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Messages - Blue Valkyrie

Pages: 1 ... 139 140 141 142 143 ... 157
Fan Creations / Re: The Gonzo has art.
« on: February 07, 2014, 05:25:19 PM »
I still like the deadly six, nice varied designs. The sonic spin off's redesigns honestly don't bother me besides Knuckles though.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: February 07, 2014, 05:20:19 PM »
Boss Fight Flare Star

Star General Pre-Battle Theme (Bomber Man 64 The Second Attack: Astral Knight Theme)

Flare Star emerges from the beam, a silence lingers in the room as the two size each other up. Blue isn't sure why but there is something familiar about this Star General, Flare Star finally breaks the silence. "I'm so happy you came here first, it's a shame though the others will miss out on the fun." Flare clenches her fist fire engulfing it.

Blue takes a step back "What not even going to give me a name, it's rude to fight someone without telling them who they are you know!" Flare chuckles in response. "Flare Star, but there isn't much point you and I are much alike, although I'm clearly the better." Flare's voice is filled with a certain venom she clearly knows something Blue doesn't. "You sound familiar, whats your problem anyway or are you just sore I kicked you captain's butt before?" Blue puts a hand on her hip mockingly gesturing with her free hand at Flare Star.

"I was created to be your better in every way! I have all your strengths and none of your weaknesses, and thats only to start!" Flare angrily responds taking a step forward fire emitting from her armor. "Oh--so your just a supped up copy bot huh?" Blue retorts almost sounding disappointed. "Should I be worried that creepy pirate is making copies of me?"

"C-copy?! I am your superior you in every way, I'll prove it by destroying you here and now!" The two ready them selves for battle.

Boss Battle Flare Star

Battle Theme (Bomberman 64 the Second Attack: Astral Knight Battle theme)

Flare Star is one of the most aggressive of the Star Generals, she moves quickly and attacks often giving only a little breathing room for Blue to evade or respond.

Attack #1: Fire Ball

Fire Ball is Flare's basic projectile, she sends a large blast across the room at Blue. As the fire ball travels it leaves a trail of small fire hazards meaning if Blue jumps short she'll still take damage. The Fire ball deals moderate damage with the hazards only doing minor damage. Flare can use this attack on the ground or in the air, it depends on Blue's position.

Attack #2: Flare Dash

Flare transforms into a fire ball and dashes at Blue in an effort to hit her, if Blue gets hit it inflicts heavy damage however like the fire ball attack it leaves a trail of flames that punish a short jump. Managing to avoid the attack Flare will impact the wall causing the room to shake and blocks to fall. Blue can grab the blocks before they hit the ground and use them as projectiles against Flare Star.

Attacks #3: Fire Needle

Flare jumps into the air and launches needles of fire at various points of the room, they inflict moderate damage if blue bungles into one but their main danger is the large flames they create limiting blue's movement and spurting random flames that cause minor damage.

Damage Method
#1: Grab the blocks dropped by Flare's dash attack and lob them at her.
#2: If Blue has already beaten Aqua Star she can use her Water Form to freeze the projectiles Flare shoots and use them to attack her more quickly.

Blue and Flare jump back to opposite sides of the room, blue grips her side she's taken fairly heavy damage although Flare Star isn't in much better shape. "H-heh not bad for a copy." Blue winces abit. "It's been fun Blue but It's time to end this, you did well but you never really had a chance." Flare charges at Blue generating a fireball in her hand going in for killing blow, Blue runs forward jumping up to meet Flare's attack deflecting her hand away before punching through Flare with all her remaining strength.

Flare looks at Blue in shock "H-how---I was winning--th-this can't be---" Flare's reactor goes critical just as Blue tries to get clear the resulting explosion sends her hitting the wall hard and everything goes dark.

(Aftermath next.)

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: February 07, 2014, 05:58:42 AM »
Volcano Stage

Long ago this island was like many in the Azure Sea, beautiful filled with nature and wild life. This all changed when the volcano erupted, the island has stood abandoned and lifeless since but oddly the structure built into the volcano it's self had mostly survived. Likely a precursor ruin designed to siphon thermal energy before the Omni-Gem was created Blue thought to her self as she used the drop ship's teleporter to reach the base.

Upon closer inspection White Beard's troops had occupied the ruin and seemed to have already made the necessary repairs to get it working again, she wondered why they had bothered if the Omni-Gem was in his possession---before it dawned on her that White Beard had been on planet for some time and two years HAD passed it stood to reason that White Beard may have had some difficulty in tracking her that far underground, the energy here would be quite usefull.

