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Messages - Irregular Ass-R-Us

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Fan Games / Re: Megaman X : Eclipse
« on: August 28, 2013, 11:28:20 PM »
when i go to the entrance of the downward level lava room, if i go forward and quickly go back the door closes and traps X inside the door and it stays like that forever until i reset the game.

Fan Games / Rockman X Fan Game Ideas.
« on: August 28, 2013, 10:57:39 PM »
Hi guys, its nice to see you all.

About a Year Ago i had bought MMF2 Developer and have been practising my skills up to now. I did it solely for Rockman because i love him a lot and he is Amazing. So now i think my skills should be able to create a really high quality fan game. Its my first time making a Rockman fan game but that doesn't mean i will go for something simple.

So i thought about making a very high quality fan game for Rockman ( X specifically ). I got as much advise as possible from developers alike and learned a lot more about game developing as well as the roles, and also how difficult and long it is. Since making a game is not something that could be accomplished in a month or two. It takes almost two or more years to complete something really high and triple AAA. I am ready to accept those consequences and sleepless nights. Because i will devote my self to this project for Rockman since he is one of my Heroes that i adore.

So with that said, i would love your guys ideas and opinions on what you want in the game.

Here are my ideas:

The story is set after X8, there is peace on earth between Reploids and Humans. However, it only lasts for a short time. Reploids due to a unatural event started to evolve further and started to become as complex as humans. Most would think that it would be a wonderful thing, but it is quite the opposite. Reploids due to their higher inteligence and strength have gotten more jobs then humans. They are better at: Construction, Politics, Education and many more. Humans starting to realize how better reploids are decided to give out one order: *Retire all reploids*.  The world peace committee which governs over the world which consists of humans decided to accept this due to numerous humans living in poverty. Most reploids had agreed to that because they loved their masters a lot which had given them life in the first place. X agreed to this and wanted everlasting peace even if it means decomissioning himself.

The reploids had one month before they were decommissioned. During this time, one Reploid disagreed fully and said that reploids lives are just as important as humans, he believed in the notion of Reploids and Humans living together. The World Peace Committee decided that he is dangerous and should be decommissioned quickly. Luckily he escaped and managed to have a large amount of reploids on his side. One of them being Zero. Zero also believed there was another way to this but if the humans want to kill all reploids then he wont allow it. The world peace commitee regarded the rebelion led by the mysterious reploid as a act of an Irregular. With X agreeing, he goes to stop the rebellion. Which he will also have to face Zero. The rebelion aims to stop the destruction of all reploids while trying not to harm or kill many humans.

X as he fights starts to realize the dangerous side of himself that Dr.Light had mentioned. Everything is not as it seems in this final chapter of the X series.
Will X be a threat to all life or will he be the protector of all life.

Game play:
-Rage/Threat Bar, when it is full. The bad side of X starts to awaken.
-Shining Finger Attack which analyzes the enemy and absorbs their energy and data which can be used to upgrade:
Armours, Boss weapons and movement Skills.
-Downward Dash which causes a mini explosion upon impact. Can be upgraded .
-Reploid Enemies that have much more advanced AI and chase you some times.
-No stage select. Metroid Style exploration with some tweaks such as a world map and more.
-Bosses react differently when they are in different areas.
-Hunting Style missions. Getting a mission explanation and finding the boss depending on which area he is in.
-Side selection. throughout the game you can choose which path to take. The rebelion or the humans.
-Multiple endings.
-A new character.
-Deep story with plot twists.
-Visual novel style story telling because it is the best style for heavy story telling.
-Character interactions. Interact with characters while in the base to know them better.
-Armour colour customization.
-Combine armour parts. For example: Combine Ultimate Armour and Falcon Armours busters to make the falcon shot fast powerful or the ultimate shot spilt into three shots.
-Zero is unlock able.
-Give X equal story and character development like Zero.
-Explore X's past and find more secrets about him.
-VAVAs mysterious appearance.
-Ride armour hangar which can be deployed on special mission only.
-Unexpected Final Boss ( Not Sigma ).
-Axl will be in it.

Those are my ideas which i have been thinking about for a long time and seem do-able in MMF2. What about you guys?

Fan Games / Re: Megaman X : Eclipse
« on: August 28, 2013, 08:29:07 PM »
I sometimes get stuck on the door when you have to go to the lava room.

