nemesis. A robot space pirate of sorts, not a fighter but pilots large mech suits and machines. Not sure what inspired him honestly, kinda like how he turned out though.

Last one, possible minions of said villain. I'm terrible with doing names and I kinda made these as I brainstormed.

Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: December 03, 2013, 03:00:54 PM »
Okay I just watched the first episode of Gundam Build Fighters. This is the most hilariously shameless form of marketing I've seen in a long while.

...and it's absolutely [tornado fang]ing awesome!

I hate to admit it, but I'm loving this show too. I shouldn't but for some reason it's really growing on me.  :D  I totally love the Ramba Ral cameo.

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