Blue looked back and forth before jumping into the ruined base, she wasn't sure why Shadow Star had given her the means to track his own troops but it was the only lead she had for the moment, still she would be careful this could easily be a trap.

Level Theme (Bomberman 64: Red Mountain)

Flare Star's stage is a mix of treacherous jumps over instant death lava rivers, and claustrophobic hall ways filled with dangerous enemies. Several unique enemies show up here.

Fire Elemental

Neither pirate nor precursor the fire elemental is an essence of fire elemental energy that is in common supply down in this volcano. They seem to have little to no sentience but will pop out of lave rivers and slowly follow Blue until they either impact or fall behind. Being made of pure flame they can't be grabbed.


A new variant on the Buccaneer type bot, they are equipped with a flame thrower buster that while lacking in ranged combat are quite dangerous at mid to short range. They use this weapon to great effect to keep Blue away from them although they cannot fire this flame stream indefinitely and this is when Blue can close the distance and attack.

Flare Guard

A new type of robot series created by White Beard, mostly superior to their Buccaneer predecessors they come in five different types and serve as the star general's personal guard. Each type has a unique weapon. The Flare Guard will charge up energy when Blue gets into their field of view and after a second or two will fire a wave of flame that is very hard to dodge in small corridors. The time in between charging and firing allows Blue to close the gap and grab them.

Hell Hound

Developed to siphon thermal energy and weaponize it, they act as guard dogs at key points in the volcano ruins. The Hell hound has three major weapons at it's disposal, first it's size makes it hard for Blue to bypass and thus forces her to deal with it. Two, it's fire breath arcs down across the ground then up forcing blue to jump twice as the second head soon follows suit. Three, it can use it's gathered thermal energy to create a fire elemental to give Blue trouble.

As this is such a large enemy Blue can't pick it up, however there tend to be objects or other enemies nearby she can use to damage it assuming she can stay out of the way of it's fire breath.

After traversing the crumbling ruins of the volcano base Blue finds herself in a command room of some kind, the gates suddenly shut behind her and blue swings back at the loud noise. Taking a deep breath Blue glances across the room as if expecting an attack, her suspicions prove true as a teleporter beam cuts through the ceiling---one of Shadow Star's generals have noticed her attack!

Next up: Vs Flare Star

Gaming / Re: Talk about Sonic
« on: February 07, 2014, 05:16:03 AM »
Don't get me wrong, I love the humor and atmosphere of the Jak games. I'm a fan.

But personally, I can't get into the gameplay as much as I used to back on PS2. That's just my opinion. It's certainly playable, but not quite as exciting as before.

Also, I'll have to disagree that every game has gameplay issues. The way I see it, it depends on the player and the game they're playing.

Unless the game is just plain terrible, then there's that.

Fair enough, I admit the GTA style open world Jak 2 and 3 used hasn't aged that well and still are kind of an odd design choice.

What I mean by issues though is every game has it's flaws no matter how well made it is, there is always something the creators will miss or some minor or major misstep in design, like you said though it's more obvious in some games than others.

Gaming / Re: Talk about Sonic
« on: February 07, 2014, 04:36:50 AM »
The Jak series hasn't aged gracefully, as I came to realize after playing the HD Collection. I'd imagine Crash hasn't aged well, either. So, I don't hold high expectations for this.

I have to disagree with that, I can still play Crash 1-3 and still appreciate what they did for their time. As for Jak and Daxter I just have a love for the world the creators spun from their loveable characters to it's great sense of humor. Gameplay of both games is quite solid too, not without their issues but that can be said of any game.

Jak 3 is still one of my favorite games. Can't beat that atmosphere in the later half of the story.

Gaming / Re: Talk about Sonic
« on: February 07, 2014, 03:47:23 AM »
Sega, or at least Sonic Team, aren't even making this one. It is a spin-off after all. The Wii U version is being made entirely by "Big Red Button Entertainment" which have no prior games under their belt, but apparently their company is largely made of ex-Naughty Dog staff. The inevitable handheld version meanwhile is being done Sanzaru Games whom made the most recent Sly Cooper. Make of that what you will because I ain't played it or any old ND titles. Also the Wii U one in particular is using CryEngine3 if that means anything.

