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Messages - HyperSonicEXE

Pages: 1 ... 100 101 102 103 104
Gaming / Re: Tatsunoko vs. Capcom (the sequel topic)
« on: November 10, 2008, 05:32:01 AM »
'Course, now, he'd be an interesting fighter. Very much a "call for help" person. One combo, Pops comes in and just wails 'em with a punch, another combo, Trixy throws a wrench, Super Combo 1, X and Speed for a tag team attack, Super Combo 2:
A) Spridel (sp?) and the monkey spill candy all over the floor, tripping the opponent for fall damage,
B) Try to drive the Mach 5, and careen it straight into the opponent.

Gaming / Re: Tatsunoko vs. Capcom (the sequel topic)
« on: November 10, 2008, 05:27:33 AM »
Captain Commando / Speed Racer

Final unveil.

Forum Games / Re: Make up a Crazy Lie about the Above Poster
« on: November 10, 2008, 05:26:04 AM »
I saw him fishing the other day!

ZX / Re: What Do You Want to See in a ZX3?
« on: November 10, 2008, 05:14:21 AM »
SOLD! But less missions = less story, models, upgrades... =/

Also, the ability of copying enemies not only bosses for Model A.

Oh, no, not Story Missions. Less Sidequest Missions.
No, ZX and ZXA were fine in regard to the number of story missions and pacing; it's stage length and tedium where things went downhill.

as for what Model X would do without its Double Rock Ons, what's wrong with earning new weapons from each of the 8 main bosses? Model Z would get new skills, and Model A could still copy the bosses.

Or Model A could get different shots like X8; what ZXA did with boss copying was just too gimmicky to be fun for any length of time.

Gaming / Re: Jump In!
« on: November 10, 2008, 05:00:10 AM »
My answer is always the same:

You have loyal pet animals with crazy-good powers each with their individual advantages (even if they're not the most powerful Pokemon), work never seems to be too hard and people are fairly happy with their pay, there's a sense of connection and genuine friendliness that maybe America had at one time, not so much now, but above all,

Everyone, I mean everyone, is either an 8, 9, or 10 on the beauty scale. There are odd-looking people like the RBY Scientists, the PokeNerds, and some of the Ghost-oriented trainers, but nobody's just butt ugly.

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Bros. Thread
« on: November 10, 2008, 02:36:57 AM »
Marth Vs. Falco: Now there was my serious battle. Yup, got that one.

Lucas Vs. Ike: You made too many mistakes?! I don't know how I won! XD

Ganondorf Vs. Olimar: Yeah, I don't play as him, hardly ever. Those Tether Grabs are nice, though.

Ganondorf Vs. Pikachu: Everybody else spams Thunder and Down+A Smash; I'm DEVIOUS with them.

Ganondorf Vs. Dedede: Harder to control him than I remember! Man, he and Falco have some serious cancelling problems.

Pit Vs. Fox: Okay, enough of this Ganondorf, I'm gonna--HUUUUH?! OH NO, IT'S PIT

Captain Falcon Vs. Sonic: Yes, I always give C. Falcons at least one epic setup. It's common courtesy.

So yeah, good matches!

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Bros. Thread
« on: November 10, 2008, 01:46:45 AM »
You just try it!

Fan Creations / Re: Lizardcommando's Art Thread
« on: November 10, 2008, 01:46:17 AM »
Nel! Cutie!

Gaming / Re: Tatsunoko vs. Capcom (the sequel topic)
« on: November 10, 2008, 01:42:57 AM »
Btw, is this full rooster already? or there's still a possibility for moar.


ZX / Re: What Do You Want to See in a ZX3?
« on: November 10, 2008, 01:42:13 AM »
~4 Guardians from ZXA axed by Hareng wielding Model Z in the beginning
~Reveal that Model A contains Axl
~Enable the Biometals to remember their pasts, enable conversations between them

~Mix and matching of Models Z, X, and A Double Megamerges
~Also, solo use of Z, X, and A
~No more boss weakspots
~Less missions
~No more Medals, no ranks
~ZX1 linear stage design, not ZXA's free roaming and DOOOOOOOORS
~No Model A "weapon energy" bar mechanic
~Make Model L's single swing attack just as powerful as Model X's second, spiral buster
~Make Model P's shurikens homing
~Take out Model A's lagfest of a Homing Buster, replace both weapons with a rapid shot
~Double Jump chip

~Ultimate Upgrades: Ultimate Armor X, Dark Zero, Stealth Axl (has a Jackson-like ability)
~More 2P or FUN minigames, including a Wi-Fi "Puzzle Fighter", not the "Energy Converter" game


General / Re: Forum Data Recovery Thread
« on: November 10, 2008, 01:24:06 AM »
Don't bring back the entire thread, but could you please skim through the ol' RM20 Artbook thread under Original on the Megaman forum and see what the consensus was on when the localization would be done?

