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Messages - BaconMan

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Original / Re: Least favourite RM
« on: March 09, 2009, 03:53:01 PM »
Uh....just forget what i say.

Don't feel bad. I tripped on "hexology." How could I trip on that? ::)

pretty sure 10 year olds were/are the target demographic.

'scuse me, have you played MegaMan/RockMan 2? Or 3? Any time in the last decade? >U<

Original / Re: Quick Question
« on: March 06, 2009, 04:12:25 PM »
Hooo boy... this converesation could go on for weeks...


Original / Re: Least favourite RM
« on: March 06, 2009, 04:10:54 PM »

Age group. 6-12 years old. 13-17 years old. 18-24 years old. 25-39 years old. 40-64 years old. 65+ years old.

Like that first question on every survey out there? In theory, they reperesent different stages of life/maturity.

6-12 = You're in school. You want friends/popularity.
13-17 = You're in (Junior)/High School. You want friends, popularity, space of your own, a car and sex.
18-24 = You're college-age. Glad you're out of H.S., and now you REALLY want sex and a car. Direction in life is nice, too.
25-39 = Screw it. You need to make money, now. Juggle the bills. Get out of "the hole."
40-64 = You're FINALLY out of the hole, and after 15 years of solid work, you've forgotten what fun is.
65+ = Now that you've retired, and you're making less now than you did in minimum wage, you need to get back in shape, and back in the game. Because without enough money to do [parasitic bomb], life is just a boring waste of time.


Original / Re: Quick Question
« on: March 04, 2009, 02:45:59 PM »
Or maybe they *all* collect 1ups and get extra lives. (/topic)

Original / Re: MM9 - The Ambitious Choice of Protoman Blues
« on: March 02, 2009, 04:40:38 PM »
I'm gonna say Splash Blue. You know why?

I like most of the AST revisions/remixes. But it's obvious that Splash Blue's was not intended for action/gameplay; as it's pacing is dramatically slashed. And personally, I would really go for an upbeat mix of that, fit for action/gameplay, which would compliment the rest of the AST better.

Wait, is this buried/closed yet? o.O

Original / Re: Quick Question
« on: March 02, 2009, 04:32:45 PM »
You know... I always wondered, who besides Dr. Wily would think the idea of a "Robot Museum" is such a great idea, anyways? I mean, it takes everything Wily would need and puts it all in one convenient location. And ever since it's introduction in MM7, it's been nothing but a hotbed of trouble!

More to the point, I think MM8's reappearances allude to CutMan's original design, IE a lumberjack; and how it plays into WoodMan's creation. How else do you explain a Wood robot? They both appear in Power Battle/Fighters anyways, so whatever. (Honestly, the classic titles were far too "melodrama" to make any real sense. Every "story" was just an excuse to fight 8 more Robot Masters. Or in one case, 16. And the most recent's, 9 of them.)

Original / Re: For All The Die-Hards...
« on: March 02, 2009, 04:10:45 PM »
I just might buy that Anniversary Collection for the Game Cube for the sake of Power Fighters/Battles. It beats buying the individual arcade cabinets at about $300 each (but that's still better than playing on emulator  ;)).

IIRC, the GameCube version plays kind of weird, with it's A and B buttons being switched like they are. So "shoot" is the rightmost button (B?), and jump is the big one in the middle. Very weird!

Power Battle/Fighters is a fun little romp, and it makes me wish they did more with the MM7-style sprites; like another full-blown title. And I think there's a "Survival Mode" code or something for the console-ported ones, where you can face all 18 Robot Masters in it, and all 3 fortress bosses, and THEN Dr. Wily, all in one go! (I'm not sure how stacking the weapons works in that, however - or even if you get them at all!)

:O (God, I wish my PS2 wasn't in DRE mode still!)

Original / Re: The "Rockman Endless" ROM Hack Thread
« on: March 02, 2009, 03:57:04 PM »
I know... making part of WoodMan's level backwards was ingenius!

