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Messages - Brahman

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Rockman Series / Re: Megaman Doujin Game
« on: October 26, 2009, 05:32:41 PM » <- This is probably the best example, a trailer that turns into armor for classics Ultra Magnus.  Arguably I'm a bigger TF fan than a MM fan, so I'm all into this already. 

Hasbro keeps saying how much they hate them, but they haven't taken any action yet.  BTW: Fansprojects, the makers of this armor, was at TF Con, as was the Hasbro reps.  And yet, no action seems to have been taken.  Yet.  The TF fandom is holding it's collective beath and some are freaking out at the more obvious KOs (like the mini Masterpeice Prime and Megatron being made by iGear).

Square seems worse, tho.  They stopped an extencive hack of Chrono Trigger dead in it's tracks over this issue.  And that was just a free thing. 

I remember that Chrono Trigger project, and I also remember a project to make a follow-up SNES Chrono Trigger (maybe the same project??), but it certainly did get a cease-and-desist.  Square does seem to be picky about canning fan-projects, but in their case, maybe they do so out of keeping their series' pure.

Another possibility is that Square (or any other company) may be considering a similar project, so they don't want the fans to do the same thing.  A good example of this was a fan-game called "Castlevania: Accursed Seal X," which would have been a 3D remake of Castlevania II: Simon's Quest.

X / Re: Timeline of X
« on: October 25, 2009, 05:03:09 AM »
it was not life support. the only time we see him hooked up is when he's eating. The most likely scenario is that it helps him while he eats. It very well may be artificial kidneys, maybe even a type of dialysis machine. after all, the Artwork for MHX shows him standing up just fine, with his cane, only he has 4 spots on his back where the machine can hook up to.

I never thought about that, but that seems plausible.  He was a fairly old man (he had to be in his 60s when X was discovered, and maybe older than that even), so he probably did have health problems of some sort (but if he was able to walk around then I suppose it's not life-support).  It's also true that you never see him actually die in MHX, though a lot of people assume that he died in the explosion.  Still, that game is a remake, and you do see him for a couple more games, so like you guys said, we wouldn't really know what the deal was until they make at least a MHX2.

Rockman Series / Re: Megaman Doujin Game
« on: October 25, 2009, 04:58:03 AM »
On a somewhat related note, the Transformers brand has a similar, recent, phenomenon where loads of 3rd party companies are making their own add-ons, such as armor, trailers, and a cassettebot (the Autoscout).  And not low quality KOs you can get from China Town, but high quality origional molds and high quality reproductions too.  Us Transfans are wondering how long that'll last when it finally gets the axe.  It was interesting to know that the same sorta thing happened to MM.  Doujinshi are one thing, but infringing upon the home turf is another.

I enjoy Transformers, but I guess I don't keep up with it that much!  I had no idea that this was going on, but then again, it really doesn't surprise me.  I think it's one thing if you get a license to use someone else's property, but it's copyright infringement to just start making products or games without even asking, and making them for-profit.

Rockman Series / Re: The PC games
« on: October 25, 2009, 04:56:09 AM »
Exactly what was the reference in ZX Advent? 

I'm convinced Rockman Strategy is an unfinished game.  Totally convinced.  It seems fun if you can understand it (and play the music).  I can't so it's kinda boring.  Did you come upon the glitch with Capricorn that has him be totally invincible to all attacks (or at least take only one damage to anything)? 

Honestly, I don't think Capcom has licenced games on the mind when they're outside of their region.  I think they'd care, if they remembered them.  Maybe not Megaman PC, but probably Rockman Strategy at least.  Technically, they didn't even have any art for the WS games themselves; they got their sprites from Sprites INC just as they got the Nintendo Power stuff from me.  So don't think it's inclusion in R20 is all that special, they didn't go out of their way to contact Bandai or anything. 

Ha!  I doubt they contacted Bandai either.  I think it was mainly just a licensed game that had an okay story, so it may have been worth referencing in R20.

In ZX: Advent, you have a side-quest or two that ask you to collect some comic books, and I know one is about Konro Man (a walking stove) and the other is about the Clock Men.  There are probably pictures of these somewhere online, maybe at the MMKB or something.

I have had that glitch occur with Capricorn, and actually most all of the bosses are way too strong and can kill you in 1 or 2 moves.  The only way I managed to beat most of them was to have one character I didn't care about go against it and be killed, but in the process requiring the boss to use all its attack points.  Then, I'd have Rock or another powerful character finish it off while it was unable to attack with it's weapon.

