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Messages - Skaarg

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Original / Re: MegaMan 10 - More Playable Blues
« on: March 07, 2010, 09:26:42 PM »
Something I had been thinking about when the intro video was initially put on the internet. Was anybody else possibly suspecting Roll would also go mad from Roboenza and there would be a battle in one of Wily Stages with Roll similar to X4's Zero/Iris battle? In one sense I was glad it didn't happen because defeating Roll even if she didn't die would have sucked.

Original / Re: Megaman 10 - Attack Plan from Outer Space!
« on: March 02, 2010, 05:02:45 PM »
I did notice one nice bug though for getting past the sand storms for the speed runners out there. Use rush jet to get above the screen and the sandstorm won't slow you down at all. Not to mention it's a lot easier to get past the area. =P

Original / Re: MegaMan 10 - More Playable Blues
« on: March 02, 2010, 07:26:09 AM »
That ending severely disappointed me. They could have added so much more to make you feel awesome. The storyline up till the end was awesome though. The music in Wily Stage 1 after beating the first set of bosses was just awesome in my opinion.

Since I recently received my Rockman DASH CFC Demo disc I've been trying to find if there is anything left over in it. Going through ROCK_NEO.exe turned up the following things:

Beginning at Offset 0005A440 It lists out the directories and files used to compile this demo.
Neither of these files are on the CD though. Probably not worth much though judging by their names.

Next interesting item appears around offset 0005D7A0
ðò...... NORMAL......¨.. BUSTER......¸.. M_GUN.......È.. SHOT........Ø.. DRILL.......è.. BOMB........ø.. SPREAD......... VACUUM.....................................F... NORMAL.....F¨.. BUSTER.............¾... HELMET.....¾¨.. HAIR...............F@.. ON.........FP.. OFF.........@.. TYPE A......P.. TYPE B.....¾@.. SMALL......¾P.. BIG....

Looks like we have a weapon list for the first part:
Normal - obviously when you can't use your buster
Buster - obvious =P
M_GUN - Machine gun
SHOT - ?? A different name for the Powered Buster possibly?
Drill - Drill Arm
Bomb - Splash Mine most likely
Then SPREAD and VACUUM are obvious.

Next bit that's interesting is the Helmet text, I'm curious if there is some way to turn on Mega Man's helmet since from earlier videos he started out with the helmet.
They Type A, Type B is most likely just the control choices
No clue what SMALL/BIG are though.

Possibly later on tonight I was going to try changing the On to Off or the Off to On to see if it has any results with gameplay.

Has anyone found anything else going through any of the files?

Rockman Series / Re: Do you see a future similar to the Mega Man series?
« on: February 22, 2010, 04:56:08 PM »
I don't think we'll ever have something like the Mega Man games or like the Terminator movies. What I do see though is something in the middle where you do have robots being used for war, but not the widespread destruction in terminator and not the blow up my own city in the original Mega Man games. The military already uses robots for things in the middle east, and they'll continue to evolve on that technology. It's just a matter of time.

Rockman Series / Re: List your Rockman & Mega Man collection
« on: February 13, 2010, 03:58:51 PM »
I haven't posted here in a bit, but I did get to make a great addition to my Mega Man collection this week. I purchased a Rockman DASH Capcom Friendly Club beta off a person who was clearing out some of his PS1 rarities. I didn't think I would ever find one of these.

Original / Re: MegaMan 10 - More Playable Blues
« on: December 12, 2009, 02:38:35 PM »
Sweet my prediction is becoming even more true. On like page 16 of the thread in the announcement forum I predicted March 7th. =P

News and Announcements / Re: Nintendo Power announces Mega Man 10
« on: December 10, 2009, 07:13:06 PM »
Well if Mega Man 9's time from announcement to release (3 months minus 2 days) we should expect Mega man 10 around March 7th. Which actually kind of makes sense seeing as how Nintendo likes to release stuff on Sundays for some strange reason.  >U<

Rockman Series / Re: Robot Master Tournament
« on: December 03, 2009, 01:21:08 AM »
Sorry guys I think Drill Man would blow Snake Man's little pathetic snakes away anyday.

Off The Wall / Re: chix or dix?
« on: November 30, 2009, 05:15:59 AM »
I was very tempted to choose Straight Male AND Gay Female because that's hot, but I opted for only the former. =P

I've been with my current lady for nearly four years now so I'd say I'm doing pretty good.