Also, Rock3 updated again! New areas this time (40 total, now)! :D (See link above)

Original / Re: Least favourite RM
« on: February 27, 2009, 03:58:38 PM »
MM1 = IceMan
          Makes me feel like an Eskimo killer. He's far too "cutesy" for a stage so TORTUROUS.

MM2 = FlashMan
          This time, just going with the "Weakest Link." His level kicks ass, though.

MM3 = SparkMan
          Ditto, here. I love MM3 far too much.

MM4 = DrillMan
          Okay, maybe it's not his fault; but I expected his weapon to be much more useful or powerful than it actually was, and his stage was pretty atrocious. He coulda been so much more!

MM5 = CrystalMan
          His attack pattern is more annoying than challenging, and though his weapon design is wicked-cool, it's totally unutilized. I mean, imagine what an uneven ceiling would've done for this fight! (There's really nowhere in other stages where it's helpful, either.)

MM6 = BlizzardMan
          Anybody wearing skis should move MUCH more than this snowman does. Seriously, he should just be "SnowMan," for all the fast-action he's known for. I associate both skiing -and- blizzards with fast motion, maybe it's just me, though. (Now, associate him with FrostMan's level, and we're talking.)

MM7 = JunkMan
          JunkMan? Are you serious?! In a lineup with FreezeMan and CloudMan, ShadeMan and SlashMan comes this? At least his stage makes it work, though. Ironically, *this* fight is what I expected from DustMan.

MM8 = AquaMan
          Okay, his mid-stage boss is fun, I'll give you that. His stage makes good use of a few weapons, too. (I love the "Astro Crush the weak chamber" part, and how it plays on Super Metroid!) But the boss battle itself? Seriously, how did this guy get to the second four masters, where Frost and Grenade are in the first batch? Really.

MM9 = HornetMan
          Sorry. Mister Horny just doesn't do it for me. Level's a bit of a sting, too.

MMV = Neptune
          BOH-ring. Weapon is way too slow/valueless, too. It's like "CrystalMan" done WRONG.  >_<

MM&B = You know what? I'm torn here. They're all badass. But if I have to go with one...

[spoiler] AstroMan
          His stage was ABSURDLY annoying. His "miniboss" rooms were so basic, they make MM1 look smart. And MM8 had more bosses they could've revived besides this. GrenadeMan would make a -perfect- logical answer to DynamoMan, for instance. SwordMan would've been cool to see, too. Or even the Saturn remake of WoodMan! (In MM8, at least he had a fun stage to justify his presence in.)[/spoiler]

Original / Re: For All The Die-Hards...
« on: February 27, 2009, 02:38:05 PM »
Amen. The Anniversary Collection is acceptable nowadays because a set costs over $100. And because it isn't illegal.

Well in that case, yes. I only got 3/5/6 for NES, though. After 3, I rented 4, and was a little disappointed in comparison. And MM's 1-2? One, they were freaking hard, and two, they were pretty short in comparison. MM1 was just AWFUL! XD

Original / Re: Favourite Wily Fotress Boss
« on: February 23, 2009, 08:47:54 PM »
I will say this about the MM8 vid, though; the enormous size of Bass/Forte's "head wings" is hilarious. I mean, how does that bastard get through doorways like that?

Original / Re: The Hardest Wily Fortress stages
« on: February 23, 2009, 03:50:11 PM »
 :O WTF?! Who STARTS with Astro/Dynamo Man? And on what looks like a Perfect run, too! :O

(I'm guessing MM8's isn't - I mean, who's getting through that "trick jump" in Wily Stage 1 on Buster-Only terms? Nobody I know. I don't even think SearchMan's level is navigable without either MegaBall or Thunder Claw.)

Original / Re: Maybe I just like Mega Man games too much...
« on: February 23, 2009, 03:32:54 PM »
I got them from some Mega Man wiki that I can't recall right now.

Thanks guys!

