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Messages - Fragman

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Rockman Series / Re: Megaman: Robot Master Mayhem - Skullman
« on: April 06, 2010, 09:44:50 AM »
The chest guns in the manga were more like 6 machine guns that fired in a spread rather than one big gun.  (He also had a machine gun in each arm), though the manga Skull Man was pretty overpowered in both offense and defense.  That Skull Man would be game breaking.

Original / Re: The OVA's Discussion
« on: February 22, 2010, 11:57:10 AM »
The OVAs were childish.  That much is true, but I do think they held on to the innocence of the classic Megaman.  It still got closer to what Megaman should feel like than the RS series, though I think it should have also stuck more to Megaman being a robot, not just a video game character sucked into the real world.

Had the RS series retained the classic character designs, it would have been a step in the right direction, but there's still a lot missing from that series besides just the artwork.  I suppose if I can forgive the Upon a Star OVAs because of their loyalty to the classic character designs and personalities, I'd probably like RS Megaman a bit more if it had done so as well.  Maybe with the classic series going again, we might get a good Classic Megaman anime.

Though you could just watch videos of Super Adventure Rockman and get about the same feel.  Aside from being maybe too violent, it otherwise got things right with classic Megaman.

DASH / Re: How come we've never seen Mr. and Mrs. Bonne?
« on: February 14, 2010, 10:32:29 AM »
*shrug* It was worth a shot.  Never played Captain Commando.  I see a baby and a mech, while discussing a baby/mech character and a mental association formed.

DASH / Re: How come we've never seen Mr. and Mrs. Bonne?
« on: February 13, 2010, 01:43:49 PM »
At least according to Tatsunoko vs Capcom this may be what Bon looks like outside of the giant head at 4:39

Rockman Series / Re: Super Modeling Soul of Rockman figures
« on: February 09, 2010, 08:32:08 AM »
Mmmm more Megaman figures.  I'm going to need a bigger shelf.

DASH / Re: Is Megaman still a robot or what?
« on: February 07, 2010, 09:22:24 AM »
Well they did say that they found him as a child, but you also see cyborgs walking around in this time period, so it could be somewhere in between.  Personally I take ZX as an indicator that he's a robot so advanced that the line between robot and human doesn't exist anymore. 

DASH / Re: When will Nintendo get Mega Man 64 out on VC?
« on: January 27, 2010, 10:52:53 AM »
I agree.  And many more people own a Wii right now than a PSP.  The only other option is to go hunting down PS1 copies (which I did, in fact it's the sole reason I own a PS2).  But The N64 port I played way back when still made me love Legends.  If Starfox 64 on VC is any indication, the clipping and fog at least could be reduced and the game's speed improved.  The Wii does seem to improve N64 games a good bit in terms of clarity and speed.

I say the more people who can play legends the better.  Right now would be quite a good time with Tatsunoko vs Capcom just being released.

Sent mine in a few hours ago.  I think everyone should have a chance.  Originality should play a part as well, and not just crazy amounts of photoshopping.

Original / Re: MegaMan 10 - More Playable Blues
« on: January 15, 2010, 10:10:53 AM »
HA I was surprised when I saw Magic Man in Megaman & Bass, and they're STILL using the rejects from Megaman 5.  Though good to see that Capcom never throws an idea away.  I still think one of them must have seen my design for Commandoman years ago, but that's just me feeding my ego.

Of course my favorite so far is Nitro.  Just like Turboman and Galaxyman I dig transformers.  I'm wondering what his weapon will be.  Possibly a giant wheel that runs along the ground.

Original / Re: Does Bass seem "Emo" to you?
« on: January 10, 2010, 09:50:16 AM »
The original Japanese seemed to intend to make him more arrogant, but int he US translation he comes off as more angry.  Personally I like his anger, it makes him more than just an evil Megaman after all.  Not to mention how he just can't stand that he's destined to be a hero (at least if you ask Duo), which is also an appealing part of his character.

X in Megaman X7.  THAT is an emo robot.  Bass does not even approach that.  Rage filled angst, yes, but emo, not at all.

EXE / Re: Loose ends and plot holes
« on: January 05, 2010, 07:05:17 AM »
Bass was done so much more justice in the EXE manga.  He even upstaged some of the endgame bosses in that one and literally resurrected himself with the power of his own hatred.  That's pretty hardcore.

I have a theory about Match.  I think he's a pyromaniac who periodically goes off his meds.  Off his meds he's an arsonist.  On his meds he's an ally who just likes fire themed Navis.

I think Dr. Wily did what he did with Regal, strictly because Wily wanted to be the villain again, and Regal did villainy so much better.  Most of Wily's plots tend to involve some small scale attacks that are practically pranks, such as messing up the drive system of a bus, or having Lan's dad arrested, and in doing so often reveals his big plot that would have gone unnoticed otherwise.

Regal on the other hand staged a military takeover of the net, that had to be won back inch by inch, and almost collapsed civilization entirely, just by revealing what bastards humans really are.

