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Messages - AquaTeamV3

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DASH / Rockman DASH 2 Rare commercial
« on: January 15, 2011, 06:52:45 AM »
Happened to run across this on YouTube:


I keep laughing at Volnutt's 'murder face' as he points the Hyper Shell at Klaymoor.  XD  That Jet Skate animation looks really smooth, too.

Original / Re: The confusion about the arcade games
« on: January 14, 2011, 06:41:31 PM »
There's a Power Battle Machine at my local laser tag place.  8)

Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: January 14, 2011, 05:45:07 PM »
Interesting to note that some of the legendaries actually kept their Japanese names. (Same even for some of the regulars)


Not bad, feels a bit trite though.


I lol'd.  Anyone who knows how dangerous this thing is in competitive Pokemon will no doubt understand that this name is perfect for it.

A couple others stood out for me, like Mandibuzz, Crookodile, Galvantula, Escavalier, Cryogonal, and Vanniluxe.  The names aren't nearly as disappointing as I thought they'd be, you can really tell they did their homework on this one.

Gaming / Re: Tatsunoko vs. Capcom (the sequel topic)
« on: December 22, 2010, 07:36:44 PM »
I wanna see this giant player. I hear he was the straw that broke the camel's back. =p

Part 1
Part 2

Both players here are pretty good (obviously, of they made it to the Grand Finals XD).  It does take a lot of patience to play a giant, and that's arguably the most offensive power I've seen unleashed from one.  That's pretty much why you've gotta stick to a keep-away game against these things, as that massive (and inevitable) baroque will get you every time.  I should also note that Lightan's far worse off than PTX is.  He really doesn't have the same range advantage as his mech cousin, and he's a lot easier to keep off of you.  That and his damaging 360 throw is tech-able, so yeah.

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: December 22, 2010, 06:20:19 PM »
Black Zero, Nightmare Zero, ?????? Zero?.
Well, we have seen Zero with an X coloration already.  I'm sure the only other reps would be Black, Nightmare, or Absolute.

Gaming / Re: Tatsunoko vs. Capcom (the sequel topic)
« on: December 22, 2010, 05:40:48 PM »
You totally missed the SoCal Regionals didn't you?

While a giant player did win that one, it's not like he effortlessly stomped out the competition.  I was more or less just trying to put to rest that stigma of giants being overpowered.  A lot of tourney-goers lose to giants simply because they never thought to train against them.  It is part of the game, and thus should be taken into account just as much as a normal 2v2 match would be.

Cash can't really overpower them, can he? Flying Drill busts through Giant armor, and Friender can restrict them, but...unless the knee does more than I thought it did...

Thing is, some of the giants' moves are laggy enough for a drill to hit rather easily.  At that point I'd cancel into Brutal Axe and DHC into Volnutt's Drill Arm super.  You can loop that part and do a HUGE chunk of damage to said giant.

Gaming / Re: Tatsunoko vs. Capcom (the sequel topic)
« on: December 22, 2010, 06:46:40 AM »
If you mash correctly, the throw will be broken and you'll get away.  My technique is to pull 360 motions with the analog stick while mashing the punch button.  Works every time.

Gaming / Re: Tatsunoko vs. Capcom (the sequel topic)
« on: December 22, 2010, 06:31:06 AM »
Why did Capcom still give PTX-40a his Chain Grab!

UGH! [Dang] ptx-4oa spammers

I honestly don't get the complaints about giants at all.  Plenty of characters can outrun and zone them (Megaman, T. Blade, Zero), and some can outright overpower them (Casshan).  Giants really can only make it so far competitively, as they really can't hack it against certain characters.  The chaingrab can be easily mashed out of by spinning the stick and mashing the punch buttons; this technique works great even in lag.  Giants are the disadvantaged ones, not the normal-sized characters.  owob

« on: December 21, 2010, 12:44:46 PM »
It's a good idea in theory, but I don't see how something like this'll get pulled off.  That's gotta be something that'll be hard to stay on top of, and I'd imagine that some legit stuff would get blocked in the process.

Well, I'm pretty pleased with how this went.  2nd place certainly isn't shabby at all, here's hoping we can take the next one!

Fan Creations / Re: MMLS Bonne Mecha Submission
« on: December 03, 2010, 10:57:13 PM »
Unity Thread Link

Alright, here's our official thread!

Gaming / Re: Tatsunoko vs. Capcom (the sequel topic)
« on: December 03, 2010, 09:50:40 PM »
Alright, I've finally finished my Advanced Megaman Volnutt Guide! (Guest starring Tiesel Bonne!)


Fan Creations / MMLS Bonne Mecha Submission
« on: November 30, 2010, 07:08:47 PM »
(Figured I may as well post this here for exposure)

MMLS's MegaMan Legends 3 Bonne Mech Proposal: Seeteufel

[My Bonne Mech]


Seeteufel is an octopus-based mech design, reminiscent of Ferdinand (aka Feldynaught) from MegaMan Legends 1. But don't let the similarities fool you; Seeteufel's got a whole new set of tricks up its sleeves! (All six of them!) With its massive tentacles, Seeteufel has a bunch of attacks at its disposal. Sitting atop a flotation device, Seeteufel is a major threat on land or at sea!


