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Messages - Gotham Ranger

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 90
Original / Re: No Charge Shot.....Why?
« on: August 13, 2011, 07:52:07 AM »
9 was a major let down, in my opinion. Let's get that out there. Opinion. Got it? Okay.

That said, it completely infuriated me. It ignores the evolution of Mega Man to pander to a vocal minority. If I wanna play Mega Man 2, I'll play Mega Man 2, not a bad knock off. Stage design was also shoddy and it felt more often than not that the challenge came not from actual difficulty, but how many things they could throw at you at once. And spikes. Spikes [tornado fang]ing everywhere, to a ridiculous degree.

I've enjoyed nearly every Mega Man game I've played and I've never played them in order. My first was X4. My first classic was Rockman & Forte. But 9 was just.. Bad.

Gaming / Re: The "What are you currently playing?" Thread
« on: August 11, 2011, 02:25:47 PM »
Just finished Mega Man X3 with both endings. Finally got to give the game a good run on my SNES. Already beaten X/2/Xtreme. Now I need to go with Xtreme 2 to X8.

Fan Creations / Re: No Man's Land
« on: August 02, 2011, 10:50:48 AM »
He actually looks more fit for the X series, but I love the design either way!

Gaming / Re: hey rpm lets discuss this game
« on: July 24, 2011, 04:34:51 AM »
Can't wait to get my hands on it.

Fan Games / Re: Megaman Powered Up REMIX
« on: July 22, 2011, 06:30:52 PM »
I have a question, guys:

I already have Timeman sheet and a friend of mine is editing Flashman.

It would be okay to have both at the same game? Time man can slow down the time and flash man can stop it.
To avoid to be cheap, its okay to make it as a hyper move?
While I don't see a problem, definitely any sort of time manipulation should be left as a hyper move to avoid spamming.

That said, this is really, really cool. I can't wait to see more of it (and cross my fingers for Charge Man :P)

News and Announcements / Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Has Been Cancelled
« on: July 20, 2011, 12:02:13 AM »
I wasn't all too attatched to the project, but I do see how much this sucks to the people who were firmly behind this and apart of the community for it.

Thing is, it's been apparent that Capcom has been making business decisions lately that they think are going to make them money for one reason or another, no matter how unpopular. And when it comes to the Legends series..

Mega Man Megamix Vol 2, an interview in the back of the book.

INAFUNE: I quite liked "Legends" as well. There hasn't been much progress on that front, but I'm waiting for the right opportunity to bring it back into the spotlight. From a business perspective, "Legends" actually put us into the red. (laughs) Very few of my titles ever went into the red, but the three "Legends" titles somehow managed to do so. That's not to say that they didn't sell well enough... we just didn't recoup our development costs.

ARIGA: Does that include "The Misadventures of Tron Bonne?"

INAFUNE: Yes. Considering that the "Mega Man" series has sold 16 million copies overall, "The Misadventures of Tron Bonne" definitely stood out in a bad way. (laughs)

Legends, no matter how popular with the fans, failed in business terms. What's to make anyone believe Legends 3 would have done any better? Sorry guys, but video games are still a business, after all.

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: July 17, 2011, 04:57:04 PM »
Don't confuse him with some sort of metaphysics insanity!

Gaming / Re: Sonic Generations (360, PS3, 3DS) - Holiday 2011
« on: July 14, 2011, 06:33:22 AM »
Awesome! Metal Sonic can be lame and crash into a wall in THREE DEE

Off The Wall / Re: Latest Buys
« on: July 12, 2011, 06:46:48 AM »
Rockman World V.

For 9.95.

Tieria was no longer a jerk in S2, and the future needs jerks too. So Setsuna has to fill in. (Because Prince Ali was too awesome to be a jerk)
I'm pretty sure you're retarded or something.

Off The Wall / Re: The Avatar / Signature Changing Thread
« on: July 07, 2011, 09:06:38 AM »

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: July 07, 2011, 07:36:51 AM »
Anything is better than that crap you currently have.
Cool opinion, bro. You're like a unique snowflake.

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: July 06, 2011, 02:55:52 PM »
I think I need to change my sig. I need to change it to something.. Fantastic.

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: July 05, 2011, 11:34:58 PM »
How about noise?
Like a cacophony?

Gotham, now that I'm playing HMH, I realize something.

Your avatar is hilarious.
i no rite?

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: July 05, 2011, 01:31:00 PM »
Wow. I never knew listening to music would help me write.
It used to for me, but now it completely distracts me. Which is a problem. Except silence distracts me, too. In fact, I can't find a happy medium.

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: July 04, 2011, 06:50:14 AM »
I think I just acquired a faghag.

Anime & Manga / Re:
« on: July 02, 2011, 12:05:43 PM »
If it wasn´t made by Gainax, noone would care about PSG
This'd be true if it wasn't wrong. Actually, I've hated most of what Gainax has ever put out. TTGL, which seems to be loved by everyone, made me wanna punch myself in the face. But that's just, like, my opinion, bro.

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: June 30, 2011, 02:24:16 PM »
Got my laser screwdriver and future sonic screwdriver, awesome. Just need 3rd, 4th, 9th/10th and 11th.

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: June 28, 2011, 08:58:45 AM »
I know but it's really overdue.
I know that feeling, Sakura. It's the same one I have with my sister.

Any charm the game had is killed with that [tornado fang]ing horrendous art style. Jesus christ.

I'll sit back and wait for Half Minute Hero Second.

Mine won't be handling it either, sadly.

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: June 17, 2011, 02:08:34 PM »
Ah, the end of Tennant's who run. What a sad moment, punctuated by Smith's great intro. Love this series!

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: June 17, 2011, 11:33:31 AM »
Then again, if you burn them, they might end up like bats in Zelda and fly into your face.

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: June 17, 2011, 08:32:18 AM »
Too late for that there's a bout a dozen in the house.
I'm sure there's another way.
Well then..


Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: June 17, 2011, 07:51:59 AM »
Turn your lights off

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