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Messages - thefallenalchemist

Pages: 1 2 3
Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Eternal
« on: July 27, 2013, 03:25:11 AM »
Might make for a more interesting experience. Maybe he is doing away with Rush abilities and utilizing a new upgrade system. Metroid-style high jump boots, anyone?

Fan Games / Re: (Japanese) Roll-Chan Fan Game
« on: July 26, 2013, 11:04:37 PM »
Alright, got it. But yeah, At least it looks like the game is coming along well since that 2012 post.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Eternal
« on: July 26, 2013, 10:43:38 PM »
I'm just kind of curious what he would do with that data. Most of it is just old data from robots that he's already built. But you never know, there might be some interesting data there. But maybe (and don't scold me, this is just an idea) it would be interesting to have an MM and MMX crossover game. I'd like to see how the original Megaman would fare against X. He'd probably get slaughtered; but it would still be interesting.

The only thing I hope that doesn't get put into these fan-titles is "Bass X, and Protoman X" and "Robot Master X." That got done a lot in the past, by game-creators back in the CNC/KNP days. Of course, you can beat me, since I created the first Megaman X/Sonic the Hedgehog crossover game when I was 16. You might find the thing around the internet somewhere, but I doubt anyone still has it, due to the "voice-acting" I used.

I think it was called "Megaman Power Battles PC."

But you know what? I actually finished it, which is an accomplishment... I guess. It's been so long that the game doesn't even exist online. Including the other one I finished and forgot the name of. Yeah, it's been that long. At any rate, I just hope that stuff like this doesn't happen again.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
« on: July 26, 2013, 10:37:48 PM »
Again, MMR isn't garbage. Hell, it's managable. Haven't beaten the game yet because of some later final stage hijinks (that infernal arm, for instance) but it was a blast to play through in the beginning. And, at least there weren't spikes and holes everywhere. The difficulty had a proper curve.

Not all MM fan games need to be remniscent of rom hacks.

Off The Wall / Re: The Mystery of the Forum Users - Take 4
« on: July 26, 2013, 04:31:01 PM »
Alright, I've been a Megaman fan as long as I can remember. I'm going to do some copy/paste from another response, because that explains a little bit about me and how the Megaman franchise affected my life:

I work in the music scene and interview artists and review their albums. Mainly of the rock/metal variety. I have done interviews with famous acts in the genre like Dark Tranquillity, for example.

I also write books, and perhaps these stories and the messages held within them will benefit the next and current generation. It's not revolutionary, but it does leave a mark. My novels have just gotten picked up by a small publishing house. I'm not certain as if they will take them immediately, but will be patient and hope for the best.

A damned good fan-fiction can really sell me over. Yeah, I wrote them in grade school. Little Megaman comic books, but that evolved into longhand stories (with hand drawn maps) and finally into original fiction after many years of practice.

I started when I was just a boy, but now at 28 I still have a fondness for good stories. Megaman 7 remains my favorite Megaman tale, as so  much happened. X4 is my second favorite (and I hid a small easter egg in the third novel of my Will's Downfall book series, based loosely on Sigma's first form - only hardcore mm fans will notice this.)

I also need to add that there was a period in my life where I did draw level plans and make my own bosses like Phil had done. (Ref. Youtube vids) A friend and I were going to make a game programmed in C that was a mix of Megaman and Spawn, in all honesty. I had the odd ability to make Megaman slightly more demonic and heinous, if you could believe it. Readers of my work will certainly agree that I have the ability to just about make anything uncomfortable these days, as I like taking kindly stories or common ideas and turning them on their heads.

Enough of my blabbering. Here are some sites I manage: - We take submissions, and if anyone is doing any rock, metal, underground rap, electronic music and anything in between on this forum and wants me to promote, feel free to contact me! I work with many labels, so I'll do the best I can to get the work out. I'm only one person. - This consists of personal thoughts, book updates, a couple shorts and snippets from my work and reviews of other novels. I read just as much as I write and have a friend who drives miles out to borrow from my library of sorts.

Author influences range from Neil Gaiman to Clive Barker, with a good helping of Warren Ellis, Hunter S. Thompson and Stephen King. Of course, more are finding their way in. It just depends on the story.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
« on: July 26, 2013, 02:17:38 AM »
I agree. This issue is miniscule compared to the...


Should have called it MMDT, for Megaman Death Trap.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Eternal
« on: July 26, 2013, 02:11:52 AM »
Don't understand why Wily would need Rush, he built Treble. But maybe he's going somewhere with it? I dunno... (scratches head.)