Please? >w<

Original / Re: RM20 artbook, when?
« on: November 10, 2008, 01:12:08 AM »
I thought that came out already...

True, but it hasn't been localized for the US or other places.

That's what I'm trying to figure out.

News and Announcements / Re: Another RPM Revival~
« on: November 10, 2008, 01:10:57 AM »

You confuse me.  >w<

Oh wait! I remember what Sonic said during the Brawl tournament! X3

*puts on his best Sonic smirk and runs in place*

Off The Wall / Re: Post a Random Fact About Yourself
« on: November 10, 2008, 01:05:28 AM »
¡Que lindo! ¿Estamos hablando en Español, ahora?

I'm conversational, but I'd still have a ways to go in vocabulary and I'd have to revisit advanced tenses of verb conjugations, if I wanted to take a fluency exam. I can speak it surprisingly well, though.

Off The Wall / Re: Reposted Picture Thread (56K Warning)
« on: November 10, 2008, 12:51:15 AM »

This is actually cake.  How could you eat it?  It looks too damn awesome.

That's like me walking into this store the other day, and there, SITTING RIGHT THERE, was an old Starfox watch, the one that would play like a Tiger handheld?

$40, still in the package.
...even if I bought it, I don't think I could take it out!

Original / RM20 artbook, when?
« on: November 10, 2008, 12:44:36 AM »
Now waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute~

My coffee table is still missing the third book. That book is the Megaman 20th Anniversary Artbook that Capcom's working on, abbreviated here as RM20. Has both Megaman and Megaman X art in it.

Has anyone been keeping up on its progress or when it's scheduled to be released?

Incidentally, it is possible that the book's page with that art of Rock in a capsule was in fact hinting at Mega Man 9.

Forum Games / Re: Make up a Crazy Lie about the Above Poster
« on: November 09, 2008, 11:35:38 PM »
The last name of her username is Ciel, backwards!  XD

News and Announcements / Re: Another RPM Revival~
« on: November 09, 2008, 11:28:53 PM »
YOU'RE..ummm...uh...something about speed...
Can't quite remember, but I know it's REEEEALLY annoying.
I'll ask HyperSonic when he gets back.

Forum Games / Re: Make up a Crazy Lie about the Above Poster
« on: November 09, 2008, 11:26:22 PM »
Thinks conundrums are what you use to prevent pregnancy.

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter IV Thread
« on: November 09, 2008, 11:23:11 PM »
That's alright; Dr. Light will be here any second now to kick everyone's butt.

Gaming / Re: Characters you HATE.
« on: November 09, 2008, 06:12:59 AM »

Gaming / Re: Characters you HATE.
« on: November 09, 2008, 06:05:08 AM »
You'd like that, wouldn't you?  :P

I know a lot of people are fond of it, but between the overworld and the battle system, then the story's lack of immersion or lack of an attempt to make you even care about any one of the characters, it was just fairly meh.

Also, MMLegends.
It, and every character in it save for Tron.

Gaming / Re: Characters you HATE.
« on: November 09, 2008, 05:56:24 AM »
I dunno, Chrono Trigger wasn't all that fun.

The cast was good, though.

Original / Re: Mega Man 9's secret?
« on: November 09, 2008, 05:27:24 AM »
When you're at any forum, there'll be text under the bottom right corner of the List of Topics that says "Forum Preferences".

Click that, and you can change how many appear, the order, your sig, and whether to hide sigs or not.

Odd, you'd think you'd be able to do that from the profile.

Off The Wall / Re: Post a Random Fact About Yourself
« on: November 09, 2008, 05:06:39 AM »
Explains quite a bit.

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