Off The Wall / Re: Latest Buys
« on: November 30, 2009, 05:13:28 AM »
Yesterday I picked up a HTC Snap at US Cellular. I wasn't planning on getting a new phone, but for black weekend (I guess that's what it seems like this year) all phones were free with a new plan. Well I had just recently had a phone break and had been using a piece of [parasitic bomb] from like 2001/2002. So I have to pay my parents the data plan fee, but it's an awesome phone and I don't regret it at all.

As for the first picture I took with it. I found this sitting by the dumpster in my apartment complex when I got home and had to take it!

also, found this.
I've seen this build come up for sale before on other sites, but it's always way too much money, and I doubt the current owner has dumped it for release purposes.

Another interesting beta I think would be an early one of MM4. I'm curious how they would have messed around with the mega buster early in development, and not to mention the various level changes including the giant mid-boss in Pharaoh Man's stage.

Gaming / Re: The "BlazBlue" Thread
« on: November 24, 2009, 06:05:06 AM »
Well I finally got a limited edition copy of the first game. Everywhere had the regular edition, but no where had the limited edition for PS3. I'm glad I found one though because I [tornado fang]ing love this game. I'm not exactly the greatest by any stretch, but it is a lot of fun.

If anybody is up for a couple matches message me on PSN: Skaarg

Off The Wall / Re: RPM is a magnet for weirdness.
« on: November 24, 2009, 05:53:24 AM »
I wouldn't call anyone here weird. I'd just call them a little bit "special". =P

No. This was just a video.
If there is any actual beta rom/disc, it hasnt been found yet.
Correction. I guarantee one exists, just someone with the right amount of money hasn't shown up. =P

Not really a whole lot interesting, other than what's already been noted. Thanks for sharing though!

News and Announcements / Re: RPM Awards 2009!!!
« on: November 19, 2009, 06:08:41 AM »
Well I'm still fairly new the community and don't really know people around here. So best of luck to the winners.

ZX / Re: Who exactly created the Biometals?
« on: November 07, 2009, 07:32:33 AM »
Model W - Albert
Model A - Albert
Model X - Ciel
Model Z - Ciel
Model H - Ciel
Model L - Ciel
Model F - Ciel
Model P - Ciel
Model O - Unknown; canonically questionable
Model a - Unknown; canonically questionable; actual fragment may not exist as it is an A-Trans form
I've always felt Model O and Model a were little bonuses like the street fighter moves in X1 and X2. They shouldn't be seen as canon at all, but are there for us to enjoy if we seek them out.

Rockman Series / Re: How did you get interested in Mega Man?
« on: November 03, 2009, 03:50:22 AM »
Well when I was very young (like when I was 3-5 (1991-93) I used to go over to "Grandma Mario's" house, she was the only relative with a video game system so that's why I had that name for her, and I used to play her NES all the time. Playing through SMB3 and Contra several times. Well then I took notice of another game she had, Mega Man 4. I loaded it up and tried out Pharaoh Man's stage and I was hooked. This game was really hard (remember I was like 4), but the music was awesome and the challenge was a lot of fun and that's what kept me hooked and trying hard to win. Eventually when I was 4 or 5 I started to notice things like how certain bosses were weak against certain weapons. I actually figured out all the weaknesses by myself, heck I even found the two special items on my own. In Pharaoh Man's stage I always wanted to try and jump over the pit for some reason and in Dive Man's stage I fell down by accident. Another thing though that primarily still holds true to this day is that I very rarely use special weapons in stages. I still primarily only use the buster to get through.

Flash forward maybe a year and I go over to my friends house because he was able to bring his super nintendo home from his grandma's. Well I go through his collection and I see a game, Mega Man X. He never was too big of a fan, but I popped it in and I was instantly sold on this masterpiece. Me and him would always loan each other games and 9/10 times I always wanted to borrow Mega Man X. Unfortunately though as a younger kid I wasn't able to beat it for a couple years mostly because of either THE [tornado fang]ing SPIDER or final sigma.

After X I went back to the classic series and got Mega Man 8 when I got my PS1 which I thoroughly enjoyed, and from there got X4 and then X5 for PC and so on. Needless to say I was hooked.

