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Messages - Dr. Wily II

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 ... 1168
Anime & Manga / Re: Gundam
« on: November 21, 2016, 01:00:02 AM »
Was wondering why there were new Thunderbolt gunpla announcements... XD

I guess this SOS Battle feature is to help players fill up the PokeDex more easily, without the grinding some will need.

I caught a level 10 Salamence. Send help.

So, just to be sure, you still have to knock out the Bagon before you can catch that Salamence right?

Fan Creations / Re: Akira's color-full arts
« on: November 19, 2016, 09:55:18 AM »
That's some nya-s right there. :3

Off The Wall / Re: Birthday Thread~
« on: November 19, 2016, 09:53:04 AM »
Hypershell too? Happy birthday to you as well! :cookie:

*gives 1000 PokeDollars*

Off The Wall / Re: Birthday Thread~
« on: November 19, 2016, 05:23:43 AM »
Happy birthday Vixy! :cookie:

That's... Something.

A new Japanese trailer is shown, revealing the 2 Ultra Beasts that were in the latest CoroCoro scans.


Origami is UB04 Slash, and bamboo is UB04 Blaster.
Based on the vid, Slash looks to be Sun-exclusive, and Blaster is Moon-exclusive.

Well, I managed to find the answer on Serebii's forum.

It's in Iki Town after you win the Festival by beating Hau that has a Pichu and the starter weak to ours. Basically the E3 Nintendo Treehouse demo. Kukui will give the RotomDex, and that's when you get Festival Plaza for all my self-trade needs. After that, is the first trial.

According to Serebii, that's within the first hour or so.

It was worth a shot anyways. 8D XD

I usually won't start until I get the guidebook. >.>

To anyone that has started, how long into the game before I can trade with myself?

Well, she is open to the idea, however there are still some pending plans, so she can't really confirm.

Times Square, Wall Street, Empire State, Statue of Liberty, Chinatown, Little Italy.

And perhaps a tall, dark, handsome guy with flowing yellow scarf. 8D
Kidding. 8D

He was distracted by sexy!

Even as a robot. 8D

... The mysterious backer might have overlooked that... 8D

At least he now has a reinforced jaw to cushion head trauma! 8D

I'm grabbing both after work today... Just another 8+ hours to go...

He might be upgraded, but he is still a Buccaneer at heart. Hence the :P face. 8D

And yes, parrots. 8D


Name: CaptBuccaneer Man

Designation: Robot Master (WBN-008)

Weapon Get: Captain Piercer (borockman/Vixy)
Skill Get: Stun Hook (Blackhook)

Other weapons: Captain Lariat

Background: The eighth, and final, of Captain White Beard's special robot series, the White Beard Numbers (WBNs), CaptBuccaneer Man is the overall leader of the WBNs, and reports directly to White Beard. He is an extensively upgraded Buccaneer, the grunts of White Beard's army. Only are his basic weapons upgraded, he gets a size upgrade too.

CaptBuccaneer Man's main weapon, the Captain Piercer, has him fire buster shots from his submachine buster, which can pierce through shields. He can either fire at bursts of 6, or rapid-fire a volley of 12. As such, he tends to be a medium to long range fighter.
His other weapon is the Captain Lariat where he dashes into his enemies using the shoulder shield on his right shoulder for great damage. The shoulder shield can also block attacks for him, but the range of blocking is limited to the size of the shield itself.

Character: By the book, does not tolerate failure.

Weakness: Medium to long range?
[spoiler]Pelt him with Parrot Flurry!![/spoiler]
[spoiler=Regarding Captain Piercer...]Since Captain Piercer can pierce through shields, it is the weakness of Cutlass Man, since he can spin up a shield with his cutlass.
Also, although not a true weakness, but Captain Piercer can also be used on Chest Man while he is in his impenetrable Perfect Chest mode.[/spoiler]


borockman/Vixy gets this weapon from defeating CaptBuccaneer Man. As demonstrated by borockman, s/he gets to fire off a burst of 5 shots that can pierce through shields.

You gained... STUN HOOK!!

Blackhook gains this skill from defeating CaptBuccaneer Man. Now Blackhook's hook stuns with an awesome power, its crackling spark tells him to grasp victory!!

Ooooo.. Cuban food.

Any recommendations for a city guide? 8D

Pork buns~ <3

Pity she cannot eat them, will inform her of the rest. Thanks!

Roleplay / Re: General RP Discussion topic
« on: November 17, 2016, 02:21:39 AM »
I'll think on that, but I think being a hero would be nice change of pace.
[spoiler]Maybe become a fallen hero in the end. Maybe. :P[/spoiler]

Roleplay / Re: General RP Discussion topic
« on: November 17, 2016, 01:41:54 AM »
I think I can use an old fantasy-based character from another RP. In that RP, magiteck was dwarf-exclusive, but my character was adopted by a dwarf clan after a village raid by bandits. My char then learnt the ways of the dwarves, and created Jotuns, basically robot masters powered by magic.

When my char became an adult, he wad ousted due to power madness back into human civilization. He was then picked up by the king, and became his military advisor, his Jotuns became part of the army.

... You can see where I was going with the char. He was Albertus in that RP.

I think with a little tweaking, mainly his back story, he should work fine in BVA.

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