Probably the MegaMan HomePage (MMHP). That's probably the perfect place for a database like this to go/be mirrored to, as well! :)

Original / Re: Favourite Wily Fotress Boss
« on: February 23, 2009, 03:27:14 PM »
MM1 =
MM2 =
MM3 =
MM4 =
MM5 =
MM6 =
MM7 =
MM8 = Tie: and
MM&B = I hate them all, actually! X$
MM9 = (Just by watching, the Shark Airship)

 >_< Wish I could find the thumbs for the rest last two!

Original / Re: The Hardest Wily Fortress stages
« on: February 23, 2009, 03:07:31 PM »
Auto-scrolling and QuickLaser portions of MM5/Wily level 3? Or 4?

The first stage of MM7's. With the moving dump platforms that turn off the lights... try it without S. Adapt! XD

And yes, pretty much 80% of MM&B (Intro Stage and Cold Man are cool enough, then it's a [sonic slicer]!). But ESPECIALLY King's Fort #2. >.<

(MM8's was a BREEZE! Boss fight took forever and a day, but it was just long, not really hard.)

Original / Re: Input on an all-inclusive Endless Stage application...
« on: February 23, 2009, 03:01:41 PM »
Ah, I must not have played enough Zero or ZX then.  And of course it started getting complicated with X.
Try 7.

Wait.  Let's do the math.  Classic energy bars are 28 notches, right?

28 -> 23 -> 18 -> 13 -> 8 -> 3 -> 0  (Or, 5 * 5 = 25 < 28, 6 * 5 = 30 > 28)

So, six hits.  Consider that Mega Man 4 through 6 always made the weakness weapons take away 4 notches, finishing in 7 hits.  Your starting weapon shouldn't be better than the weakness.

On the contrary... Mega Buster has 3 sec. of windup, whereas (most) master weapons don't. (That's also another instance of how 4-6 "broke" the MegaMans, btw.) I can see 4x being fair, maybe more practical than 5x. But I suppose the defining point is: How many charge shots do you think is fair to wipe out a Robot Master? It's debatable between 6 and 7 shots, they both sound/feel about right, and this can always vary a bit, upon how vulnerable a RM is (IE: an "extra" 1 damage for those with high invincible times, or hard-to-hit manuevers).

I could see 5-6 for using a weakness being fair, too. Though MM1-3 had it do something like 8 bars of damage apiece (perfect examples, Needle and Magnet Man going down in 4 hits). And it seems like 7/8/Bass made it do closer to 3-4. Those took FOREVER (see, if you were to nail one of THOSE 4 times, reactions and all, THAT would be a considerably less "boring" fight). Even 5 hits would still be fair.

So far, I've only used a 2x multiplier, mostly for sake of inconsistent damage rates to different enemies; and then to MM & Co. to keep their life/damage rate consistent with other RM's.

Estimated damage summary (for general gameplay):

2 = pts. per shot, or per turbo-shot
 3 = pts. per mid-charge shot, spread shot
 4 = pts. per (quick/rapid master weapons); ones that kill 2-shot enemies, where mid-charge shots don't
 6 = pts. per (most other master weapons) and piercing laser shot; 10 = win vs. RM
 8 = pts. per full-charge shot, Mega Fist, or (heavy-damage master weapons); 7 = win vs. RM
10 = pts. if master weapon is a weakness, and NOT in the 15 pts. category; 6 = win vs. RM
(or 12; 5 = win instead)?
15 = pts. per explosion, Super Arm/Deep Digger attack, or collision attack (Break Dash, Charge Kick, etc.); 4 = win vs. RM

56 = total health (28 x 2)

 2 = pts. damage for basic shots
 4 = pts. damage for most direct enemy collisions
 7 = pts. damage for master weapon hits against you or trap collisions; @ full healty, 8 will finish you
 8 = pts. damage for collision with highly-mobile RM or major enemy (QuickMan, for instance); @ full health, 7 will finish you.
10 = pts. damage for collision with basic RM or major enemy; @ full health, 6 will finish you
15 = pts. damage for explosions, major attacks (like colliding with Wily?); @ full health, 4 will finish you

28 = pts. damage for spikes, when "spike insurance" is enabled. It doubles if "false."

How does that sound? Fair and simple enough?