X / Re: Do you know what makes me sad?
« on: October 25, 2009, 04:47:59 AM »
Ugh, I remember picking up Xtreme 1 again out of boredom, and the final stage started glitching on me: after the 8 bosses, the screen wouldn't scroll correctly, and X would actually walk off the screen. I couldn't even go on to fight Sigma.
I would record it, but I'm not sure the exact way to reproduce the glitch. Although it happened more than once.

I've never had this happen to me while playing it, but when Vixy was playing through the game it happened a few times (she had to keep reloading).

Fan Games / Re: Megaman: Redemption
« on: October 25, 2009, 04:38:10 AM »
The level doesn´t need to be based on the boss....look at CrashMan, BombMan, CutMan, TopMan, HardMan etc...

True, and I suppose some levels end up just having an interesting theme not really associated with the boss because some bosses are hard to come up with a stage theme for.

Rockman Series / Re: Megaman Doujin Game
« on: October 25, 2009, 04:36:58 AM »
It's too bad they're like that, but not surprising.  Capcom has to protect it's intellectual property, and I guess doujin games are the line.

True, but they will allow most fan projects to exist.  I think in this case this game was a VERY well-designed fan/doujin title, but they certainly crossed a line by selling the game for profit (and it's not particularly cheap, either!).  I think it's partially a matter of using copyrighted material (not theirs) for profit.

X / Re: Timeline of X
« on: October 25, 2009, 04:35:10 AM »
It was some unamed reploid general.  Cain supposely died after X4 or, acorrding to MHX durning the missle lanch.  We'll never exactly know what's exactly right, but unless they make a MHX 2 I'd learn toward the the first scenario.

I see.  I always assumed that maybe it was Cain who stepped down, realizing that his endeavors were largely a failure, and that he probably died soon thereafter.  Still, we probably won't know for sure unless, as you said, they ever bring the matter up again.

Rockman Series / Re: The PC games
« on: October 25, 2009, 04:33:31 AM »
Strategy is barely even considerable as a completed game from I've seen. Fan doesn't even have lines...

Strategy is a decent game for what it is (mainly just because it's a fresh idea for the series), but it does leave A LOT to be desired.  There are a couple areas that I don't think can actually be beaten without cheating, Fan seems to have no real role in the game (other than to get the buyer's attention on the box), and often the game will crash while loading save files (they somehow get corrupted) and force you to start all over again.

I know that R&F WS was referenced in ZX: Advent, and I've heard its also in R20, so at least they acknowledge that the game exists.  I guess some of these other licensed titles just don't interest them at all (or they realize they are pretty half-assed in most cases).  :|

X / Re: Timeline of X
« on: October 25, 2009, 04:25:04 AM »
Well, you can throw away the notion that "Cain Labs" build him, because Cain Labs doesn't exist in the RockmanX games.

As for Signas' creator, like with so many Reploids, we don't know we built him. It's not considered relevant, really.

Here's one of his profiles:

Feeling responsible for the many needless deaths resulting from judging the
Colonel as an Irregular and starting the Repliforce Great War, the previous
Irregular Hunter General has resigned.
Urgently, Signas was chosen for the duty. Not intended to be a warrior, Signas
was designed with the latest repliroid advances and possesses the most
precise CPU in existence. Because of his calm judgement and quick thinking,
he was selected to the position of General.

It may not be entirely relevant, but I've always wondered where he came from, though obviously someone knew who he was in order to consider him as leader of the Hunters.  Also, I wondered if they were referring to Dr. Cain as being the one who resigned, or someone else entirely (an unnamed leader, maybe?).

Rockman Series / Re: The PC games
« on: October 24, 2009, 12:54:40 AM »
Yea they are non-canon. I'm sure CoJ got their hands on the games too and looked the other way. (with a laugh in-between) ^^;

I see then.  Well, my goal in my remake project is to make them more canonical and tie in their stories with the other games in the series and make it more NES-like.

Also, Rockman Strategy, Rockman Gold Empire, and some others are licensed titles, but I'm guessing also non-canon?  Still, I've always felt that something is at least semi-canon unless it somehow directly opposes already established canon material.

X / Re: Timeline of X
« on: October 24, 2009, 12:52:13 AM »
This is all wonderful information, but I've always wondered something: where exactly did Signas come from?  Was he built by Dr. Cain or Cain Labs at some point prior to X5, or was he built by some 3rd party and has nothing to do with Cain/Cain Labs?

X / Re: Do you know what makes me sad?
« on: October 24, 2009, 12:46:41 AM »
The duck sprite exist in the SNES/16-bit games. It would be neat to see ducking used for once. ^^

Exactly.  There's no reason why ducking couldn't be implemented in an SNES-style X game.

