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Messages - Suppercut ♡

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 12 13 14 ... 64
Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: March 12, 2014, 03:39:24 AM »
(Let me see if I can put this together...

[spoiler]The Cobalt Flames, in truth, are actually a joke turned real by science. They were initially part of some game plot Corey's dad made up. However, Corey was convinced they were "real notes" on the mystical "colored flame wielders". Remember that in this dimension, magic is globally considered fictional or fake. By chasing after his dad's "Cobalt Flames", Corey inadvertently proved the existence of magic, learned how to use it, and put his findings and training into hardware form for robots to use. That hardware is the Magic Drive.

The Magic Drive merely enables Sinos to use magic. It doesn't "give" him magic, asides from the embedded information on the Cobalt Flames. It mostly just uses metaphysics backdoors in order to give a machine the requirements to use magic: concentration and a mind-spirit connection. However, due to the complexities involved with magic, the only way to use it is with an advanced learning AI.[/spoiler]

If anything, let's put it this way: Whatever way the other robots use their magic, Sinos's way is the Magic Drive, which was disabled in the case that Sinos just turned out to be another Tangent. Sinos's "awakening" would merely constitute summoning the Cobalt Blades and cutting some [parasitic bomb].

PS: When I said "eleventh hour power", what I should have said was "that one category of Die or Fly where they come out swinging eleventh-hour attacks, then having no idea how the [tornado fang] they did that afterwards".)

I'm horny.

I-I didn't mean it that way! I-idiot! >_<

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: March 12, 2014, 12:20:38 AM »
(He's getting new ones. ;))

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: March 12, 2014, 12:08:35 AM »
(Well, the thing is, half of Sinos's "mind" is in another dimension, and half of it is hard code.

Plus, and I hate to use this again, but he is from another dimension where technology is barely past the point Iron Man establishes, so "our robots r diffrent".

Not to mention, the Magic Drive itself has its own built-in functions necessary to make the Cobalt Flames work.)

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: March 11, 2014, 10:54:46 PM »
(Does he really need some fancy program to use magic?
(He's a robot; in his original world, you couldn't actually get a robot to use magic very well unless you used very advanced hardware, the kind that Suppercut Industries developed in secret and Corey installed in Sinos, so he could have the extra firepower of the Cobalt Blades.)

And does he really need to ditch his daggers?)
(His current daggers literally become useless for a few seconds when using ranged attacks. At least the Cobalt Blades are still there when he throws their energy at someone.)

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: March 11, 2014, 09:51:17 PM »
(Magic Drive?)
(A secret project installed in Sinos that allows him to use some magic powers. It was initially designed solely for access to the Cobalt Flames, a magical energy bestowed upon his maker's father and passed down through science, however with time he can learn other forms of magic. Currently, he's using Cobalt Flames to recharge himself.)

Forum Games / Re: Comment on the Previous Signature.
« on: March 11, 2014, 08:58:44 PM »
went too fast

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: March 11, 2014, 08:57:01 PM »
(Maybe I'll just let him get carried to medbay or whatever and have his abilities activate upon starting his next fight. Someone could comment on how he should be dead but he's somehow barely functioning and he comes to.

Still it's slightly annoying to have several attempts at awakening the power in a cool way have been totally missed... Most of the reason I went reckless was to have Sinos struck down early so he would have to activate the Magic Drive and ditch the beam daggers.)

Roleplay / Re: RPM-vengers Assemble!
« on: March 11, 2014, 08:49:01 PM »
After entering, the suit powered down and opened up to release a young man, probably about the age of 27. A couple years ago he would have been fresh out of college, but his current appearance wouldn't suggest that for the world. He looked a bit pale, with some stubble breaking out along his jaw. His muscles suggested a period in time in which he was strong; one that has long passed from inactivity and most likely ages sitting in front of monitor screens.

He plopped on the couch in a lazy manner, almost as if he had a beer in his hand already, and began speaking, "Well, that's not the strangest out-of-context thing to hear... Anyways, sounds cool, mate. I myself've got a personal bone to pick with a couple of 'em. Anyways, what drinks you got here? Seems like a nice place." He looked around before quickly adding, "Oh, name's Corey, by the way. Corey Jameson Danow. And that right there," he motioned to the suit while saying this, "is a little number I like to call, 'Arsenal Machine MKII'. Suppercut Industries has been trying to shut this thing down for years."

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: March 11, 2014, 08:31:50 PM »
>preps to go 11th hour superpower
>11th hour is now passing
[tornado fang]
there better be another fight after omega joe or another form or something, otherwise i will have to retcon a bunch of [parasitic bomb])

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: March 11, 2014, 12:38:14 AM »
Where is the good (bad) doctor anyways?

Gaming / Re: Gunvolt [New Inafune & Inti Creates game]
« on: March 11, 2014, 12:35:04 AM »
Well, if you're talking about a 2D HD sprite game with high FPS, it could easily be just as, if not more, expensive than a 3D game.