Naughty Dog made some really good games like Crash and Jak and Daxter in the past, that gives me some interest in the Wii U version.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: February 06, 2014, 02:50:22 PM »
Fire Blue needs to dance like Shantae now. 8D

I think I have the Shantae sprites lying around somewhere.  8D

Forum Games / Re: What are you currently Drinking?
« on: February 06, 2014, 02:48:39 PM »
Breakfast blend tea, need mah morning caffeine.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: February 06, 2014, 02:41:41 PM »
Flare Star's stage is nearly ready for posting, in the mean time I was doing some brainstorming for two of the elemental forms. These are prototypes, and they might turn out very different in the end.

Water Form

(Just the Mermaid aspect of this form done for the moment)

The Water Form grants blue immunity to ice and water type attacks, on land her basic throw is joined by an ice projectile that freezes enemies solid. SHe can use the frozen enemies as stepping stones, or pick up and throw them.

When Blue enters a body of water normally she will sink to the bottom like mega man, in this form however she will take the form of a Mermaid and be given full range of movement in any body of water. Her attacks do not change.

Fire Form

Fire Form grants Blue ranged attack options as well as immunity to fire attacks and lava hazzards. Her throw is replaced by a bouncing fireball (like a Mario fire flower), this fire ball can burn certain objects or even enemies susceptible to fire attacks. Blue can charge up the fire ball to blast her enemies with a larger projectile that flies forward destroying weak enemies without disappearing.

Blue can also mimic Flare Star's fire ball dash attack, it allows her to quickly fly forward causing damage to any enemy she hits as long as she's still in that form. This attack can be used in the air as an Air Dash.

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Bros. Thread
« on: February 05, 2014, 11:26:49 PM »
Mew Two hits hard, some of the youtube vids of him are crazy.

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: February 05, 2014, 08:58:53 PM »
Limit yourself to four or five powers and list them.  They can do what the plot needs, but limit the amount.  It gets less confusing.  Also, beware of too many powers, as it could make your character overpowered and god-moding.


Blue for example, her base form is very simple. She's durable and super strong as well as agile. However she needs to be able to throw enemies or objects to hit anyone at range. Clear strengths and weaknesses, nothing overpowered.

But I recently introduced in Blue's second adventure the concept of Elemental Forms, as each form grants a new set of powers this could in theory make her overpowered so I came up with some built in rules to avoid that.

Tell me how they sound I'm trying to avoid making them seem god like.

1. Blue must be at near full strength to transform at all, anything over minor damage and she doesn't have the energy to pull off a transformation.

2. Blue can turn back to normal when ever she wants, but she can't transform again for at least an hour in RP. Also all damage inflicted on her transfer between forms so she can't transform to heal her self.

3.Forms can only have up to two offensive powers and one defensive or special ability. (like flying or turning into a mermaid for her Water Form)

4.Being in a form makes her basically able to shrug off damage of that element but makes her vulnerable to other types of attacks.

Fire Form is weak to water attacks.
Water form is weak to lightning attacks.
Earth Form is weak to fire attacks.
Wind Form is weak to Earth attacks

Hows that sound?

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: February 05, 2014, 08:05:20 PM »
Well scrap any plans of going into work, managed to get some of the Co-op students into do some minor work so I'm not screwed tomorrow. Looks like I have some free time now, time to do a new run through Demons Souls.  8D

Entertainment / Re: The RPM Boob Tube Thread (56k warning)
« on: February 05, 2014, 08:00:55 PM »
This is likely pretty old information but Demons Souls and Dark Souls are two of my favorite games ever and if there are any other fans here I thought I'd share this.

Fans have been doing an amazing job figuring out all the hidden meaning behind the lore, and making theory as to how everything fits together. It's this sorta thing that makes me appreciate FROM's unique style of story telling as this was totally intended. But fans thanks to the PC version have been finding some really cool unused content, from unused parts of the script to recorded voice overs that never made it into the game for some reason or another. A whole covenant and several NPC related quests have been found to say nothing of unused weapons, armor and items.

Cut enemies or prototypes of other enemies like the Rockworms, Marvelous Chester, or the completely cut Spider Hollow are really cool to see put back into the game by the modders as they test how close they were to being finished. Lately I found this video that shows a completely unused boss.

Undead King Jar Eel

The common belief is the player would encounter this boss in New Londo and he would have been one of the four kings who in the final game are the main boss of that location. Perhaps the four kings were a later concept and Jar Eel would guard the key to the Abyss.