Original / Re: For All The Die-Hards...
« on: February 23, 2009, 02:14:00 PM »
You talking about the stage select? o.O

Original / Re: Classic Mega Man Artwork
« on: February 23, 2009, 02:11:07 PM »
WOW. That is one pair of bookmark-worthy pages!

Original / Re: Input on an all-inclusive Endless Stage application...
« on: February 20, 2009, 07:44:46 PM »
Hmm... it appears there may be yet another programming option. Or at least, a good fallback for the project, assuming my GM engine doesn't do the trick. Not sure how I'd do with MMF2, however.

Posted on: February 18, 2009, 07:14:11 AM
As far as variable difficulty goes, consider that players like THIS will also be playing. A player of this caliber is exactly what "Mega Mode" is being designed for. (Hence, the 1:00-per-segment timer.) Check the related videos too, this guy is INSANE!


Original / Re: Input on an all-inclusive Endless Stage application...
« on: February 10, 2009, 06:30:46 PM »
Actually, IIRC; Mega Buster = P-Shooter x5, consistently. I mean, let's face it... why charge a shot for much longer than it takes to just fire 3 P-Shooters? You can do that with autofire, anyways. Compare a shot's worth of damage on a Robot Master, to that of a full-charge one. I'm pretty sure it's about 5x as strong. Well, assuming it's not blocked, anyways.

The other difference is that it doesn't disappear upon collision, it continues plowing through enemies, full force, until it *IS* blocked.

Wait, now, when you mention the "ice blocks" from MM6, are you talking about the the actual icy pillars that you need Flame Blast to break, or those cracked blocks you break with Rush Power that happen to be white in BlizzardMan's stage, or both?

Both. Hadn't thought about that third one, though... (isn't that on the WindMan stage?) :|

Original / Re: Input on an all-inclusive Endless Stage application...
« on: February 09, 2009, 02:54:29 PM »

Assume Super Arm/Deep Digger rocks, the ice blocks (MM6/MM8/MM&B) and explosive-triggered barriers are one and the same (because in this case, they are), except fire weapons can take out the ice blocks, too. Concrete Shot and Ice Wall also *make* those, btw. ;) Which one custom 4-weapon set from any combo of games (Robot Master selections only!) would you arrange, and optionally, what strategy/reasoning would you have for choosing the set?

Also, keep in mind, that weapons from a common game are already likely to be together, by default. ;)

(Open for next 48 hours.)

RE: Damage Chart

I suppose it's possible that each weapon was assigned a default value, such as P-Shooter = 10, and then weapons are based around it's relative value. That would explain the 1.7's, even though you could also hit with a remainder, which would also be dropped...

Code: [Select]
(IE: "2 + 2 + 2 > 5")
Assuming W1 = 2,
[2*5] = 10
3 + [2*4] = 11
[3*2] + [2*2] = 10
[3*3] = 9

Only the second line is logically inconsistent (3 + [2*3] = 9, if -that's- the target HP).

The defaults I'm using with the M.Buster levels = 2, 3, and 10. Anything that does a full buster of damage = 10, and rounded out from there. "Minor" enemies are anything that's a one-hit kill, though for some 2-hitters (like Batontons), I've set their life to 3, so a L2 shot will take them out as well.

I understand about the super bomb/power arm thing... there's really no way to check for that kind of thing (like SuperArm damage for enemies in FireMan's level). All we can do is give a general, estimated value of that kind of attack (I'm thinking ~15, actually, since many levels don't feature the blocks).

Also, Leaf Shield = 1 hit kill against the fire dogs in WoodMan's level! But not even *that* damages those ostrich-things. (Discovered via Endless) Those rolling shell/crab things are immune to Bubble Lead entirely, as well.

Good work so far, bag! MM3 and MM7 will probably be of great value, as well; as that's much of the basis of this project, too. MM8/MM&B would be next most useful after that, as that's likely to be of influence soon, too (in their own family of stages).