Fan Games / Re: Megaman X : Eclipse
« on: August 26, 2013, 01:29:41 PM »
Glad were on the same page  8)

Fan Games / Re: Megaman X : Eclipse
« on: August 26, 2013, 04:13:47 AM »
I can Pm the cracks for X7 and X6 if you would like?

X / Re: What would the story for Rockman X9 be?
« on: August 26, 2013, 03:56:54 AM »
^This should be the story for X9 . It sounds perfect.

Fan Games / Re: Megaman X : Eclipse
« on: August 25, 2013, 12:43:12 AM »
That is strange since i can run TERA 60fps while running : Firefox,Youtube,MMF2,PSCX2,Dolphin at full speed. I closed all my applications and it still slows down.

Original / What will push Rockman Original forward?
« on: August 25, 2013, 12:39:25 AM »
Hi guys.

After replaying all the Rockman Series, i looked at the original and thought to myself on how it could be pushed forward. What i mean is how can it evolve a little more. How can it improve the formula and evolve the series further. What could make it go forward and not backwards.

I would like your thoughts and ideas about this.

Original / Re: Things you want/don't want to see in Mega Man 11
« on: August 24, 2013, 11:55:24 AM »

Fan Games / Re: Megaman X : Eclipse
« on: August 24, 2013, 09:08:17 AM »
I am getting slowdowns all over. And i agree but its also the people that play it that count. What you see is not what you may play. But if he is doing it that way then i have problems with it but its his game so he can do what he wants.

Fan Games / Re: Megaman X : Eclipse
« on: August 24, 2013, 08:27:01 AM »
I pretty much have the same proints like Fxeni but i have one more additional problem. I dont know why but i keep getting slowdowns for some reason.

My PC is overkill so i doubt it is that. Anyway there are some problems with the games but i am sure they will be fixed and improved upon when the game comes out. I am glad that you showed us a demo and asked for feedback which is really nice so thanks a lot for that, i think any game developer, fan or official should do this all the time. So thanks a lot for that  8) Its better than not nothing to show a demo and get feedback ( Unlike corrupted ).

Rockman Series / Re: What was the first Megaman game you played?
« on: August 22, 2013, 01:52:12 AM »
When i was young ( around 6 ) in 2003 the first Rockman games i played were all the classic famicon ones, i got those for my birthday as a collection from a car used shop which sold NES games really cheap.I loved every minute of them followed by X4 which when the first time i saw it i thought it was super amazing and loved it a lot.

X / Re: Infinite Dash Upgrade, A good idea or bad idea?
« on: August 22, 2013, 12:25:35 AM »
Hahahaha  XD Nice one Sub tank.

X / Re: Infinite Dash Upgrade, A good idea or bad idea?
« on: August 21, 2013, 11:14:43 PM »
Indeed i was doing a speed run while thinking about this, but it would feel strange. I think the animation should be maybe different. To be honest you can keep spamming the dash continuously so having a button held down the dash infinitely would feel better and is not really different so your right about that. I think it would feel strange but fine after a while.

X / Infinite Dash Upgrade, A good idea or bad idea?
« on: August 21, 2013, 10:38:57 PM »
Hi guys, i was playing Rockman X4 the other day and i played through Magma Dragoons stage and re-imagined playing it with a infinite dash. So then i played all thee others and thought to myself that maybe it would a kind of cool idea. Its better than spamming the dash key but at the same time i think it makes the games too easy.

What do you guys think? I would like to discuss with you guys about this.

Original / Re: Why do people hate Rockman 7 so much?
« on: August 20, 2013, 09:43:01 PM »
^ This i agree with fully. Also some people think that if Rockman is not in 8 bit than it is bad which is clearly not true.

X / Re: X not getting much as much attention as Zero?
« on: August 19, 2013, 10:04:56 PM »
That is true but if it tells X`s past in the X series than its okay because the series was more darker than classic.

X / Re: X not getting much as much attention as Zero?
« on: August 19, 2013, 09:40:25 PM »
The attention X demands most as a character simply cannot be easily provided in an action game. As evident by X7, they had to remove X from the front-lines in order to capitalize on his pacifism.

