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Messages - Mary_Nelson

Pages: 1 2
Gaming / Re: Mighty No. 9
« on: July 22, 2014, 02:53:24 AM »
That's because it is a cash grab. No need to defend them.

I don't think so. They're selling preorders, which lots of companies do. If you buy the preorder with instructional manual and stuff, they said they'll use that money for new stretch goals. I've never heard of a company using preorder sales to fund more game content. That should have been good PR.

But they explained what they were doing so badly it's incredible.

And they have no options for existing backers to give just a little money. You either buy the game and digital rewards all over again, for a higher price than before, or nothing. And the storefront isn't set up so it's immediately clear which items for sale go toward the stretchgoal.

And voice acting was never going to have much appeal to Mega Man fans. I don't understand why they picked that as the first new goal when there are so many other things fans were asking for. The Call vote was almost split 50/50, wouldn't they get more support if they offered to do something with the second-place winner?

I think they planted the seed of a good idea in a pot of quick-drying cement, and watered it with acid. But I'm hoping they'll come to their senses and add another goal at a lower price, and give some better options for people that already backed. If it's not too late.

Rockman Series / Re: Mega Man Archie Comics
« on: July 22, 2014, 02:35:53 AM »
I'm enjoying the X stuff, but I'd say the Classic stories are where the book really shines.

Been pretty consistent across the length of the comic, I'd say.  I've been a fond of Ian Flynn's writing ever since the 170's or so of the Sonic The Hedgehog comics (though I'm not happy with Sonic's post-crossover-reboot, that's largely believed to be more due to Penders and Sega than to Flynn).

Mainly Penders and Penders, with a side of Archie.  The deal with SEGA way back when the book was starting was that SEGA would own e v e r y t h i n g.  All creators were meant to sign contracts stating they gave the rights to their creations to SEGA.  Either Archie just plain forgot to get him to sign, or (more likely) his contract was lost years ago. A former Archie staffer let slip in court documents that apparently they lost a lot of contracts from their warehouse in the 90s.  The settlement with Archie was apparently them refusing to acknowledge he owns anything, but agreeing not to sue him for use of the characters he says he came up with. They couldn't say he owned anything without angering SEGA, who Ken was trying to sue. And he'd still like to, but after the settlement was agreed on it turned out that he'd botched the lawsuit against SEGA and his chance to sue over Sonic Chronicles expired. So now he's saying he'd be happy licensing if Archie agreed to a bunch of looney conditions, but Archie can't license because they refuse to admit he owns anything, and besides SEGA wouldn't want money going to a man actively looking for ways to sue them.

So in the end the only winners in this mess were the lawyers. 

Rockman Series / Re: Mega Man Archie Comics
« on: March 20, 2014, 05:47:10 PM »
Hope people are still reading this.  The last few issues have been knocking it out of the park, and I'm enjoying the start of the Archie take on X.

This whole thing is stupid. The whole lot.

Yeah, that's the extent of my input.

I agree, but it's a perfect example of how confused and scared people can get if they just hear some out of context quotes. I'm pretty ashamed but there's a lesson to be learned.

When she began her new job she was immediately greeted by people saying she was somehow going to change Beck's gender, sabotage the game, redesign everything, that she had lied about ever even playing a Mega Man game and so on. All false. To be fair, many of us directing these accusations at her had no reason to believe they were untrue. There were people out there trying to trick us, and they were good at it. Lots of fans got worried by old tweets and message board comments taken out of context. And that made a lot of fans very angry at her for things we thought she did and was doing, things that weren't true.

And people keep pushing her about that nonsense, on a completely terrible board where it's very hard to find replies, and where it's not even possible to do simple things like pin a thread or merge threads or send PMs. And people started photoshopping images to trick people into thinking that the game was losing backers that had pledged  thousands of dollars. Claims we were later told were false.

And because it's so hard to find replies on that board, and because people were asking the same questions over and over, and because they're not able to merge threads, threads started getting locked with people asked to go look and post in the threads where there were already answers. And people made threads saying how unfair that was, which also got locked because they made it even harder for people to get their answers. And yes, she did eventually start making genuine missteps in the face of an onslaught of hate that had started over things she didn't even do.

And now we're here a few days later with people saying the problem isn't any of the stuff she was accused of just a few days ago.  No, the problem is how she responded to a witch hunt while stuck with a crap board and barely any mod tools.

And I'm starting to feel like very few of us are bothering to be angry with the people that tricked us into thinking she was a threat to the game in the first place. The people that manipulated old tweets, that photoshopped claims that the game was losing backers that had pledged thousands of dollars each, the people that spammed threads elsewhere telling everyone about the woman that wanted to redesign Beck to be a girl and was going to ruin the game.

