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Messages - Fxeni

Pages: 1 ... 145 146 147 148
Gaming / Re: Your Favorite Games of All Time
« on: November 13, 2008, 09:25:34 AM »
Megaman X/X2
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
Super Metroid
Street Fighter Alpha 2/3
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Kirby Superstar
Yoshi's Island
Chrono Trigger
StarFox /64
Super Castlevania 4
Donkey Kong Country 2

That's all that comes to mind right now, but the list goes on... and on... and on.

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: November 13, 2008, 06:26:21 AM »
"Well, I got an extra layer of responsibility that no one else in my class has. I half find it cool that I was picked to do it, but half annoyed since that means I have so much more work to do >_>' "

It just keeps getting better and better. Jer's first line is interesting, to say the least 8D

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: November 11, 2008, 03:05:52 AM »
"Man I wish my dad wouldn't turn up the volume everytime he turns on the TV it's gets so loud I think he needs a hearing test."
"I know your pain. My dad's deaf in one ear, so he turns the volume way up. The thing is, everything is connected to a kickass sound system over at his place, so it gets really loud."

Original / Re: Psst wanna buy an E Can?
« on: November 11, 2008, 03:04:13 AM »
That's perfect, I'll take 2 8D
Not really, need cash for other stuff.

Pure awesomeness, I can't wait to see where this goes XD

Off The Wall / Re: The Mystery of the Forum Users - Take 4
« on: November 11, 2008, 02:23:58 AM »
I'm some guy that's been here for a long while. Hiya.

Gaming / Re: Sonic Unleashed
« on: November 11, 2008, 02:18:31 AM »
I've heard some unpleasantries, such as that there isn't quite as many possible routes as they want you to believe, that the camera is still a little glitchy, and that there's been some invisible obstacles popping up. I hope that these things are fixed for the final release, but I'm not holding my breath for most of them >_>'

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: November 11, 2008, 02:09:53 AM »
"I was having far too much fun making those Photoshop edits... I really need a break -u-'"

Roleplay / Re: Neo Secret Files and Origins
« on: November 11, 2008, 02:07:43 AM »

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: November 11, 2008, 12:06:48 AM »
"The huge workload I keep getting is trying to beat me down into nothingness (as well as other things), and it's quite annoying. I must prevail 8D"

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: November 10, 2008, 12:57:33 PM »
"Hmm, and now Jelly has an interesting choice to make. Love is certainly a complicated subject."
Probably the most complicated one of them all.

That aside, I still find people freaking out over postcounts ridiculous.

General / Re: Forum Data Recovery Thread
« on: November 09, 2008, 07:28:31 PM »
I managed to dig up my posts that I wanted. Do ignore my request from earlier :P

Roleplay / Re: Neo Secret Files and Origins
« on: November 09, 2008, 07:08:10 PM »

The picture above is an old one, but it should do for now.

Fxeni didn't grow up in the best of conditions. To make a very long winded story short (which most people aren't supposed to know, anyways), he was heavily mistreated by everyone around him. Once he reached a certain age, he decided to go out on his own. As he wandered, looking for some way to survive on his own, he met a woman named Ciel. From that day on, they were together at all times. He made a living by acting as a hired hand, however he was extremely picky about what jobs he would take, fighting only for the causes he felt were good. For the most part, employers were confused by this, but hired him anyways due to his ability to perform quite well in battle. One in particular took interest in him, and offered for him to stay with him as long as he'd like. Fxeni agreed, and stayed with him, doing jobs from time to time. This man became his mentor of sorts, and he had Fxeni do jobs that mainly involved helping people. Sometime after that, certain events led to the death of his newfound mentor. Fxeni was left with all the money, which he used to establish a base of operations under the mansion in which he lived. From here, he built many things to help him continue helping as many good people as he could. The red scarf that he always wears is from his mentor.

Over the years Fxeni's continued on his work. Betrayed by Ciel, they went their separate ways. Fxeni spent a lot of time in the Fxenodrome after that event, studying ways to travel to other dimensions. After a while he build a portal deep in the depths under his mansion. While testing the device, he was trapped in a war-torn dimension for 2 years. Due to the constant combat he had to endure in this dimension, his combat abilities were strengthened even more. He has gotten a bit more ruthless and reckless while fighting due to this, which he tries to keep in check. He still plans everything out in advance while fighting though, coming up with contingencies on the fly as the battle evolves.