I'd personally like to see X9 be like the SNES games, but I could live with a PS1-styled game as well.

Fan Games / Re: Megaman: Redemption
« on: October 24, 2009, 12:41:57 AM »
Leachman is an no-element boss. Both Winter and Summer Paths have many no-element enemies. Its just few enemies and other objects that change the appearance of the stage.

Ah, I see.  So is he a Leach in the terms of the creature, or does he "leach" from others (though I guess that could make him a leach too).

Rockman Series / Re: The PC games
« on: October 24, 2009, 12:40:39 AM »
But they're not "Rockman" games. They're "MegaMan" games.

And there's a distinct difference between being licensed by one branch of Capcom and being licensed by another.

So what difference is there between Rockman and Mega Man, besides nomenclature?  But, if this game was licensed by the U.S. branch of Capcom, would that then make it entirely non-canon (it had no real green-light from Japan, I'm assuming)? :\

Fan Games / Re: Megaman: Redemption
« on: October 23, 2009, 04:50:55 PM »
Leach Man? Winter? Summer?

Yeah, I wondered about that too; Leach Man would seem to be more of an aquatic boss, not one who has seasonal areas.  Then again, I'm not making this game... :chant:

Rockman Series / Re: The PC games
« on: October 23, 2009, 04:48:58 PM »
Hahaha, that guy says Rockman Strategy wasn't licensed. What a retard.

Wow, I didn't even notice that.  Yeah, "Rockman Strategy" was licensed to Dream Come True, just as "Rockman Gold Empire" was licensed to Stawberry Soft.  Just because someone doesn't like a game or haven't played it to verify its authenticity shouldn't make them so stubborn that they don't want to recognize the licensing.  I mean, heck, I don't particularly like the two DOS games made by Hi-Tech and Rozner Labs, but that doesn't mean they aren't Rockman games.

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: October 22, 2009, 10:21:35 PM »
I've been working (with the help of some nice folks) on remaking the two DOS games in the Mega Man series since last summer, and it's coming along albeit a bit slower lately due to my recent surgery and joining the National Guard.  The project, "Mega Man PC: The CRORQ Chronicles," combines both of the DOS games into one coherent, NES-style game, complete with an original soundtrack, awesomely designed enemies and Robot Masters, and the inclusion of the Wily Rescue Force robots as Robot Masters.  Unfortunately, I can't give an estimate of when this will be finished, but I want it to be the best it can be before I release it.

@Trang: Do you mean "Mega Man 2.5D?"  It started out as a video, but now I do believe it is being turned into a real game (no idea when it will be done).

Rockman Series / Re: The PC games
« on: October 22, 2009, 10:15:25 PM »
As a couple of you might know I'm trying to collect all of the US released Mega Man games, and well I am actually almost done with consoles and handhelds. I have 5 console games left and 3 handheld games left (going by what has been released so far). Well soon I'll be at the point where I'll really have to work on the PC versions of games. Well unfortunately all I have is a complete copy of X5 so far.

After searching around on the internet I've compiled a list of US released games, but I wanted to make sure it's accurate, and hopefully some of you can help?

Mega Man - 3 1/2 and 5 1/4 floppy
Mega Man 3 - 3 1/2 and 5 1/4 floppy and CD-ROM bundled with Street Fighter 2
Mega Man X - CD-ROM (game alone, and a version bundled with a controller)
Mega Man X3 - CD-ROM
Mega Man X4 - CD-ROM
Mega Man X5 - CD-ROM
Mega Man X three pack - CD-ROM comes with X3-X5
Mega Man X8 - CD-ROM or DVD? I haven't found the answer for this yet.
Mega Man Legends - CD-ROM

Some sites also say Legends 2 was released, but from my reading it looks like it was set to be released and even got a SKU which can be found by looking online, but was never actually released. Whenever I've sent Capcom an email asking about this I've gotten nothing in return.  :|

Well, as has been pointed out, you'd definitely want to add MEGA MAN LEGENDS to this list as it was released for the PC in 2002.

I'm not sure if you have checked out Dr. Cossack's Mega Man PC website, but he has compiled a good list of all "official" titles that were released for the PC in and outside of Asia:

You may also find it interesting that you can still purchase MEGA MAN III (PC) from CD Access in CD-ROM format with a plastic sleeve cover:

Of course, if we wanted to talk about all Asian PC games (official and not), the list would get quite large.