-        Homing Missiles, Machine Guns and Bombs – A staple of the Bonne family's arsenal, Bombs, Machine Guns and Missiles return for Seeteufel. These allow Seeteufel to attack MegaMan at close range or from afar! As the battle progresses these may be used to destroy large chunks of the stage, making it harder for MegaMan to escape. They can also reach higher altitudes, and pose an especially dangerous threat to MegaMan if he decides to snipe the mech from afar!

-        Zappers – Seeteufel was made to be used in the water, where electrical attacks are a major threat. It comes equipped with electric zapper tentacles which can be used to electrify the water, making close-range combat very dangerous. The electrified water can inflict the paralyzed status condition on MegaMan (as seen in MegaMan Legends 2), to slow him down and keep him from escaping. Meanwhile, if MegaMan begins to sink, Seeteufel will grab MegaMan with one of its long tentacles and slam him against a wall. MegaMan had better stay above the water, if he wants to fight this battle up close!

-        Pressurized water cannon – Seeteufel can take the water from the ruins into itself and shoot it at MegaMan in a pressurized blast! The blast inflicts damage on MegaMan and causes him to be knocked back. Seeteufel can also raise or lower the water level in the ruins when it takes in and releases water, though the effect is only temporary.

-        Servbot skimmers – Seeteufel can send out Servbots in “skimmer” mechs to assist it in battling MegaMan. Though only armed with basic projectile weapons, the Servbots' skimmers make the battle all the more difficult by drawing MegaMan's attention from the Seeteufel! They can also maneuver on land a bit and chase MegaMan up the stairs.

While MegaMan is fighting the Seeteufel, Servbots attack in skimmer mechs. These mechs are only designed for basic combat, but they'll draw MegaMan's attention from the boss if he isn't careful!

[The Mission]

Little does Mega Man know, as soon as he grabs that treasure, he'll activate a trap that gradually floods the entire area!  On top of that, the Bonnes' Seeteufel is waiting in ambush to come crashing onto the scene and steal it from him the minute he leaves the treasure room...

During the Seeteufel battle, the water level is constantly rising! MegaMan has the choice of dealing with the Seeteufel up close at short range, or making a run for it up dual spiral staircases to snipe from safe distance.


How to deal with the Seeteufel:

Seeteufel's weak point is the hatch. MegaMan can attack it in many different ways.

-        Close Range attack –  The Seeteufel's tentacles are large enough that MegaMan can stand upon them! MegaMan can use these tentacles to get up close to the Seeteufel and attack the hatch from close range.  At times a tentacle will remain still, allowing MegaMan to approach; but once it starts moving, MegaMan is in danger of being tossed off. This is easily the more dangerous route; be careful, MegaMan!

-        Short-ranged weapons like the Drill Arm or Blade Arm are much more difficult to use against the Seeteufel, but they can do more damage than long ranged attacks. If MegaMan is careful enough, he can even use them to sever off Seeteufel's tentacles! This won't physically damage Seeteufel, but it will disable its tentacle-based weapons and make it easier for MegaMan to survive. (Like destroying the Marlwolf's treads in MegaMan Legends 1.)

-        Long Range / Snipe attack - MegaMan has the option of distancing himself from the Seeteufel by running up along two spiral staircases that at one point were connected with catwalks (which have crumbled with age; this way he can also stay away from the dangerous and ever-rising water level! Sniping Seeteufel from a distance with a special weapon or his trusty Buster Gun, MegaMan can avoid many of the Seeteufel's more dangerous attacks, but that doesn't mean Seeteufel is a sitting duck! (Err...octopus.) MegaMan is still in danger from the Seeteufel's long-range attacks, and the potential destruction of the very stairs on which he's standing...not to mention the rising water level bringing Seeteufel closer and closer to where he's perched!  MegaMan will have a hard time getting around when parts of the stage are destroyed, but he may be able to cross long gaps by using the Jet Skates if he's careful!

-        Debris – As the ruin crumbles, debris falls from the ceiling posing a threat to MegaMan, but MegaMan can use this to his advantage. Smaller debris can be thrown at the Seeteufel, if MegaMan is using the Lifter instead of a regular special weapon! This can be done from afar or right up close. If the Servbots get too close to MegaMan, they may also find themselves caught in his grip and lobbed at the Seeteufel!

Seeteufel's tentacles are really huge! They're so big that MegaMan can walk on them to get within range to attack. MegaMan can even sever the tentacles if he can get close enough to the base in time, but he'd better watch out for Seeteufel's attacks! Here, Seeteufel has reached the top of the steps.  Once the water level reaches this point, it stops.  The ruin's trap's been fully activated. MegaMan can't run any more; he'll have to deal with Seeteufel up close and personal!


This diagram depicts the stage design we had in mind for this battle. The treasure room is located at the bottom of a long double spiral stairway (the staircase is double helix, and by the time MegaMan gets to fight the Seeteufel, the catwalks connecting the stairs have been eroded with age, destroyed by the Seeteufel's grand entrance crashing through the ceiling, or both). MegaMan will have to fight off Seeteufel all the way up to the top of the flume!