Original / Re: MegaMan 10 - More Playable Blues
« on: December 20, 2009, 10:01:09 AM »
Command Mission models could probably be more detailed, simply because they didn't need to move as much.  In X8 there's a lot going on at once, and that's going to bog down the technologically inferior PS2.  On the gamecube or Xbox the Command mission models probably could have been used or something even more detailed, but Capcom was still pretty stuck on the idea of the X series being Sony exclusive at the time, so they had to work with what was available.

In MM8 Personally yes it felt sluggish and I do prefer smaller sprites to a degree since it provides more room for evasion.  Though MM8 was far more about blasting than dodging, so it kind of evens out.  The strategy just becomes one of shooting first instead of evading then shooting back.

Original / Re: MegaMan 10 - More Playable Blues
« on: December 13, 2009, 09:48:29 AM »
Huh.  I posted a slightly similar looking bot named Commando Man on one of my old art sites years ago.  Maybe just coincidence but I like to tell myself that someone at Capcom spotted it.

Original / Re: Megaman & Bass - Torture in your hand.
« on: November 25, 2009, 09:58:52 AM »
You know I kind of prefer a lot of the music from the GBA version over the SNES version.  This may sound strange as the SNES version had a much richer background to it, but I always found the background to be TOO rich in the SNES version to the point that it drowned out the melody.  The GBA version has a much more clear melody leaving percussion in the background where it belongs.  It's more because of different mixing than actual sound quality though. 

Original / Re: Megaman & Bass - Torture in your hand.
« on: November 23, 2009, 09:29:12 AM »
I've said it before, and it bears repeating.  Megaman & Bass is the game that hates you.  Somewhere along the line someone at Capcom said "I just wish there were some way to let the gamers know how much we hate them."  It's the Megaman equivalent of Dethklok's "Fan Song."

Original / Re: When Megaman is about to shoot Wily...
« on: November 15, 2009, 11:53:15 AM »
The 1980 Astro Boy series was closest to Tezuka's original manga, and early on makes reference to a "Robot bill of rights," however It doesn't go very deep into robot law either.  The source prior to Pluto to make the most reference to robot law would be the original manga, which Dark Horse has been releasing lately, however the chronological order is rather scattered in the Dark Horse release leading it to read more like a "Best of" but it's still worth picking up.  The old manga is very raw, but there's a lot of hidden depth to it, that I think is worth examining.

Original / Re: When Megaman is about to shoot Wily...
« on: November 14, 2009, 08:29:55 AM »
Good reply ZanWell Inafune is an admitted Tezuka fan so I'm pretty sure the Tezuka connection is intentional. 

A good argument against hardwired laws would be seen in Protoman ignoring laws 2 and 3, Bass blatantly ignoring law 2 to the point of outright defying his creator.  Though it could be argued that his core purpose overrides all other orders, and that being to defeat Megaman.  Just as in Asimov's laws a robot's core purpose trumps all other orders received after programming.  Of course in later Asimov works it's said that after the initial paranoia about robots died down, that the second law was actually made weaker than the third, so that robots couldn't be ordered to commit suicide, as they were extremely expensive, and it was previously far too easy to get one to destroy its self for just about anyone.  Imagine if someone could just jump in your car and crash it into a tree.  Much the same.

Clearly robots in the MM series won't follow just any order, but do follow a purpose that could be categorized under the second law.  Protoman seems to be the only one who could be said to totally ignore the second law entirely.  Megaman's is to fight for justice, Bass to defeat Megaman, and both will ignore other orders to do so.  Though Protoman as a prototype might not have been given a purpose, thus has no second law.

King brings up an interesting idea, that he's the first robot (far before Sigma) to outright defy humanity in general and thus ignore the first law to some degree.  He defies humanity, his creator, and even self preservation, breaking all three laws in the course of one game.

You know, in the course of this discussion I think I've done a total 180 on my opinion of Asimov "hardwired" laws vs Tezuka "legal" laws. 

Original / Re: When Megaman is about to shoot Wily...
« on: November 13, 2009, 08:15:59 AM »
Marsmallow Man, I've been reading the Pluto manga recently which is a more serious reinterpretation of Tezuka's Astro Boy series, and it's brought me much to a similar way of thinking, that perhaps robots are required by legal means, rather than by programming, to obey certain robotic laws.  Though Asimov would be an interesting angle to view the series, through it's looking more like Megaman applies the Tezuka robot laws, rather than the Asimov laws.

Though this too brings up the question of why Wily brought the point up at all if he knew Megaman could and would harm him, unless he was pointing out that it would make Megaman a criminal.  Though it could be that Megaman himself has the law hardwired into him, while others don't.  Regardless of taking the American slow speech, or the Japanese just raising the buster, both seem to indicate a powerful internal struggle. 