And I'm a little annoyed about that.

On paypal backing, mine ended up in my spam folder.

Oh, well this is awkward then. I guess the problem solved itself then. BACK TO LURKING!

Basically we got a new community manager, a few people decided they hated her enough that before she even started her job they went through her old tweets and comments, and they screencapped things that looked really scary if you didn't see what she said next. So everyone flooded the forums scared and comcept tried to reassure everyone that things were fine and the fears were baseless... but they had to lock a lot of new threads and tell people to look for the answers to their questions in old threads (that they linked to)...

And now some people hate her for being "a thread-locking Nazi censor".


Video go me pretty worried.

Then I checked my dashboard and got this:

It's long but the short version is that the guy that made the video is doing a smear campaign leaving out half the facts to make her look bad. She beat a few of the games before starting her job, she's got decent video game industry qualifications, and she didn't ask to have Beck's gender changed she just wanted an option to play as a female Beck if you wanted. Or a Beck of a different ethnicity if that appealed to you.

I'm really unhappy about this because the video gave me the wrong idea and I said some things I shouldn't have because I'd been tricked by it. She's still not the Community Moderator of my dreams, but my concerns have been alleviated and I feel like a fool for taking that video's word for what's true.

"Half the truth is often a great lie."

Rockman Series / Re: Mega Man Archie Comics
« on: March 14, 2013, 04:43:35 AM »
Awesome little things in issue 23:
Auto's car shows up
Dr. Wily has Ra Moon themed slippers and a dressing gown, and a skull shaped coffee mug
The Mayor from Rockboard shows up (so I guess this means they're going to use the Stardroids and Fan?)
The pet store has a dog, cat, and bird that look almost exactly like Rush, Tango, and Beat.
Mega Man has been contacted about a soccer endorsement.


Hope sprite stuff is okay... Got a bit of a laugh at a couple things in here. Found these posted in the comments section of a gaming blog a good while back.  Unsigned and I never was able to track down the source, so hopefully someone recognizes them and I can fully give credit where it's due.



Rockman Series / Re: Mega Man Archie Comics
« on: July 05, 2012, 08:36:50 AM »
Destructoid preview of #15.

[spoiler]Quakewoman used to be a normal 'bot, but then she was grievously injured/killed in an accident, leading Dr. Lalinde to shut off her emotions. I'm not sure whether or not that's indicative of Lalinde's possible inability to face reality.[/spoiler]

But the solicit for issue 16
Claims that issue 16 is the one where we learn the "LaLinde's tragic secret".  So either the solicit's a bit off, or there's a little more to the story than just what we see here[/spoiler]

Rockman Series / Re: Mega Man Archie Comics
« on: June 08, 2012, 11:25:38 PM »
So, from how things are going, after the current arc it'll be Protoman's backstory, then SAR, and then 3? I wonder, they're setting up SAR already but it doesn't make too much sense to have it happen before 3, does it?

I'm not sure SAR will necessarily be after Protoman, but it's definitely possible.  I could see it being 3 first, and then a return to the ruins after it.

Bringing in SAR was a great idea though.  The book needs more than one villain, and Ra Moon is one heck of a bad guy.

Rockman Series / Re: MM Art Request thread.
« on: June 08, 2012, 11:23:09 PM »
IIRC his name's Karate #3 (something to that effect), and he first appeared in Shigeto Ikehara's MM6 manga.

Ah, awesome, I knew I recognized him!  I was lucky enough to get a loan of a few of Ikehara's manga years back - couldn't read a word in them, but I loved everything I saw, and I think I got the gist for the most part.  <3 Centaur (wo)Man and Knight Man.

I don't suppose anyone's got any other pics of this guy?  I remember him fighting Rock briefly, I'm kind of curious how my memory compares to what was really in the book...

Rockman Series / Re: MM Art Request thread.
« on: June 02, 2012, 01:25:18 AM »
This seems like the best place to ask...
Are there any more pictures of this happy chap?  Next to Knight Man?  I came across him in Megamix, and I could swear on a stack of gold cartridges I've seen him before, but I can't put my finger on where.  At first I thought he might be a discarded old boss design, but if so he's not one I can find in any books or scans I've seen.  Any help's appreciated, this one's been driving me nuts.

Rockman Series / Re: Mega Man Archie Comics
« on: June 02, 2012, 12:16:26 AM »
Re: [spoiler]Xander's eye.

With a Mega Man IV boss hanging around, I've gotta ask: Was it a white Moby that did it? [/spoiler]

Because that would be awesome.

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