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Eternal
« on: July 25, 2013, 10:29:14 PM »
I don't know how much I do to benefit society, but I work in the music scene and interview artists and review their albums. Mainly of the rock/metal variety. I have done interviews with famous acts in the genre like Dark Tranquillity, for example.

I also write books, and perhaps these stories and the messages held within them will benefit the next and current generation. It's not revolutionary, but it does leave a mark. My novels have just gotten picked up by a small publishing house. I'm not certain as if they will take them immediately, but will be patient and hope for the best.

As for the game, I will certainly be playing it; and with your level of intellect, it might entail a rather out of the box story. Being a writer, a story is very important to me. I admit that I am less interested in blowing robot masters to bits, than I am in knowing why I am doing so. Hence, what is Dr. W up to this time? If it's even Dr. W.

Even though these games aren't canon, a damned good fan-fiction can really sell me over. Yeah, I wrote them in grade school. Little Megaman comic books, but that evolved into longhand stories (with hand drawn maps) and finally into original fiction after many years of practice.

I started when I was just a boy, but now at 28 I still have a fondness for good stories. Megaman 7 remains my favorite Megaman tale, as so  much happened. X4 is my second favorite (and I hid a small easter egg in my third novel, based on Sigma's first form - only hardcore mm fans will notice this.)

At any rate, I hope for a clever story and thrilling gameplay. Please post any updates whenever you can.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
« on: July 25, 2013, 05:12:44 AM »
Finished the game with CE 6.0, which it's ridiculous that I had to use that even, but Wily Stage 3 shouldn't have even been considered. It's spike traps, gravity, yoku blocks and little else. I think Dr. Wily probably went over the budget for large triangular spikes (I'd have to assume they get delivered in crates, probably to Wily's warehouse right behind the castle) and didn't really have the money to fix twinkle-toes properly. I kept using tanks until I realized that I couldn't win and was up for hours trying to beat him.

So with infinite spike protection, beat calls, e cans, and w cans (we also found a way to get infinite nail shield usage, until it changed memory addresses on us, and infinite glue shot, but that broke the game - it really came off it's rails) I managed to actually enjoy the game. the plot works for me too. according to what zan said, it could work with the canon and made sense. Gotta test it first, right?

But the plot of Megaman 4 plus infinity was much better. At any rate, I enjoyed what I thought was fun and cast off the rest. The best part of the game was the ending, artwork pieces included. MMU won't revolutionize the series as much as a friend and I agree that a customizable (not just stealing weapons, but ripping off parts from other robot masters and being able to use them, like taking Jet Man's propulsion system and being able to fly around, for example; or taking Yoku Man's shoulder pieces because you like how they look) Megaman would. But we also discussed e cans and extra lives for the robot masters, since it seems unfair that Megaman only gets to use them.

At any rate, MMU succeeds in cheap kills and even an easy mode won't stop that. Remove most of the death traps, and the game might be fun then.

Again, Ninja Gaiden was tough and this comes from someone who actually owned and played the cartridge just as much as he rented mm games; but there weren't a million death drops and lots of spikes - you could also stick to walls. Granted, there were alot of death drops. lol.

Fan Games / Re: (Japanese) Roll-Chan Fan Game
« on: July 23, 2013, 02:51:47 AM »
Sorry, I checked both pages and couldn't find any topics related to it. Closest things I saw were Megagirl R and a sprite hack.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Eternal
« on: July 23, 2013, 02:48:12 AM »
Whoops. I wasn't aware that I had to introduce myself. I'll go do that.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Eternal
« on: July 22, 2013, 12:49:51 AM »
I had no idea that you guys didn't want fan-made creations to be advertised here. To tell you the truth, there's nowhere else on the net really to find them except for this forum,26.0.html (Devs take that as a hint, heehee) and of course; this one. Though it's true that there have been a load of Fan game announcements, (many of which seemed to have gone nowhere as of last year) this does look to be the year when a scant few actually get completed.

I mean, the title of the section is "Fan Games" so I was wondering why people are getting upset because of posts about said topic, some of them even with plenty of gameplay footage and shots to show that it's not just a few mock-ups. Yes, it may get awful tiring when a million 8-bit games come out, and I'm personally not so big on the 8-bit (16/32 bit guy myself, looking forward to X Series games) games; but people do spend an awful lot of time working on these games and it's time that they won't be getting back. I write books, so I know how much time that one expires while working on their art.

I look forward to all of your games and will be playing them (or attempting it in the case of MMU) and won't be posting any more fan games here, as this is how the community feels about the subject. I will however, check back on progress every now and again. Again, I know how it is when you've been working hard on a project and you want to share it with people.