Robot Master Selection/AI:

Bosses planned on available sprites so far:
MegaMan 1-2:
-CutMan %
-ElecMan %
-QuickMan %

MegaMan 3-6:
-DiveMan %
-GyroMan %
-NapalmMan %
-PlantMan %
~maybe KnightMan

MegaMan 7:

MegaMan 8/Bass: *once the FC's are released, maybe!?

MegaMan 9:

MegaMan PC:

Fort Bosses:
-Yellow Devil %
-Mecha Dragon %
-GutsMan 2.0
-Jack O' Lantern
-Rex %
-Bully Dozer %
-Crabby Cakes

9.9 -Wow. That's almost FIFTY of them already! And that's -without- Wily, yet!  :O

There's actually a few more bosses I'd like to do, particularly in the 1-6 range; and a number of them I've already got battle priorities/plans (%) for, but some AI/personality quirks could still be useful to brainstorm about.

Getting Stuck?:

There's never just one way around a situation, you know? You can bridge spike chasms with MegaBall, Rush Jet, Concrete Shot, Beat Plane... and yes, if you do mismanage your weapon energy (or just hit dumb luck consistently), it is possible to paint yourself into a corner. You can't always last forever, you know - and with a game that has no objectionable end to it, that's eventually the fate you'll always have to accept.

You can, however, anticipate and prepare for such situations! And this is the entire strategic point to the game's setup phase. What is it that you want help with? Fighting? Trick platforming? QuickLaser runs? Robot Master duels? Moving fast? Conserving life? Accessing shortcuts/fast tracks? There really is a lot to consider! (FYI, I intend to make just about every QuickLaser route possible without sliding... though it may be difficult, or require you to be smart about your terrain. And remember, there are weapons/items that can affect those things, too!)

But yeah, running in, Buster-Only is not a good idea! You can minimize special weapon use, but let's face it - acquiring and using the other Master Weapons is the very core of MegaMan gameplay! It's really what makes the game what it is!

I'm sure playing with this italic thing a lot, huh?

Original / Re: The "Rockman Endless" ROM Hack Thread
« on: February 09, 2009, 02:34:44 PM »
Dragonsbrethren has it mirrored, as well. In fact, they have every -version- of the hack to date, available.

Uhh... besides last week's Rock3 update? :O

Original / Re: The "Rockman Endless" ROM Hack Thread
« on: February 06, 2009, 11:47:00 PM »
If you want, you can now start play as me (VixyNyan) in RM2 Endless.
The problem is that the Buster colors are still Rock Blue. Time Stopper shows the right colors. >U<

I'll try that patch too. If it's a combo patch; you might apply the Endless patch first, and the graphical patch second, and see if it fixes that. ;)

Original / Re: Who do you always fight first, and why?
« on: February 06, 2009, 08:24:10 PM »
1- Elec, he doesn't move.
2- Dunno, haven't actually been able to finish 1 and try it. I'm picky.
3- See above
4- See above
5- See above
6- See above
7- See above
8- See above
9- I stopped being picky at this point and picked Galaxy first. I can't beat anyone else.

Proof that Sky fails at Megaman forever.

Sky, if I may...

Start with MegaMan 8, and work your way BACKWARDS. Fact is, MM's 1 & 2 are the hardest [parasitic bomb] since vibranium. And the series, over time, only gets easier and more user-friendly. I'm not just saying that because of the decade of practice you get, btw; the difference is ENORMOUS, and noticable to anybody who pops them in, back-to-back. In fact, MMs 6 & 8 are so forgiving, it's nearly impossible to Game Over. The only reason people lose lives and E-Tanks in those, is because they stop for the day, and continue (since passwords in 6 don't save lives/tanks). 7's a *little* tougher than 6, and that's pretty much the only exception to that rule.

Bonus: It's like a love story, in reverse! (And much more gay.)

Original / Re: Where Are They Now? Mega Man 2 Bosses
« on: February 06, 2009, 08:14:31 PM »
Haha, oh lol.  Quickie definetly won that one!  I mean, nothing's better than boobs! 8D

If only I had seen this earlier, but NO.  I need to get a wireless router... >>;

Oh! Not quick enough, once again!  XD

Pwesome find...

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