Due to how he's lived thus far he tends to be more on the quiet side, and rarely approaches people on his own. He might seem more serious at first but if you get to know him you see that he can be very laid back. He's very open to people who want to talk to him though, especially those that need help of some sort. He's always there to help and never refuses the people he believes deserve the help. He isn't easy to take advantage of, however, since he can easily tell whether someone's lying or being sincere. This is due to how he can sense the person's intentions, and how they might feel. Kind of a heightened sixth sense, if you will. He can't tell exactly what they're thinking, of course, but he usually has a general idea. This Sixth Sense also helps him during battles, giving him a very high reaction time.

He is a very technical individual, coming up with new inventions for the tasks at hand all the time. Constantly improving, he develops more complicated technology over time.

Fighting Style

Due to his somewhat rough upbringing, Fxeni learned how to fight early in his life. He was naturally adept at it, and was quite versatile with what weaponry he could use. His favourite weapons, however, were the staff, spear and scythe. Once he inherited his mentor's estate, he developed a weapon that could be all three, or more. He dubbed it the "Yamalok", which I will go into further details about here.

Weapon (Yamalok)

Now I know it kinda looks like a lightsaber at the moment, but it's actually a combination of a spear/scythe. Here, I'll show you what I mean:

It extends out, as you can see. It has multiple spots where the beam can come out, and the length of the beam depends entirely upon how many are active at once. If only one is activated, it's a good length. If, for example, all of them were activated, then the beams would be quite small.

The Yamalok has been upgraded recently with a stronger power source and more locations for beams. Due to the new power source it is stronger in general, and may yet have new properties that are undiscovered.


Here are some examples of the vehicles that he's made over time. (Mostly PB's ideas :P)

Fxeni Foil - Sea based craft, made for high speed water travel.

Fxeppelin - Aircraft used as an airbase. Being much more efficient than other Zeppelins, it is sturdy enough to be a good attack vehicle. It stores smaller aircraft that are much better suited to fighting, however.

Fxenodrome - The main Assault Base. From here, all the other vehicles can be deployed, and it is the strongest of all the vehicles. Very slow, however.

Fxescythe Hell - A Gundam made for Fxeni by Protoman Blues. It is a perfect replication of the Deathscythe Hell.

Fan Creations / Re: Akira's color-full arts
« on: November 09, 2008, 07:03:04 PM »
I like how you drew the different regions, very nicely done.

News and Announcements / Re: Another RPM Revival~
« on: November 09, 2008, 09:14:46 AM »
You people and your postcounts. Focus on quality people, not quantity.

Gaming / Re: Castlevania
« on: November 09, 2008, 07:51:50 AM »
Super Castlevania 4 is still my favourite of the series, and it's gonna take a lot to knock it off that spot.

Anyways, I have yet to get OoE. Would you guys say it's worth it?

DASH / Re: Favorite DASH Installment.
« on: November 09, 2008, 07:07:59 AM »
We do know what you are talking about, Buy a JAP PSP and DASH 2 for PSP.
Yeeeeeah I don't think so. Requires more cash than I have, and it's not really worth it.

Off The Wall / Re: Post a Random Fact About Yourself
« on: November 09, 2008, 06:30:50 AM »
I make it a point to play some Super Castlevania 4 whenever Halloween comes around. It's an absolute must, or else I feel... wrong.

Gaming / Re: Characters you HATE.
« on: November 09, 2008, 06:07:26 AM »
I'm sensing nothing good coming from this, that's for sure :P

Fan Games / Re: Flash Game series in the works.
« on: November 09, 2008, 06:04:00 AM »
Ah, you went with FrostBurn after all. Awesome.

Also, make sure to show us the finished product. I would love to smack some of the people I know with that.

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: November 09, 2008, 06:01:44 AM »
Make everyone feel the Indy awesomeness, right? 8D

DASH / Re: Favorite DASH Installment.
« on: November 09, 2008, 06:00:40 AM »
I actually prefer DASH 1. The fact that the whole Island was completely interconnected in some way was just awesome. Also, there was no underwater dungeon... you know what I'm talking about.

Gaming / Re: Characters you HATE.
« on: November 09, 2008, 05:58:22 AM »
So seriously how bad was Chrono Cross?
For me, it's... ok. No more than that, that's for sure.

I dunno, Chrono Trigger wasn't all that fun.
I can almost sense the ninja creeping up on you now.

I'm not one to hate characters, but I must say that Shadow the Hedgehog after SA2 is completely pointless. His character development actually managed to regress after SA2, which is insane.

Gaming / Re: Characters you HATE.
« on: November 09, 2008, 05:49:30 AM »
Serge, Kid, Guile,.... You know what, everything Chrono Cross - CT characters.
Now, I know Chrono Cross wasn't as awesome as CT, not by a long shot, but some of the characters had some merit... until they were forgotten completely, and never brought up in the game ever again.

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