Fan Games / (Japanese) Roll-Chan Fan Game
« on: July 21, 2013, 11:05:28 PM »
I'm really surprised that there's nothing here about this game, even though it seems very close to being finished. As of February, the creator showed off this video which got posted here:

Apparently, the game allows you the choice of playing Rock, Bass, Blues, Roll and Splash. Not too shabby, hence there are only 6 robot masters featured in the title. Nevertheless, these Boss Run stages look like they'd fill that void easily.

Some Screenshots:

Here is the Dev blog, with plenty of images and moonspeak (lol). Nevertheless, you'll see what's being worked on:

Though it hasn't been updated since Feb 2013, this was posted on the Youtube account June 2013:


If anything else, it means that it's still in production. Not sure if there will be an English patch, but not too worried about it really. Should be an interesting game at any rate.

Fan Games / Re: Megaman: An Uncertain Future (Completed)
« on: July 19, 2013, 05:00:37 PM »
Alright. That explains it. Seems I'll have to download Hard Hat 4, just so I can play the "real" thing.

Fan Games / Re: Megaman: An Uncertain Future (Completed)
« on: July 19, 2013, 02:49:55 AM »
Interesting. I wasn't aware of a Hard Hat 4.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
« on: July 18, 2013, 11:46:11 PM »
Zan, just read "Timeline Of X" thread. You've answered all my questions.

Note To Self: Finish Command Mission.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
« on: July 18, 2013, 10:47:47 PM »
New difficulty mode announced :/

You know, people demanded a proper "Normal Mode"... calling it "Easy Mode" is such condescending bullcrap. It only perpetuates the game's core problem.

Soon as it releases, I'll finish the game. Of course, it should be more like MM2:



No "Easy" crap.

Fan Games / Megaman: An Uncertain Future (Completed)
« on: July 18, 2013, 10:42:47 PM »
Well, sometimes when you scour the net looking for things, you run into weirdness like this little game which was published back in March. It probably went under your radar unless you're Brazilian, but it is in all honesty a completed game and I'm not quite sure how it exists.

In Megaman: An Uncertain Future, you play as Blues with the added ability of a jetpack. Though the stages are very basic, they do offer some semblence of challenge, despite the fact that you're fighting horrible mock-ups with pattenrs that actually felt like time was put into them. The bottom line about this game, is that time was put into it. It's got a working save system, collectable letters, finishable stages and functioning Robot master powers. It also doesn't feature a charge shot, but a weird triple shot. I won't lie, there are some interesting ideas in this incredibly weird title. But I'll let you see them for yourselves.

Not the best Megaman fangame by any means, but it's done and works - so there's not much else to say that I can't say with a youtube video. Yours truly, is playing the game of course:



You can download or play the game through Yoyo games, if for nothing more than sheer curiosity. Again, I'm surprised that this not only exists, but that it's actually finished.

If I find any more rarities, I'll put them up.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
« on: July 18, 2013, 03:55:19 AM »
hated 9 with a passion, loved x6 (sans Gate stage 1 even though i liked the music a great deal) i think mmu is easier than 9.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
« on: July 18, 2013, 02:36:28 AM »
I used Xpadder for about three seconds before I realized that the game had a controller config. So I've been since using default controls.

One of my biggest problems with controls pertains to the first ladder in Glue Man's stage. A friend joked and said that it's by far "the worst enemy in the game." I just couldn't latch onto it for nothing. I'd have to really hammer the analog stick upwards, just to make Megaman grab it.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
« on: July 18, 2013, 02:20:09 AM »
I'll be honest. I'm playing MMU on an 09 Toshiba laptop Vista SP2 and have experienced no lag or slowdown. Runs perfectly fine for me. But it possess my controller somehow, and Megaman does his own thing sometimes which almost always, leads to his untimely demise.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
« on: July 18, 2013, 01:57:45 AM »
I understand, Clefant and agree with the mods. We should be getting back to the game. What I should ask, is are any of you that have finished the game going to go back and play the easy mode when it releases?

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
« on: July 18, 2013, 01:42:15 AM »
13? That's Tornado Fanged up!

Yes, there's a difference between mature nudes, such as pin-up and porn. I have seen mature versions of the Touhou characters (clothes on, thanks!) which are tasteful.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
« on: July 18, 2013, 01:31:01 AM »
i'm not sure. a previous poster said that she was a teenager. haven't seen much of the show.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man Unlimited
« on: July 18, 2013, 01:22:34 AM »
That's why i added the "?" Since Shampoo is an underage character, I wasn't sure if chibi applied. But yeah, if it's underage - provocative pics need not be drawn of it, let alone shared with the world.

Thanks for the clarification.

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