-        Seeteufel takes its name from a midget sub used by the Germans in WWII, in the style and tradition of many original Bonne mech names. Its name literally means “Sea Devil.”

-        Although designing the stage is not part of the requirements for this proposal, we felt that the dual  spiral staircases became an important part of this submission. The stage plays an important part in how the battle against Seeteufel plays out. Seeteufel's attacks, and MegaMan's strategies for defeating Seeteufel were made with this specific environment in mind, and they don't make quite as much sense in other settings.  The main flume also has a few doors along the staircases leading to other parts of the ruin, omitted from the diagram, all of which lock up during the battle but can be re-explored afterward, complete with all-new-to-the-area underwater physics.

-        This mech proposal is a collaborative effort from MegaMan Legends Station forums. It is a product of the creativity of many forum members. These members include: Raijin (RaijinK on Capcom Unity), Dashe (Dashe), inclover (N/A), mltmlt22 (N/A), General Specific (General Specific), Rockxas (Rockxas), Rockman Striker (Rockman Striker), Blues (Canticleer Blues), Trege (N/A), Buster Cannon (Glacius Passio), Pitch (AndyMan) and Hirovoid (HiroVoid). Massive props especially to Raijin and Dashe for their artistic contributions in drawing the design!

News and Announcements / Re: Rockman Online artwork and details.
« on: November 30, 2010, 02:27:17 AM »
Looking at Sprites inc, he didnt Dash till the Arcade games, or slide until 9.
Sprites Inc shows that he did indeed dash in MM7, just for clarification.

News and Announcements / Re: Rockman Online artwork and details.
« on: November 30, 2010, 12:02:09 AM »
ProtoMan did slide in 3.

When?!  All I remember him doing is jumping around and firing.

Gaming / Re: ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE (The MvC3 topic)
« on: November 20, 2010, 09:11:27 AM »
I guess the question is why he would intentionally go for X's SL theme instead of Zero's.

Well, personally I prefer X's version.  I'm not saying that using it for Zero was the best idea, but it's still a good remix any way you look at it.  Might as well post his Classic MM concept as well, which was much better:


Gaming / Re: ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE (The MvC3 topic)
« on: November 20, 2010, 01:40:10 AM »
Zero's REAL MvC3 theme.  8)


Gaming / Re: ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE (The MvC3 topic)
« on: November 19, 2010, 04:20:04 AM »
Well, it's not as if the other attacks weren't reworked a bit even in TvC, most notably Sogenmu (X5's Twin Dream) basically functioning with the same effect as XCM's Heat Haze.

At this point I'm wondering why they just didn't use Heat Haze in the first place!  I like it a bit more, style-wise.

Gaming / Re: ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE (The MvC3 topic)
« on: November 17, 2010, 03:50:21 AM »
Zero buffs:

Rekkohoa comes from the sky downward, comboable  owob

Sogenmu now copys regular moves instead of just special moves  :cookie:

Zero Gravity Hair  8D

You realize that the engine's a bit different than TvC, right?  These aren't buffs so much as they are modifications (trust me, Zero never needed any buffs).  That said, I've never had trouble combing Rekkoha.  8B

Gaming / Re: ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE (The MvC3 topic)
« on: November 17, 2010, 01:13:52 AM »
That's why his super meter goes from 4 to 1 in this video when using it?

Yeah, my bad, missed that part.  I don't see why it matters, though, it's not like Zero players actually use their supers outside of fancy match enders.

Gaming / Re: ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE (The MvC3 topic)
« on: November 16, 2010, 10:27:59 PM »
"Your name's Zero?  Hope you don't fight like one." Captain America is the man.  Anywho, more footage:


Wow, it sounds like a real saber now.

Gaming / Re: ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE (The MvC3 topic)
« on: November 16, 2010, 03:01:27 PM »
Dark Hold was pretty badass in TvC. I'm sad to see it get replaced by a standard 'saber wave' style move. On the other side of things, rekouha is way better here than in TvC.

Notice that the Saber Wave was a level 1 Super...

Off The Wall / Re: Birthday Thread~
« on: November 12, 2010, 06:45:21 PM »
Well, today I hit the big 2-0!

Original / Re: Weird enemy glitch in MM3
« on: November 12, 2010, 04:34:26 AM »
When the virtual console game is inported, everythin' is, even the glitches and exploits!  8D

Does this mean that the P2 hax are still intact?

X / Re: No Love for x?
« on: November 05, 2010, 05:33:31 PM »
for X8 I really didn't see the strategic idea of the tag-team really worked up to its full potential. You could mostly just get away with playing as one guy and then using the dual strike attack.

I'm gonna have to disagree there.  The game's tag mechanics actually make the game a much deeper experience.  You can cancel ANY animation into a character switch, which allows for a lot of flexibility that wouldn't be there otherwise.  Besides, I don't see a problem with having more than one hunter at a time, either.  It kinda makes more sense for them to go on missions together; as much I love X4, I can't help but wonder what the other character was doing throughout the entire game.

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