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Messages - Suppercut ♡

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Off The Wall / Re: The Mystery of the Forum Users - Take 4
« on: November 24, 2012, 05:59:45 AM »
If permitted, I'll try for a fresh start.

Hi, I'm Suppercut. Game design is my art, anime is my passion, music is my inspiration, and Shana is my waifu (sort of. My definition is a loose one). I enjoy hack-and-slashers, platformer shooters, and the occasional fighting game. TF2 is also a cool guy, eh sticky-bombs sentries and doesn't afraid of anything.

[spoiler]inb4 someone attempts to enrage me by dissing Shana[/spoiler]

X / Re: [Rockman X] OMG TEH MOONSPEAK!!
« on: November 24, 2012, 05:35:28 AM »
ホーミングトーピード (ho-mingu to-pi-do) = Homing Torpedo
ホーミングトーピード (ho-mingu to-pi-do) = Horming Torpedo
Source: SNES

It's a bit of an in-joke for me.
[spoiler]I even planned to make it so in VX because it's funny to me.[/spoiler]

X / Re: Mega Man X anime ideas.
« on: November 24, 2012, 05:31:42 AM »
Maybe y'all need to get back on topic.
[spoiler]Unless my arrival to an actual thread is too soon after that other disaster.[/spoiler]

Considering how Capcom did a lot of animated bits for Mega Man X games before, I say this was meant to happen.

Well, you know, up until Capcom changed.

I knew I should have never came here when I saw that long list of posts in this subforum, but I went ahead anyways...

To Tron. I'm sorry for wasting your time. There would have been a 50% chance that I would have done just that (the ignore the forum thing, not abandoning this). Tron, I acknowledge your pain and feel terribly bad for you. If it's anything, I'll hang around anyways. I doubt I'll get along after this, but I'll try.

As for Ruri. My main goal wasn't attention. I thought "oh cool, a Megaman forum, I highly doubt the folks at GMC are as skilled as the people here, this would help". Call it an attention cry if you want, but I'm hesitant to go yelling at people "HEY IM MAKING AN MMX FANGAME" just yet. I planned videos so that A. I had solid proof of concept, and B. as a devlog. Channels like those never really pick up until there is actual popularity, which I doubt it will even gain anyways since it's supposed to be an underground remake -- if it got too big, there will be lawyers.

I will promptly leave this thread now. If anyone's really serious about lending a know what, nevermind. No one will be after what just happened.

The only one with something up their ass here is you, what's with that overreaction?
What overreaction? Besides, you're the one who decided to disregard a whole post just to whine about a "joke".
Why are these words bold, am I supposed to be impressed or something?
Sure, whatever. But I'm calling "troll" on this one.

Suppercut, don't worry about Ruri and enjoy your sta-

Wait, you're just here to advertise your fan game that will be eventually abandoned , no?

Move along.
Did I say I would abandon it? I'm trying to be dedicated to this project.

Sheesh, what's with these guys?

I like what I'm seeing! Can't wait to try this out~

Don't mind the people here, don't know why they are acting like this, but I hope your project turns out great. ^^
Thanks mate. I don't know either. If you want, I still have beta testing slots left.

Please stop making jokes.

F*ck it, I'm changing the gorramn thumbnail  -AC

The beta campaign itself is based on a joke, not the whole post. It's also NOT going to be the only (or main) campaign available. It's just what I could come up with in that time span of "what the hell am I doing this stage for, it has enemies so I can't call it a multiplayer stage".

Besides, what stick's up your ass, mister serious-pants? Is Mega Man X too srs bsns for you to appreciate this project where I plan to have multiplayer, co-op, and user-generated campaigns? I can't have even a little fun with it? B(

(On a post-note, wow, it really is srs bsns. Srs enough to have censors, apparently.)

I'm fairly interested in this project. I wouldn't mind being a playtester.

PM me your email address and I will add you to the list. I was waiting for a hardcore MMX player to help with accuracy.

Notice 2: I was never insulted nor felt insulted. Tron pointed out my mistakes, and so I am in the process of correcting them. Now stop telling me not to mind them and stop telling me to suck it up, ffs. Aside from that, if you are still interested, here's the website, and here's my Youtube channel.


What is MEGA MAN VX?
MEGA MAN VX is a fangame based on Mega Man X. It aims to recreate the original SNES games' fast-paced action while adding many new features to adjust it to modern gaming.

What are the goals of this project?
When the game is finished, MEGA MAN VX will have the following features:
Run, dash, walljump, and glide on a movement engine focused on recreating Mega Man X and X2 physics as closely as possible to the original!
Go head to head with Mega Man X fans all over the world in exciting multiplayer combat, including gamemodes like Territorial Control, Buster Game, and more!
Fight Mavericks with your friends in co-operative campaigns, either online or locally!
Tools for creating your own custom campaigns for singleplayer or co-op, and even custom battle maps for multiplayer combat!
Turn your enemies into gold statues as a Ride Armor rider with special unlockable cosmetic items!
There could be even more to come!

Will you be including all of my favorite Mega Man X/X2/X3 weapons?
With MEGA MAN VX's palette system, if your favorite Mega Man X/X2/X3 weapon has a palette, it will most likely be in the game! It may, albeit, be balanced with other weapons for fair gameplay, but overall you will see them in the game along with some weapons unique to the game!

When are you releasing this?
Good question. This is an ambitious project that will require lots of playtesters and some people to create beta user-generated content (hereby referred to UGC) to release with the game. If you would like to help out, here is what I need:
  • Playtesters who are very experienced with the Mega Man X series of games who can provide proper feedback on gameplay.
  • Graphics artists for stage design and sample UGC to ship with the game.
  • Music artists who can create music in the similar style of Mega Man X and similar games.
  • Level designers and story writers for sample UGC to be shipped with the game.

Wow! This looks cool! Can I test it?
Sure! Just let me know and I can add you to the list of testers. I'll start you out with the current build of the alpha, and when I have something for others to test, I'll send that update. It'll get sparse, though, but I will be uploading devlogs to my YouTube channel, HeadInjuryGames, to make up for it.

Hope I find support in you guys! Tell me, how long have you waited for full competitive/co-op SNES-style Mega Man X?

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