His character model is basically finished minus some incomplete textures and effects, his cape physics are still kinda glitchy too. He has animations for all his attacks, various sword swipes movement, and what seems to be a variation of the Life Drain attack used by the Dark Wraiths or players using the Dark Hand weapon/shield. His audio is likely a place holder as it's the same as False King Allant from Demons Souls. The up loader simply replaced Lord Gwyn with Jar El for testing purposes as the two share some similar patterns.

Apparently the size of the boss made testing the effects of his attacks challenging, but the ones that do connect don't seem to have any damage values yet.


It'll be interesting to see if any of Dark Souls' cut content makes it into Dark Souls 2 in some form or another. The DLC expansion "Artorias of the Abyss" was a lot of their scrapped ideas involving the Kingdom of Oolacile and the Knight Artorias who is mentioned a few times in the base game but never really explored. Was one of the few examples of worth while DLC for a game.

Fan Creations / Re: TENK presents, a Maine Coon Hazard art production
« on: February 05, 2014, 07:28:16 PM »
Careful, going through Wily's stuff, is like playing with fire; and stealing my talents, is like trying to be The Guy. Are you willing to take that challenge ma deer? 8D

Welp, time to mess around with some sprites.

Good point, I'll stick to bad sprite edits and mock game screenshots.  8D

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: February 05, 2014, 07:09:27 PM »
Fire Benders are always fun, some really creative ways to manipulate fire and gives you some options during storylines.

Fan Creations / Re: TENK presents, a Maine Coon Hazard art production
« on: February 05, 2014, 07:03:27 PM »
I love your colouring style, also your really good at coming up with costume designs. I must find away to steal your drawing skills, maybe Dr WilyII has a talent siphoning device hidden away somewhere.  8D

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: February 05, 2014, 05:59:11 PM »
Cool, glad you like it! Alright back to making Flare Star's stage then.  XD

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: February 05, 2014, 05:02:05 PM »
With adorable "Rawrs" of course.  XD

Edit: Here you go Mirby enjoy!

Again if I messed anything up or you don't like a certain part I can give it another go.  :)

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: February 05, 2014, 04:49:43 PM »
I picture you chasing someone just swinging that blade around wildly.  8D

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: February 05, 2014, 04:36:17 PM »
Well that 5cms of snow fall turned into raging white out conditions, we were driving out of town to work could barely see the car in front us and couldn't see the one behind us. We took one look at each other and said "Naaaaaaah" and turned back.

Going to try to head in at lunch when this snowstorm is going to end (apparently).

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Bros. Thread
« on: February 05, 2014, 04:26:21 PM »
I always found Mewtwo a little too floaty for my liking. I mostly used Peach, Toon Link and now Diddy where I troll people with banana peels constantly.  8D

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: February 05, 2014, 02:45:08 PM »
That works! I'll try to get these done these done tonight after work assuming I don't need to stay too late.  :)

Update: Gotta head to work but I managed to get TENK's sprite done, I like how it turned out. If I missed anything or got some detail wrong just give me a heads up and I'll fix it later. Hope you like! Mirby's one is up next!


Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: February 05, 2014, 02:13:54 PM »
The guy on Vixy's right is me.

Now that I think about spriting. I'm thinking of messing around with some SNK Fighter sprites a little. I think I'll focus on that, once I've done drawing Kathy's mother.

The SNK fighter sprites are fun to work with, but yeah I'll get started on your character.

Oh I see, I don't get a sprite.


(kidding, those are pretty damn cool)

Give me a picture to work with and I'll do one for you too.  :P

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: February 05, 2014, 07:01:54 AM »

Working on the concept designs for Blue's elemental forms, when she defeats one of the Star Generals she absorbs their elemental energy allowing her to transform. Each form has it's own costume and attacks.

I'd love some input as to what Blue's costume should be for each form.

Fire Form - Mostly uses long range projectiles, can mimic Flare's fire dash.

Water Form - Can freeze enemies as make shift projectiles or to use as a platform, when blue enters water she'll transform into a Mermaid form and gain more mobility.

Air Form - Can rapidly damage at long or close range. It's main advantage is granting Blue the ability to air dash, double jump and float for a short time.

Ground Form - Enhances Blue's strength to even greater levels. She can pick up nearly anything, and can generate boulders to throw at will.

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: February 05, 2014, 06:22:15 AM »
The freezing rain has begun.  I suppose I'd better go put down some cat litter for traction...

Going to blizzard over here sometime around 3am, I'll count my self lucky it wasn't freezing rain. You have my sympathies.  :(

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