I thought it carried over well to Megaman 8 where this struggle seems to have become ingrained in Megaman's mind and made him a target for Evil Energy.  The whole end sequence of MM7 shows something is really weighing on him.  Now Megaman has been online for much longer than most robots, so it's entirely possible that he's developed a sense of free will he wasn't originally programmed with, just the same as Protoman.

Shooting Star / Re: Game Character/Real Life Correlations
« on: November 12, 2009, 08:44:23 AM »
Sirius is also now the dominant satellite radio provider.  Planet FM attacked Planet AM.  FM radio has mostly replaced AM Radio.  Satellite radio is a would be usurper to FM as the dominant radio standard.

Original / Re: About Time Travel...
« on: October 16, 2009, 10:14:02 AM »
Quint appeared in Megaman 2 for Gameboy.  After the fight he warps away and isn't seen again until Megaman 5 gameboy.  Though that Quint is destroyed, the large number of Quints in capsules outside the boss room may imply that this one was only a copy.  Whether he's a wandering timestream, if he went back to his own time, if he was destroyed or what, we don't know.

Some fans claim he was restored by Dr. Light and sent back to the future.  Since Wily's space fortress which is apparently the time machine its self, isn't destroyed, it's possible that Quint used it to return to his own time, since it isn't ever mentioned again.  I doubt it's how Capcom intends to bridge the gap.  In my own opinion, I think Quint's involvement in the past would give Megaman ample warning, and thus prevent his current timeline from leading to the events that cause him to become Quint.

Rockman Series / Re: Ancient Theories/Fanon
« on: October 12, 2009, 07:39:11 AM »
Cain's appearance changed drastically after that too.  He went from being on massive life support to just hobbling.  Even survived a maverick attack in X2.  Maybe he did die but made a Reploid copy of himself beforehand which is the Cain we see in game.

Monsteropolis.  I assumed it was retconned into Neo-Tokyo.  Or maybe they just moved.

Rockman Series / Re: How did you get interested in Mega Man?
« on: September 28, 2009, 07:17:03 AM »
Back in the 80's, kid me was looking through a local rental place.  I went through various boxes trying to decide what to play.  I picked up Megaman 2's box noting the box art which was probably kind of cool by my standards back then.  Hey it had robots shooting at each other.  Kids are easy to impress.  I check the back, sure enough it's about robots shooting at each other.

I take it home and take a beating at the hands of everyone but bubbleman, but eventually manage to beat all 8 (Only in later attempts did I learn to take out Metalman first).  Well time was up on the rental before beating it but shortly after Megaman 3 was released and my parents got it for me on my next birthday.  MM3 I beat countless times and became hooked on the series.

Rockman Series / Re: Unaired Ruby-Spears Megaman Episode?
« on: September 12, 2009, 07:51:30 AM »
Personally I always thought that the Ruby Spears version underestimated American Audiences.  Astro Boy was popular in its day.  I don't think it needed changes such as turning Roll into a jumpsuit wearing bimbo, Megaman into a balloon muscled steroid case, and Rush into Scooby Doo or reducing Protoman's characterization to just being the evil rival rather than the mysterious loner were necessary.  By the fifth game (which was released around the same time as the Ruby Spears cartoon) Capcom of America had long since given up trying to change Megaman into something like you'd see on the first and second game's box art, and gone to something much closer to the original character design.  Now the Ruby Spears series was not nearly as egregious a violation as Captain N, but still it's a far way off.

In fact as I recall there was the issue brought up of the unaired pilot episode, which did in fact come much closer to the real character designs.  How good the writing would have been if it kept to that concept I don't know, and is entirely up to supposition.  I did however enjoy the Upon A Star DVD.  As simple as it was at least got the character designs and personalities right, even if it did go a bit too light compared to the games.

I 100% agree the best case would have been an anime adaptation of the Megamix manga.  I'm at least glad we're finally getting Megamix stateside. 

Rockman Series / Re: Unaired Ruby-Spears Megaman Episode?
« on: September 11, 2009, 08:25:53 AM »
It's nothing fashionable about it.  I've seen it and it's bad.  The writing is bad, the artwork is bad, and it's clearly created by people who have no respect for what Megaman should be.  That's how I feel about it.  I look at it and I see a betrayal of the spirit of the series.  I think people just cling to it because it's the only animated series to represent classic Megaman.

Really, you'd be hard pressed to find a Zelda fan who loves the old Zelda cartoons, so I don't see why liking Ruby Spears Megaman is somehow sacred to parts of the fandom.  Most fans of Batman turn away in disgust from the 1960's series, and you'd be hard pressed to find a Fantastic Four fan who'd defend the "The Thing" cartoon.  I mean if it's just your tastes in animation, I don't see why, but you're entitled to that, but there's no reason to cling to it just because you want to be a bigger fan of Megaman.

Just my two cents on the matter.

Rockman Series / Re: Unaired Ruby-Spears Megaman Episode?
« on: September 09, 2009, 10:55:53 PM »
So Ruby spears didn't air an episode?  That sure was nice of them.  Do you think they can do that for the rest of the series?

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