Rockman Series / Re: List your Rockman & Mega Man collection
« on: October 21, 2009, 07:41:27 AM »
My list isn't quite as impressive as some of yours, but here goes:


Mega Man (NES)
Mega Man 2 (NES)
Mega Man 4 (NES)
Mega Man 5 (NES)
Mega Man 7 (SNES)
Mega Man 8: Anniversary Collector's Edition (PS1)
Mega Man 8: Anniversary Edition (PS1)
Mega Man & Bass (GBA)
Mega Man 9 (WiiWare)
Mega Man: Battle & Chase (PS1)
Mega Man Anniversary Collection (GC)
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge (GB)
Mega Man II (GB)
Mega Man III (GB)
Mega Man IV (GB)
Mega Man V (GB, SGB)
Mega Man (GG)
SuperAdventure Rockman (Saturn)
Rockman & Forte (SFC)
Rockman & Forte: Challenger from the Future (WS)
Rockman: Battle & Fighter (NGPC)
Rockman 6-in-1 (FC, Unlicensed)
Rockman Z (GBC, Unlicensed)
Rockman 8 (GB, Unlicensed)
Rockman DX3 (GBC, Unlicensed)


Mega Man X (SNES)
Mega Man Xtreme (GBC)
Mega Man X2 (SNES)
Mega Man X3 (SNES)
Rockman X3 (Saturn)
Mega Man X4 (PS1)
Mega Man X5 (PS1)
Mega Man X6 (PS1)
Rockman X7 (PC)
Rockman X8 (PC)
Mega Man X: Command Mission (GC)
Mega Man X Collection (GC)


Mega Man Zero (GBA)
Mega Man ZX (DS)
Mega Man ZX: Advent (DS)


Mega Man Legends (PS1)
Mega Man Legends 2 (PS1)


Mega Man Battle Network (GBA)
Mega Man Network Transmission (GC)
Rockman.EXE WS (WSC)


Mega Man (DOS)
Mega Man III (DOS)
Rockman 2005 Collection
Rockman Strategy
Rockmen R: Dr. Wily's Counterattack

Rockman Series / Re: Megaman Doujin Game
« on: October 21, 2009, 07:31:37 AM »
This is a very enjoyable game.  I recently managed to purchase a copy off of "Rakuten International" (a centralized Japanese auction site that acts as a middle-ground for shippers and sellers, and will ship internationally).  As has been mentioned, the game has very unique aspects to it: a unique story (I'm guessing takes place sometime after Rockman 9, though this is not made 100% clear), unique Robot Masters (including Piano), and also a very good soundtrack.  The game itself is quite challenging to play, but to me this adds to its fun and replay value.

Unfortunately, I was informed by another Japanese gaming store that this game is no longer in production due to a legal dispute between Capricorn and Capcom, so you cannot order it directly from Capricorn and most stores that were offering the game (who got it from the manufacturer) have stopped orders for it.  However, if you are interested in buying a copy, you can do so via Yahoo! Auctions Japan or even from Rakuten (probably your best bet).

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: September 11, 2009, 12:57:13 AM »
I'm still working on my project to remake the two DOS Mega Man games, albeit work has been going a bit slow as of late.  I'll probably make an official post here on the forums sometime, but there's information on the main page about it, and I try to update the site's blog (and my Brahman's Game Room site) with info about it when I can.

Fan Games / Re: Megaman: Redemption
« on: September 11, 2009, 12:54:54 AM »
Thanks ^^ and No. They dont have any connection. I always dreamed of a Shark Man before I knew EXE and PC ver. Also a no for Pulseman thing too.

Can't say I'm too surprised, honestly.  Shark Man is a boss people have liked to use in various fan-projects (though none have used them too well, honestly), and I'll be interested to see how you use it here.  I'm still working on my remake of the DOS Mega Man games (albeit slowly), but I'm going to keep Shark Man as close to the original DOS code as possible when I get to him, but I'll just kick him up a notch and make him actually 8-bit.

Pulse Woman will be interesting, though, and it'd be neat if you made her have some sort of cameo'd relation to Pulseman (maybe a power or two that he uses in his game).

Fan Games / Re: Megaman: Redemption
« on: September 10, 2009, 10:32:29 PM »
Well. I know this one sucks right now. But its like alpha ver.

Is Shark Man going to have anything to do with the DOS Robot Master, and is Pulse Woman of any relation to Pulseman (from the MegaDrive game)?

Seriously, though, this game looks like it's slowly coming along, and quite nicely at that!  It has some original-looking bosses in it, and I like that it's keeping to the 8-bit formula, while adding some new stuff to the mix.

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