For X4 in particular, aside from any political agency he may hold in persuading Repliforce, X needed more screen-time with the like-minded Iris. Vice versa, Zero should scoff at Double's clumsy behaviour, while X defends his C-rank recruit.

Prior to that, X's limitless potential, his human-like soul, viral immunity, and creator are key focal points of mystery... while as a character, they ought to show his development into a confident leader (replacing Sigma and Zero in the position of 17th Elite Commander), followed by him and Zero becoming equal partners. VAVA's return then serves as the perfect means by which to ascertain X's growth.

Indeed i completely agree with this.I think Irregular hunter X was a good example to show X's potential and his pacifism and his emotions. I cannot stop watching the day of Sigma because of how well it was done. I really wish that the games were remade like IH X and give Both X and Zero equal attention. I wish that one day CAPCOM could realize their mistakes and look at how much the fans love Rockman.

X / Re: Which X games should be re-made if you had the chance?
« on: August 19, 2013, 09:32:58 PM »
I don't know why but when it came to the PSX games i mostly played as Zero because for some reason it was most of the time easier to play with Zero. I don't know why though. I do like X and do play as him but Zero doesn't need a armor and kind of makes X feel weaker without armor. Also because i love Zero.

X / Re: Which X games should be re-made if you had the chance?
« on: August 18, 2013, 11:40:00 PM »
I think its mostly bad writing in X7.

X / Re: Which X games should be re-made if you had the chance?
« on: August 18, 2013, 10:56:26 PM »
Ah my mistake.  :|

Sorry about that,I will fix that. I agree with taking a more political role. It would make him more mature and change the way he thinks and would develop X a lot more.

Its better than the usual: *Stop It!* *Your insane Sigma!*.

I would say the best of both worlds as you have said. The developers could get a classic engine they already made, tweak it so its different and new features. 16 bit would be nice. But i do know its hard for people who aren't good at spriting to make sprites. But they should try. I used to make awful sprites and 3d models but now i can do 32-bit sprites a lot better as well as 3d models.

X / Re: Which X games should be re-made if you had the chance?
« on: August 18, 2013, 10:05:06 PM »
I don't see how you could say X didn't get any focus in X3:
The story is all about Doppler and Sigma aiming to gain X's allegiance. Enemies often speak of X's dangerous potential and combat ability, challenge his pacifism head on, and aimed to bypass his viral immunity.

The main issue, IMO, is thus its limited presentation as an SNES title. A new "Maverick Hunter" would undoubtedly put further focus on our blue hero. I just hope it would also start treating X and Zero as a team (setting up XS), mention Zero's virus immunity in equal measure to X's (setting up X5), and test Zero's resolve against the dream of a Reploid-only utopia (setting up X4).

I never really said that there was not enough focus on X in X3. I said that there is less focus on him in X4. Other than that you took the words out of my mouth.

X / Re: Which X games should be re-made if you had the chance?
« on: August 18, 2013, 07:52:01 PM »
The only games i would remake are X4 and X8.
Both i would love to see with a better engine, visuals, and have good plots that deserve better treatment.
I have no personal issues with X3.
I never really wanted to play as Zero in the first place as I love X so much more.
The buster in X3 wasnt that bad.
I mean to be fair i have yet to like a buster upgrade as much as X2's.
Hell it was so good that brought it back in ZX!
The only fix X3 needs is the up dash.
Way to slow to be useful in combat.
Honestly though i would much rather them produce a new X game then see another re make.
When it comes to re makes there are 2 possibilities, it is awesome seeing a newish version of a game ive already played to death or its totally different and might as well have taken the plunge to be a new game.

i would rather have them remake some games to fix the plot mess.

I agree with X8 but not so much with X4 since i really didn't see much problems with it except Zero getting more attention than X plot wise. I also wish they could have done X story the same way they did in Irregular Hunter X. It made X more like the main character and made him interesting .Especially with the shining finger attack and the way he froze up after that. His ending in X4 was very good character development. Especially when he starts wondering that he may turn into a Irregular. Then X7 threw away that potential that X had making him nearly a support character. That potential O^O...
All gone.....

X / Re: Which X games should be re-made if you had the chance?
« on: August 18, 2013, 12:17:54 PM »
X3 was good and i did like it but not as much as 1 and 2. But it was better than the PSX and PS2 games

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