60 FPS has been a standard in 2D gaming since the old days of the NES. Unless your 2D art team's lazy as hell (KOFXIII), a 2D designer doesn't have to worry about things like proper weight painting, expensive lighting and shading engines (both economically AND graphically), problematic physics engines, defining a 3D filetype interpreter, and a fuckton of other things. Especially if your team is going for a retro game style (Gunvolt).

Roleplay / Re: RPM-vengers Assemble!
« on: March 10, 2014, 11:29:35 PM »
Meanwhile, at a very secret location of secrecy... Dr. Doom II was sitting in his base, wondering why he couldn't continue the strange game he held in his hands. Just then, a doorbell rang.

"Vhat iz zis? I don't remember putting a doorbell in my secret hideout," Dr. Doom II said to himself, getting up cautiously and walking to the entrance. "Zis had better be zat boy coming back from...vhatever."

Dr. Doom II opened his secret hideout's secret entrance to find a massive battle suit decked in many, many integrated weapons systems carrying a few of his best robot guards. Before he had a chance to react, the battle suit spoke quickly, "Don't worry, Doc, I can fix them up in a jiffy. They just gave me a bit of annoyance. Mind if I crash here? I hear you're smashing up some superheroes."

Forum Games / Re: Comment on the Previous Signature.
« on: March 10, 2014, 10:31:11 PM »
I hit books... with a whip. 8D

Roses are funky~
Violets are funky~
Baby, you got me seeing everything in funky~

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: March 09, 2014, 06:16:08 AM »
The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath is an actual story by Lovecraft, as fanfictiony as it sounds. :P

I wouldn't blame her, given your summation here...
But, the cats go to the moon and fight the tentacle toads or something while everyone waits for Nyarlathotep, who never shows up. 
It just screamed "nine-year-old fantasy writing" in my face.

Off The Wall / Re: The Avatar / Signature Changing Thread
« on: March 09, 2014, 06:10:56 AM »
I figured I might as well post an explanation for my avatar... so here you go...

Soda Drinker Pro! Game Review (Best Soda Drinking Simulation)

Forum Games / Re: Comment on the Previous Signature.
« on: March 09, 2014, 12:08:40 AM »
As you can see, sleeping improved my "talents".

Look at me, I'm so kawaii desu sugoi moe tatsumaki sempukyaku! Ehehe! :3

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: March 08, 2014, 08:10:51 PM »
(dumping this so I can kill my notepad)

"...nately like GLaDOS, I can run Sinos's AI on as little as a couple volts. That's why there's a small power cell just for such an occa..."

Sinos could barely think. He could tell his CPUs were all shut off except for one. All he could sense was the sound of a voice over a very low-quality radio. He speculated that the reduced quality was due to the restriction he had on power.

Metaphorically shaking his head to clear it, Sinos tried to pay attention to that voice, straining the one lithium cell to process the voice. Voice recog was hard enough on one CPU and a couple megabytes of RAM...

"...nos, can you hear me? Si......vate Sector 513, it just nee......ark to get it started. Please get u..."

Sector 513? But...there's only 512 sectors. Power of two. What does the voice mean by that?

"...a spark. Ju...0.06 volts. You can d..."

All he had left was 0.06 in the backup battery. Struggling to believe, he threw it down the line.

Roleplay / Re: RPM-vengers Assemble!
« on: March 08, 2014, 05:10:37 AM »
(I'd drop in, but I'm worried about Sapph's gunked up suit. Maybe I'll just pull that "villain is seen seeing the hero" [parasitic bomb] as an intro post.)

Roleplay / Re: RPM-vengers Assemble!
« on: March 08, 2014, 05:03:21 AM »
(I'm actually considering being a badguy in this RP. Suppose instead of being Warmachine, I'm the guy who modded the Mark I? Lets me bring back the "boohoo people mock my theoretical physics work" and the joke reference to Wilypocalypse.)

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: March 08, 2014, 04:44:49 AM »
(Though Cobalt Flames are technically less fire and more general magical energy. Actually, the Flame Wielders were known to attach an element to it, particularly the wielder of the Amber Flame, nicknamed "The Spellblade". Though the original owner of the Cobalt Flame often chose complimentary ice attacks when the situation called for it, which I'm considering implementing for Sinos... After all, aren't Water mons weak to Ice mons? I think?)

Sinos cursed under his breath, and desperately struggled to readjust the signals to try and find something more useful. Not realizing that he no longer had cover, he took two waves to the chest and lost his footing, flying backwards and barely landing on his feet before taking a third, launching him into the air and smashing into the ground with an impact. He tried getting up, but a line somewhere inside snapped, and his already-dwindling electrical power was nearly totally wasted. He knew that the repair systems wouldn't have enough energy to get him on his feet. Before his lights went out, he sent an SOS to base, and his outstretched arm hit the ground. From what the observer could tell, Sinos was basically out cold.

(I'll give him a turn or two to "recover" so to speak.)

Gaming / Re: Gunvolt [New Inafune & Inti Creates game]
« on: March 08, 2014, 01:41:43 AM »
holy [parasitic bomb] now i want a 3ds

I saw this [parasitic bomb] on Facebook and immediately fangirled all over it. 0v0

You should prescribe some funk glasses, put a spring in that old man's step oh yeah~

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