To this day my favorite Christmas has got to be when I was in 9th grade. (I had been given my grandma's Mega Man 4 and I found a copy of Mega Man 3 in a shop.) Anyways for this Christmas I had 4 packages all the same size. I opened each one and to much surprise, Mega Man 1, 2, 5, and 6!  <3

Original / Re: Rate and Discuss: Arrow Shot
« on: October 25, 2009, 01:43:34 AM »
The arrow shot is indeed an amazing power up. The only thing is I wish when it fans out the other 6 shots would have been weaker. It would have made more sense logically and from a balanced gameplay point of view.

Rockman Series / Re: The PC games
« on: October 21, 2009, 03:11:28 PM »
Well the 1 & 3 games are hard to complete due to the fact that no sellers ever state how to open the box *lol*

As for X8 as a dl in the US - i can't say for sure...I meant only in Stores. But could very well be out there was download, X3-X5 are still...

Papersleeve version of X3, there's no such thing. There is however of Mega Man 3 - and I think this can still be bought online - If you want I'll be happy to link you.. Mega Man X3 came Boxed - as I said earlier - 2 diff versions - US HUUUGE Box, diff design, and Euro Big Box Same design as PSX / Saturn game...

And again the Street Fighter Box - has both MM1 and MM 3 - but def NOT X3 ;) - hope I cleared it up for you! ;) Any more questions keep asking :) - good luck in completing your collection - I'm trying for the same ;)

Sorry I wasn't meaning to count X8 in my list of games. When I was saying I thought it got a release I thought it got a in store release. Since it's only a download I don't care about getting it really anymore.

Sorry again about the X3, 3 mix-up I meant 3. Didn't mean to make things wrong and confusing. =P

Rockman Series / Re: List your Rockman & Mega Man collection
« on: October 20, 2009, 03:42:55 AM »
From what I understand the Dash Demo/Beta is exactly the same as the disc that was given out to the CFC, its identical to the one on Protodudes site. Got lucky when I bought that, only cost me 260 yen!

The original Power Battle PCB cost me about £70 which seems to be about the going rate (£50-£70 on eBay).
Power Fighters I think cost me slightly more (around £90-£120). I paid over the odds on that one at the time I think as it can be gotten for around £70 also if you look around. That was an impulse buy! (worth it though, game is amazing)
The Rockman 3 Playchoice 10 PCB cost me £50, but as these can only be played on an actual PC10 arcade cab I had to pick up the cab as well (which as luck would have it only cost me £50!) Its essentially the same as the Nes version though so there's really no need to grab it other than for the sake of completion.

The B&F Trial Cart I picked up earlier in the year from Yahoo Japan. Its the same as the one that appeared on eBay though, first scenario of both games etc. Its a great little collectable for my collection  :)
Glad to know the arcade games aren't too terribly expensive. I may have to look into tracking them down even sooner now. Great deal on the Dash Demo/Beta though I can't wait to find a copy some day. I have only been looking for it for about a year though so I haven't given up yet.

Rockman Series / Re: The PC games
« on: October 20, 2009, 03:38:12 AM »
Thank you very much for the detailed response Rockmaniac. The first two PC games are really going to make it hard to get a complete collection now lol. Just when I feel like I get a step closer to my goal I fall two steps back.

I did a bit more research into X8 because I could have swore that it was released in the US, and it turns out it was, but only as a download through Game Stop.

So for the paper-sleeve version of X3 there was there no stand alone copy of that where it got it's own box? It was only bundled in the sleeve with Street Fighter?

Off The Wall / Re: Your Desktop! Post It For Great Justice!
« on: October 19, 2009, 04:40:04 AM »


Rockman Series / Re: List your Rockman & Mega Man collection
« on: October 19, 2009, 04:18:08 AM »
Very impressive collection Shadowman, it really shows your appreciation for the series if your collecting has been going on for this long! Just had a few questions though regarding your collection.

Is "Rockman Dash Demo/Beta" the disc that was given out to members of the Capcom Friendly Club or something different?
Also if you don't mind me asking how much did you have to pay for the arcade boards? I've been considering lately trying to pick one of the fighting games up.
And lastly is your Rockman Battle & Fighters Trial cart the same one that just showed up on ebay just recently. Very nice if you grabbed it. I wanted to get it, but unfortunately I was a little tight on money at the moment.

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